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days of thunder — 8/6 meeting - Printable Version

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days of thunder — 8/6 meeting - jericho - 08-06-2018

This is going to be their first proper meeting since their arrival, isn't it?  The thought makes him rather nervous — it's been a long time since he's held a something as important as this for as so many people and talked as much as he intends to.  And somehow he feels that this will set the tone for the group as a whole, so if it doesn't go well... he doesn't know what he'll do.  It's silly, he knows, to place so much meaning in something that'll likely seem so insignificant in a few weeks time, but Jericho just knows how important meetings are.  He hopes he won't mess this one up.

His paws scrabble against the fountain's stone as he attempts to climb up on the lip.  The Helion is rather short and his missing hind leg takes away from his jumping ability a bit; he finds himself for a moment with his bottom half dangling below before he hauls himself up.  The tom finally sits upright, sheepishly smoothing down the ruffled fur on his chest with a light exhale.  For a moment his blind eyes flicker across the open town square as his attention scans for any nearby Sunhaveners, jaws parted to taste the air.  It's mostly quiet, a warm summer day just beginning to draw to its close as the sun dips low in the sky and sending vibrant orange and pink streaks across the sky.  He waits in this moment of silent refuge, and then supposes that now is as good a time as ever.

"Sunhaven!" the ginger feline calls, his typically soft-spoken voice raised to ring out through the town.  He by no means bellows powerfully, and he sounds awful hesitant in making himself so loud, but it works well enough.  "Ah, g-gather over here, please!  It's time for our... our first meeting!"  Jericho's next words are more like his normal self in volume, though still projected enough to be heard from throughout the square.  His body tense and weight shifting awkwardly on his paws, the leader falls into wordlessness once more in order to allow his clanmates time to gather beneath the fountain.

He waits until he can hear pawsteps nearing and settling, until he assumes that the majority of the group has joined him.  It then and only then that Jericho realizes he's been holding his breath as he waits — he exhales again, straightens, and then clears his throat.  "Um... so I wanted to start by, ah, w-welcoming everyone who's joined us recently.  So welcome to... Quantum, Ja'sunna, Bridgette, Monroe, Pele, Warsongs, Reflet, Geiszler, Mama, Revas, Sulahn, La'miyla, Ilijas, and... Prismaticgaze.  I... I-I think that's everyone, anyways.  I hope that I've already met most of you, but, if not... or, uh, if you've forgotten, I'm Jericho.  W-We're very glad to have you!"  He pauses again, rather needing a breather for himself.  Gods above, that's a lot of names.  Jericho doesn't think he's fully realized how much their little town has grown until just now, but... it makes him feel warm inside.

There's no time to dwell on that, however; Jericho knows he can't get all sappy while everyone's waiting on him for these oh-so important announcements.  With a hint of red brimming beneath his pelt, the gardener sheepishly continues, "...And I also wanted to p-promote Quantum, Monroe, Warsongs, and Ja'sunna to Hearthkeepers.  I've seen you guys, ah, a-around and being welcoming and helpful, so... um, thanks, basically!  Keep it up, I appreciate it."  The ginger-furred tom relaxes slightly after that; those are what everyone looks forward to, right?  "O-Oh, and since we've gotten so many newcomers, I thought I'd remind you all that, ah, if you want to join a guild, post in their guide!  I-I'm still looking for guild heads."

The Helion sure feels like he's talking an awful lot.  He shifts around again, blind eyes flickering about as he tries to gauge his audience and whether they're still with him.  The male kneads the concrete with his paws and continues, "Politics-wise, we're allies with... w-with the Ascendants now.  I'm still, ah, working on other groups, so after I see how th-that all goes I'll start working on ambassadors.  Otherwise w-we can keep trading everywhere, considering we don't have any enemies."  Jericho takes another moment to breathe and runs through the list in his head; what's he forgetting?  "Ah!  And if you'd like, feel free to check out our mass adoptions and high position tryouts."

Okay, he knows that's it for real this time... and yet, as Jericho finishes speaking once more, he feels there's more he's left unsaid.  Or, more accurately, something he feels he would be wrong to not acknowledge, something to do with that fuzzy feeling from earlier.  Maybe nothing on his list, nothing that he's prepared, and though he's never been one to improvise (a planner through and through), he swallows and dives in headfirst nevertheless.  "On... another note, I just wanted to th-thank all of you for taking a chance on Sunhaven and sticking around so far.  Things have gone better than I ever could've asked and I just — I-I know we're small still, but we've grown so much in such a short amount of time and I... well, I'm excited to see wh-what else we can do.  So... ah, thank you."

