Beasts of Beyond
WALK THIS WAY ;; open, visiting - Printable Version

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WALK THIS WAY ;; open, visiting - MARKO ! - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — marko had heard of a town inland from san creado but no less interesting, the rumor mill of his own town’s nightlife speaking of magic being absolutely everywhere, even being spearheaded by a figure similar to himself but much, much fancier and likely actually recognized as someone important who doesn't get kicked out of their town’s video store on a weekly basis. it was exciting, really, seeing as a high class town was something he wasn't really used to in his decade-and-a-half of living in the hell on earth that san creado had become after the tsunami. at least, he figured, it was party hell.

to go to such a nice place, of course, required a little more than his usual efforts in looking nice. he took a detour before the sun set, entering catheryn’s house to go into his own wardrobe and grab a fresh pair of clothes. and by that, he meant change from one white wifebeater cut into a croptop and jeans to a different white wifebeater cut into a croptop and jeans, not even bothering to switch into his spare boots. he had a small amount of other business there, too, since cat was asleep and that meant he got the chance to do things he usually wasn't allowed to do in the little amount of time he spent in the apartment at all. a quick trip into the bathroom landed him a minute of framing his eyes with sparkly black eyeshadow, then shoving the makeup container in his pocket just in case he had to redo things. he heard the guys in the town nearby were damn good looking, after all, and he couldn't just go there looking as he usually did.

the unfortunate thing about travel was his motorcycle being… out of operation. he'd spent too much time on the vehicle for it to just get destroyed like he'd caused mere weeks before, if that.

not that he couldn’t get along without it, though, the warm air not being too overbearing was he began the walk. not many roads were well kept around san creado, but the highway that seemed to connect the two towns was still alright looking. if only it was one that transported tourists.

some time after midnight, marko came across a tiny little gas station, servicing just one car. that was ideal, the growl in his stomach decided upon, and after a quick trip inside the station’s minimart (to buy a couple cheap snacks), he went in for his main course. it was a careful meal—rumor had it that the town he was to arrive at was rather militant in terms of wrongdoers, and keeping blood from spurting out of his prey’s neck and onto him was decidedly a good thing to try to do. luckily, what blood did get on him wiped off onto the corpse’s shirt rather easily, and his thirst was most definitely quenched.

morgan heights, population scratched out. that was how the sign read, at least. marko stared at it for a few seconds, then smiled and marched into town. the sun was less than an hour before appearing, but he was a young vamp, so there really wasn't much to worry about further than a particularly bad sunburn. marko never found himself worrying too badly unless his subordinates were in danger. or if he was talking to ezra, but that was beside the point.

a walk that took nearly all of the still short night took its toll on the vampire, and it wasn't long before he found a shady bench and sat down, ready to scope the place out.

the forest visible only on san creado’s horizon seemed to trap morgan heights, and if he knew his fairy tales, probably kept the magic trapped within the town as well. the fellas he scoped out looked nicer than those in san creado, but he hadn't found any specific dude to thirst after, their styles clashing entirely with the punky, biker look marko loved so much. he pulled his jacket closer around him as the sun began to rise, fearing he'd get burnt pretty badly without his helmet to protect him.

ah, there was what he really wanted to see as he looked about the place. their pigeons were marginally different than his town’s, as he expected. their tweeting of a slightly different tone, their hopping about for food not exactly the same. still the pretty birds he loved. he fetched through his pocket for a packet of sunflower seeds, and after a few minutes of feeding the birds, found the courage to slide off his bench and get a little more friendly. he managed to get one more initially suspicious of him to eat out of his hand (er, fingerless glove), and with some convincing, picked the pigeon up. "hey, birdie, don't worry," he cooed, petting the pigeon’s neck with a careful finger.

his next business: caffeine. he found a cafe quickly, noting the fact that it didn't seem like the building was damaged much if at all, and was kicked out before he could even get a word in.

he supposed that was to be expected, considering he was carrying a pigeon with him.

marko returned to his bench and laid down, speaking to the pigeon in an uncharacteristically soft voice. he only had one more thing to do in town, and that thing was… to try to remember what that last thing on his checklist exactly was. the birds may have side-tracked him ever so slightly, but he was sure he'd think of what important business was left. it just might take him longer than he was initially intending.

//mobile, it might take me a while to reply :0

Re: WALK THIS WAY ;; open, visiting - alexander - 08-06-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]"You've walked a long way to talk to birds."

Alexander's voice sounds just above Marko, unamused expression appearing as the vampire leans over the back of the bench to look down at their friend. They raise their head to take in their surroundings, dark bangs falling into their eyes. With an annoyed huff, they blow it out of the way, standing straight so they can get a better look. It's a nice town, with it's country houses and the quiet forest surrounding it. It's a stark contrast to San Creado, which always seems to be alive and brewing with chaos. The peace makes them slightly uncomfortable.

