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Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
Their helmets were somewhat complicated. Or at least as complicated as something as a helmet could even remotely get. They were filled with technologies and wires that Washington wasn't even quite able to understand all that well. The Freelancer had never been a mechanic, and if they wanted something to fix they rarely did it themselves and had those that were hired by them do it instead of them. It probably could be said that they were lazy in that regard, but they didn't care as long as they got the stuff that they needed. A week. Washington had been working to get the technology inside of his helmet to start working again, and it was barely working. He had tried fixing Tex's helmet when he had asked her for it since he was fairly certain that he had messed up something in his helmet when he had tried to fix his radio the first time. The former human had faith that he would be able to fix it himself and not really worried about the likes of others asking him for help because he wouldn't agree to let them help him. Even if they asked nicely he wasn't going to give any Freelancer equipment to just everyone.

There were several functions that used to work in his world before he came here. Such as the radio they used to talk to one another, bio scan, injury evaluation inside of their suits, HUD projections, and even more. Washington had gotten his HUD to work here and there just by pressing a couple of buttons and the lights worked perfectly fine so he didn't have much to worry about again. Although, the HUD that was displayed simply gave him a clock, the temperature of the environment he was in, and then a calendar that was extremely difficult for him to use and actually operate on a regular basis. But he got it to work, and he knew that there was going to need to be more progress that needed to be made. His arm was fixed now and that meant that he could work a little bit faster and multitask with what he was working on. After soldering some of the wires that he had been thinking were for his helmet, the former human put on the said helmet after putting on the back plate that hid all of the wires that were inside of it. As usual, he had the rest of his armor on his body and didn't seem to be all that concerned of where he was sitting, which was at the edge of the Canopy near the trees. A place he spent most of his time to get away from everyone else as almost everyone enjoyed being around the outskirts of the territory.

He didn't blame them. That was where some of the remotely interesting stuff happened. After his helmet was on, as soon as it made contact with his body the lights inside of the helmet came on. He wasn't sure how it was really possible since the helmet wasn't exactly connected to a power source, but he didn't really bother to question it. Even if it meant that he would discover that he had electricity elementals. There were papers littered all around his small workspace on the grass, and the soldering iron was turned off although it was still a little bit hot. He looked around the inside of his helmet to see if there was anything different, and he didn't see anything. Well, that could be both good and bad. He raised one of his dark grey paws and touched the button at the side of his helmet. Nothing. Okay. He moved his paw to touch an adjacent button, and all of a sudden, he lost the ability to see color. What the hell? His paw hovered toward the side of the side of his helmet as he hummed to himself, obviously not concerned about what he had just done anyway. It was then that he had looked down at his paws and so the individual bones that were there.

The dense metal that he wore was almost a vibrant color. As if they were taken with an x-ray. He knew this function and wasn't about to freak out at the initial finding of it. Washington had a small headache like he usually did, and he had more to focus on. It was one of the functions that his helmet used to have, a small subfunction of a bioscan that allowed him to check vitals of those that he was working with. It seemed the wires that he was busy connecting weren't for the radio, but instead for his bioscan. He tilted his head to the side until he heard a pop inside of his neck before using the raised paw to scratch at the side of his helmet. [b]"Interesting.." Washington said to himself as to turned to his notepad and began to scribble things down, which was a little bit hard with the function still on. Of course, it wasn't the helmet that had the function, technically, but, instead the smilodon was able to turn off the power on and off. And since it was something that he was familiar with, it reminded him of what his helmet was capable of, not of the possibility that he had a power.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: LOUDER THAN WORDS | {OPEN, POWER DISCOVERY?} - imperia - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]Powers exist in this world--Imperia knows that. Even she is in possession of several, though she oftentimes forgets about their existence. Or rather, she forgets that they are at her disposal. The first time she learned she had a power was when her father first transitioned from verbal to physical abuse. Her bones ached, and it hurt to breathe. Imperia cannot remember ever being more terrified in her life. Up until that point, the girl tried her hardest to convince herself that, in spite of his behavior, Pierre still loved her. With every blow it became clearer and clearer that she would have to face the truth, but at the time all she could do was pray to the Maker that somehow, no one would ever be able to hit her again. And then, just like magic, the blows stopped. But not because her father had come to his senses, but because Imperia had become intangible. He could see her, but he could no longer touch her. That was the first day Peri began believing in the existence of a higher power. Shortly thereafter, Peri learned that she can turn invisible, though mostly when she experiences extreme terror.

