Beasts of Beyond
I'M NOBODY'S PROBLEM — JOINER - Printable Version

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[Image: SUCl3DH.jpg]
Geiszler needed a place to crash. After finding some trouble recently, the aching wounds that scrapped his right flank were being a pain in the ass and he frankly couldn't find any decent herbs to sterlize it. He knew there was a likelihood of him finding some more human-like medicine in the closer areas of abandoned towns or cities but he had never expected anyone to live anywhere that was a town. Especially a seatown. He had heard from whispering rogues that there were growing groups that were outside the big main four and personally, Geiszler was tempted to join them. The only problem was that he wasn't sure how. Was he just supposed to waddle in and claim a spot or what? Some sort of ritual or procedure had to take place for him to do? As long as it wasn't something he didn't like...which was a lot of things. The sleek cheetah was stumbling within his expansive mind on what to do and how to do it but he didn't dwell too much into it as he strode through the mountainous range that he had decided to check out. His pale rosey pink blood was dripping and leaving a trail, instantly striking the ground and causing small sprouting yellow dandelions to appear. He glanced down at the small scratch marks and gave his pelt a light shake a he mumbled a soft "fuck" before slowly descending down from the large hill he had climbed.

The coffee brown male upper lip slowly curled as a yawn itched at his throat and he parted his jaws to let it out except a sudden burp joined in and caused a small jump from him. His long tail twitched as the male's emerald green eyes flickered down and he slightly giggled, amused by the sudden weird mixture of a burp and a yawn. "A yurp?" he inquired to himself as his tongue flicked out to draw over his pale dust brown muzzle before finally reaching level ground. Geiszler tipped his head up to notice that it was still dark out, the ink cobalt blue sky scattered with constellations he was able to identify but didn't know exactly much about using them to his advantage. Hadn't lost travelers use them to guide themselves to a sanctuary? He wasn't exactly looking for a permanent one, he had never been able to settle down anywhere. Maybe it was how the loneliness of being his own company haunted him in eerie silence when he would find a cabin to live in when he had finally escaped that hell of a place. Despite the fur having grown back to where there were once wounds, his entire body was littered with scars from the fights he had been forced into. The ring had never been kind to him but he had managed to push through it all and had even found a way to slip through his cage and be free from all the pain he had been forced to endure. He wasn't really an aggressive fighter, he knew how to strike and hit due to the desire of wanting to live but all he wanted was to find meaning. Something that made you feel pain wasn't the meaning of one's life was it? He hoped not.

The male's sour green apple colored gaze was locked onto the town that seemed to float on the edge of land and lazy water, his head tipping ever so slightly to the side as he halted for a bit to see if there was any threat connected to it. He was oblivious to the fact that most tended to be asleep at the time he was traveling, his schedule for sleep a horrible one that made it difficult for him to really see anyone during the day (then again he had always been alone). But it seemed if there was any life rolling around, Geiszler wasn't able to tell. His tail wagged lazily behind him in eagerness to finding some decent bandages and something to eat, his stomach growling as if he had been starving for a week even though he had not eaten anything for a couple of hours. Humming a soft tune, the solid colored wildcat stepped into the entrance and began checking the area out, his dark nose sniffing at some woven baskets that held some fish, their beady eyes staring up at him. He raised a fictional eyebrow, debating if he was really that hungry to eat seafood. He didn't mind it but he was particularly craving something specific that was at the tip of his tongue but wasn't able to identify. Was it fruit? Specifically mango. With barbeque sauce. A grimaced expression danced over his facial features when the thought of the odd combination made his stomach rumble some more and he bit back a curse when he heard footsteps and voices. Was someone nearby?

