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this is your heart beging you turn [juice stand] turn back around - Printable Version

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this is your heart beging you turn [juice stand] turn back around - galexiux - 08-05-2018

  The crow has been... homesick recently. Everyone had a partner. Everyone here had a friend. Everyone here had a clique that they fit into. Atbash was the leader, the village was her clique. Izuku had his school friends. Nui had a bright, friendly personalty that drew people in naturally and she saw Henri speaking to Dimitri not long ago. But... she somehow was still alone. Was she still being rude? She wasn't being nice of course, but she tried to tone her spunk down since she returned after Jacob left.  She was constantly sick of his lectures and disappointed looks. It was distrusting and degrading. But... when she left, she tried a new approach. She never was good at being nice and smiling for a crowed, but she tried to be useful when she could. Though... she still knew barely anyone in this frozen wasteland.

  So she fell to depression. And what does she do when she falls into depression? Raids the fridge for fruit and makes smoothies. She's always done that. Ace always told her when she needs a get away, keep your mind busy. And what better to keep your mind busy with than with work and a cold drink. She could remember each and every recipe by heart, as she was taught them at a young age by her parents. She could still see the horizon over the sea outside the back window. She missed the beach. She missed the sensation of strawberries and sugar filling her up with happiness. She missed... home. Per usual.

  Crystal lined up a large number of glasses before emptying various fruit juice mixtures into each tall cylinder. Working quickly, she placed a small paper umbrella and straw into each glass before giving them a little spin so they each faced the same direction. She flew over to a cutting board, slicing each flavor's fruit into slices to rest parallel to the straw and umbrella on the rim. She huffed, staring each creation over. She made small adjustments to each placement before nodding to herself. She snatched one of the bright red strawberry ones for herself before she hopped off the table. It was a bit cold for a frozen treat, but she needed the taste of home right now.

//only the last paragraph is important.


Re: this is your heart beging you turn [juice stand] turn back around - arcy - 08-05-2018

.. Would it be weird to say Izuku was trying to distance himself from his old schoolmates a little bit? Not in an obvious way, of course. He spends time with them, sometimes, but he doesn't seem them out like he tends to with people like .. Cry, or Atbash, sometimes. He'd gotten this far without them, and spending time with them just kind of .. hurts, anyways.
.. Which lead him here. Where was Cry? The dragon's eyes are wide as he walks through the village, tail sweeping behind him. He finds her eventually, of course. His vision is a lot better like this than it was as a feline, thankfully. He'd always stayed thankful that he wasn't blinded by the attack at all, but it wasn't great to see.
"Isn't it a little cold for juice?" Izuku questions as he arrives. He isn't judging or anything. In fact, he seems kind of interested, peering at the drinks on the table. He shuffles his wings. "When did you learn how to make these? And, um could .. Could I --?" He starts to ask. Cry doesn't seem like the type for this stuff, or maybe she was, Izuku wasn't sure. Either way, they looked awfully good. He allows her a little smile while he's talking, but then is .. promptly distracted. Locket, silent on his shoulder as ever, moves. And by 'moves' he means that the shrike swoops down and claims one herself. Of course she did. She loves fruit. But Izuku still looks a little put off and maybe a little insulted as the tiny bird shoves at her glass. She could've .. asked.
//today is shitty posts day srry
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: this is your heart beging you turn [juice stand] turn back around - galexiux - 08-05-2018

  How did cry know all these recipes? Thousands and thousands of hours of trial and error. Laughing, experimenting and spending time with her mother and brother. It was the best few years of her life. Cry sighed, taking a large gulp of the strawberry mixture to drown her sorrows in overly sugary fruit juice. She opened her eyes, about to speak, when Locket swooped down and snatched a drink. The crow sneered. bitch, She muttered under her breath. Sure. They were there for everyone, so she couldn't exactly be angry, but that shrike rubbed her the wrong way.

  She turned to izuku. She blinked. She sighed and reached down to fiddle with the tiny umbrella in her cup. My mother taught me. She replied, He taught both of us. My brother and I. She lifted up the strawberry chunk, splitting it and half and swallowing the shard. We both know each one by heart. Ironic that she did not have one anymore. She lifted a wing up at the drinks, swishing it slightly. Yes, he could take one. They're for everyone.


Re: this is your heart beging you turn [juice stand] turn back around - toboggan - 08-05-2018

//it better not be home-hurting juice

The snow was nice, nay, it was amazing! This was the locale for which he was meant for, not being crammed up inside some sap-scented greenery. From the cloud of breath in front of your maw outside, to the coziness of a hearth, Snowbound was the place that was meant for him. Yet, he did not feel at home. First off, where was his welcome-cocoa he had heard about? Just kidding, he didn’t mind the warm beverage’s absence. No, what truthfully felt wonky was the lack of socializing going on between him and everyone else. Back at his previous stomping grounds, it was a tight-knit place, with fairly little cliques running around. And although he had merely been here for more than a day, Wendell wasn’t all too satisfied. Oh well, must just be a case of the evening grumpies.