Goodness, here he goes again, blushing under his fur.  The tiny leader smiles, and though he cannot see the crowd before him, it holds a shy but genuine brightness.  So much for not getting sentimental — he knows he's always been a mushy sop at heart.  "A-Alright, that's all.  I'm always around for questions and suggestions, of course, but th-thanks for listening today."

OOC: aaand now i'm gonna give an ooc summary to what jericho just said!
- WELCOME TO SUNHAVEN! here's to everyone who's joined in the past week or so: quantum, ja'sunna, bridgette, monroe, pele, warsongs, reflet, geiszler, mama, monroe, revas, sulahn, la'miyla, ilijas, and prismaticgaze. i'm genuinely so excited that all of you have decided to join aaahh!
- warsongs, quantum, ja'sunna, and monroe are promoted to hearthkeepers!
- politics are still a work in progress but we're allies with the ascendants so far, hoping to also ally with snowbound. feel free to trade everywhere and anywhere, though! sunhaven considers everywhere else neutrals for now.
- reminder that if you'd like to join a guild, please post in their respective guide (links here). i'm looking for guild heads as well, but i wanted to make sure that i gave everyone a chance to join first.
- we've got a mass adoptions and high positions tryout here
- and basically i just wanted to say thank you all for joining! we're unboarded and new, so i feel like y'all took a bit of a chance on me and i'm super thankful because we've already got relatively strong numbers! i'm sure most of you have seen the animal group rp voting for new boarded clans (if you haven't, click here!) and sunhaven is... actually in the lead right now? by a wide margin? regardless of whether we get a board or anything, thank you all so much for the support, in that regard and otherwise. it's super humbling and i'm excited to see where we'll go from here!!

Re: days of thunder — 8/6 meeting - Mama - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 230px; font-family: georgia; color: #7f7275; font-size: 10px; text-align: center;line-height: 110%; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px"]i lost count so long ago; maybe my heart's numb
It is a slow and tiresome process growing familiar with the environment about her, as far removed from her own home as was truly possible, unsure as to what each day might bring as she settled in to a new routine, yet the draw of it, being apart of something more than herself, kept her from moving on once more. With time she might seek once more to push beyond the borders of this place, to seek something different, for the moment she would stay, allow herself to hope.

Small ears perked and swivelled around at the sudden call, head rising soon after, a soft sound of confusion escaping pursed lips. Ishayu was unaccustomed to such calls and so it took some time for her to rise, struggling to do so without a forth limb to help her balance, drawn to the meeting more out of curiosity more than the fact it seemed necessary for her to show. It took some time for the mountain lion to make her way towards the fountain, much down to her slow progress and the many times she had to stop to question others for directions, but she seemed one of the first to appear, only a small group of those unknown to her present.

A soft rumble arose from the depth of her throat at the welcome, not wishing to break his flow she offering nothing else to acknowledge the words until he was done, taking only what she deemed necessary in which proved very little. “Congratulations,” she spoke somewhat softly as the promotions were announced, a small smile lacing her lips as Monroe's name was spoken, the hybrid one who had caught her interest rather quickly, falling silent once more for she had nothing to say within regards to questions or suggests just yet.

[ almost forgot, thank you for the welcome and i'm already loving this group, it is so nice and welcoming ]
sunhaven — sunbearer — tags

Re: days of thunder — 8/6 meeting - Pele N. F. I. - 08-06-2018

A clan meeting, how long since she'd actually heard a call like this? Technically it'd been months, but she couldn't really remember, or count them. When she'd asked a healer how old she looked, they'd said Ten, so it had been at least four months since she'd been fully active in a clan. She kept reminding herself that she would not, could not, stay here.

Nevertheless, she was here for the time being and keeping up with events would be courteous to her hosts. Elio clung to his spot inbetween her shoulders as they walked, no bag today. A familiar form was found in Mama, and so Pele took a seat beside her as her companion climbed her own neck to get a better view.

Her old home was now an ally, the male named Monroe who'd greeted her first was now of some power. She'd ask around to see what 'Hearthkeepers' meant in this clan. Some clans had no semi-high positions at all, and though her old home did, she didn't think they did much more than act as a titled shout out there.

She noted that Jericho was more, confident, than he'd been at the border. Then again, no one was dripping blood and calm about it this time.

Re: days of thunder — 8/6 meeting - madster - 08-06-2018

reflet approached next. this was the first ever sunhaven meeting, right? this was a piece of history. determination shined in her eyes as she stood next to pele. she was a part of this. she was here to help sunhaven grow and flourish. she could shed the chains of her past and move on, a free bird. she smiled- jericho was a nice man, and he had announced everyone in sunclan now. they were a clan, now. they'd move forward, walking into the sun.

