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FOOLISH THING | open, joining - Printable Version

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FOOLISH THING | open, joining - COSMIIX - 03-31-2018

The both of them were lost and he didn't have any hope of finding a place to possibly rest as he adjusted the straps that hugged at his body, his mismatched gaze surveying the area before them only to ask his robotic companion with a small frown "You have any clue where we are?" The rounded robotic creature replied with a small series of beeps and small whirring sounds almost as if saying that they didn't have the slightest clue as to where they were "I figured that much. . . Well, at least, we won't have to worry about us both starving." He said letting out an exhausted chuckle though his companion didn't seem to find it all that amusing as they lightly pushed Ross's hind legs to almost cause him to trip. Truth be told, Ross and the robot were quite the close pair of friends though another truth was that the robot wasn't always a metallic being to begin with. What he had noticed is that she, the robot, had odd mannerisms like any other animal and did not act like a machine would. She seemed to get most of his gestures, jokes, and his own mannerisms even if some of them weren't appreciated by her though she didn't seem to ever hesitate to tell Ross this or well, more showing him rather than speaking. Ross had yet to find a way to properly communicate with her yet he found conversing with her to be quite the leisurely thing. He was starting to get tired and his paw pads were slowly getting raw from all the walking yet here he found himself envious towards the robot who just rolled by him without much of a compliant. He didn't call her by a number, no, that was just cruel and he was sure that he would get more than a push from her. He called her a name that he had found next to a rain jacket that had been near the robot, he could still remember the small tag reading 'Amorette' and well, he wasn't fluent in French but he knew that the name meant little love. Which was cute since he had pretty much become fond of her and her company, the lynx point ragdoll kept trotting about with both ears angled forward.

"See anything? Anyone? Prey maybe?"

A warm mouse sounded about good now and he could hear his stomach start to growl at him demanding that it be fed. He slowly ducked his head with shoulders slouching in a tired manner only to hear excited whirs and robotic chirping come from Amorette. He was sure if she could hop that she would be doing it though that was difficult if she had no joints or limbs to bend or let alone hop up and down from. He picked up his pace with a wiggle of his stumpy tail feeling a bit of relief when cold snow touched the bottom of his paws and would look around soon spotting a cave that probably led to a different area, he could pick up the faint smells of different animals and his fur prickled a bit with anxiety. He hadn't had any interaction with other animals in a while since it had been him and Amorette for a good while, he took a few steps back with both ears angled back to the point where they pressed to his cranium "I'm starting to have second thoughts. . . Amorette. . ." The small droid rolled over in the direction of Ross with her "eyes" looking at him and letting out a few more beeps as if trying to comfort the tomcat, Amorette proceeded to lean against the tom releasing a few more chirps. He took a seat slowly nodding his cranium and offering a timid smile only to murmur under his breath "I hope they're nice. . ."


Re: FOOLISH THING | open, joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-01-2018