The most recent occurrence resulted in Imperia being pulled from this dimension and into another one altogether. It looked like space, but it was between. Everywhere and Nowhere. The Maker spoke to her there, in that place in between. She saw the planets and the stars, touched by the Everything. And then, like the flip of a switch, she was launched back into reality. Out of the sea and onto the shore. Ever since then, she has been able to see people's auras. At first, Imperia thought it was due to her concussion from landing harshly on the shore or if it was the medical repercussions of extended lack of oxygen. But she is fine now physically, and she still sees colors. It is strange, but the Maker did tell her that she was to receive a blessing.

It touched the she-wolf to see how many people cared about her, even if all their hovering bodies was a but overwhelming after an encounter with her Goddess and the subsequent concussion. Her previous power discoveries were saturated with rage upon discovering Imperia could not longer be seen or touched unless she wanted to, which meant that the physical harassment was stopped. But this time, people were happy to see that she was safe.

None of Peri's abilities are offensive, which is why she often forgets about her "powers." To her, they are merely defensive tools or a supernatural skill that is worthless beyond being able to read another's emotions. Thus, the gentle cleric continues life as usual. At present, the elegant creature walks quietly through the foliage, gaze locked somewhere on the distance horizon as she heads home after a day spent collecting herbs. The familiar shape of Agent Washington catches her attention as she passes near the forest. "Salut, mon ami!" greets the lovely huntress as she approaches. Her expression is warm, if not a little tired. Moon has been missing for almost a day now, and it is beginning to worry her. Peri has been trying to keep her mind off of things and allow the more capable members to conduct their search, but the girl hates feeling so helpless. "Did you discover something new?" she asks, acknowledging the notebook in which Washington writes.

Re: LOUDER THAN WORDS | {OPEN, POWER DISCOVERY?} - Suiteheart - 08-05-2018

Powers were complicated.

Suiteheart had a few of them, and at one time, she had had a great many of them. She had once had the ability to alter the emotions of others (on purpose and subconsciously). She had used it - mostly - for good, in hopes of alliviating loved ones of pain from their feelings. She had also possessed powers that turned her blood the color of gold. It wasn't anything close to ichor, and it didn't make her feel god-like whenever she bled. There were more, too, but her mind had stopped wandering when she spotted Washington and Imperia.

Ivory ears twitched as she caught Imperia's soft words. The French she spoke at first tugged on Suite's heart, but it was the mention of a discovery that most heavily interested her. Baby blues shifted from the medic to the Freelancer, confusion twinkling in her eyes like stars in the night.

"What's up?" she asked Washington, standing on her tiptoes to try and catch the words scribbled on his notepad.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags


Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
Everything needed to be logical for Washington to even remotely grasp what was happening. This world seemed to try everything in its power to make no sense at all times possible, and that was why he didn't trust things that he encountered or didn't make a big deal about it anymore. He was slowly but surely getting used to the strange occurrences that happened basically every day of this group and then went from there. However, there were several of this world that Washington refused to believe when they were told to him. One of which was powers. Sure, he had seen some of them in action, but that didn't mean that he had to entirely believe that they were actually real. It simply didn't make any sense how the likes of an animal were capable of using powers that shouldn't be capable of doing. There were a couple powers that he was used to though that did exist in his world but required special equipment to run it in the first place. Washington knew about invisibility but didn't think that those that used it were strange in any shape of the word either. Instead, he simply believed that they had some form of equipment that wasn't from the program that he was from that was making them invisible.

That's the only thing he could think of. Controlling elementals was something entirely different. Flamethrowers existed of course, but everything else seemed to make no sense whatsoever. Especially the manipulation of water to make it seemingly appear out of nowhere. What was he supposed to make of that? To keep himself from constantly getting a headache, it meant that he decided not to think about it, and think about something else. Harder said than done, but he managed. He was good at blocking stuff out from his head lately, as he had to do with all the hallucinations that he was having, something no one actually knew about because he refused to give his problems to someone else. He knew that he probably had some form of a condition, and he didn't want anyone else to harbor any of that because it was his own problem to deal with. He definitely wasn't in denial for what he was going through, because if he was trying to be, it would probably push him further into insanity. Either way, Washington didn't believe a lot of things that happened in this world. Time travel made some sort of sense, as that was how they had all gotten here. Aliens had figured it out from the world that he was from, even if it was small here and there.