"congratulations," she said, a grin spreading across her pale face.

Re: days of thunder — 8/6 meeting - PINCHER - 08-06-2018

[Image: SUCl3DH.jpg]
Geiszler didn't particularly know why he stayed within the outskirts of Sunhaven and its inhabitants. He didn't have any sort of sentimental relationship with any of them and he hardly knew anyone due to being a brand spanking new bastard for them to deal with. Perhaps it was because they had offered up a temporary home for him to be in when he had stumbled in and made a joke of himself when running headfirst into water and scrambling out drenched and shivering. They all seemed like decent folk and despite the extreme isolation that he endured in his younger times, Geiszler was able to hold a trace of wanting to become their friend or at least someone that gave back when he had been greeted with warmth that matched the sun. He remembered beneath the rays of silver moonlight, the first face he had been met with was Jericho, the small tabby appearing full of kindness and generosity, the opposite of what he was honestly. If Geiszler had seen anyone in his home, he would chased them out without any hesitation no matter what. It had been what he had been taught and despite being a simple cheetah, he held a rather terrritorial behavior due to him aging in an isolated zoo residency that held a spot just for him and no one else.

The lithe figure of the burnt sienna brown wildcat was tying up random knot patterns as he glared down at a book that had shit about how to tie a knot. He didn't know why it would be necessary for any current situation but he just felt like it, his pale paws tugging at the ends of the rope to make a semi-decent knot before getting bored and tossing it over his head, aiming to just rip the pages of the book instead of flipping them to see if there was anything good. His half-lidded lime green eyes fluttered to the words until, at the corner of his eye, he caught the flash of the ivory and orange mixture that was the pelt of Jericho. He tipped his head up, his jet black ears swiveling towards the male with his gaze locking onto the other male. He remained silent and observed until watching the male scramble onto the fountain, causing Geiszler to snort, the corners of his lips pulling upwards as he began to hold back his laughter. Shit, wow was this rude? He forced himself to cease the laughter and noticed that he now called for a meeting. A meeting? Why?

Deciding he might as well check it out, the lanky male rose to a full standing position before lazily stretching out his limbs and heading over, the tall wildcat slipping to stand beside Reflet and Pele, his gaze briefly fluttering towards them as he wondered who the fuck they were. He didn't recognize them but he remained silent for now as he went into a slouched sitting position, his powerful back leg aiming to scratch at an itch behind his pierced ear before the tattooed male heard his name. Oh shit, they considered him a joiner and not just a visitor. He grimaced ever so slightly at the idea of permanently staying but he simply flashed a fake lopsided grin as he said "Uhh thanks, Stumpy." Geiszler then heard the Helion now speak about promotions, guilds, and politics. That shit went into one ear and left from the ear as he was oblivious to how groups worked. But he listened in, enjoying the ability to absorb new information and storage it within his mind. Maybe he would pick a guild to focus his "talents" on but he didn't think he would be much help since he wasn't a team player. As the meeting slowly unfolded into an end after a decent amount of time, the cheetah raised a paw for a question, furiously shaking it in the air before questioning loudly "Yeah I got a question. Do you have any place where I can find liquid to preserve my dead shit? I broke into someone's house thinking that they might have some but they said no and slapped me in the face but I'm still sad I didn't find any." He needed his shit or Geiszler was going to die from sadness. He swore he would or at least would say he would and then fake his death in some cool fight like wrestling a bear or something.

Re: days of thunder — 8/6 meeting - rhosmari - 08-06-2018

Unfortunately for the shark mutant he was sleeping. He slept a lot really, and most times he was attempting to gather his bearings and make the most of the daylight. His face was submerged in water, bubbles lifting up from soundless snores as he laid there, dangling half off of the boardwalk in front of his house. His tail was hanging partially off as well and he seemed content to just sleep the day away not even realizing that there was something important that was supposed to be happening. Schedules ladies and gents, he needed a schedule because if he didn't then he was bound to miss everything. The only reason why he woke up was because the weight of his hanging body caused him to slide forward and it jolted him. A yelp left from his jaws stifled by the water he was slightly submerged in and he lifted his head up suddenly. Whispers dripped with water as he looked around, half out of it before he shook his head. "Wha....?" His throat itched and he swallowed a bit before he pushed himself to his paws, shaking his body and fling water everywhere.

