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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher liked food and had always believed it could bring people together in ways that words could not. One needed food if they desired to survive (mainly mortals but he supposed other creatures craved food as well), if not then they would most likely die. He had never really been one to make food though. His father had placed in a very strict diet as a child, desiring that his son was in a perfect muscular condition that was a mixture of intimidation yet sturdy prowess. So as a child, Pincher had never had anything that was sugary or sweet or held too many calories that his father disapproved of. He had been placed in a diet that was completely raw such as fish, coconuts, meat, and anything that was deemed "healthy" in the eyes of his father. This had lead to the child to slowly grow up accustomed to a certain type of food, mostly sea-based as his father had rambled on how helpful fish was to the brain and how it helped him become more intelligent. "Brain food", he called it. Pincher had always craved having cake or something at least different from what he had but his father had refused it everytime, snapping at him for ever wanting that. The cravings had begun to wither away, his taste buds become dull to the point that he wasn't really caring on how good tasted as long as it was enough protein for him to get through the day.

Then Pincher was finally free from his father, his horizons had expanded to other types of food. Food that would have made his father disgusted to see his son engulf such as coconut cake (a favorite of his) and how Pincher enjoyed the delicious taste of caramel despite it's gooeyness. It took him a while to adjust at first to being able to eat anything but seafood and fruit but luckily he had managed without getting sick to his stomach. He held a stable relationship between food, mostly remaining to the diet he had grown up with but occasionally enjoyed a cookie or if he desired it. After some daily brainstorming, Pincher came to realize how large the Typhoon crew had gotten and how many were not from the volcanic island but from other corners of the world. He knew that some were escaping the pasts that haunted them, a feeling he could understand but he wondered if they would be fine with the idea of bringing in a dish that was something they knew how to cook or at least enjoyed making. So the jaguar had begun to plan it out, ordering members to spread the word and hell, even place up posters that explained there would be a potluck soon for anyone to join in even if they didn't have a dish. Pincher at first didn't believe he should bring a dish since he was much too busy to spend time on anything but work yet he had always been rather talented in one specific type of food making which was sushi.

So the male got to work in the tavern among anyone else that had decided to take up the cooking event. His ingredients were rather basic but he didn't want to expand too far especially with how some members may be trying sushi or makizsuhi for the first time and wanted them to know the general stuff first. He had learned how to make sushi at a rather young age since during his travels, he had arrived in a place that thrived off it, the main source of their diet which Pincher became accustomed to. He liked that it had been a dish that his father had approved of and was able to enjoy without being scolded, his mind enjoying the vast diversity of what one could do with the ingredients. For now, he kept it simple with nori, tuna, rice, and other ingredients such as avocado or sesame sprinkled over some. Once he finished, he had a large dish of various types, his jaws clamped carefully on the edge of it before gently setting it down on the largest table of the tavern, his long tail wagging ever so slightly with eagerness.

"Anyone that wants to join the Potluck, come right in!" He called out as he noticed that other members had finished some decorations such as balloons and a black banner that had the word "potluck" written as well as a silly doodle of a skull eating a shrimp in a vibrant gold color that glinted in the sunlight that entered the tavern. The jaguar went into a sitting position as he wondered who would bring dishes and what he would probably try. Maybe something sweet or strong since his tongue was watering at the thought of it since he had forgotten to eat breakfast. Once enough crewmates arrived, the male flashed a light grin before deciding to bring the second part of the event. "This is also a mass meet and greet so everyone can get to know at least a bit of each other. I brought sushi since that's probably the only thing I'm good at cooking. Also for anyone that doesn't know, my name is Pincher — the captain of this wild son of a bitch place. Four facts about me is that I am a pisces, I am a proud father and husband, I know how to speak ten different languages, and uhhh, I was born here on the island. I traveled for a while with my father's gang and then returned after deciding to come back home." Pincher was rather a private person, preferring to keep his personal business on the down low but he knew that he had to eventually open up for others to realize that there wasn't any threat among each other despite some having trust issues, which he could understand. But it felt nice to connect with them anyways.