Before he could see if that was true, the lithe male began to bolt away, his light cream paws softly thumping against the slightly shifting boards. His heart thrummed and beat against his chest and roared in his pierced ears as he wondered who could it be. He had forgotten that he was bleeding and that he was leaving behind a trail of dandelions for anyone to follow due to his blood. Geiszler glanced over his shoulder to see if anyone was following but didn't notice that he had reached the end of a port and suddenly, the ground beneath him disappeared. His paws stumbled to seek it and as he turned back to face forward, all he saw was the surface of the water come closer to him. "Shitshitshitshitshitshi-!" Geis exclaimed, cut off by the impact as his body sunk into the water. The cold contrast of the water caused every nerve in his body to electrify with energy, demanding that he should not be in the water. He wasn't a fucking fish or a sea dweller so the male began to scramble to resurface, his front legs flailing as he finally broke through the water with a loud gasp. He sputtered a bit, his throat stinging from the sodium that the water contained before scrambling back onto the boards that bobbed lazily to the waves of his impact. The shivering male finally settled onto the solid ground, soaked in the moonlight and water, his bubblegum pink blood blending with the water as it landed and sprouted more weeds around his laying form. His jade green gaze fluttered open as he glanced up, heart lurching to his throat as he began to notice dark silhouettes come heading in his direction. Fuck.

Re: I'M NOBODY'S PROBLEM — JOINER - axiom - 08-05-2018

/ track for tomorrow !!!

Re: I'M NOBODY'S PROBLEM — JOINER - jericho - 08-05-2018

Jericho's sleep schedule tends to be relatively steady, for he rises and falls with the sun each day, the warmth of its rays streaming through the window and onto his pelt waking him each morning.  When he cannot sleep, however, he always finds himself on the beach.  He tends to say that the ocean has always been his home, and it's true.  The little tabby was born on the island chain and moved to the sun village later (which was situated by the sea as well); when he eventually left it was here that he was immediately drawn, and he knows it can't be mere coincidence.  The crashing of the waves and the water lapping at his paws as he pads across the sand — it relaxes him on even the worst of nights when his mind won't stop racing through all of the things he's doing wrong.  Tonight the tom finds himself returning from his midnight stroll, bathed in cool moonlight with white-tipped paws still damp with oceanwater.  His feet just touch upon the boardwalk when the still night air is disrupted with a loud splash.

He halts immediately, surprised but not quite scared — despite it being the dead of night Jericho's first instinct is to investigate.  The tiny feline approaches softly, with wide amber eyes and pricked ginger-furred ears.  Despite his sightlessness he picks up the scent of the wildcat (and saltwater mixed with blood) and the sound of his breaths as he nears.  By scent he knows the creature clearly isn't a Sunhavener, but Jericho hardly finds that to be an issue.  There are more pressing matters at hand.  "Do — ah, a-are you alright?" the Helion speaks up gently, hesitant at first.  He lifts a paw as if to take another pace forth and then halts, allowing the cheetah some space.  The male's brows furrow lightly, his typical nervously-offered smile missing in place of his concerned gaze, flickering about blindly.  It's too bad he left his satchel in his house — though rarely without it, he hadn't thought he'd need it on his walk.  Blinking, Jericho clears his throat quietly to add, "W-Would you like to come get those wounds looked at?  I, um... I don't have any herbs or blankets on me, b-but we could go get some."

Re: I'M NOBODY'S PROBLEM — JOINER - axiom - 08-07-2018

© lexasperated
The psuedo-melanistic tigress enjoys the night; she always considers herself luckier in a hunt when under the cover of darkness. Besides, living in a tropical place like this with her pelt's high black coloration meant stepping outside into the hot sun instantly felt like a bad idea. Instead, she became mostly nocturnal, becoming active only when the town's daily hustle and bustle slowed. 

Tonight, like any other night, she wandered out to the beach first to catch a swim while the water hadn't yet lost all the warmth it soaked up during the day. However, she spots the form of the half-drowned cheetah on the wooden pier with Jericho's smaller form following shortly thereafter. She walks toward them, her late-night swim forgotten for now, as she intends to deal with this stranger. She knows that Jericho is altogether too trusting and too vulnerable, so if the stranger turned violent, she doubted anything could be done without intervention from someone like her. Compared to most everyone in Sunhaven, save for her own flesh and blood, Quantum is a giant - and she knows it.

Stepping into the scene properly now, she sees that the cheetah is a typical specimen for his species - besides the mutations and scars, that is. But Quantum pays more attention to assessing him as a potential threat; besides, his strangeness hardly bothers her. With her bone gauge earings and snake bone necklace, she hardly makes for a typical tigress herself. "What's your name and where're you from?" she asks, her words jumping from her mouth as soon as the tiny feline finishes asking about the cheetah's condition. Quantum, in usual style, lacks patience for waiting to ask her questions - likewise, she holds little patience as she expects an answer.