It was safe to say that Killua often didn't along with those that were around him. He came off as someone that didn't care until his interest was peaked. Which was certainly true when it came to dealing with the clans in the first place. The assassin had no reason to care about others as they wouldn't even remotely care about the likes of him. One of the many reasons why he never revealed all that much about himself. When one joined a clan, one would think that they would treat those that lived in the place like those that were family. Well if he treated the group like his family, it wouldn't be the best method to go at them against as his family had nearly tortured him to death all things considered. Killua wasn't going to trust creatures that he simply knew the name of. That would just be a waste of times as he knew that clanners came and went with the groups that they lived in. It was either the fact that they just upped and disappeared, or they ended up dying at the paws of other creatures in the area. Feral or not, they were still going to die a horrible death. Dying just meant that they were weak and it was their fault for not making sure that they were prepared for any sort of situation that was given toward them. Killua kept up this mindset for the past two clans that he decided to live in for a extended period of time. If someone wanted to know him, then they would come toward him and try to ask him questions that he would probably lie about. If they didn't want to know him, then he wasn't going to approach someone that he didn't consider to be all that interesting. The assassin was till a child at heart, and if found anything to be unique and interesting in his mind he would be quick to latch onto it. Anything that would keep him from being incredibly bored while he wasted away in the clans waiting for something to happen. He knew that he was usually patient in most regards. Being with his family meant that he had no choice but to actually be patient as he needed to wait for the right moment to kill someone if they were his target. Now that he wasn't killing anymore? His patience was starting to wear thing as he wanted something to happen. His patience grew even thinner the less he had to do around a place like this. Animals in this clan seemed to be fairly calm in most regards with one another, and seemed to be happy with the way that they were. Killua didn't care how sweet they could possibly be. There was something that they were hiding from him, and he wasn't going to have any of it. The wildcat needed to get stronger, and there wasn't anyone in the group that he knew that would be willing to do such things. He had been the one to pay attention to all the joiners in the group, which just meant that he knew more than the rest of the clan put together. It was their fault if someone joined that ended up killing them off, as Killua pretty much let a joiner do whatever the hell they wanted. It wasn't his business to ask unless they were thinking about torturing the group then maybe he would have a second though. He didn't want anyone to really die anymore while he was around because if they died it meant that he also didn't get the chance to fight the one that did kill them. What kind of fun would that be? Exactly. Hell, they didn't even bother to try and sift through the memories of those that joined or even go to the point to have them swear that they weren't going to try and hurt those that were inside of the clan with ulterior motives. Sure it could mean that one could end up lying to the face of those that accepted them, but it was at least some form of security instead of letting them into the group instead.

There was, however, one animal that he didn't mind being around at all. The name that she went by was Amorette, someone that he didn't think he would grow close to as he was keeping his distance from everyone else. But when the clan he was in got stuck in the cave that he found, Amorette was there to keep him company. She kept her distance knew exactly what to say to interest the other. She still peaked his interest in the factor that she wore a raincoat and hid her face constantly. He wanted to know why. There was also the part where she gave him sweets and candy that actually weren't poisoned for once in his life. Which he gracelessly accepted from her. One of the quickest ways for anyone to get on Killua's good side was for them to give him some sort of sweet, no matter what kind of sweet it was he would eat anything that he could physically taste, thanks to the layers of scar tissue in his mouth it became increasingly difficult to eat things. Him and Amorette grew incredibly close to one another. They knew exactly how to interact with each other without treading on thin ice. Amorette never pried about his past. He never pried about hers. They ultimately grew close enough to one another that he considered her to be an adopted sister in sorts. She was a little bit older than him but not by that much. For once in his life, Killua had someone that he wanted to protect and keep happy. That happiness didn't last for very long when his brother was able to find out where he was in the group of clans. Nearly killing him. Killua knew that Illumi figured out that he had made a friend, and that Amorette would be targetted if he didn't do anything. So, he left. What other choice did he have? He had no choice but to leave in what he considered a way to protect her. He knew that she was tough. She had powers that could help her fight against enemies that dared to touch her. He always had faith that she was safe. Killua always had a knack for staying up in the trees, no matter which territory he was in. It was rare for the albino serval to go into open spaces considering that it would be easier for an enemy to find him in an open space compared to that of a tree. He guessed that he was lucky that he picked a place that basically matched the way him in every way. Except for his eyes obviously. The assassin wondered what a certain animal was doing off in the distance. His air elementals making it so that he didn't smell like anything and keeping his movements completely silent thanks to muffling the noise with each movement that he made. The albino serval noticed that the animal wasn't exactly alone and there was something moving by its side.