( hENLO EVERYONE! my name is cheeters but feel free to call me cheets! some stuff about me is that i am a wild gay latina on the loose but pls don't be intimidated, i'm a complete softie and i love meeting/getting to know people! i'm 19 years old and i am going to be attending college very soon! i plan on majoring either in nursing or paramedicine to become a paramedic and join the military to become an officer. i live in connecticut but i am a military brat which is why i have been bouncing around multiple places each 2 to 3 years. i was born in honduras and i am a gemini! i've been roleplaying for nearly 5 years i think?? i'm not too sure, i am horrible at keeping track of time ahfddf. anyways, some of the things i like to do is draw, blast music, send memes, become a meme god, working out/hiking/running, playing video games, watching movies, and even reading when my dyslexia doesn't ruin it for me rippp. four facts about me is that i am a middle child, i grew up in a mountain village (vv isolated so thats why i dont really get american pop cultures references lmaoo), i used to play violin and still kind of can, and my favorite animal is a cheetah! if you ever want to plot/chat, feel free to pm me anytime! i absolutely love socializing with others and i promise i'll try to respond as soon as i can even tho i tend to forget to cause my memory is wack. but i'm glad you decided to check out my group and i'm grateful that you're here! <33 )


//Retro to getting stuck in another body lol

Caesar was well aware that he had been absent for the past couple of weeks, mostly due to the fact that his body finally caved in and was getting sick due to the mistreatment he was giving it. The feline was lured over not by Pincher's voice, but by the smell of food. The way his stomach rumbled actually hurt, and he was glad that Pincher was setting this up. The Officer arrived just as the Captain started talking, and he couldn't help but lick his lips as he saw the trays Pincher had set out. Caesar rolled his eyes upon hearing this was a mass meet-and-greet, but fuck it, he didn't care. All that mattered was that there was food. Clearing his throat after Pincher, Caesar spoke up, "Howdy, my name's Officer Caesar Cipher." Yep, he was still on the kick of trying to force the Crew to refer to him by his rank. He liked it, what could he say? Besides, even Henri of Snowbound was calling him Officer Caesar, couldn't his own damn Crewmates treat him with the same respect that a blind man was giving him? "Obviously I'm an Officer here, but I'm not counting that as a fact. What I am counting as facts though are the following: -" The tom paused, just to show that he was going to list of things. "- I'm a dream demon, I'm a Virgo, I'll fucking light your ass on fire if you dare mess with me, and I don't take shit from anybody." There, they were bullshit facts but stars, he was so fucking hungry. With that done and over with, the demon immediately grabbed a plate and started picking off food.

//Hey I'm Maple!! I'm 18 and just recently graduated high school in May. Due to some recent circumstances, I'm not going to college this year, but I am a certified PC Technician! My favorite things to do is listen to music, hang out with my amazing boyfriend, draw, and roleplay on here. My favorite genre of music is rock/heavy metal, but I do occasionally listen to pop. Four facts about me: I work at a movie theater, I'm a Pisces, I used to play softball and was typically either 2nd or 3rd base or catcher, and I was in band (flag line)!
My instagram is mysteriouslymaple_05 if you wanna follow, and feel free to DM me for my SnapChat!

Re: WELCOME TO FLAVORTOWN — POTLUCK / MASS M&G - Character Graveyard. - 08-06-2018

Kirishima had just joined the Typhoon, so he was still getting used to everything. He didn't know a lot of people here, aside from Bakugou and Tokoyami, but he supposed it wouldn't hurt to meet new people. So he had decided to walk over when Pincher announced a Potluck and a mass meet-and-greet. Somewhat nervous, he would approach, though he would keep his head down until it was his turn to speak.

As Caesar finished speaking and made his way to the tables, Kirishima would lift his head up and he began to speak. "Uh, hi? I'm Eijirou Kirishima, but I go by Kirishima. I'm a Beta here and I joined recently, though I do know two others here- Bakugou and Tokoyami." The young male would pause for a few seconds before he continued. "Um, I don't have a lot of hobbies and that's all."

He would then make his way to the tables, a lopsided-grin forming on his maw.

//Hey! I'm Una! I'm 15 and I'm about to go into my Sophomore year of High School. I plan on going to College sometime after I graduate to become an Actress! I was diagnosed as Diabetic when I was eight years old, but that doesn't keep me from following my dreams, as I can dance and swim and act very good. My favorite artists are Florence + The Machine, Billie Eilish and Panic! At The Disco. I'm a season child, as I was born on the first day of Spring and I'm a Pisces!
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: WELCOME TO FLAVORTOWN — POTLUCK / MASS M&G - no more - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 470px; font-size:8pt; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"]It seemed the two shared a love for food though her own was not crafted from the lack of choice denying her various pleasures found in certain treats and her own taste was more inclined towards spice over sweet, all the same she was not one to pass up on a sweet treat when it was offered. Unsurprisingly the draw of this event was more the potluck than the meet and greet aspect, her knowledge of those present within the group minimal, barely encompassing names and faces beyond a select few, but it seemed right for her to be there all the same.

