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spicy boyfriend — storage - Printable Version

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spicy boyfriend — storage - guppy - 08-06-2018

finger guns @ everyone
my name's guppy and i'm certainly not new (just simply a name change of an old member - some of y'all will know my old username of a certain woodland animal.) feel free to track n' chat, i won't mind some new pals!!

Re: roaring 20s — storage - guppy - 08-06-2018

there is nobody, no one to outrun me
so give me a run for my money, sipping bubbly, feeling lovely, living lovely — just love me
( ♛ ) - ————————————————— -characters & storage & art dump & misc.

coding? idk her:

Re: roaring 20s — storage - guppy - 08-06-2018

[Image: 37cGwSZ.png]

nobody pray for me
not even for a day for me —— I. II. III.


Re: roaring 20s — storage - guppy - 08-06-2018

brief notes on this terrible man
- has no actual name, goes as "boy" due to it being one of the first words he's learned
- panromantic (hyper)pansexual
- "feral": raised as a wild animal since a child up until a forced integration with a small clan (his small wild pack was used as bodyguards.) had learned some english, but his language is still fairly weak and broken. mainly communicates with grunts, growls, purrs, and body/facial language. uses aggression about 80% of the time with strangers. talks in third person.
- a strange looking scarred tiger. boop his blue nose and he'll bite your paw off.
- tbh probably a fuckboi. boy likes to do the nasty with everyone bc he's a wild boi
- a silent, brooding and antisocial person who is intensely curious. comes off as a goddamn aloof idiot because of his cluelessness to everything around him. his broken and straight-forward english makes him sound serious and simply emotionless due to his lack of knowledge on social cues. he orders people around rather than asking for things nicely. instead of using logic and heart, boy will use violence and dominance and will need a few people to talk him down. if anyone is bigger than a domestic feline, expect him to puff his dumb chest out and try to show he's the big man around here.
- although he's a total numbskull who is an (un)intentional wild asshole, he does show his more softer sides here and there. he has a very small soft spot for children and those who show kindness. if anyone shows they're 'worthy' to him, he'll be fiercely protective and loyal to them, sometimes even showing his gratitude by bringing dead animals as gifts or nudging their head with his/cuddling with them/licking their head. he does somewhat desire a future of settling down with a 'mate' and children and doing everything for them (a 'traditional man's man' i suppose.)
- has a thing for hiding in bushes (or just hiding in general), soft things, and chewing on bones. also really likes water.
- will ask for a fight daily. his scars are from different fights throughout his life, each a proud battle scar he'll gladly show off.
- tbh can't handle clan life but oops he's gonna be in it anyway

Re: roaring 20s — storage - dreamiplier - 08-06-2018

shuffles in
h-hewwo? ofo

/ edit: god i hate mobile lmao

Re: roaring 20s — storage - guppy - 08-06-2018

h-hewwo? is this the one and only dream? owo ily

and what a hecking mood

Re: roaring 20s — storage - dreamiplier - 08-06-2018

im literally sneaking onto my dad’s laptop and gonna use incognito since my laptop is dead and idk where the charger is rn
hopefully i remember the password

my new nickname for you is gup bc it’s cute
owo ily2 Smile

Re: roaring 20s — storage - guppy - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 420px; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]i couldn't find my own charger until i kicked smth, and i realized that it was under my bed. how it got under there, idk, but bless, now i can sin some more. but asdfghjkl incognito, this shit's so spicy u just gotta hide it from history. but i hope you managed to remember it!!
discord is taking so long to load imma screech

new nickname?? bless the gods for this moment bc best nickname
and no, ily more
[Image: large.png]

&& i know imma probably just suffer with muse/motivation with boy alone, but oops, i wanna make new characters right this moment

Re: roaring 20s — storage - Devilad - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 455px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000"]*rolls over* Yeeeeeet <3333

Re: roaring 20s — storage - dreamiplier - 08-06-2018

how does one do incognito on a mac laptop i need help
and i did thanks to the hint button lmfao
i don’t think my dad would care if he found out i was on his laptop but i’m still really nervous to look anything up

no ily most stop <insert love mood here bc i’m on mobile and it’s almost impossible for me to do anything>

bro i love boy what a good boy heheh get it