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Don't know what to say (Open, trying to escape) - Printable Version

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Don't know what to say (Open, trying to escape) - MirrorEdge - 08-06-2018

Thea had quickly found out ramming against the doors, and the windows and walls, for that matter, hadn't worked, with her frustration at the situation, at being trapped inside a place she still wasn't used to, slowly building up and beginning to show as it boiled over, pale blue eyes narrowing in anger at her failed attempts.

Bet that blue ghost lion that showed up around the Ascendent's territory didn't have this issue right now. The Fireball was curious as to whether he'd be able to bring stuff in from the outside.

The Arabian leopard eventually ran out of things to hit, the only light so far the one filtering in from the windows, and she finally closed her eyes, attempting to teleport out.

It was a real shame that she hadn't mastered it, and was only able to teleport short distances. Even then, if it was something simple as going outside, where she could barely see, it became much harder for her.

The grin on her face that appeared when she felt herself being transported quickly disappeared as Thea hit the wall, hard.


A word she had picked up from Suiteheart, it seemed to express her feelings of frustration just fine, as the young leopard slammed a paw against the wall one last time, as if it would do shit to help the situation.

Re: Don't know what to say (Open, trying to escape) - ONISION. - 08-06-2018


[div style="background-color:#806A71;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]"I don't... I don't know how we're going to get out of here, Thea." Came the soft, unusually frightened voice of Oni as he padded over just in time to see her try to escape, only to be teleported back inside. Shit was going to go downhill from here, and Onision was pissed that this was even happening. Why did that stupid spirit have to ditch them? Why couldn't he just wait it out, and wait for shit to turn back on?

Things weren't that easy, he supposed.


Re: Don't know what to say (Open, trying to escape) - rhosmari - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Being trapped was unreasonable, especially for someone like her. She wasn't one to be trapped, she trapped others and that was how it usually worked. She was coordinated but it appeared like fate was having a bit of fun even with a strategic mind like her own. But she was keeping it together as best as she could. After all she was here because she had decided to go to her first stupid meeting to try and fit in more and be that member she had told Bastille she would be. Now she was regretting showing up but it didn't show on her face. What decisions she made in the past stayed there and she had to move on for better or for worse. She just hoped Wash was okay. Her mind wandered as she limped along, shoulder sending searing pain across her back because of how she had damaged it ramming into the doors when they had first closed. Lesson learned but it appeared that her Fireball was not doing so well on that one.

The loud sound of 'fuck' had caught the freelancer's attention and she made her way over to see her and someone else. Onision she thought. Names were hard for her to remember sometimes but she was attempting to remember faces and exchanges. Regardless the dark woman would give a light sigh out and she shook her head a bit. "For starters we can stop ramming ourselves against windows and doors. It's going to do us no good to hurt ourselves. And secondly have hope." She wasn't much of a pep talker but she guessed she could give it a try. "We need to find food. I'm sure everyone is going to be hungry at some point. Thea, are you hurt from all of that? Don't lie to me." Her gaze was piercing as she looked at the child before then glancing at Onision to attempt a half smile that didn't quite seem right but she was trying.

Re: Don't know what to say (Open, trying to escape) - MirrorEdge - 08-06-2018

At the moment, it felt like any power was better than the one Thea currently had. Conjuration might be able to get them food. An electricity elemental might be able to power the place, even if it was for a little bit.

She absolutely loathed this feeling of uselessness right now, and it seemed to finally be affecting her usually cheerful mood, as pale blue eyes simply glanced at Oni, not bothering to offer that cheerful smile that was usually on her face, her expression quickly morphing to one of frustration.

"We're gonna get out." She mumbled, the lack of cheer making her seem more unsure.

At Carolina's words, the words that usually were ever-present in her mind, and had gone into hiding since the lockdown, finally showed themselves, maybe it was at the word 'hope' alone.

Smile, it'll be alright. A hint of said smile formed, and she shook her head. "Nope. Just bruises." They would heal in a matter of days, at most. "But how're we gonna get food, if we can't even get out of here?" They had food, for now, but it was a limited amount, something that would run out sooner or later. And something that always entered her mind now every time she felt hungry, or went to grab something to eat.

Re: Don't know what to say (Open, trying to escape) - ★ HAZEL - 08-06-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Originally, Hazel had thought that the observatory shutting down wouldn't be so bad. Sure, there might be a lot of people within the Ascendants, but the observatory wasn't exactly a small building. The grand circle itself seemed enormous - vast and vacant with space. But now...? Hazel wasn't so sure.

For months that seemed like years, she had been cornered, locked in a house that was supposed to mean comfort. But it turned into a prison cell, meant to keep her in. Every inch of that house reeked with fear and blood and alcohol until Hazel didn't know what fresh air was. And initially, she could push it out of the way; initially, when the power first cut out, she thought she might be able to handle it. During the meeting, she had managed to reign it in - somehow - because everyone else was freaking out and for some reason, it was like a wake up call.

But the more she realized how completely and utterly shut out they were, the more it got to her head. They were cut off from the outside world - and Arion, he was probably freaking out - and Hazel felt trapped. Trapped like she could hear the deadbolt on the closet door lock, and there was still glass stuck in her paw pads. And every minute that passed was just another sixty seconds of Hazel trying not to completely lose it like some others and shut down in some form of a panic attack.

The sound of something repeatedly hitting the observatory wall is what drew Hazel towards Thea. Though as she neared, the sight of those massive walls crept up her spine like ice, making her movements sharp and a little unfocused, distracted by the attempt to keep it together. She winced as the other girl slammed into the wall, supposedly trying to teleport away. Her gaze fell to Carolina, and then Oni, biting her lip.

"We'll get out of here, Oni." She assured him, brushing the tip of her tail against the younger boy's side. The contact sent a shock of electricity up her spine, but it didn't matter; it was all filed under the autopilot she was trying to shove under the carpet, along with her ghosts and haunts so everybody else didn't have to witness it. "We won't be trapped in here forever. There are a couple people outside - I'm sure we can find a way to get through to them."

Re: Don't know what to say (Open, trying to escape) - HEARTEYES - 08-06-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]"I'm sure there's some food around here. We haven't left this, you know, this place completely empty, right?" Hearteyes' voice comes from out of the darkness, close to Onision's side. The molly was still anxious about the whole thing, but the fear in her veins was starting to thin out. She knew what it was like to be trapped somewhere, though the last time she had been locked away, she had been by herself. This situation was already better, and that allowed a sense of optimism to fill the Observer.

She takes a deep breath, plumed tail curling around her paws in a way of comfort. "We can't open the doors for now, but maybe there's, like, um, you know, windows. At least then we would have some light, and if we can find a way to unlock them, some of us can get out." She suggests, stumbling over her words slightly. She didn't know the observatory that well, but there had to be more than one opening, right? More than one way to let the sunlight in. They just had to find their way through the darkness to find them.

Re: Don't know what to say (Open, trying to escape) - VERSAILLESPALACE - 08-07-2018