The hell was that? It had been years since Killua had seen a robot, and this immediately peeked his interesting considering that it was something unique and new that someone could bring to the clans. His metal claws flexed into the branch in anticipation as he watched the other walk around, seemingly talking to the robot. Sadly, Killua was a bit of a distance away and could only hear bits and pieces with his own hearing at what he was saying. The other didn't smell like a clanner, so maybe he was just a rogue. Either way didn't matter as the other made his way toward the cave, Killua keeping his distance, lowering his body onto the branches that he would leap onto. His sapphire blue eyes calculating with each movement that he made. Killua jumped to the next branch so he would be able to hear what the other was saying. "I'm starting to have second thoughts. . . Amorette. . ." Killua immediately stopped all of his movements. He stopped breathing. His eyes went wide. How. How did this guy know that name? Was he delusional? A coincidence? Frustration bubbled up in his chest as he stood himself up completely on the branch, his lips curling into a soundless snarl. How did this bastard know his adopted sister? Had he done something to her? He didn't look that strong. That couldn't have happened. Even if the other didn't hurt his adopted sister, it still meant that he knew information about her. Something that Killua would be more than willing to threaten for. It had only been a couple weeks since the incident with his brother, and the wounds that his brother had given him were still visible by the pink scars that covered a bast majority of his body. Killua let himself drop down onto the snow below, his paws silent as they landed. Killua had ended up landing a little bit of a distance behind them, around five feet apart from the two that were standing in front of the cave. "How do you know that name?" Killua growled, not caring if he took the other by some sort of surprise. His long metal claws flexed into the ground. The temperature of the nearby atmosphere seemed to drop by a couple considerable degrees. The lights in his eyes almost over as he was resorting back to his bad habit again. Threatening those that he didn't even know. Obviously what Killua said was a threat, and whether the other was going to be afraid or not would depend on his response.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: FOOLISH THING | open, joining - jacob w.c. - 04-02-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Jacob heard the unfamiliar voices long before he saw anyone. At first, he dismissed them. He smelled and heard a lot of things he shouldn't and everything was better if he just pretended he wasn't aware of any of it. However, then he heard Killua growling and his body tensed. He froze, unsure of what to do for a moment. He could see teeth tearing into flesh, animals ripping each other apart- no, no, no. He was overreacting. It was just a growl. He'd be fine. Still, his heard pounded and he hurried towards the duo on unsteady paws. When he arrived, he allowed himself to relax when he saw the man and some sort of... robot? He'd read about them before but he'd never seen anything quite like it. The boy's eyes widened and his previously tense reaction faded to a light smile as his tail began to wag behind him."Oh wow! Hi! What's that? I've never seen nothin' like th-" words flowed from his lips without hesitation and he didn't seem to have much control over what was being said. Then he glanced to Killua and took in a sharp breath, as though remembering why he'd been worried. He cleared his throat and added, "Killua? Is somethin' wrong? I don' see why we shouldn' 'elp 'em out if they're lost. They don' seem ta' wanna' do no harm or anythin'." His tone held nothing but confusion and he kept stealing glances towarads the two foreigners. He clearly had plenty of questions to ask but he knew better than to do that now. It was better to get this all settled first. Then he could ask about the cute little robot. 

Re: FOOLISH THING | open, joining - JERSEYBOY - 04-02-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 45%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]( ninja'd smh )

"I hope they're nice. . ."

Fat chance. See, Killua wasn't the nicest little brat around. Hell, he was already interrogating the newcomer; those eyes and those large claws of his certainly weren't helping the case. And, to make matters worse, Jerseyboy had just arrived. Anyone that met him knew that he wasn't the most pleasant person to make acquaintances with, and Ross was just about to see for himself.

He would first address Killua as he padded over, shooting the other a questioning glance. "Ey, kid. Loosen up, will ya'? This guy givin' you some trouble?" He had no idea what he had against this guy, as there was zero context, but Ross didn't seem threatening. Not at all.

Jerseyboy whipped his attention back to the stranger, snorting, "Who're you, four-eyes?" He referred to his glasses. He had to wonder if he had provoked Killua in any way, which he highly doubted. It wasn't long before his attention was drawn to the.... whatever the hell that was. Jerseyboy froze in place, wrinkling his nose at the contraption before asking, "And what's up wid' that funny-lookin' ball you got there?" That was all he could describe it as. A ball. It looked like a big basketball, or a beach ball. Except it moved on its own, which was intriguing to the tuxedo tom.