Though not the best where it came to the kitchen, she could work out her way about each appliance and in truth enjoyed experimenting sometimes, she had slowly been teaching herself and even sought lessons from others who cared to offer. Now she had little time for such, preoccupied with learning all she could so nothing could shake her once more and so she could be of assistance not dead weight waiting for orders on how to help, but she took the chance to cook. With a cook book open before she it was a slow process bringing it all together, keeping an eye on the rice as it boiled to make sure it wasn't overdone or didn't cook right was the worst of it, she set about her work with a glee that seemed foreign to the child.

Quickly the smell of strong spices and chicken rose from her portion of the kitchen, the clatter of bowls rising as she called to the two she had asked for assistance, spooning a mound of rice into a large one. Over the top she carefully distributed the butter chicken, tail flicking towards the serving dish once she was done and her assistants set to work moving it. Sliding it onto a table a stack of small bowls and a few serving spoons were placed next to it for any who wished to take some, for now leaving it to turn her attention towards the other part of this, not before she swiped a piece of sushi, however, which she chewed upon as the others spoke.

“Ah'm Aita,” deciding to leave off her last names she gave a somewhat pointed look at Caesar, eyes narrowed as she thought better of adding her own title and thinking little of the officer for adding his own, filing away a thought to never address him as such for his persistence had only grated upon her nerves. “Ah'm a sage an that -” with this she lifted a paw to point towards Pincher “-is me da, or ona em,  I like ta carve, bone, wood, anyting is good, I collect knives an mah favourite good is shrimp.” Useless factoids for the most part but they were enough for Aita and so would have to do.

With this done she once more moved to the food tables and took a bowl of her own food, taking it to a corner where she sat to enjoy and watch the others who came up, only focusing enough to get names and faces to put them to.

[ hey i'm grimm / cy just a simple butch living on a mountain in rural farm land with a ton of cows around, i've been writing for about ten years now with a few projects in the works and have hopes to open my own restaurant one day. four facts about me, i've driven both an old and new tractor and yet still flipped a quad bike cause i'm a fool, i'll be 21 soon, i've helped to make home brew alcohol and i love to knit, sow and sketch little projects i want to make into stuffed toys one of these days ]


[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border-bottom: 1px white solid;padding-BOTTOM: 3px;"]Temulin did love cooking. It was something that was nostalgic, a reminder of the home that she longed to return to and the traditions that she kept with her. She may be across the sea from the plains, but she would still be a Shaman, no matter what happened to her. Her life was preordained for that purpose it seemed, and it would be foolish of her to deny the wishes of the Gods lest they turn their wrath upon her.

She brings a stew with her. The meat is something like lamb, or rather the closest thing that she could get to it considering the Typhoon lived on an island - there aren't a great deal of ingredient that she is familiar with using, but she does her best and the smell... It smells like a warm open fire, like a warm embrace, like home and warmth and family. To Temulin at least, the actual smell is more of curry powder and star anise, hints of pepper and a various mixture of herbs. Safe to say, the borzoi isn't a bad cook, and she's more than happy to show off her work with a satisfied smile.

The introductions trouble her a little more. She's not very interesting, so coming up with a few facts about her troubles her. "My name is Temulin, I'm a Sage here. I... I was a Shaman for the Great Plains before I came here after being washed up, I used to have a twin brother and I... I used to be able to talk to spirits." Her tone sounds rather somber as she recounts - realising that most of the things she prided herself on were either defunct or a skill that was unable to be worked on the island. After all, her own gods seemed not to care about her now she had been thrown from the plains, but she is eager to divert the topic, [color=#fff][b]"I brought a stew, I'd love for anyone to try it."

( hi, my name is cyan! I'm 19 years old & i'm a medical biochemistry student. i'm pretty much obsessed with video games and if I'm not posting, I'm usually at work or raiding in FFXIV. I play a lot of rpgs and jrpgs, and I like rugby & american football. I'm an Aquarius and I'm also a meme. )


[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; margin-top: -8px; padding-right: 8px; font-family: timesnewroman;"][size=8pt]( sorry for the crappy post i’m on my phone for the rest of the week! )

The wafting scent of freshly prepared sushi was enough to entice the young Bengal into a closer look, leading her inside the Tavern. Upon arriving at the scene, she’d glance around at the various tables until locking eyes upon that of her father and a few gathered crewmates. Olive hues would entertain the idea of an afternoon snack and sure enough she’d walk forward to snag a few of the intricately designed rolls. They smelled amazing, who was she to resist? And it appeared that Pincher himself had made them — the sentiment would make it even better.