Picking up on talking the creature would slowly make his way toward the square, parting his jaws in a large jaw that forced a shiver through his body as he stalked his way forward. Why was everyone gathered here for? His mind hadn't caught up with him and so he just plopped down, curling his tail around his paws as he tilted his head a little bit. Gills undulated for a moment before they went still and he lifted his fin from the ground as he gave a soft huff. Oh, Jericho was up there and he was talking about something and so he figured he better listen to his brother. There was nothing he had planned on doing now anyway save for maybe going back to sleep. His ears pulled forward and he gave a gruff 'mhm' as names were called out, soft welcomings and he had to say he loved that he was welcomed here. It was hard looking like he did to fit in anywhere but in the ocean and this was a pleasing change of pace. Although he was surprised when he was given something called a Hearthkeeper. So much so that he narrowed his pearl colored eyes a bit. "So, where is this hearth I'm supposed tae be keepin'?"

He was just curious to know though because he had no idea what a Hearthkeeper was supposed to do. Did they have some kind of Sacred Fire that needed to be kept burning at all times or something. Despite that he merely shrugged his shoulders and gave a weary smile, sleepy gaze traveling away from the Jericho because he felt good in supporting Sunhaven and any ambitions his family had. Even if they didn't know who he was and he was looking forward to making friends with Mama, Pele, Reflet, and the rest of the gang. He'd been smiling all this time when he heard the words of a newcomer he didn't know yet and he turned his gaze toward him. Stumpy, he called Jericho stumpy. Though that didn't bother him as much as the fact that he had broken into someone's home. "Sounds like ya deserved that one, lad. I'd advise ya not tae do it again."

Re: days of thunder — 8/6 meeting - axiom - 08-06-2018

© lexasperated
The tigress walks into the meeting, her ears twitching - she is still annoyed by the alliance talks, especially concerning the Snowbounders. Save for one frilly woman, the rest of them seemed to have snow for brains. But, she put it out of her mind; she doubted they were good enough to form an alliance with, and so it bothered her very little to see their nasty personality traits come out after she simply asked them about their recent political decisions. Yet, as much as she tells herself that she'll stop thinking about it, she can't seem to stop chewing on the problem - like gum that went bland.

Hearing her promotion, the large feline nods mutely; despite her recent outbursts and insubordination, she isn't surprised. As most likely the most reckless member - with plenty of powers and battle experience to fall back on - she thinks she doesn't think she's overstepped her bounds too much. Especially if the leader is happy enough to reward her with a rank.

At the kid's question, though, she raises a brow as he tells his odd little story. Her lips pull back into a slight smile as she regards him, thinking that the little guy might have more spunk in him than most of the artists in this place. "You're into taxidermy kid? Well, my sisters and I are pretty good making fur blankets and teeth jewelry - I believe I might have some of the chemicals you're looking for," she tells him, her grin stretching wider. He makes  for an interesting specimen, a wildcat playing with knots while he talked about preserving dead things; he reminds her of the rest of the Caralho Clan, and that's worth something to her.

Re: days of thunder — 8/6 meeting - GRIMNYTE - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Stellamaris had never been in a group before, so the affairs of them interested her enough to warrant a curious glance in Jericho's direction when it was brought up in the form of a meeting. Everyone seemed to be friendly already, sliding up next to each other and taking their seats; almost nervously, Stellamaris was doing the same in the form of approaching Monroe, who, despite how odd-looking he was, had seemed nice enough at her joining. "Congratulations." she said to the male, neglecting to sit down comfortably like the rest of them. She had arrived soon enough to catch a cheetah loudly proclaiming about breaking into someone else's compartments, and her ear twitched in momentary distaste. That was... impolite. As Monroe had said, the male had obviously deserved the punishment he got in turn, and she turned her head away from where she had taken a momentary look at Geiszler to stare at Jericho. He was such a nervous cat, but ultimately pleasant to be around. She couldn't imagine how hard it must be to leader so many people with his personality, but she had no doubt in her mind that he'd be good at it with time.

Re: days of thunder — 8/6 meeting - JA´SUNNA - 08-07-2018

Re: days of thunder — 8/6 meeting - cyantist - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]Her brother's stutter still irritates her, the sound seeming to her like chalk on chalkboard, grating on her ears. If is he to lead them, how can he lead when he sounds weak? She chooses not to comment, she wouldn't like to shatter what little confidence he has after all, such a thing would be... Lethal for his reign she is sure. She won't allow him to usurped either, if anyone wished to take advantage of him - she may not like his lack of confidence, but he is still her brother, and she should protect him, should she not?

She should protect her home and her family. Her name is called out to be a Hearthkeeper, and she accepts it with a hum and a nod. Song is happy to take up any responsibility that she is given, and the position as the Head of the Warfare guild intrigues her. Much like her name denotes, she was made for war, forged by training and battle until it became all that she knew. She doesn't know what else to do with herself without it, so it defines her. She has to let it define her.

She has no questions of her own, so she waits around to hear if anyone else has valid ones. There's no point in leaving just yet.