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THE LIMITS OF THE DEAD /-/ fire powers, open - Printable Version

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THE LIMITS OF THE DEAD /-/ fire powers, open - deimos - 08-06-2018

[img width=520][/img]
[div style="background-color: #1c1c18; color: #d2b25b; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 520px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]It was... interesting to say the least.. to wake up to her paws on fire. There had been trauma riddling her throughout the night, blackened dreams and fearful tossing and turning, before she woke up, her claws digging into the sand- and her paws were on fire. She screeched, dancing about before running to the wire, putting her paws deep into the water- until two things, nay, three hit her.

One, she wasn't in bed.

Two, her paws didn't hurt from the fire.

Three, they were still on fire.

Deldrach exhaled softly, pulling her flaming paws from the water. She watched her paws for a moment, before sitting back and sighing again. Flames licked from her maw, and her paws were extinguished. Her head shook, dragging her paw against the ground. In the pattern she drew, flames arced up before dying down again. Her mismatched eyes narrowed, a grin on her maw, and she threw her paw up. Flames arced through the night sky. That was that, she guessed.

// i am, very rushed on this, but the reasons for her fire elemental showing up will be displayed in another one shot!


Re: THE LIMITS OF THE DEAD /-/ fire powers, open - snare - 08-06-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Snare probably shouldn’t be awake this time at night, but the wolf pup was a little rebel when he wanted to be, which was often, when he wanted to explore and adventure and generally do all the things small ambitious pups wanted to do.  He had been sticking to the shadows however, the wolf pup not wanting to draw attention this late at the night and get into trouble.  Despite that, his curious eyes caught sight of another crewmate and a strange light coming from them.

Even though he was trying to be sneaky he gave up on that once something else caught his attention.  ”Whatcha doing?  Why were you on fire?”  Snare would question, his fuzzy head tilted to the side as he stared at Deldrach, blinking his moon pale eyes up in innocent curiosity.  ”Doesn’t that hurt?”  The wolf puppy hadn’t seen anything like that in his short minnow life yet, so of course the pups interest was piqued.  Despite his ambition, wit, and occasional frustration he experienced, he was still a young and small child with the natural curiosity of one.  As much as he would hate to admit it and prefer to act and come off as mature to others, the act occasionally slipped.

Re: THE LIMITS OF THE DEAD /-/ fire powers, open - VANDAL R. - 08-06-2018

Re: THE LIMITS OF THE DEAD /-/ fire powers, open - Grey - 08-07-2018

Most days, Bakugou was a storm of flames: an unstoppable burning force filled with ferocity, angst and distaste for the world. It was one of the reasons which made him unapproachable. No one ever really knew how the moody male would react. Although they will expect him to explode upon ever answer, it was easy to be surprised by a much calmer Bakugou. Quieter but still an angry tornado, crackling the atmosphere with his mere, smokey breaths. He was like a looming fog of burden, intoxicating to breathe in and unsettling to be around because the air that touched him always seemed to decay and go to rot. Other days, he was a small candlelight: unsure of himself, questioning his purpose, desperate for answers. He was still mad, furious even, but a lot of the anger turned to pain. There was a sort of unwavering fear that laced his scarlet eyes, causing the male to blame himself for his own situation. It was strange and unnerving but Bakugou got through all of this because he spent most of his time alone. He had never been renowned for being social, nor was he good at recognising certain cues or holding up a conversation. Most days, when he was being nice, it was through actions. Even when he was quiet it showed either a great degree of respect or disinterest.

And so, fire was a part of his every being regardless of how well he could currently project it. And it was at this moment that Bakugou recognises the way the night illuminates like his tail, burning with flames. His scarlet eyes follow it for a moment, watching it disappear as he runs his tongue over his teeth. He's awake at this time because he wants a moment to reflect but curiosity overwhelms him that he begins to proactively search for the source of the light, walking cautiously atop the grainy sand before noticing a few Typhooners already huddled around. Bonfire? No, he quickly dismisses, can't be. If it were a bonfire, the flames would be higher and still running. His nose contorts, scrunching when he sees the female who was likely responsible for the fiery display. More fire wielders. He finds it almost ironic that a bunch of pirates predominantly controlled fire over water but Bakugou, of course, chooses not to question it. He chooses not to say anything but simply lingers around to see if anything of interest pops up.

Re: THE LIMITS OF THE DEAD /-/ fire powers, open - CELESTE G.M. - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border-bottom: 1px white solid;padding-BOTTOM: 3px;"]She smells fire and arrives with herbs in hand. What she finds isn't a poor soul having been burned or the fire raging, but instead she finds... Deldrach controlling the fire as it if nothing. She watches, her eyes illuminated by the displays of fire that she sees, captivated like a child as she begins to laugh with relief. Temulin's experiences with fire are not positive, many people's are not with a force that can take life without any trouble or issue.

But no, she finds a person manipulating a destructive force with grace and ease. [b]"Umai must have blessed you." She states before she can stop herself - not everyone believes in her gods. Only she believes in her gods, and the Goddess has not blessed Temulin with the powers that she had when she was on the plains. Umai has forsaken? forgotten? not answered Temulin. She shouldn't speak of her.

[b]"I mean, you must have been blessed or powerful."

Re: THE LIMITS OF THE DEAD /-/ fire powers, open - rochelle - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;"]On edge. That's what she's been feeling lately ... like she's just borderline okay, like a feather teetering on the tip of a needle. Needless to say, the smell of fire stirred something within her, as she was sorting through her shack, preparing to sleep. It brings her to her feet, and her joints are wobbly, like she just might slip and fall over on to her side. But she goes, with her satchel just in case. Her mind is bouncing between thoughts. Rationally, it could just be a bonfire. Irrationally, she's thinking no one would try to set up a bonfire in the middle of the night. And so her pace is quickening towards the smell, and lingering on the tail of it is that of Temulin's. Her heart drops low, like the presence of the Sage is telling of the disaster she's about to face.

But then she breaks through, and there's only a faint lapping of flames, and through the shading, her sightless eyes, she can see the traces of light. The splotches of embers come flowing from the direction of Deldrach's scent, and her frame loosens, her tension releases and pulls back like a retreating tide. " Yes ... you must be blessed ..." Fischer murmured, echoing the comment of Temulin's. It makes her think of her gods and goddesses. The black smoke couldn't fathom a gift being bestowed on to her by Nereides herself, no, not the fire ... if she was worthy, water would come rushing through her veins. The will to curve the strength of water, manipulate it, use it for good ... it was inspiration enough for Fischer to pray to the mother goddess. For now, though, she simply smiled, blinking onward in the direction of Deldrach.