"Move over, I want to sit." Alex says after a moment, hopping over the edge of the bench, pushing roughly at Marko's legs to make space. They were starting to second guess their decision of following Marko out of town, knowing there was more interesting, less awkward things to back home. They shoot a glance at the pigeon held in their friend's arms, frowning when the bird cooed and fluttered its wings threateningly at them. They knew that dogs could sense assholes, but there was no way Marko had convinced this dumb bird they were a bad person so quickly. The fact that they may just be a bad person in general was out of the question.

Onto more important matters. The vampire turns to fully face the Undertaker, a familiar smirk picking up their lips. "Please do not say that you snuck into the apartment and stole Catheryn's makeup just to impress the pigeons over here. You look hot, but I need that eyeshadow to impress my tinder dates." They tease lightly, red eyes alight with mirth. They turn to look out at the rising sun, face scrunching in distaste. The pair's chance of exploring this little town was coming to a close, because Alexander hadn't brought their umbrella or SPF 100 sunscreen. They hum in thought, wondering if some poor soul would wander by with an umbrella. "If you hadn't stopped to suck that guy dry we'd have a little more time to explore. Why'd you drag the walk on so long?" They spoke as if they had been with the youngest the whole time, rather than wandering close by in the trees.

They swing their legs back and forth, grinning when they hear the first of the morning birds start to sing. "We should try and get whoever lives here to come out. I don't want to be stuck here all day with just you and your weird pigeons."

Re: WALK THIS WAY ;; open, visiting - CATHERYN - 08-08-2018

Unlike Alexander, who had followed Marko all the way from San Creado, probably because they had nothing better to do, Catheryn is already in Morgan Heights, and for entirely different reasons. She had run out of yarn the night before, and as chaotic and self-fulfilling as San Creado is, no one there really sells knitting supplies. The town isn't that far away, especially considering how she doesn't really have to stop to take breaks, and Catheryn had gotten there in record time.

Of course, to be fair, nothing had been open at one in the morning, but she'd been able to sneak into a store and grab a couple of spools, making sure to leave some money on the counter. She's a vampire, not a heathen, and besides, if she steals the yarn then the shop will probably go bankrupt and then she'd be back to square one with nowhere to get new supplies.

Now, with her bag of purchases swinging off one wrist, Catheryn is heading back out of town when she catches a glimpse of a familiar jacket. The sight makes her pause, eyes narrowing as she heads toward the bench where she can see two figures jostling for space.

Morgan Heights is quite possibly the antithesis of San Creado, they're very different both culturally and stylistically, and Catheryn doesn't mind being here so much so as she is unfamiliar with the way things are done. The appearance of a bright, tattered jacket screams of an outlier, and she just rolls her eyes as she makes her way over to the bench, wondering why it's today of all days, that Marko had decided to pay their neighboring town a visit.

A quick second of concentration allows her to teleport in front of her fellow vampires, and the first thing she notices is Marko's sparkly eyes. "You stole my make-up," Catheryn says, monotonous enough to be nonchalant, yet apathetic enough to also carry a sense of dread that always permeates the air when someone who should be angry is instead entirely void of emotion.

Re: WALK THIS WAY ;; open, visiting - guts - 08-11-2018

It wasn't uncommon for him to get up early. It usually included at least two cups of coffee, too, but that was besides the point. He usually woke up just as the sun was rising, or sometime before if he was feeling up to it. He liked getting a head-start on things, because it meant he had a few moments of free time once everything was done. He was the solitary type, so his time was often spent in the comfort of his home, reading a book while drinking tea. It was probably cliche but still cozy. A lot of people might call him boring, but he still enjoyed it.

But he was in for an interesting sight this morning. He had expected his normal routine, but instead he quickly got back-tracked as he passed down along the streets, pausing as his eye caught the bright color of someone's jacket. From what he knew, most people here in the town didn't wear such colors. They were all fairly old-fashioned, so to speak. So it was obvious this was someone that wasn't from around here. By the looks of it, they weren't the only one, either.

Shrugging his shoulders, Charlie figured he might as well be polite and welcome them, see if they needed any help or navigation. It could have been easy to get lost in the many buildings that made up Morgan Heights. "Hello. You all aren't from around here, are you? My name's Charlie," he says with a gentle smile gracing his face, studying the three of them with his one good eye. They looked odd, but not bad, just unfamiliar. "Do you need any help? I can show you around, if you would like," sure, it would throw him off schedule, but it was alright. He didn't mind all too much if it meant helping out.
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