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carmen, carmen / power discovery - Printable Version

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carmen, carmen / power discovery - JUNJI - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]for junji, the ocean had always been a comfort to him. he grew up beside it, listening to the waves lap at the shore and breathing in the salty air. it held a certain fondness in his heart, memories locked away for a rainy day. and a rainy day it was.

as drops of water beat down on the island, sky dark and shrouded in clouds, junji trudged through the sand. it was damp and mushy underpaw; a welcome change from the grit of it on a regular sunny day. despite the weather, the boy headed for the water, wary of the angry waves but still wanting a swim. a stupid decision, if he was being honest, dipping a paw into the water before wading in. the tide was strong, tugging at him, drawing him further in. he should have seen it coming.

the tide swept him up, dragged him below the water, and finally the panic settled in. what are you doing? paws flailed about in the water, struggled desperately to carry him back to the surface. the current was too strong. it kept him down and ruthlessly spun him in every direction, slammed him against the reef. disoriented and scared, junji shut his eyes. with every moment that passed he found it harder to keep his breath held. he wouldn't last much longer. nolo mori, the angel thought. miserere.

the water around him stilled. his eyes opened slowly, and with the sight, he gasped, taking in water. junji choked. up, up, up, the water swirled, and in only a moment, he breached the surface of the ocean, heaving water from his lungs as soon as he made contact with the air. the boy gasped for some time. the air felt good filling his lungs, but it made him want to cry at the same time. he ached. his lungs were sore from the salt water, his whole body sore from being tossed around. he was sure he was bleeding somewhere, but he wasn't focused on that. he just wanted to get out of the water.

a silent, hesitant command, and the water shifted around him, carrying him gently to the shore despite the storm aggravating the waters. it was amazing, uncanny, something he'd never before experienced. as his paws made contact with the damp sand, junji turned to look at the water once more, eyes wide with surprise. above, the rain lessened, and in the distance some clouds opened up, shining light into the distant ocean. the boy watched it for a moment, then returned his gaze to the water, and after focusing hard enough, the water spread ever so slightly.

junji approached it slowly, hesitantly. though it seemed to be listening to him, he couldn't help but think it was all a dream, that perhaps he'd drowned back there or something of the sort. he moved closer to the water, and as he did, it moved back, weaving a path in front of him. he paused. "a blessing?" the angel mumbled, turning back to the sun spot. it was definitely a miracle. with his tail curling in hesitant delight, he whispered a command, and watched with glittering eyes as two waves rose at his sides. it proved rather difficult to keep under control, however, as junji felt a quiver in his stance, lost focus, and the waves dropped, pushing him back up to the sand.

no matter. if this was to be his blessing, he would tame it eventually. junji slowly turned and limped further from the crashing waves, taking shelter in the trees, and settled down to lick at his scrapes.

Re: carmen, carmen / power discovery - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-05-2018

Caesar had always been able to control elements, although he was only able to control fire and electricity - two things which often came hand and hand. Unfortunately, he hadn't gained his electrical elementals yet, but he did have fire elementals. And besides, he quite liked the flames rather than a quick strike of lightning. Watching the fire move and hearing its cackle was soothing to the demon, and he couldn't understand why somebody would want to control the opposite of fire. Water was the definition of calm, despite how chaotic the waves could get, and they could douse the flames he controlled easily. Which was why Caesar didn't like water. So why did he choose a group that lived on an island, of all places? Because this place seemed less strict than all the others.

Caesar happened to come across Junji as the young male was cleaning up his scrapes. The demon's ears flicked as he looked down at the smaller feline and he asked with a grunt, "What happened to you?"

Re: carmen, carmen / power discovery - Grey - 08-06-2018

He's never really been a pal of the ocean. They shared qualities alike such as their distaste in being commanded around and contained, but they were also different being that water flowed and Bakugou just voluntarily smashed into everything in his path. Despite this, most days Bakugou would come to simply stop and stare at the ocean at least three times in twenty-four hours. There's no reason for it but he just does it, maybe it is to pass the time or maybe it is because he's at loss for what to do, as if looking for answers in the foaming tides. In fact, it had been within one of those moments that in the corner of his scarlet gaze that he noticed the water being commanded and controlled, lifted up by none other than a feline. He blinked, immediately threatened by the raw power before him. He had fire elementals himself but for someone to be able to bring the ocean to a halt made him immediately feel inferior. He avoided growling though (look, character progress) but his eyes still shot bitter daggers towards Junji, not caring that the male had just survived a drowning.