Re: FOOLISH THING | open, joining - COSMIIX - 04-02-2018

The sight of the servalline startled him but what caught him off guard the most was the way he was asking how he knew the name Amorette. It made the tomcat confused as to why anyone would care about what he named a robot or a more animalistic robot for that matter, his ears flicked back and a frown adorned his freckled facial features as he tried processing this. "Is it a must? I mean, I don't mind answering questions but, no one ever asks those kind of specific questions." He took a step back with a confused twitch of his whiskers and his confusion only seemed to grow further when Amorette seemed to roll up towards the serval before she started running around him with excited beeps and robotic chirps. He wondered if she was overreacting or malfunctioning but he knew the little robot too well and knew that this was no malfunction, he stared at the running robot before glancing back towards Killua with a non-existent eyebrow raised opening his jaws to speak only to see a husky coming his way. He swallows briefly only to answer quickly "She's a robot. Her name is Amorette,"" His eyes would then briefly sweep over in the direction of a tuxedo cat about to properly introduce himself until he was called Four-eyes. It annoyed him. The immature name calling thus he turned his attention away from the brute and stared back at Killua. A ball.

How stupid was this black and white brute? He couldn't ignore him anymore and spoke in a calm tone "Ross Hyacinth not four-eyes though I guess it can't be helped if simple minded people or immature numskulls use name calling as an appropriate way of communication. She is not a ball either, she is a moving and an intelligent life form called a robot. If anyone is the funny looking one then it is you, good sir." His fur was bristling a bit and he wiggled his stumpy tail in a bit of anger only to look back towards the small droid who started rolling back toward him with concerned beeps "I'm fine. Some people are just intolerable,"

(ic opinions and mobile post)


Re: FOOLISH THING | open, joining - jacob w.c. - 04-02-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
The boy seemed to grow even more excited when his suspicions were confirmed. A real robot! He could hardly believe it. He'd read about robots in plenty of different books but he didn't think they were real or that anyone could actually make them. Maybe he could try to learn a thing or two and make a robot that'd make pasta or put out fires. He glanced to his big brother, frowning as the feline referred to the man as 'four eyes'. That was a large part of the reason Jacob had never asked for glasses, despite having some difficulty seeing. When he was younger, when they'd been in the city (and when he would have had easy access to such things), not being deemed 'cool' by Jerseyboy was seen as a fate worse than death to the child so he'd never asked for them. There were more days than not now that he wished he would've but that opportunity was long past. "Don't be a cretino, Jersey," the canine muttered before giving a wide smile to the stranger, Ross, once again. "Well, I like your glasses n' your robot! So how come ya' came ta' Snowbound? Do ya' wanna' join? Or jus' stoppin' by ta' get somethin' ta' eat or drink? I got a whole lotta' pasta leftover n' I got some cookies somewhere too..." he offered, starting to search through his bag for any sort of baked goods he had. He then looked up again with a soft gasp, "Oh, sorry, I didn' introduce myself. 'M name's Jacob. 'S nice ta' meet ya, Ross."

Re: FOOLISH THING | open, joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-02-2018

His family wasn't really the kind that someone would want to associate with. Far from it actually. The only time that the Zoldyck's talked to others that weren't in their own family was for business and nothing else. They didn't make friends. They didn't make acquiantances. Sure there might be a time that they would team up with each other, but ultimately they lived their lives solo. Which Killua would have been fine to live if it wasn't the factor that he couldn't stay alone for his entire life. Not after he got a taste what it was like to actually live in the clans and be able to actually start making friends even if it was for a short time anyway. The feeling he had when he was finally able to laugh at a joke that someone said instead of figuring out what the other creature could possibly be thinking at the same time. Amorette had been his first friend that he had really ever made. The one that he wanted to care about more than anything. Killua dind't know what it was meant to be a friend, and there would be times that he would completely avoid the female due to the confusion that he always had in his mind. And yet, despite that Amorette wasn't concerned when he kept his distance and would be there waiting for him once he recovered from emotions. Being able to feel again for the first time in a while was almost painful that it was so eye opening for him. He didn't know how to react to something that he didn't really know abouot. Actually, he did. He usually reacted aggressively to something that he didn't quite understand. Which was logical as he had only been raised to really be violent and occasionally calculating. He had a lot to learn about the emotions that he felt, but thanks to how stubborn he was, he wasn't about to constantly let his feelings out to those that couldn't care about it at all. He didn't want others to know what his past was because it was bound to raise questions and confuse those that got involved. He was a monster, and they would think of him as such. And if they treated him differently, then it was bound to happen. That's what his family wanted though. Usually, the Zoldyck's didn't hide who they were in any regard of the term unless they were talking to someone that was part of the target that they were hunting. They never really had a reason to conceal their presence, and would openly introduce themselves by stating their last names and not caring if others recognized the name or not in that regard. This meant that those that met a Zoldyck were going to keep a distance from them no matter what, and that's why he had been raised to state his last name just in case anyone did know the name. Killua refused to introduce himself completely to the group that he lived in, as there was still an off chance that there might be someone in the group that did, in fact, know his family.

