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hell in a hand basket – captured - Printable Version

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hell in a hand basket – captured - no more - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 230px; font-family: georgia; color: #7b8189; font-size: 10px; text-align: center;line-height: 110%; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px"]i'll never get to heaven cause i don't know how
[ retro to jacob getting back, they'll return in about a week ]

There had been no sign of either Cleo or Aita, the two kittens seemingly vanished into thin air leaving behind no trace. For one who cared to try and seek out the new sage they would find a note stuck upon the door of the tree house she inhabited, hinting at their whereabouts.

Gone to get Jacob back from the star bastards

Be back soon
the tyhpoon — sage — tags

Re: hell in a hand basket – captured - Grey - 08-06-2018

Look, Bakugou doesn't care about anyone in The Typhoon. He happens to know a few names here and there but none out of the ordinary. He hasn't even begun to learn who this 'Aita' or 'Cleo' happened to be, nor does he know who this 'Jacob' is - he just knows whoever that male was, he must have been famous. And so it was by chance and coincidence that Bakugou was merely walking along when he noticed the waver of a sheet of paper, turning his head around to read the writing that had been scribbled onto a note. 'Star bastards'. Ascendants? He's not quite sure when he rips the note off the door, holding it carefully between his teeth and trying not to accidentally burn it when he walks deeper into the centre of camp. Time to do the world a service and be an everyday hero. He puts the note down at his feet and clears his throat: "YO THERE'S A NOTE I FOUND ON SOME DOOR. IF YOU GIVE A SHIT, COME READ IT. IF NOT THEN KEEP GOIN' ABOUT YER FUCKIN' DAY."

Re: hell in a hand basket – captured - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-06-2018

Like Bakugou, Caesar didn't give a shit about any of his Crewmates. But who he did strangely care about was his grandkids, although he definitely had his favorite. Unfortunately Aita was not one of those, but Cleo was. Although he definitely was worried about Cleo per say, the demon did notice her disappearance. And despite not liking to be outside due to being stuck in a damn mongoose body, Caesar knew he had business to attend to, so when he heard Bakugou's yell, he made his way over. "They went to go find Jacob, huh?" Caesar drawled, his rounded ears flicking. "Good luck to them, I suppose." Yeah, despite liking Cleo, he wasn't going to run off and protect her. She could handle herself.

Re: hell in a hand basket – captured - snare - 08-06-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Snare wasn’t 100 percent familiar with all of his crewmates yet, but the news of a disappearance piqued his interest.  One of them was being awfully loud and the wolf puppy found himself lowering his ears, and Caesar was that one weirdo on the beach a few days ago.  Probably not the most charming group of characters but they were crewmates and as a small child he still found himself looking to them for explanation and guidance in something like this.

The pup would lope up and narrow his eyes at the note, his expression reading and focused as he put words together.  ”Are they gonna be okay?”  Snare would question to neither crewmate in particular, his gaze going back and forth between the two of them with one fuzzed ear down and one up.  His would tilt to the side slightly, his young mind not really wrapping around the complicated conflict and the context needed for a situation like this one.

Re: hell in a hand basket – captured - Grey - 08-06-2018

He was tapping his tail impatiently for Typhooners to arrive, tapping so irritably that his tail was beginning to spark embers as his scarlet eyes flickered back and forth, quickly landing upon the approaching figure of Caesar. Eugh, this guy again - the one Junji thought he was related to. If he heard it again, he'd probably cremate the speaker on the spot. Unfortunately, he cannot stop to think about all the ways he could murder someone with flames alone. The very thought of it made the skin beneath his fur insanely hot that it made his injuries feel uncomfortable, the bandages around his body to tighten. It was one of the only reasons as to why Bakugou was avoiding being so loud spoken and obnoxious. He pays little mind to Caesar's response to the situation but instead cranes his ears to Snare who asked a question, one that was seemingly laced with genuine concern.

"Prob'ly," Bakugou says, rolling his shoulders and huffing steam. He doesn't know these characters, doesn't know their names. As far as he is concerned, they were just extras filling in the world - a part of the backdrop to simulate the ragdoll's reality. If they so happened to die, he wouldn't think too much about it. If they lived, then he knew that they were capable and be glad he didn't waste time 'worrying' about some background characters. "If y'doubt it, you can go find 'em y'self. No one's stoppin' you."