Spotting something of interest off in the snowy stretch, the wolverine continued trekking through the cold powdery blanket. To his eyes, it appeared to be a booth of sorts. And as he approached even closer, he not only realized he was right, but also that it was populated by the two people that came out to say hello yesterday: Izuku and that crow, Cry. She was a tad of a plonker yesterday, however, Wendell had forgiven her; it wouldn’t be cool starting your first day here with someone you dislike. Advancing slowly, with a small case of the collywobbles, Wendell arrived just a little too late to hear Cry’s story about the recipe, and that these drinks were free of cost.

"Hello, guys! Juice?" he’d ask rhetorically, his peepers scanning the obvious beverage bar, ”That’s awesome. Y’ mind if I have some?”. The wolverine absolutely loved this stuff, fresh fruit juice, so the cold didn’t derive him from having any. Nosh and drink was the Dog’s bollocks to have when bonding with others, so maybe Wendell would use this moment as an easy way of getting to know these two?

Re: this is your heart beging you turn [juice stand] turn back around - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-05-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash didn't think she had a little clique. Sure, Cry and Izuku were her closest friends, but that didn't mean she shut everybody else out. At least, that wasn't her intention. Atbash tried to be including and friendly towards everybody, but sometimes she thought ahead of herself and forgot. "Did I hear juice?" Atbash asked as she came over, her eyes wide with excitement. "I'd love one, if you don't mind, Cry!" She chirped, lowering her ears slightly as a twinge of uncomfortableness went through her body as her throat twitched.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: this is your heart beging you turn [juice stand] turn back around - galexiux - 08-05-2018

  Cry downed the last of her mother's signature strawberry smothie in one final gulp. She lied back on her back, legs spread out infront of her. She sighed, the flavor still lingering on her tongue. She raised a wing. Didn't you two hear me grab a drink its not like the ghosts of my family are gonna come drink them. She put her arm back down. They... weren't ghosts. They were just... not here.


Re: this is your heart beging you turn [juice stand] turn back around - toboggan - 08-05-2018

"Sweet!", the wolverine hummed with a smile equipped. Wendell ignored Cry’s snarky comment, even if it was about a tragic backstory or something similar, there just wasn’t a place for gloominess, at a juice stand, no less. He hastily grabbed a strawberry one, and sat himself beside the savannah, unaware of the fact that she was the leader around here. He had indeed gotten here yesterday, and heard of who Atbash was, but he had yet to meet the leader in person (which he was, unbeknownst to him, doing right now).

He sipped on the rose-coloured beverage, Wendell’s eyes immediately widening after doing so. ”I’m absolutely gobsmacked!”, he beamed, ”This juice is brilliant! Whaddya do to it?”. It didn’t take much to impress the wolverine, however, this was truly special. The ‘family’ Cry spoke of must have had a secret recipe or something, because damn, that was some mighty fine juice.

Re: this is your heart beging you turn [juice stand] turn back around - arcy - 08-05-2018

Izuku won't deny, he snickered a little at Cry's under the breath mutter. He barely hears it, but his hearing has improved a lot, y'know? Locket, of course, doesn't hear her, distracted as she was by her wonderful, wonderful fruit drink. Locket loved fruit. Izuku remembered that much, at least. Even if he hated having to spend all of this time with the shrike. It made him feel .. sick.
"Must've been fun," Izuku chirps. Learning recipes with family was always fun. Izuku had only ever had his mother to teach him, though. Either way, he'd enjoyed the experience. He allows the bird a little grin as she motions, and slowly puts a talon out to grab a glass. Locket aggressively swipes at him. Izuku, of course, flinches away. He knows she's basically communicating a 'you dont deserve it' sort of thing, and maybe he doesn't, but .. A little more hesitantly, he swipes himself a glass. Locket glowers at him, but Izuku focuses more on his clanmates. Wendell has shown up, and so has Atbash.
"Hi!" He greets them, comfortable settling on the ground. He makes himself kind of small, but that's not very, considering he's a dragon now and moving around is really, really awkward. He doesn't say much more for a minute, quietly sipping on his juice. Izuku is pretty terrible at conversations, honestly. How did you talk to people? Who knew, not Izuku. "It -- it really is good!" He offers, grin widening as he echoes Wendell. Sure, he's a little nervous, but he feels comfortable, maybe content, enough with both Cry and Atbash here. Even if he's still worried about Atbash being out and about, but what's new, honestly.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: this is your heart beging you turn [juice stand] turn back around - galexiux - 08-05-2018

  Cry lazily peered into her empty glass, shutting one eye as she twiddled with the tiny umbrella. What did she do to it? Family secret. We're supposed to say "its made with love" or some bullshit. She smiled and shook her head. How ironic that a spirit of compassion taught her to say that. Ace was always doing things with his heart before his head. It was what made him and Jack so perfect. The two completed each other. My mom always did like cheesy cute stuff like that. Just as much as he liked the heart shaped throw pillows.