"Ah, how convenient," he drawls in a grumble, looking at the male with vexation. He doesn't really care about the injuries dappled along the tom's body - that, of course, was something Caesar had already addressed. Bakugou merely snorted then huffed in his own found amusement, "Wonderful. We have a fuckin' fire brigade now."

Re: carmen, carmen / power discovery - JUNJI - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]though he hadn't been expecting company in the storm, junji halted his actions and raised his eyes to meet caesar's, offering the older male a smile. "are you worried about me?" he cooed to the officer. he was of course expecting a bit of a snapping reply, but he didn't mind it, instead turning to bakugou upon his approach. was he seeing double? two caesars in one place, he must have hit his head pretty hard on the coral.

the tom returned the grumpy boy's harsh looks with a warm expression, sitting up from where he had laid to nod his head in greeting. "all for the better if you happen to lose control." junji murmured sweetly. he looked between the two for a moment, head tipping to the side. "are you two related? even if you're not, i'm sure you get along well." there was no underlying malice in his tone, no sarcasm or teasing, just pure innocence and kindness. even after all this time he had yet to understand that he couldn't be so blunt or naive with the grumpier, harsher pirates of the crew, but being the way he was, it would be a long time before he understood that.

"if it makes you feel any better," junji hummed. "i only just now learned of it. i'm surely no threat to an advanced firewielder like the both of you." the angel assured, sparing the ocean a fleeting glance before he returned his attention to the two. he paused for a few moments until focusing on bakugou, tail twitching lightly. "have we met? i'm junji." he smiled to the younger feline.

Re: carmen, carmen / power discovery - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-06-2018

Caesar let out a laugh at Junji's question. "I'd say I'm more curious than worried." He responded with an amused snort. He looked up at Bakugou as the other male came over and wrinkled his nose in response to Junji's comment about them getting along. "I doubt it." He quickly replied, though the fact that the other guy knew how to control fire was pretty interesting to note.

Re: carmen, carmen / power discovery - Grey - 08-06-2018

Had he known that Junji actually thought he was related to the likes of anyone, he would have spat at the feline a splutter of embers. Yet the words of the tom still came at the ragdoll's surprise, ears perking and eyes widening in mere disbelief. The only connection he saw was their ability to manipulate fire and...well, maybe their unpleasant attitude, but Bakugou was willing to believe that Junji wasn't being serious. Perhaps this male just didn't know how to sound sarcastic and of course, the tabby didn't once bother to consider Junji's genuine curiosity. Besides, Bakugou hardly knew the demon - he didn't even know his name and was merely aware that he happened to exist and wasn't exactly the Typhoon's favourite male to ask for emotional support. Instead, his appearance blew up like it always did, hairs raising across his body until he resembled that of an electrocuted feline. His eyes were aflame, cheeks hot. "RELATED? Y'FUCKIN' KIDDIN' ME?" He roars at the waterbender but lets his anger quickly subside, clamping his teeth together so hard and fast that one should hear the crisp cut of air from the sheer force of his jaws meeting. His nostrils, however, were still flaring black smoke after effects. It indicated he still wasn't quite happy with Junji and was only attempting to control his temper.

Bakugou himself knew that his ability to control his fire hadn't been perfected. He was too angry that much of his energy became drained by his increasing body heat. When the time finally came, his flames were normally weak. If the ragdoll simply stopped to control his emotions, release his anger through flames rather than let it appear in strange ways, mastering his elemental ability wouldn't quite be so hard. But for now, no, Junji's comment about having only just learnt to move the waves didn't assure him. He then raises a figurative brow. Junji wasn't as weird as some of the names he'd heard so he accepted it pretty easily. "Bakugou," he replies with a low rumble. He had yet to notice that his lip was raised in a snarl, indicating his reluctance to act all buddy-buddy with Junji just yet.