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Bury the Fallen and Lead the Blind // Kayn's Bio - Printable Version

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Bury the Fallen and Lead the Blind // Kayn's Bio - Kayn - 03-31-2018

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[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: red; margin-top: -16px;"]Kayn !
full name. Kayn Fenrir Simploom
nicknames. Sugar-Kayn, Kay

sex. Male
gender. Male

physical age. 12 months
mental age. 12 months/???
spiritual age. 12 months/???

group. Snowbound
rank. Warrior
titles. N/A

species. Eurasian Wolf
appearance. (Outdated description due to age, but accurate enough)
Kayn's fur is an onyx black that when clean has a brilliant shimmer to it. His fur, particularly along his back, is rather spiked giving off an intimidating presence, but his chest is quite fluffy making him look rather regal as he gets older. As a pup Kayn is quite the little fur ball. There is something quite promising about his looks at a young age. As he gets older those features develop into a quite handsome individual, although in a different way than his father. While the latter is much more roguish in his looks, his son has taken on a very regal appearance. Kayn keeps his fur well groomed as well, further enhancing his rather royal looking appearance. Combined with the posture he picked up from learning from his dad, the wolf makes it well known to others around him how highly he thinks of himself.

While young Kayn will be on the smaller side of pups his age, but as he matures he'll begin to grow into an impressive body worthy of his equally impressive ambitions. Built would be a good way to describe him. The wolf's musculature is much higher than those around him, and while the sheer size of him makes him a decent amount slower, his strength more than makes up for that. Bristling beneath his immaculate fur are tendons ready to snap with full force to kill its prey. Watching the wolf move alone shows you how powerful the flesh under his skin must be, as you can see his muscles smoothing gliding with pent up power.

The small wolf pup also has heterochomia. His left eye is a striking shade of blue very reminiscent of his father's eye color, but his right eye is a rather bright crimson red. This only further adds to the rather menacing appearance he has, even though he usually doesn't want to come off as terrifying.

modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. Scar across his left eye; several scars around his front paws;

discovered powers. Clairvoyance, Conjuration, Invisibility
mastered powers. Conjuration, Invisibility
future powers. Shapeshifting, Telepathy

deep inside.
personality type. ISFJ - Defender
positive traits. Protective, loving, flirtatious, empathetic, loyal, respectful
neutral traits. Cynical, persuasive, intelligent, distrusting, ambitious, cunning
negative traits. Dramatic, arrogant, aggressive, ruthless
personality description. ( Outdated due to character development, but accurate enough)
Kayn is rather cynical in his view of the world, feeling that everyone is looking out for themselves and only themselves. His short time he has experienced of the world within the domain of the Cartel solidified his understanding that the world is governed by those in power, and those who control the resources receive all the power they can buy. However being young and naive Kayn holds his own twisted sense of honor and undying loyalty to his family.

The wolf would never strike at someone while they were defenseless against his assault, but as long as they are capable of putting up a fight he feels it's fair game. While he knows it leaves him open to weakness, something he desperately tries to avoid showing his father for fear of disappointing him, but he can't bring himself to harm someone who isn't resisting. If coerced by close family members however, Kayn would reluctantly do as he was told even if it involved hurting someone defenseless or worse.

Besides his personal qualms with dishonorable combat, Kayn is fiercely loyal to his family and to a lesser extent the Cartel itself. When asked to jump, he asks how high. When told to fetch, he's already taken ten steps forward before you finish saying it. The wolf believes through obedient dedication he can work his way up and make a name for himself, making his father proud and being able to change the world as he sees fit.

No obstacle is too tough to break through so long as he has his wits about him, and his family by his side.

Delving further into his mind, it's quite clear he has a deep-seated desire in his heart to impress his father at all costs. Whether it was because he owed his life to the man, simple because he was his dad, or some other reason even the wolf himself did not know. Many of Kayn's personal goals stemmed from the fact that they would make a good stride towards showing Feliks his worth. This often results in him doing things far outside of his area of expertise, putting himself in danger, and even doing things he personally doesn't morally agree with. This leads to Kayn being rather conflicted with himself as stuggles in dealing with the things he does. When it comes to his dad, his personality could easily be warped in a moments notice.

At the root of it all, past the ruthless aggressor who defends his family's honor to the last drop of his blood, Kayn is simply someone who wants to make the world a better place regardless of the cost. If that means making the world bend its knee and obey you so that things are better for everyone, so be it. In feeling as such, the wolf has a very broken moral compass. No price is too high as long as he knows without a doubt it would further an important goal, even taking a defenseless life, although the guilt afterwards would make it hard to look back and agree.

Perhaps the biggest anti-thesis and blaring counter argument to his generally honorable and righteous personality was the introduction of the demonic entity Fenrir. The wolf destined to devour the gods had become twinned with a lupine who very much was a perfect vessel for the creature's hunger to be shown through. Kayn adopted the blood lust and savagery of the demon into his own personality as the two were inseparable in mind, body, and soul. The warrior of light, even if it had been at dark costs, had succumbed to the alluring pull of evil. As a result Kayn found himself constantly at odds with the two sides of himself, constantly residing in a perpetual state of conflict within his own mind. Over time however the wolf came to terms with what he was and has fully embraced his demonic side which often leads him to feel little remorse for his actions, although the honorable individual he once was still resides somewhere within the whirling darkness that he let himself willingly fall into. Kayn and Fenris are one and the same, but the two fused souls still retain their own stark differences at times given the context of a situation.

mental disorders. N/A
emotional disorders. N/A
quirks. Loves staring at the moon, flicks his tail when sarcastic or annoyed, shows his canine teeth when genuinely happy or purposely trying to look enticing.

goals/dreams. To mold the world into a place where his family can be safe and corruption is purged.
fears. Losing those he holds close to himself.

history. answer.

generation. Second
parents. Raine, adopted mother.
siblings. Ectoplasmicjoy, adopted sister.

romantic orientation. Biromantic
sexual orientation. Bisexual
crushes. (Soon to be) Killua
love interests. N/A

romantic partner. N/A
children. N/A
best friend. N/A
mentor. N/A
apprentice. N/A
enemies. N/A

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