He had to be careful, and even to this day, he doubted that Amorette even knew that he was an assassin. He had never told her so, but she had been there during the time that he had left a corpse on the border of the clan that he had once lived in. Maybe she had made assumptions, but she had never had concrete answers. He was afraid of telling her the truth and driving her away from what his brother had told him that would happen. It would be a living nightmare. Considering the other's size and strength, Killua believed that he would be able to take the other on. The other obviously didn't have good eyesight considering that he was wearing glasses and everything. Which meant he would have an advantage in the fight, and he was just a regular domestic at on top of everything else. He was a serval, and wildcats had the upper hand when it came to going up against domestics. He wouldn't use his elemental powers out of consideration that he didn't want to reveal his powers to the rest of the animals that were in the group. Then, of course, other animals had to make their way over. That ruined his plans a little bit of planning to torture the other male to gather information from him if he didn't want to listen to him. His ears angled in Jacob's direction before turning in Jersey's direction. He didn't need the other's help when it came to talking to the other. Jacob did seem to be calmer based on his body language. Killua didn't really like Jersey just because of the way the old man held himself in regard to everyone else. His sapphire blue eyes didn't leave the rogue as he watched as the other seemed surprised to see him. Obviously. That was the point after all. Next thing he knew when he appeared, the robot that the other had with him began to roll its way toward him. Killua's attention soon diverted itself toward the robot that was beeping toward him. He had no way to deduce why the other was suddenly interested in him. He didn't really know enough about robots to figure out how they worked. His growling seemed to stop itself for a couple moments as his gaze looked down at the small robot. He flicked his short tail behind him as he turned his attention back toward the one named Ross. The other said that the robot was Amorette. But that still didn't make much sense to the assassin as to why someone would pick a specific name for a robot like that. Not considering that the robot could have possibly named herself instead. The growl return as his claws flexed into the snow, but he didn't make any movements to move forward. "So riddle me this, why did you use the name of my sister to name this robot?" Killua's voice was tense when he spoke, not caring about anyone else in the area. The other obviously knew something about his sister, and yet he couldn't fathom as something so ridiculous as his sister's soul inside of the robot that was moving around him back and forth. Killua made sure to emphasize the word sister. Which he had debated on doing as he didn't want the rest of the group to know that much about him. Killua was somewhat considerate that he wouldn't name call someone that he was threatening. He would rather use physical force than to stoop to that level.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: FOOLISH THING | open, joining - COSMIIX - 04-03-2018

The name of his sister? He hadn't known of this yet if he had then he would have thought twice before calling the robot a name after a loved one, he didn't know how he would feel if he had named something after his own twin. The thought made the inside of his chest ache as his mismatched gaze stayed locked onto the white servalline his pupils slowly narrowing down a bit. He swallowed slowly feeling his entire body growing tense as he slowly slipped his backpack off from his back and slowly unzipped it "This." He took out a lavender colored raincoat out before using a paw to locate the tag reading the name of Amorette and he couldn't help but frown even further "I found it near the said robot, she seemed at low battery so I took her in and come to realize that she isn't like any other machine. She acted more like us than just a robotic ball made up of nuts and bolts." His ears twitched lightly as he stared at Amorette once more with a soft shine of his glasses which he adjust slowly as he added with a slow nod "That would explain why she's so excited to see you. If this is your sister that is, she normally doesn't get this excited with any stranger." Sure, Amorette was happy to meet other people yet she normally didn't act this hyperactive towards anyone not even towards Ross when he went on small expeditions, he couldn't help but feel a bit envious because of it though none of it was shown. He kept his expression neutral for a brief moment only to turn towards Jacob and Jeseryboy with a blink of his eyes.

