Beasts of Beyond
[ SHUT ME UP | JOINING/VISITING/IDK ] - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]/ oof crappy post just to get something up with this guy lmao. basically he's just sitting at the riverbank at the edge of their territory washing infected wounds.

He couldn't stay in The Ascendants. It's not like he really left — he'd head back that way eventually — but he's been traveling long enough that he doesn't really smell like anything anymore. Just blood and himself. Same as always. Should've known that's all he'd ever be. (He keeps trying to remind himself that he hadn't meant any of it. Not the snapping jaws and the snarling words, or the way bones shattered under his touch. But it just sinks in, the guilt, the pain.) The old man's tough, though. He'll recover. Laz's just gotta make sure that it doesn't kill him in the meantime, and that means no hanging around the observatory or whatever they called it. It's not like he'd spent much time there anyway. So he'd walked. And walked. Eventually it all sorta faded into one trek, the chill biting into the pads of his paws.

It's a good feeling. His skin is hot everywhere underneath the bandages, and trying to pull them off earlier had ached, filling the air with all sorts of familiarly disgusting smells. Since the weird pool in the Ascendants, he hadn't allowed anyone to touch him and it's taken its toll. When he ends up at the edge of a river, slowly leaning over the bank until one paw makes contact with cold water, it's both relieving and terrifying. Part of him wants to dive in and let it carry him away. Instead, the Cane Corso simply ducks his head under the water and makes faces to keep it from freezing on his mouth. Tries not to think, just splashes it up against his bandages. Cold water makes it easier.

Re: [ SHUT ME UP | JOINING/VISITING/IDK ] - galexiux - 08-05-2018

  The crow cawed a few trees away. What the heck. Why was this little pup beat up so much? Cry blinked a few times, tilting her head. Well. No feral was smart enough to wear bandages, let alone wash them. So. Duty called, she supposed. The Little Crow opened her wings, falling forward and gliding to land beside the dog. She tilted her head. Was he trying to drown himself? Having fun down there? She asked, a cocky, but tired smile, spread across her face.



i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash had been alerted to the scene by the sounds of water splashing, and it seemed that Cry had beat her to the area. Of course, she didn't mind; she actually quite preferred that the former Polarheart was here before her, in case Caesar or another group popped by. "Oh gosh, are you okay?" The Hailcaller asked Lazarus, although she didn't know his name. Her eyes were wide with concern, and the same emotion edged her tone.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: [ SHUT ME UP | JOINING/VISITING/IDK ] - arcy - 08-06-2018

Shortly after Cry and Atbash comes Izuku. That was, of course, predictable. Wherever they went, Izuku was sure to follow, like some sort of glorified duckling. He tended to be a little clingy sometimes these days, because he hadn't really had friends. He did try to go out to meet everyone he could when he wasn't just sort of .. worrying over people. But he worried over people a lot and this appeared to have just lead him to more worry. There's another person in the water, and Izuku can pretty clearly tell they're injured. Bandages and all that. Had they treated it properly? Izuku's tail thumps nervously against the ground as he passes Atbash in favor orf shuffling closer to the lake's edge.
"Do you need help?" Izuku tries to tack more onto that sentence, but fails miserably. He's not very good at words. He's referencing to Lazarus' injuries, and Izuku decides to clarify this by conjuring his herb pack beneath his talons. The dragon's eyes are wide as he continues considering the other. They're mostly submerged in the water, so it's hard to tell quite what's wrong, but .. regardless. He's .. not sure why they're on the territory, but Izuku doesn't particularly care about that, anyways.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]