Sylvina would take delicate bites out of her sushi as she listened with perked ears as everyone introduced themselves as well as shared a few facts. The kitten found it interesting how unique her fellow comrades were — Caesar was a dream demon (Sylvina made a mental note to inquire more about that one day), Aita enjoyed carving (however she already knew of her sister’s talented hobby), Temulin could talk to spirits ... It seemed that they all had hidden compartments about themselves.

Sylvina couldn’t help but focus her attention on to Kirishima. She was similar to him in the same sense that she didn’t really have any hobbies of her own; she liked doing things such as collecting various objects and exploring nature, but the she-cat couldn’t help but believe that those attributes didn’t really count.

After everyone present had spoken, Sylvina felt the inclination for her own contribution to the meet and greet rise within and declare within her mind to be heard. She enjoyed the attention of her crewmates — similar to that of her own mother, yet she wasn’t quite sure what to say. Nevertheless, the minnow would begin speaking. ”I’m Sylvina. I, uh,” She’d pause, thinking of words to fill the silence. ”I’m still growing into who I’m meant to be but I think it’d be cool to be like my dad... Strong and everyone respects him, y’know? But I’m little right now so that will take a while.” The kitten would abruptly end her awkward speel and take an instinctive bite from another sushi roll.

( hiya im cashew!! i’m an incoming college student majoring in nursing. i love every kinda animal and if veterinary school wasn’t so expensive i’d probably be doing that lol but i also like the medical field (: i’m very go-with-the-flow and can vibe with anything so if you ever wanna chat me up about something i’d love to hear about it! i enjoy sci-fi and horror movies and am really into thrill seeking stuff like amusement parks and outdoorsy adventures. the loml is my golden retriever, i’d do anything for him :’) but yeah if you ever wanna talk hmu please! )


[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]It’s no secret by now that the utahraptors (who were now four months old) were indeed feral, incapable of any kind of communication with the ones around them. Virgo was no exception. At this point in time, it was no longer difficult to tell the reptiles apart by their personalities. Although the girl shared a lot of similarities to her sister, Exodus, she held a lot more of a regal stance on a number of things. Normally, it was the alpha who took the first bite of food or delivered the killing blow on rats and it was often Virgo who did so. At the same time, her newborn feathers were almost a bronze-gold and she was a little bigger than her other siblings. It made Virgo all the more legitimate as the alpha of the venandi pack. Venandi, of course, was a word that was beginning to become adopted within the speech of some Typhooners. It was to differentiate the feathered terrors by their scaly counterparts which were found within Owen’s pack. It allowed for no confusion between exchanges of words. And, by now, Virgo had begun responding to both names: the latin word for hunter, venandi, and her own name.

One thing to note about the curious, narcissistic raptor was how she could become fixated at the strangest of things. Always, like as if it were programmed within her mechanical arms and legs, she would go through a very similar process. At some point, her item of interest was that of a flower. Some Typhooners reported seeing her for hours staring the plant down, flaring her nostrils and breathing atop of it. Next comes the rowdy screeches of the reptilian beauty as she hops around the plant, wondering if it will dare to budge. Usually, she will stiffen when a breeze shifts past and causes the bud at the top to swing. Her feathered crest flattens against her head, her chest puffs undignifiedly and her tail swings in a low motion, waiting in anticipation. She shrieks at it again, daring the little dandelion to move again, but alas it does not move. She learnt the power of the wind that day, capable of moving things like spectral beings pushing and pulling. But this didn’t mean process over. Oh no, no, no. There was one last step Virgo never skipped completing.

By now, the process was summed up into three steps. The first was: is it dangerous? This, as seen with the example of the flower, was ‘solved’ through staring the item down. If it attacked her, it was dangerous and if it hurt her, it was dangerous. It was a foolproof process, Virgo always assures herself with great, unwavering confidence. The second step – is it alive – was to wait for it to move. Normally the bronze raptor will poke it with a claw, see if reflexes will govern its move or if it will react instinctually like her brothers and sisters. The third, however, was her favourite: is it edible? Yes, to the dismay and horror of watching Typhooners, they watched the girl spread her wings and tower over the plant. If the flower was sentient, it would have been shivering and trembling in fear. Virgo, eyes glinting like a predator, cranes her neck over with jaws open, consuming the flower in one move. Now if that wasn’t terrifying to watch then the Typhooner would then begin to see the child begin to hack a few coughs, clumsily trying to regain balance as she tries to eject the plant which seemed to be furiously attacking her back by tickling her throat. With a forceful squeeze of her lungs, she spits it out back to the ground.

