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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was iffy about alliances but he was never intimidated by it. He understood that with friends, there were possiblities of closed doors becoming open. The Typhoon didn't have any current allies but they weren't in a crisis of needing any at the moment but it was always nice to have someone to be shoulder to shoulder. The Rosebloods had decided to arrive and he had to admit, he saw potential in their groups becoming quite powerful already but that was his opinion. Pincher had never really been one for teamwork in his early age, selfish and conceited that his opinion was the best one. But after multiple mistakes in the past leading to where he was now, Pincher realized that he was wrong. If one desired to lead a group, they had to make sure to listen to what the voices of the mass had to say about any sort of big decisions that could change whatever was happening in the crew. This is what he had told the Rosebloods that had come to check out the volcanic island inhabitants and now, he was heading back to the main camp area with his mind swimming with thoughts. He tended to always overthink every choice he made, his mind stretching out to analyze every word he had said and what he had heard, causing a small prick of a headache to burn his left temple but he simply inhaled a small breath before exhaling a small trail of blue smoke before halting in the main area of the camp.

"Everyone this is an important announcement, so listen the fuck up, will ya? The Rosebloods, a new group has decided to check us out and make a possible alliance work. If you may not know, I do voting decisions on this due to how it can affect not just me but everyone else in the crew. If you are not aware on who the Rosebloods are, they are warbound like us. They seemed like decent folk but for now, I'm open to your opinion on them. Vote yes or no while also stating a reason onto your choice." He called out, his low voice traced with patience as he leaned back into a relaxed sitting position beneath the shade of a palm tree, his round velvety ears pricked as he wondered what his crewmates had to say about the possible alliance. He was at the moment in a state of neutral and in between the two choices since he didn't see any emergency of the Typhoon needing allies but at the same time, he wouldn't mind making a positive relationship. He raised a large ivory paw to claw at an itch while he waited, trying to ignore the headache that was slowly dragging its teeth through his skull as his vibrant ice blue gaze flickered towards the oncoming members.

Re: PATHOLOGICAL LIAR — DISCUSSION - no more - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 230px; font-family: georgia; color: #7b8189; font-size: 10px; text-align: center;line-height: 110%; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px"]i'll never get to heaven cause i don't know how
Little of the political side of things had come to hold any interest for the child, even with Pincher being her father it became clear there was little she cared for when it came to such matters at this stage of her life, finding enjoyment within other avenues. Yet that time had seemed far though in truth had been only days when she had been one amongst many, nothing more than a minnow with a want to strike out and do more, find a productive task to keep herself occupied during the long hours of the day. Within moments her world had shifted and she struggled to catch up, to learn of more of the political climate within the group as a whole and to form any solid opinion, too young to fully understand or participate beyond base opinion just yet.

All the same dark ears swivelled around at the voice of her father, her exhale of breath deep and marked by a faint sigh. Though she liked the tree houses and enjoyed wandering the bridges which connected them it lacked the draw the ocean had over her and so Aita had chosen to curl beneath a tree, seeking to nap a little before returning. Though short, for she was the youngest, her lessons were dragging on her and the little sleep she got already didn't do much, but she was not prepared to admit she was struggling to any of the others and so bore it with a grin.

Raising to her paws the child was slow to approach, looking upon the others assembled, unfamiliar faces of those she had not cared to learn the names of, hoping another of the higher ups would approach soon and be able to offer an opinion. Though she wanted to speak, biting words lingering upon the edge of her tongue she wanted to throw at Pincher, to push him until she got the answers she needed, she bit down on her tongue instead. This was no time or place for it and so she set herself to one side of him, dark gaze empty of all as she looked toward him, waiting to hear what the others thought for she was nothing more than a bystander this time.
the tyhpoon — sage — tags


Caesar had been cooped up for a couple of days in his room due to falling ill, and he honestly was still quite sick, but the demon decided it would be best to at least try and get his ass up and moving and do shit around the group. Hearing Pincher's call, the Officer groaned and made his way over, stiffly finding a seat. "What do they have to offer us, did they even say?" Caesar asked Pincher, his tail tapping the ground in thought. Damn, it seems he really missed a lot, huh? Were groups just popping out of peoples' asses now?