He was pretty sure that there were several movies that talked about how time traveling was a bad idea and could lead to bad situations down the line. Washington seemed to have a habit of getting himself in trouble despite the large number of skills he had in general. Teleportation made some form of sense, as it reminded him of slip space, something that ships would do to travel around faster in space by going in between two dimensions to get them faster and offer them a straight shot. Maybe these animals were capable of doing it, but they would need a massive slip space drive to do anything at all. This leads to more confusion and more headaches so he had stopped trying to dissect everything until it made sense. Did Carolina have the same problem? Probably. Either way, they didn't talk about it to one another. They kept their problems to themselves. They didn't ask for help, and if they got into a situation that required each other's help, they would most likely do it automatically. Sadly, Washington hadn't been there when the strange things had happened to Imperia. In his eyes, the female was the most normal of the civilians that lived in the outpost, and that made it more comfortable for him to be around at the end of the day.

Suiteheart was still strange to him, as she somehow made a deal that let her come back to life. Simply something that didn't sound like it was possible or even remotely realistic. He didn't like it, but that didn't mean he disliked her. There was no one in the outpost that he outright didn't like. He was certainly exhausted, but he was used to being tired all the time while he was in the military. There was no reason for him not to be able to work in unfair conditions or conditions that he made himself go through. The Freelancer was forced to write slowly as holding a pencil with the likes of a paw while curling around it perfectly was a lot harder than he originally thought. He didn't have the greatest penmanship, but he was doing his best. He heard someone calling out toward him, in a language that he didn't know. A confused look spread across his face as he turned his head to look in the direction that he saw someone coming toward him. The x-ray vision was still on when he turned to look, and all he could see was a skeleton that was moving toward him and he wasn't able to really recognize who it was. Washington quickly raised one of his paws dropping the pencil and touched the button to the side of his helmet and the power turned itself off.

He had to blink a couple seconds as it strained his eyes a little bit, and the sight of a moving canine skeleton wasn't really something that he liked all that much. Once the vision turned off, he was able to see who it was. Imperia. Oh. She had spoken in a language that he had never heard before. Washington felt a little bit embarrassed that he had no idea what she said, but he responded anyway.[b] "Oh uh hey there." Washington said almost hesitantly, which probably gave the obvious idea that he had no idea what she had just said. The smile though was certainly refreshing after all the stressing that he had been doing trying to get the damn radio to work. At her question, Washington nodded his head as he brought his notebook in front of him and adjusted the helmet that was on his head. Before he answered, Suiteheart soon appeared on the scene. He wasn't awkward around the female, but he was still confused about how she was alive in the first place. He turned his head and offered her a small nod of his head, his own method of greeting others without speaking anything.

Seeing her trying to look over his arm at his notes, he would move the notepad toward Suiteheart so that she could look, if she could read his handwriting anyway. "Well, it wasn't initially what I was trying to fix. Are helmets are equipped what can be considered a bioscan, at least where I'm from. It allows us to test the vitals by pressing a button and it can calculate heart rate, broken bones, and more. While trying to fix the radio inside my helmet, it seems I have unlocked one of its features that is has that allows me to see the bone structures of those that I look at. Similar to that of an x-ray if you've heard of it." Washington explained in a very technological way. He wasn't sure what all of them would be able to understand when he said that, but he gave his best shot despite this. Washington had a inkling that Imperia would be able to try and understand what he said, but Suiteheart was a different manner. This didn't mean that Washington believed Suiteheart to be dumb, it was simply that Imperia was used to hearing him talk this way about the gear that he wore. As he talked though, he pointed to the wires in the diagram of the helmet that he drew with a claw to give them an idea of what he did.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:


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Bastille walked a fine line between complete mastery and utter chaos when it came to his powers. A great many of them he’d been born with, inheriting the natural ability to use them like any other reflex; but his elemental powers had come as a surprise, and he’d been terrible with them. They threw everything out of balance. His easy control was nonexistent, and now it seemed that his control tended to rise and fall with his moods and souls. Which... well. Was fucking annoying, frankly.

As he joined them, he studied Wash briefly before yawning. X-rays, huh? Not something that Bastille specialized in or had the ability to, though one might consider auras a form of x Ray. [b]”Cool shit,” he commented, idly.

[ rushed ]
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST