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WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO / o, injured - Printable Version

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WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO / o, injured - bubblegum - 08-05-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//continuation of this thread (no one will know who attacked her) + injuries include deep injuries in her back where her third-degree burns were healing and damage to her spinal cord - parts of her spine is visible and it almost appears someone was trying to split her in half

it felt awful. this feeling is foreign to her. she had never felt quite like this before. perhaps she had gotten a glimpse of it, when her papa had died, but this was so much worse now. it felt so awful. it filled her so intensely. it was grand. it was overwhelming. the fear. she had never felt so scared. she was absolutely terrified.

they were all at risk now, if she slipped up, and there was nothing she could do about it. she could not take him on. she didn't have the power to. she could not protect her family from him, not unless she did exactly as he said - say nothing. then she may stand a chance. and, she knew her family was strong, too, but who would she be to put them in danger? how could she possibly do that to them? no, she couldn't. she was already failing enough as is. she couldn't do this to them, too.

she needed to fix her mistake. she could not mess up. there was absolutely no room for error. and, the worst part of it was, she knew what he planned now. he told her what he was going to do to deldrach. she couldn't let him do that, but she couldn't tell anyone. she couldn't ask for help, 'less she risked everyone she loved getting hurt in the process too. if he was just threatening her, this would be different.

if goldie would be the only victim, this could be so different. she could deal with that - others could deal with that. they would be okay in the end, and so would she. she'd said her goodbyes when she thought she was going to die over a month ago now, so most of them would have already heard what she needed to say. there was so much she could say, but there was only limited time. but, she was not the only victim. it would not be okay if she screwed this up.

the young girl smelled of soothing candles and blood. her body laid frozen within the abandoned shack, simply trembling from fear and pain. the ground around her was covered in her own blood. she could not feel her hind legs much more than a tiny sensation that they were there, and her front legs weren't much better either. she felt like she could not move. but, she had to. she had to get out of here. she had to find a way to help deldrach. that was her goal now. she needed to stay alive for this.

goldie slowly and shakily began to move her front legs, touching them to the wall she had been thrown into. she painfully moved to pushed on the ground below her, causing her to slowly elevate, only to fall again. she let out a small cry, huffing in pain. the bengal kitten waited a few moments, trying again now. she was able to painfully push herself upward, her stance low and hind legs nearly limp.

her head hung low and she began to painfully struggle towards the exit, dragging herself close to the ground. she gasped from the movement and pain, agony and horror clear in her expression. she pushed herself out, breaths harsh as she stepped onto the sand. she managed to drag herself for a few more steps before collapsing onto her side, small cries exiting her.

fortunate for the little girl, her harpy eagle had been searching for her since she had ran off. lynn landed at her side quickly, letting out alarmed screes. tears formed in her eyes and she reached out towards lynn, breaths pained and eyes terrified. her back was covered in blood, the previously healing injuries now destroyed with new ones and parts of her spine stuck out near her shoulders, seeming to have been almost crushed in half.

if others were worried about her not getting rest before, it would seem they wouldn't need to now. she had no choice.

Re: WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO / o, injured - ROSEMARY - 08-05-2018

Rosemary could smell the blood; it filled her nostrils and slithered into her mouth, burning her mind. But she recognized the scent of the victim - how could she not, when she smelled Goldie's blood so many times in the child's lifetime? - and snapped her mind out of its foggy daze with little effort. Her coven - no, her family - was paramount. Nothing mattered more than them; certainly not the darkness lurking inside her selfish, twisted mind.

Quickly tracking Goldie to her location, the ocelot had to choke down a scream; she never saw a child in such a state before. Not even Goldie's third degree burns looked so hideous. Her four eyes darted around madly as she rushed to Goldie's side, hurriedly flinging off her leather satchel as she set about doing a million things at once. "Goldie! Goldie, what happened to you?" Rosemary asked in an agitated, frantic voice - the her usual apathy crumbling against the force of her overwhelming emotions. Rosemary pulled out bandages, attempting to securely hold them against the worst of Goldie's wounds. She needed to stop the bleeding; the spine needed to be protected, but oh how the terror rose in her mind.

She didn't know if Goldie could recover from this; the child survived so many terrible injuries, but each one scarred her further and left Rosemary increasingly worried for the bengal's safety. But now? Now Rosemary knew that even surviving this wasn't going to be good - she knew enough about the spine to know that a display like this... wasn't going to heal completely. She could already see Goldie trying to push herself forward with only her front paws; Rosemary pushed the thought away, swallowing thickly as she pressed her paws firmly into the wound to hold the bandages in place.

And that was when Rosemary remembered that she just promoted an entire healing team to help her - she didn't have to do all of this alone. Lifting her chin, she yelled out, "I need help! Warm, wet blankets! Drinking water! And someone with fire magic, get over here now!" For a wound this severe, it needed to be closed up - and while she had an emergency stitching kit in her bag, she knew it needed to be sterilized before use. The fastest way to do that was with someone who could wield flames; Rosemary tried not to think about how the only person she knew with that capability in the group was... Caesar.

[member=1371]FISCHER.[/member] [member=1345]SOLVEIG[/member] [member=1660]JUNJI[/member] [member=495]Beatrice[/member] [member=1609]TEMULIN[/member] [member=1504]Aita C.R.[/member]
[ if u can't reply no pressure but rosemary is gonna need a bit of help ! ]
[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO / o, injured - MINGAN - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]
( tracking until more useful people come because mingan's just gonna stare )

Re: WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO / o, injured - rochelle - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;"]Screaming, desperate terrors cut through the silence of the shore like lightning. She told herself it was all a bad dream, that she could seize herself from sleep and break away from the nightmare, so she did. The frame of the black smoke shuddered, curling up in her hammock to only be shrouded in darkness. The screaming ... the yelling, it persisted. But she wasn't dreaming, surely, she could differentiate the atmosphere of slumber and reality. The ringing in her tired ears exposed the screechs of the avian, prompting her to finally raise herself up, head and ears reaching up to split the many sounds of the island. Rosemary's voice splintered through the breeze like a piece of glass.

She was running. How had she risen so quickly? Fischer was dazed, she could hardly break down her thoughts. There was something clenched between her teeth, a blanket. Rosemary needed a blanket ... had she grabbed the one off of her sofa? And it was wet, she knew, gliding down the bank of a river on her way to the scene, drenching the blanket. And she had her bag too, she must have grabbed it at the last minute. The pace of the night was quickening, and she needed to keep up. The Soothsayer, all subconscious, was darting full force towards the scent of Rosemary, towards the scent of blood. Towards the scent of ... of Goldenluxury. The arrival of these sense brought a sob through her body, involuntary as her whole body went cold. But she grasped herself on the last thread, pulling the brakes as she reared up to the Head Soothsayer, her mind as sharp as a needle. Goldie was hurt, Rosemary was there, and Fischer had gotten the blanket. At first she didn't say anything, just paused, sniffed, surveyed every movement of Goldie that she could catch, pinpointing the bleeding at her back. She needed to know the extent of the injuries, positive they were severe, but she stopped herself from asking Rosemary. Detailing whatever graphic display had been made of Goldie would just make the situation more upsetting than it needed to be. She ... for once was thankful to be blind, she didn't think she would be able to cope with seeing the state Goldie was in.

After a split moment of assessing everything, she spoke, "Goldie ... if you can hear me, breathe deeply, breathe slowly ... try your best ..." Fischer was crouched, head hovering just above the bengal's ears, and placing down the wet blanket simultaneously near the other Soothsayer. Her nose tilted up towards Rosemary, "I can go get some water or fire, or I can stay with you, you decide." Fischer told her, her tone was much more direct, a simple and flat but urgent flow of words. The Head Soothsayer would make a decision and she would follow through. From the clean, blank smell of metal, she figured it was medical tools, and she could get at where Rosemary was headed with the fire. Her own bag had been flung to the side, and for the meanwhile she ripped supplies from the satchel. Raspberry leaves, marigold, and bandages, like Rosemary. Bandages and raspberry leaves, to stave off the bleeding, which she attempted to press firmly but carefully to the other shallow parts of Goldie's wounds, the marigold popped into her mouth, grinding the herb into a poultice to be used once Rosemary had stitched her up. The adrenaline was pumping through her, and she tried her best to keep steady, unsure if it was the grief or the shock that was causing herself to shake. She kept her limbs tense, sightless eyes staring off in concentration.

Re: WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO / o, injured - no more - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 230px; font-family: georgia; color: #7b8189; font-size: 10px; text-align: center;line-height: 110%; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px"]i'll never get to heaven cause i don't know how
What could one such as she do in this situation, a child inexperienced within the way the world functioned, who had seen only so much within the confinements of her minimal borders.

Small paws halted in their mindless wandering, a heavy knot tightening within their throat, restricting their breathing. She was little more than heap upon the sand, a smear of gold and red, an image seared into their mind. Lips parted in a faint murmur of sound, the prickle of tears rising to their eyes as the child struggled to force themself to move, to heed Rosemary's words, but time seemed frozen about them, each thought little more than static overwhelming their exhausted mind. They were so young, out of them all their age was shown too clearly as they forced down a breath, struggling to fight back against the nausea that gripped at them, useless here for nothing more than a distraction.

Teeth found their lower lip and dug into it, the faint copper tang of blood forcing their mind back into the reality set before them, reacting purely on instinct. Turning the child ran into the jungle in search of a river, any source of water that proved drinkable, muttering a string of curses under their breath as they skidded through the undergrowth. Finally they approached a slow moving stream and pulled a few wads of moss from their bag, thankful they had remembered to bring it with them and had stocked up with a few basics, thoroughly soaking each before they were moving once more.

“Here!” Breathless were their words when finally Aita came to a halt by Rosemary, offering her the soaked moss before they made a move to try and help, following the example of the Soothsayers by trying to gently press against the bandages to allow the pair to free their own paws to work.
the tyhpoon — sage — tags

Re: WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO / o, injured - Beatrice - 08-06-2018

When Beatrice had accepted the position of Sage, she figured she would be dealing with minor injuries. The canine believed that she would be treating sprained limbs, small cuts, splinters, and stomach aches. Not even in her wildest dreams would she believe she would be dealing with life and death wounds. She couldn't fathom her paws helping to truly save someone's life. That just wasn't who she was, yet as she heard Rosemary's screaming, Beatrice knew she would have to become something more.

The dog scented the blood well before she arrived, and its overpowering stench almost made her sick. Steeling herself, she scurried closer to those already gathered. "Goldie?" she breathed, taking a single step backwards. Flashes of terrible memories crossed in front of her mind's eye, but it didn't paralyze her. Inhaling through her nose, the healer said, "I can go get someone with fire abilities. I have more bandages and - and, uh, goldenrod for the wounds. And I have water too."

Her voice was calm, but if one looked closely enough, tense notes rested underneath. The ginger dog reached into the satchel she had began to carry around, retrieving the bandages, the herb, and bottle of water she had spoken on. She handed them all off. Her ears pinned backwards as she looked at Goldenluxury once more. "Someone keep her talking and awake. She doesn't need to fall unconscious. I'll be right back with someone who can wield fire." Her words were quick, stern, as she moved to stand in the threshold of the abandoned shack.

"If anyone has fire elementals, we need you! It's urgent, so hurry up!" Beatrice's voice carried, reaching far off. Luckily, a few npcs nodded and headed off to help in the search. She stood still for only a handful of seconds before pushing out of the doorway and running to find someone who could command flames.

Re: WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO / o, injured - bubblegum - 08-06-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
her shaking body let out small, pained coughs as she tried to figure out what to do next. her cries became weak weeps as she tried to hide them, to hold them back. she was in so much pain and she was terrified, and that was clear, but she wanted to hide it. she wanted to hide the agonizing feelings. she didn't want anyone to see or to worry, but she couldn't do anything about it now. so, she gently wept.

she could sense a presence arrive, though it felt distant through the pain, up until she grew right next to her and began to speak. rosemary's words would cause her to tense slightly, simply because this meant she may need to start lying now. she paused before responding, wanting to be sure she chose the right words. any wrong choice could lead to consequence. "i-i wa-was att-attacked," she uttered, not explaining by who or what. hopefully they wouldn't ask. she didn't want to lie. she really didn't.

the girl felt awful. she had promised to not get hurt so often, and now she did this. she hadn't known it was going to happen. she had just wanted to see the future, to get confirmation or denial that she was doing the right things. she had just wanted to know if she was making the right choices, but it was clear now she made the wrong one, and if she did it again, everyone would pay for it.

she remained quiet, other than the small weeping sounds she let out. lynn held a protective stance near the girl, though stayed out of the way of the others since he trusted all of them. as more arrived, her breaths would grow sharper for a moment, only making a slight change upon hearing fischer's words. she wondered why rosemary wanted fire. "tr-tryna' get m-me b-burned ag-gain?" she joked slightly, though with her pained, scared voice it didn't come off as light-hearted as she'd like.

goldie frowned, closing her eyes from the pain. "i-i can-can't fff-feel m-my legs v-very well," she tried to explain softly. she didn't know why she couldn't feel them - they hadn't been attacked. she didn't know much about the spine at all. all she knew was that it was hard to move.

Re: WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO / o, injured - Luciferr - 08-06-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
there were many many things in his long life that Lucifer would always never wish to see - children hurt was one large among them.

but he stowed that familiar rage for now - save it for when he found who had done this to small Goldie,

she looked so frail, so small suddenly - he forgot sometimes how small some of them and especially goldie were when their personalities seemed so much bigger than these tiny bodies allowed,

and how frail mortals were - this was a horribly stark reminder to the ancient dragon.

he hurried over, long lean armoured legs carrying that strangely armoured but lithe frame quicker than gravity should allow it seemed "I have fire Rosemary" he rumbled, crouching his massive frame to watch them work and where he would be needed - waiting on Rosemary's direction, he was no healer but he had fine control over his own abilities.

/call the fire breathing dragon lmao


Re: WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO / o, injured - deimos - 08-06-2018

[img width=520][/img]
[div style="background-color: #1c1c18; color: #d2b25b; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 520px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Something was really wrong. Deldrach could feel it in her gut, her eyes wide as she staggered over. Goldie, innocent sweet Goldie with trembling fears about her parents, was hurt. Why. Something flickered inside of Deldrach, but she couldn't quite tell what. Her mismatched eyes watched Goldie, her ears flattened. For once, the Queen was keeping her distance. Her body shook for a second. Something was very wrong. She could just barely scent it.

She could just barely scent him. But it couldn't be. He was dead. Maybe it was just someone else that had a very similar scent. Deldrach shook it off. "If I need to get anything, let me know." She said, swallowing shakily. She sat down, watching uselessly.

She hated feeling useless.


Re: WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO / o, injured - coldblue - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]Sometimes Coldblue starts to feel bad about how overprotective he is towards Goldenluxury. Surely the girl does not want her brother following her everywhere and making jokes to conceal his constant anxiety about her safety? But time and time again, the youth has been privy to witnessing his most precious sibling suffering from one severe injury or another. From sickness to burns to suspicious injuries, Blue has seen it all. And he wishes that it would stop, but part of him believes that it will just keep happening. So he continues to lurk nearby, but apparently it is never close enough.

The familiar screeching of Goldie's avian companion is what stirs the young tomcat. It is a bone-chilling, ear-splitting sound, and the boy wastes no time in chasing it down. His heart roars in his chest like a frantic beast, pounding so hard that Blue would not be surprised if it burst from his chest. No, no, no... not again. Gods, please, not again!

But he knows better. Blue knows better than to blindly hope that everything is alright. His life thus far has been cruel and unforgiving. Why would it suddenly decide to spare his sister, just this once?

"Fucking hell..." curses the youth as he approaches, bursting through the crowds of people. He is small enough to weave through most of the bodies without resistance. He does not interrupt the sage's work, or course, for he has far too much respect for Rose and fear for Goldie to do something as foolish as that. But he wants to see his sister. He wants to comfort her. "Leave it to you to always find trouble," Coldblue jokes weakly, wearing a wry smile as he crouches down near his sister's face. Glacial blue eyes seek out his Aunt's face, finding comfort in her determination. If anyone can save Goldie now, it's Aunt Rose. "Why don't you let me get beat of for a change? Gods know I deserve it.' Not her. She's too sweet, too kind. What did Goldie ever do to earn this sort of treatment from the universe? Why not Blue? He is worthless and lazy. He would much rather take his sister's place than to ever have to see her beautiful face twisted in agony ever again.

It may not be obvious, but the boy is trying to keep her mind off of the pain, and maybe his too. Blue does not doubt that Goldenluxury is composed enough to keep herself together, but he wants to be near her just in case she could use some comfort. From the sounds of the talk being thrown around, Rosemary plans on cauterizing the wound due to it''s severity. That has got to hurt. And the boy cannot heal, nor can her seek out the person who did this to her and kill them. All he can do is sit here helplessly and hope that she can derive some sort of comfort from his presence.