"Thank you. My sister helped me obtain the glasses when she realized my slight impairment and I found Amorette or more so, she found me." He briefly went silent only to add with a slow nod "Also that would be appreciated, I haven't had a meal in forever. I'm here to join, I've had my fun as a nomad but I decided I should settle." His stomach growled and all tension seemed to disappear being slowly replaced by embarrassment. Oh boy. He blinked at Amorette as she started making a few robotic noises like she was teasing him, the freckled feline would slowly stick his tongue out at her. Sure, she could make fun of him now but it was only because he still had a digestive system to keep working and his stomach hadn't had a good meal in ages.


Re: FOOLISH THING | open, joining - jacob w.c. - 04-03-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
"Oh, that's nice. She picked well," the words were little more than a murmur and he cast a wary glance to Jersey, a light frown on his lips. However, they snapped to Ross once again and a wide smile replaced his melancholic look found on him moments before. The prospect of food and a new friend was enough to lighten the boy's spirits, it seemed, from whatever was troubling him. He still wasn't quite sure what Killua was going on about. Even if the robot shared a name with his sister, that didn't really mean anything. He was sure it was nothing more than a coincidence. Still, Killua seemed like a rather private individual, much like himself, and he couldn't help but relate it to his own situation. If someone or something showed up with the names 'Vito' or 'Harrison', would he be as willing to dismiss it? He knew the answer to that question but he wanted to believe he wasn't paranoid. He wanted to believe that he was of stable mind and heart so he would tell himself the lie that he'd dismiss it, just as he thought Killua should now. A hypocrite and a coward. Was that what he'd become? "Cool! I'll show ya' the way back ta' camp n' we can get somethin' ta' eat. Does pasta sound alright?" The boy asked as he jumped to his paws and began to turn and make his way towards camp, glancing behind him to be sure Ross was following. No, he determined. Not just a hypocrite and a coward. A hypocrite, a coward, a doctor, a cook, and a gardener.   

Re: FOOLISH THING | open, joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-04-2018

Back in the group that he had existed in before this one, there hadn't been much that ended up happening during that time. The place he lived in was somewhat peaceful, and no one felt any reason to try and cause havoc among the other clans so they simply ended up keeping to themselves in the end. This meant that the wildcat didn't have to worry about using his physical strength against those that decided to try and attack the clan. But there was something else, Killua grew incredibly bored over the factor that he never really had anything to do while he was currently living there. He also didn't end up bonding with the creatures that were around there. He had recognized one of the animals that lived there as being in the previous clan that he did end up leaving. However, they had hated each other in that clan, and Killua's mindset definitely hadn't changed during that time since they last saw each other. The assassin looking at the other as being incredibly weak, and lucky enough for him the other actually ended up becoming leader of the group that he was in. Which was fine with him because the other didn't end up getting in his way and let him do whatever he wants without questioning him about what had happened while he was there. Either way, the assassin didn't have a lot of events that he could really remember that really stuck out for him when he lived in that clan. There was the instance where he first met his adopted sister, and that was when everyone ended up getting trapped in the cave. The other been there to calm everyone down, and from then on they would have casual conversations with each other. Everyone in the clan at the time was practically raised in a clan and didn't have the same kind of thinking that he did. Amorette at least had same kind of thinking that he had when it came to regarding how the clans worked themselves. Hell, the other even ended up teaching him a couple French words, and he worked on teaching her a little bit of Japanese. Something that he never really thought he was going to do during his life, but there he was. There was the instance where the clan that he was in got taken over by some tiger that thought he could lie his way through to leading the clan. At the time Killua himself was deputy, but not really doing anything with his position as he had no intention of leading a clan. Killua immediately brought up the fact that the other was lying through his ass, and that no one around the area should believe what he was saying was true. The other had lied about saying that he had entered the clan and had been there sitting in the background. A lie. Killua constantly kept watch of those that entered and left the clan as he was constantly on the border making sure that no one got passed his senses. And there were plenty of other animals in the group that had never seen his existence, which just confused Killua, even more, why they were willing to let a complete stranger do whatever the hell they wanted with the group. Amorette had tried to calm him down because he was causing a scene as if begging the newly called leader to try and fight him. The other had looked at him like he was some sort of weak child. Killua had wanted to slit his throat right then and there, but he remembered the advice that he had gotten from Circusclown. He didn't want to upset the other male, even if he was dead. He couldn't take the chance of doing something so horrible. He was stripped of his deputy rank at that moment for arguing his thoughts. The deputy that was there with him even wasn't sure what to do in a situation like that on. Killua ended up going to another clan that he visited quite often so he could get out some of his pent-up frustration. After that, his brother finally decided to make his appearance. The other beating him almost to the point of dying, before being dropped off in another clan. Amorette had been afraid that her brother had been killed without her realizing what had actually happened. Killua was definitely glad to see her when she arrived in the clan that he was recovering in. Although he made sure not to make her feel bad for what happened because it wasn't anything that she could have stopped from happening.

