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GOD SAVE THE PROM QUEEN || joining, highly injured - Printable Version

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GOD SAVE THE PROM QUEEN || joining, highly injured - Pele N. F. I. - 08-05-2018

They'd been travelling for what seemed like forever. After finally escaping the clutches of the Typhoon, the broken girl had ran as far as she could. In the process she'd opened her wounds up to the point that she passed. Elio stayed with her body until loners came, and upon looting the body, buried it. However, they buried it incorrectly, giving life to her once again as a vampire. Her body was a picture of the night, unlike her formal savannah form. 

She had acquired her possessions again, the process taking three months. During that time she also was rendered bloody yet again. This is how she was as she waited on the border of Sunhaven. She just needed a few herbs not in her possession and then she could leave again. Elio, her flying dwarf squirrel, waited on her head, trying to be a lookout but not being of much help.

"Is anyone there? I just need a small favor then I'll be out of your fur I promise!" She shifted as she sat, her wings pressed close to her side.

Re: GOD SAVE THE PROM QUEEN || joining, highly injured - rhosmari - 08-05-2018

"What ya mean a small favor?! Look at ya!" There was alarm that came from the voice of a strange creature. Not quite all cat but not quite all shark either. A feline who was mutated from a form that hadn't been the monstrosity it was now. But that mattered little to the mutant as he came forward, webbed paws pressing hard against the ground as he showed up on the scene. He'd never seen someone look this bad and in fact he was surprised that she was walking at all. What on earth had happened to her anyway? Shaking his head a bit the creature would shuffle his paws, gaze narrowed a little as pearl colored eyes took in what he was seeing. Well, he could definitely help...maybe. It depended on what she wanted exactly. "Ya need to come on in, lass. Get patched up and looked after or ya won't last more than a few days out there." Now there was concern pitched in his gruff voice and his gills wiggled a little before he stepped back and beckoned her to come on with his thick finned tail. "I'm Monroe by the way. It's a pleasure to meet ya."

Maybe she would listen to him. He didn't know but it was worth a shot in the end and he was pleased to be of some service while he was staying here in Sunhaven. His knowledge of the sea might prove useful and he had no intention of being a freeloader, not as long as his brother and sister were in town anyway. The male looked back to the girl with bright colors that seemed to reflect the rainbow before he tried for a closed lipped smile. Many didn't take well when he showed his teeth which he could understand.

Re: GOD SAVE THE PROM QUEEN || joining, highly injured - jericho - 08-06-2018

The scent of blood, biting and metallic is carried on the gentle summer breeze to Jericho's slightly parted jaws.  It's a smell that immediately causes him to tense —  though the tom himself has never experienced pain, he still associates bad memories with the tang as it washes across his tongue.  Memories of bad things happening to himself and loved ones, memories of his days as a medic and rushing to press his paws into the thick, sticky liquid and praying that too much hasn't already spilled.  He's a medic yet, he knows he always will be.  But thus far things have been relatively peaceful in Sunhaven, and he's prayed that they remain that way.  Blood hanging in the air, heavy and thick, has never been a good sign, but bound by duty Jericho hobbles over as quickly as his three legs will rake him, his little leather satchel dragging on the ground behind him.

The Helion, slow and small as he is, arrives shortly after Monroe.  Blind eyes focused forward he limps past the Sunbearer, pausing just before Pele.  He appears to consider taking another pace forth but pauses, unsure if she'll welcome his aid.  "Wh-what... ah, how are you injured?  I can help," the tom offers slowly, softly.  Though his brow is furrowed in concern he attempts to offer a smile, genuinely kind and yet reservedly small all the same.  Jericho does his best to appear reassuring and welcoming, but his brows remain knit and eyes full of gentle apprehension — the scent of blood is too heavy to be a mere scrape, and she seems to not intend on sticking around long.  The ginger-furred feline shoulders his herb bag off, gently tugging it over his head before he adds, "But, um, M-Monroe is right — I... don't think you should be walking around, ah... like that.

Re: GOD SAVE THE PROM QUEEN || joining, highly injured - Pele N. F. I. - 08-06-2018

Elio was startled enough by the first voice that he fell from his perch, rolling onto the ground beside Pele's left foot. He let out a shrill, and annoyed, set of quips at the mutant while shaking his tiny fist at Monroe. It made Pele let out a soft chuckle, blood bubbling a bit from her maw (hers or someone else's wasn't clear). Then came Jeri, whom she could tell was inhibited with how close he came. Both concerned with her health, now she was a nuisance.

"The name's Pele, but I can assure you I can handle things. I just need a few herbs not in my small storage and I'll be on my way." She insisted to them, her companion climbing up her leg and into the bag on her side. It smelt heavily of herbs, berries, and well, squirrel.

Re: GOD SAVE THE PROM QUEEN || joining, highly injured - Mama - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 230px; font-family: georgia; color: #7f7275; font-size: 10px; text-align: center;line-height: 110%; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px"]i lost count so long ago; maybe my heart's numb
“You are in no condition to leave alone,” little more than a slash of pale pink between stark white lids are the eyes which settle upon the crimson smeared body, yet her tone is one touched with gentle worry for all the harshness which touches the contours of her features. Lips purse into a thin line, barely withholding more as the mountain lion looks upon her, fragile and tiny, a delicate flower she wishes to draw close, to check over with the frantic worry of a mother terrified for their own child's safety.