Hissing at it, she brushes dirt over the crushed and dead flower and moves on. This was how it usually worked out, causing Typhooners to just be a little extra careful with their unique belongings. Some cared about the wellbeing of the raptors, wanting to ensure that Virgo didn't end up trying to eat the blade of a stone knife. Others, who might not have particularly liked the venandi, would keep their items away because they didn’t want dinosaur slobber all over them. Well, it wasn’t as if Virgo was capable of realizing or reading the distaste of other members. She was a barbaric child with unintelligible babbles.

What Virgo does understand, however, is the smell of food. It is always a mistake to have an array of food sitting about because its scent will always waft towards Virgo’s nose, registering in her olfactory sensors and making the girl go wild. Suddenly it becomes her mission when she begins bolting off, kicking the dirt behind her clawed feet. Her eyes are locked in front of her, following the smell when she sees the tray. Pincher’s sushi – oh no. She scrambles up, beginning her usual screechings for Virgo has yet to learn the art of surprise and therefore alerts every Typhooner of her appearance, crashing into the assortment and chomping into one of the rolls. The salmon one. Rice seems to explode all around her, food dropping to the sand as her feathered arms flutter wind against the sushi. Triumphally, she helps herself to another one, swallowing it down her throat and into her grumbling belly. Mission accomplished – her hunt was successful.

[ ooc ] since virgo is feral I thought I’d make a post to mention what others might not know about her? Long story short, she’s the ‘alpha’ of the venandi (meaning hunter in latin, the name given for the feathered raptor pack) and she’s hella dominating, first noticed in the hatching thread so I didn’t gloss over it too much. This thread is hella rushed bcI need to go to school lmao.

Anyway, hello! I’m called Grey but I’m also named Cecil, sometimes shortened to ‘Cil’ by my family. I go by any pronouns so don’t worry about misgendering me. I currently roleplay Bakugou and Virgo, and I’m in my last year of High School so expect me to have periods of time where I vanish because I’m busy. When I write, I usually aim for two to three body paragraphs when I’m having a good day. Sometimes my muse goes haywire but I never expect others to match my muse so don’t ever worry about mustering the strength to reply with a similar word count. That being said I love to write and I have lots to improve on which is probably why I have stuck around roleplaying for so long. Something that isn’t so much as a new thing for me to mention is that I’m a drama student so I tend to complain about performing a lot, whoops. I’m also an INTJ-T, a slytherin, a type five and a Taurus.

Re: WELCOME TO FLAVORTOWN — POTLUCK / MASS M&G - goodsprings - 08-11-2018

captainpaw could only recall one time he tried some of pinchers food; and it ended very... wet. though it didn't appear that there were any rainbow chicken wings around, so the striker deemed the area clear of any hazardous hot wings that could hurt anyone. a potluck, as he had learned, was where each guest contributed a dish. he was no cook himself, but with some help from his family captainpaw had created a nice chicken and seaweed soup. an npc was helping him carry the large pot, and set it up on a table for everyone to have.

he wasn't so interested in his own dish after having so many bowls the night before, unfortunately. instead, cap's mouth was watering at the smell of grilled avocado and raw fish. the calico tom practically floated to it, his paws skipping on the way to the plate where he carefully pawed a piece to his own plate before finding a place to sit and eat it. he opened his mouth, ready to dig in before remembering he had to introduce himself first.

"oh! i'm captainpaw slys. my dad is planecrash, and my sister is elia. i'm a big bad pirate, and a stiker here too. four facts um..." he paused, thinking it over before continuing. "i'm getting really good at reading and writing! i like learning latin the best. my first mate is vandal and she's my first pirate ship. and uh, i love my dad and sister more than anything in the world!" there, now he could stuff his face.

//hELLO im goodsprings but call me either springs or dallas uwu i'm nineteen. im starting college on the 20th and really nervous fuck and im going in majoring in animal sciences to hopefully become a veterinarian. i rp cap, la'miyla in sunhaven and peytriviing in the rosebloods. i really enjoy reading and writing but i suffer from mdd and ptsd so sometimes i'll fall inactive for weeks at a time with little to no notice rip
i really like plotting!! please hmu whenever u have an idea bc i'll 9/10 wuv it
four facts about me is uuuhhhhh im REALLy gay for my bf. i have a service dog named rowan and i never stop talking about either of them ever. im learning how to play the ukulele. aaaaaand i lov kesha and macklemore

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