Upon ariving, Freya immediately slipped her lithe body through the other crewmembers and slunk toward Pincher. She steadied herself briefly, her bushed tail snapping to and fro before she pushed off the ground with her hind legs, propelling herself upward to scramble onto his back. The mongoose balanced her weight out evenly between her limbs and settled herself on the jaguar's shoulders, perched atop his shoulder blades as she leaned forward against his head. "Think it'd be useful to 'ave an ally, boss man. 'specially if they're warbound like ya say these cats are. They could offer more trade routes and more baggage against the other ankle-biters." She spoke from her perch on his back, slitted pupils staring down at him before gazing toward the others. "Should find out what it is they're lookin' for though, yeah? And what exactly they can offer."

Re: PATHOLOGICAL LIAR — DISCUSSION - rochelle - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;"]A deeply rooted diplomat, the case of the Rosebloods and the Typhoon intrigued her. Far much more than the tension with Snowbound did, she never cared much for war dynamics, hostility had always been a complex but utter bore. Knowing how to navigate a lethal situation into a pacific one was far more her style, far more challenging for her to be able to unravel. Fischer always started off with logic in these procedures, and then considered her gut. She was rational with herself, she knew that as hard as she tried to remain unbiased, her own moral compass would and should be a heavy weight in decision making. And so came the proposition of the alliance. When she was leader of her own group, decisions had been made and set final by her, but advised by the most immediate high-ups. They should have been her most trusted and wise members, but they weren't. They were bloodthirsty and power hungry, always trying to figure out a way to outsmart her, to manipulate her. Fischer would not fold. Unfortunately, it meant that her choices were limited and often had to be made up solely by her, but it's what she had to do for her group, in the most unselfish way possible.

The black smoke had followed loosely behind the Captain on the way back after the presence of Prestige and Sola. Fischer had anticipated this discussion, head already swirling with a sculpted opinion. Her body navigated with a solemn stature to the camp, taking a seat close enough to get a good earful of what not just Pincher, but of what everyone had to say. "I vote yes. The pros and cons align themselves in that favor, at least. If we ally with them, they become an advantage, more power in battle and in politics. The other major groups aren't as eager to raid and loot as we are, but the Rosebloods are. If they're an enemy, it means competition. If they're an ally, it means support in battle, as well as more reason to raid groups, now with compensation if we do it on the part of assisting. The cons can be twisted in our favor too ... it means we can't attack and loot them for their riches, but we'll be seeing that anyway through the compensation." There, she said her piece. The Soothsayer wasn't sure how everyone else would feel about it, besides what Freya had said before, but ... she had ideas about this alliance too, that would benefit the Typhoon, though didn't align with her moral code. "If we take them up as an enemy, we have the resources to take them out, they're still growing, they don't have any official healers to resupply their defenses. The reward for that won't be much, just the lump-sum of what they have. If we ally with them, in theory, it would be a steady flow of output for the Typhoon."


Alliances were something he had yet to care about. Although he saw The Typhoon dragging in captures here and there and snides about torture every now then, it didn't really concern him. It was only when he saw Pincher seem to radiate his presence within camp that Bakugou stopped, listened and noted the possibility of an alliance with the so-called Rosebloods. Pah, they sounded like stuck-up swines who thought they were nobility but despite his immediate distaste of the group's name, he still sat around to listen calmly to what others had to input. The first of the opinions, ignoring Caesar's questions, came from a mongoose. It was hard to take her seriously but he listened to her anyway about the talk of trade and supplies. Next came female who had a lot more to add on and say. She mentioned having advantages in battle and not being pitted into competition with the warbound group, especially if they were still low on members. It was more beneficial to keep them a friend than a foe as they had nothing to reap off them as the argument seemed. Personally, he still holds no interest in who they kept as allies or enemies. Bakugou was confident in The Typhoon's strength by themselves, they didn't necessarily need allies but he figured it would be best to get rid of one fly from breathing down their neck. Although the Rosebloods posed no seeming threat to the ragdoll, he'd rather avoid any inconveniences.

