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heal the mind - Printable Version

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heal the mind - no more - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 230px; font-family: georgia; color: #7b8189; font-size: 10px; text-align: center;line-height: 110%; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px"]i'll never get to heaven cause i don't know how
There was little to be found in words which sprung forth from the child's lips, honeyed and sweet upon the ears or sharpened into a blade meant to cut it did not matter what it took simply empty breath offering promises they couldn't keep. They had thought themself prepared, aged beyond the short life, yet the wear of each day was clear within dark eyes heavy with exhaustion, in words which rose in a snapped tone touched with anger, in the way they carried themself as though too much weight pressed upon their shoulders. For a time they though upon the possibility of giving in to whim though such had gotten them here only a short time before, seeking the simpler time when their mind had not seemed to be touched by static, faint and buzzing always, clouding each thought.

Something within the young sage had turned them away all the same, gentle yet insistent as it tugged them back upon more steady ground, never allowing the thought of giving this up to surface for long. They had walked the bridges many times, had the name of their aunt upon their tongue, waiting to be called into the still, humid air, only to find their resolve crumbling away before the words left them. Again and again they had gone through the same cycle, allowing defeat to take them back to their own abode shared with three others, the gentle chatter a comfort though they had never cared to break into it.

A gentle exhale parted dark lips and the child waved away this line of though, turning their attention instead to what was on hand. It did not matter their trepidation about things that had come to pass, though they worried upon it from time to time, realising once more their rather selfish reasoning behind pursuing it, they would make sure it worked out best for all. With this in mind the child had set about making an impromptu event of their own, recruiting a few of the larger Necro Mambas to assist them in the preparation.

Having emptied for the day Aita had utilised the larger members and pushed aside the tables within the lower floor of the Capricorn, the wide space cleaned and filled with a large mass of pillows and blankets. Set about the space where small bags tied with coloured ribbon, each containing two baked goods and a small plush toy of a sea animal. Besides this one table held a multitude of mugs, a mix of coffee, various teas and hot chocolate, free for anyone to take if they wanted to.

“Thank you,” oddly soft they spoke to those who still lingered, yet the frown paired with the words seemed more suited to the child, their dark gaze moving over the Necro Mambas as some left while a few others milled about. Having already sent word in the form of a few messengers all Aita could do now was wait to see if anyone turned up, picking one of the goodie bags for themself before they flopped onto their back on a pillow.

It might not have been traditional healing but it was a way to help everyone relax and give them a night to tell stories and enjoy some treats.
the tyhpoon — sage — tags

Re: heal the mind - Beatrice - 08-06-2018

Beatrice new very little about Aita. They had been the first individual to greet her at the border, and now they were coworkers. The exhaustion that Aita carried always was not lost on the red heeler. The girl herself was constantly fatigued - not that she would ever admit it. Beatrice had a sneaking suspicion that Aita was similar in that regard. The two of them would never make mention of their weariness aloud if they could help it.

And though Beatrice didn't know Aita, she didn't turn away from the other's call for assistance. The child had asked the team if they would mind helping her set up a little event, and seeing as Beatrice wanted to be better, she offered her abilities. The pair and a few others had then proceeded in moving tables and placing cute, little trinkets, blankets, and pillows around the cleared area. When everything was finished, it looked very nice. So, maybe Beatrice was proud of their hard work.

"Good job, Aita," the red dog barked, moving from where she had been sitting by herself to stand with her coworker. "This is all really neat." So often healers got caught up in the medical side of things that they didn't look towards therapeutic instances instead. It was good to see a change from the mundane. She offered the other a tiny smile before reaching for a tiny gift bag of her own.

Re: heal the mind - bubblegum - 08-08-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro injuries

it was too obvious when looking to the girl just how exhausted she was. it grew worse by the day, as much as she tried to hide it. she had too much to do, too much to worry about, too much panic when she awoke to sleep. perhaps her reasoning was more selfish than not. she knew she worried her family, after all, which is why she tried to hide it. but, it was too scary. waking up was too scary.

it was not often she did give herself a chance to relax. so, upon finding her sibling creating this she found herself telling herself that this was not a waste of time. she got to spend time with crewmates and her family. this was not a waste at all. though, part of her simply just wanted to slow down, despite her convincing herself so often that she should not ever slow down. she does not deserve it. she hasn't achieved her goals, yet. spending time with crewmates was directly related to some of the goals, though, so this would be fine.

the young feline approached quietly, lynn upon her hind as usual. she scanned the set up, picking up a tiny gift bag, having lynn hold it for her, along with gently grabbing some hot chocolate. she really did enjoy it - she didn't have it often. she then moved towards aita with a loving gaze. "this is nice," she agreed with beatrice, nodding with a warm smile.

Re: heal the mind - no more - 08-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 470px; font-size:9pt; font-family:calibri; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"]Within Beatrice's observation is indeed truth yet to admit such, the words lingered upon the edge of their tongue many times, seeking to be spoken though they had dared not do so, pride forcing their hand. So young and yet they proved determined to keep themself moving, to prove to those about them that they were no mere child, refusing to break, to crumble, no matter the pressure put upon them.

But even the strongest must break and Aita was not amongst those few.

Dark eyes lift at the sound of their name, finding the red heeler easily for she seemed separate from the others, one of few beyond those within their family who had come to catch their attention. She seemed different to the others present yet there was steel beneath those kind words and gentle eyes, something they wanted to get at, to know more of. Pushing themself up once more the dark bengal found a smile curling their lips at the comment, head dropping slightly to hide it. The idea had seemed a simple one they had proposed offhandedly but to see if so readily accepted, and to have the help of another on the team, it had made them hopeful.

Before Aita had the chance to speak another approached and the smile only grew though it held an edge of worry, something they could not hide all that well. It had become all too apparent how poorly a state Goldie was within now that it had become their duty to care for her, each day only seemed to leave her within a worse state. For a time they had wondered upon what they might do to make things easier upon the reaver, hoping there was someway to lighten her workload or permit her easy sleep, nothing seemed to stick for all their long hours of pondering. “Thought was bout time we all 'ad a break,” light was their tone as they spoke towards Goldie, attention shifting back to their co-worker briefly for their next comment. “Thank ya for the 'elp, I don' think I coulda done it without ya.”

Re: heal the mind - Luciferr - 08-09-2018

it was something of a challenge for lucifer to be indoors and he was only all too grateful that while he was tall, he wasn't as wide - no his frame while obviously fearsome was somewhat lithe in build, quick like the shadows he held in dominion - so it was he mostly had to duck and squeeze by the smaller doors - thankfully they were designed for larger creatures than small felines otherwise he'd have had quite a time.

which is what brught him to the lower decks following after Goldie and beatrice as they headed off to another social gathering - the dragons singular mercurial eye blinking at the displayed pillows and relaxing scene - a brief pang of nostalgia for when his adoptive parent had, in his auspicious start t this life, often pulled together such scenes in the wake of the various dramas of daily life, often with tea alongside.

the dark plated beast shifted inside, careful to half rest his head down upon splayed foreclaws amidst the pillows with a contented hum "a nice set up - and dearly needed true" he agreed with Aita, despite not knowing her overwell, often somewhat saddened that the sage looked often so tired for someone so young.

his eyes tracked to Goldie and beatrice with a quiet rumble of greeting while they situated themselves.