She had a new power, yes, but that wouldn't have been enough to stop her brother and she probably would have just gotten herself killed in the process. There had been several other instances that him and Amorette had ended up interacting with one another. Killua having a nightmare that his entire family was going to come to the clan and slaughter everyone around him. Sure he despised most of their faces, but he never wanted such a fate to befall those that lived in the clan. No one deserved that kind of death. Amorette ended up finding him in the field that he had passed out in, having not slept for several consecutive days, and it was there that he broke down in front of her. He cried in her arms, after injuring himself in his sleep, but he didn't spill his heart out. He simply cried, she didn't press at what could have happened in the dream, she was there to support him, and that was all that Killua had ever needed. That still didn't quench the doubt that he had his family finding Amorette and killing her because she was os close to him. He knew that they were probably keeping tabs on those that he was interacting with on top of everything else. They were extremely observant, few things got past them. The young male wasn't going to move from his spot until he got some answers. Even despite the robot that was moving around him, it was certainly a cool machine, but not the information that he was looking for, at least for now. Until Ross ended up pulling the thing out from his backpack. Several different emotions ran through Killua's eyes, which were easily read by anyone that was around him. Her raincoat. It was her damn raincoat. There were no stains of blood on it. His eyes widened in horror, shock, realization, denial. He had only wanted the best for his sister. Had this been what happened before. Killua drew in a shaky breath as he took one small step forward, but didn't get even remotely close to Ross again. The albino serval could feel his throat closing up the slightest, and forced himself to swallow the saliva that had been collecting in his mouth for the past couple of minutes. His eyes then turned toward the robot that was moving around him. The other was happy to see him. But she deserved better. She deserved so much better. She was never going to know what it was like to feel anything again. Eat. Drink. Nothing of the sort. "That's.... impossible." The albino serval would choke out, and it seemed it was difficult for him to even say any sort of words. Part of him didn't want to believe it. Then another part of him was hoping. Did this even technically mean that his sister was alive? Killua had little to no idea how souls ended up working. Lowering himself down to the ground so that he was laying down, he looked at the small robot that was in front of him. He seemed to struggle to form the words. This entire time he had figured that she was going to be okay. Maybe, just maybe if he had stayed around with her long enough that none of this would have happened. She would still be in her calico body. Baking away like she always did. Or talking to others in French, in words that he couldn't really understand. "Oneesan?" Killua called to the robot. He had almost always addressed her as an older sister in Japanese. Would she even recognize the term? It had only been around a month ago since he saw her and she was in her calico body. At the same time, the assassin had been a bloody mess while she had been somewhat healthy. There was concern and guilt in his eyes as he looked down at her, the tips of his paws trembling. He HATED THIS. He hated showing emotion in front of others. It felt wrong. He wanted to keep the feelings trapped inside of him. He felt weak for even showing any sort of weakness. He clenched his jaw and his paws soon stilled as he calmed himself some. It wasn't the best, but it was better than nothing. His body language showed those around him that he was fairly calm. Was this robot really his sister though?
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
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