This isn't your child, you left him to die. A sharp inhale, held for a few seconds until the lungs began to burn, rushing forth through the nose. She had dealt with such thoughts before and knew well how to handle them but this was different, her heart aching as she looked upon the battered child, for a time allowing her worry to show, a faint frown tracing her lips. “Please, stay for a time,” softer now Mama offered a quick glance towards the others present, noting they both seemed of a similar mind as she, before she continued on. “You need to rest, if you still wish to leave once you're better than you may do so, until than it would be best you stayed.”

Her tone offered no room for argument nor would she prove willing to listen to such if any was forthcoming, instead she moved slightly closer, dipping down so she was at a more suitable height for Pele, knowing it might frighten the child to have one such as she stand over her. “I am Mama Ishayu, it is a pleasure to meet you Pele, might I ask who is your little friend?”
sunhaven — sunbearer — tags

Re: GOD SAVE THE PROM QUEEN || joining, highly injured - axiom - 08-06-2018

© lexasperated
The smell of blood usually excited her - her memory tied the stench with first blood of the hunt and how she got her ritual scars - but, as she came onto the scene with the rest of the Sunhaven members, she is... disappointed. She tracked down a wounded child, not a particularly interesting quarry for a hunt.

She finds it difficult to figure out just how injured the child is, with how much the stench of blood obscures everything and coats the wounds upon the winged stranger. "You won't want to travel in your condition; the trouble you had getting those wounds will seem light in comparison to what other animals can do. Stinking of blood, that'll attract all the wrong sorts," Quantum chides, much more blunt than the rest of them. She always held an abrasive personality, despite her good intentions, and she does intend to convince the child to stay to rest with the cold truth.

@la'miyla caralho

Re: GOD SAVE THE PROM QUEEN || joining, highly injured - Pele N. F. I. - 08-06-2018

Why did they all care? No one ever did. She couldn't fathom why they wouldn't just ask the herbs she needed and let her leave. Why try and procure another mouth to feed, another child to be concerned about? It didn't make sense.

She'd met joiners before, but they'd never had someone like her come by, so she figured coming and going would be easier. She could just cauterize her wounds and wash off before finding someplace else. Then two more arrived, they were bigger than Monroe and Jericho, and with this came an anxious fluffing of her wings, her tail curling around her back leg. Not again never again. 

Elio took to popping out of the bag a little, patting what fur he could reach. He didn't much like how she'd ended up after the Typhoon, but that didn't mean he would abandon her. She pulled her wing tighter over the bag, just letting her know it was there. She didn't have her bag there, she didn't have Elio there. As far as she knows, right now she is safe.

When she calmed a bit more, she looked at her options, they didn't really seem all that ready to let her on her way. If they'd wanted to capture her they'd probably would've attacked her when she refused coming in. On top of that, the blind feline, however stuttery, seemed to hold power here. She didn't trust the tiger, Mama seemed alright and upon further look she had a missing appendage. While Roy had been a mighty foe to many when sparring after his accident, he was terrible at facing fast and agile opponents who tried to get away. If push came to shove she could take to the skies no matter her condition. 

Elio had enough of her internal bickering, climbing out of the bag, and sitting down in front of Mama with his arms crossed, letting out squeaks and pointing in the direction most of them had came. She sighed, hand signals were their thing until they found a better way to communicate. "This is Elio, my flying dwarf squirrel, and according to him, I'm staying for a while."

Re: GOD SAVE THE PROM QUEEN || joining, highly injured - madster - 08-06-2018

reflet loved children. one day, she knew she'd want some of her own, ones that she could raise without the influence of anyone else. just her and her kits. still, she was too young for that, and for now she'd just make sure the children were as safe as they could be. seeing the injured pele made her grimace- she was in distress, not wanting to see a little girl like this.

"good, you should stay," she said in a gentle tone despite her own nerves. reffie herself had some medical knowledge- after all, she had lived all by herself for a long time. "it's good to have you. do you want me to treat your wounds?" she asked nicely, a little unsure of herself. 

Re: GOD SAVE THE PROM QUEEN || joining, highly injured - rhosmari - 08-06-2018

He was a bit flabbergasted at the small creature that began to shake his fists at him. Felt a little bad too because, well, he didn't mean to make him fall from his perch. It was an accident he swore but he found it a bit humorous as well. Wiggling a bit he would lift a paw up, webbed toes stretching a little bit toward the squirrel in apology. "Sorry, little laddie. Didn't see ya there and I didn't mean tae frighten ya." He gave a closed lipped smile before he pulled back to focus back on the female at hand because honestly she needed all the help she could get and then she had blood welling out of her mouth. And she thought she was okay! What nonsense. He snorted a little before shaking his had because obviously she needed help and none of the Sunhaven members was going to take no for an answer on this one. There was no way she was going to leave out of her without some good old hospitality. Licking his muzzle for a short moment he gave a light nod of his head as others spoke up, intending to say his own piece. "I'd recommend ya listen tae them, lass. They can be very persuasive and not in a bad way, ya know. Anyway, I got room at my place if ya want tae bunk. Ain't much but I got the spare room and what not."