"I'm all for them bein' allies for the sake of there bein' more disposable extras runnin' around in battle," Bakugou replies gruffly. His expression is too serious for anyone to tell if he is joking or being genuine with his words. It bordered the weird line where he could very have easily been trying too hard to pull a straight face while also possibly being completely serious about what he meant. Regardless, it was the only 'opinion' he gave. Everything else had pretty much been said and he didn't really want to think any further about politics. Stuff like that hurt his war-mongering brain.


Rosemary remembers Atbash's practical betrayal, and the medic feels cautious about taking a new and established group as their ally quite so soon. From what she knew of the Rosebloods, it sounds as though they only just recently formed - even if they are built on the ashes of a formerly large and powerful empire. The ocelot's tail lashes at paw-level as she walks towards the chatting group, Eri the crocodile baby stretched out atop her head.

"I agree that they seem like promising allies - the best of the current groups, admittedly," Rosemary starts, leaning in favor of the alliance despite her worries of another betrayal. For, stronger than her worry, she feels a bit afraid of what might happen if they become outnumbered or if their volcano decides to suddenly erupt. Too many groups die in overwhelming onslaught because of powers outside of their control, and Rosemary fears what she cannot anticipate even with her clairvoyance. "I think we should ally with them, so I'll vote yes... but I don't completely trust them yet," she speaks, her voice showing mild hesitation laced through her apathetic tone.
[Image: Om9iAuf.png]


[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border-bottom: 1px white solid;padding-BOTTOM: 3px;"][b]"It would be better to ally with them than to find ourselves under attack from them." Temulin's reasonings are a pragmatic one, she doesn't like war but it's something that has been beaten into her from a very young age. She lacks the diplomatic immunity that being a shaman once gave her, so she knows that any group that has issues with the Typhoon will see her as someone to kill. Killing healers seemed... Brutal? She didn't like that idea one bit.

[b]"That being said, I agree with Rosemary. They are new - we don't know their intentions. Perhaps a trial to see if their alliance is good for us?" She is suspcious of a new group, she was suspicious of the true intentions of the tribes that came to hers for help. Of people who came to her for help, she held no suspicion of course, a shaman belonged to the Plains as a whole, not just their respective tribe. The Rosebloods may be irreconcilable with the Typhoon's beliefs, and if that's the case, she doesn't doubt the Typhoon could withstand a Roseblood attack. That doesn't mean she would rather not.

Re: PATHOLOGICAL LIAR — DISCUSSION - bubblegum - 08-06-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro injuries

the young girl approached quietly with lynn on her back, wanting to help out her crew as much as possible. plus, a new alliance could either end up very bad or very good. perhaps they could be more promising than snowbound. she would sit near aita, not saying anything as others shuffled in and began to speak.

she didn't want to say anything yet - she ought to listen to other opinions first before offering anything. her crewmates would hold better judgement than her over this overall, she felt, as they were adults and didn't trust as easily as she did. the girl listened silently, tired striking green eyes flickering to each person as they spoke before deciding to finally voice out her thoughts as well.

"an alliance would definitely be more beneficial. if they aren't allying anyone but us, then that makes two warbound groups that much stronger." goldie actually didn't know a whole lot about politics, nor did she care for them much, to be honest, but she was starting to pick things up. she knew they were important if she were to help out her crew and stay on top of things, so she felt helping them reason with this was a good idea. "a trial alliance could be a good starting point - maybe we could host some sort of event to see how we interact overall? maybe not on either of our territories, to avoid giving away information, but an event somewhere."

Re: PATHOLOGICAL LIAR — DISCUSSION - Luciferr - 08-06-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -
"I concur with Temulin, Rosemary and Goldie - they can be a valuable ally and the sent ambassador even said most of the spoils would likely go t us if we are called upon, but a trial alliance and some sort of bond building or getting to know each other event would likely work better than simply rushing in with a yes or no - as they said, we don't know their intentions entirely" the great dragon shrugged spiked shoulders, wings ruffling minutely at the gesture with a nod to the aforementioned that he agreed with.
