Beasts of Beyond
COOKIES! YAY! PASS THE MILK PLEASE / o, treats - Printable Version

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COOKIES! YAY! PASS THE MILK PLEASE / o, treats - bubblegum - 08-05-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie had been developing her cooking skills for almost three months now, and she had been wanting to perfect them before she shared them. she was still far from perfect, in her own eyes. she had a long way to go. and, to be fair, she was comparing herself with mister dad, who had much more experience than her at this point. but, she thought it would be nice to share some of them now at least.

the success from her gift giving had inspired her to go further and do something a bit simpler and easier. she made three different kinds of baked goods - cookies, cupcakes, and muffins, all containing three flavors so others would have plenty of choices. she'd made a few dozen so there would be plenty for everybody, too. hopefully everyone would like them - she had tried her best to make sure they were all good before sharing.

for the cookies, there was chocolate chip, sugar, and white chocolate. for the cupcakes, there was vanilla, chocolate, which both had various colored frosting, and red velvet with the signature white frosting. finally, for the muffins, there was lemon, coconut, and blueberry. she tried to get creative so there would be plenty of variety and hoped everybody would find something they'd like. if not, she'd have to make something for them to make up for it.

she sat in barracuda bay, sure to have placed them all along a safe surface so they wouldn't get any sand in them. lynn, her harpy eagle, sat beside her, digging into his own food as she prepared to share her creations. "oi, come get some treats!"

Re: COOKIES! YAY! PASS THE MILK PLEASE / o, treats - dead chars - 08-05-2018

↠↠ Really, Tokoyami didn't miss much from his past life. Other than his Quirk and perhaps a few video games, he could find enjoyment in many of the things here with ease. He was a simple man, after all. But if there was one thing he did want back, it was the food. While apples could still be found in nature, no doubt, he hadn't come across one in ages. Not to mention rice balls and sushi and other things like that. He really, really missed the cuisine that Japan had to offer him. But it was fine- he had lived on prey and other plants and things this far, so even if it wasn't his favorite, he didn't mind it.

When Goldie had shouted about treats, though, Tokoyami couldn't help but accept the offer. He wasn't aware that animals knew how to bake, though he supposed he shouldn't be surprised, considering many of them (including himself) had intelligence comparable to a human. He wondered where she'd gotten the tools, though. The hybrid strode over, eying the goods before flicking his crimson gaze up to his friend.
"You've made quite the spread," he commented, a small smile gracing his beak for a second. Humor laced his otherwise stagnant tone, though he was impressed. "Thank you, Goldie. They look great."

And now for his selection. Tokoyami had never been a huge fan of things that were too sweet, so he opted for a blueberry muffin. They had been his breakfast food of choice when they were available, maybe next to a couple of waffles. He decided to wait to bite into it until some others had eaten first, though.

Template by Quill

Re: COOKIES! YAY! PASS THE MILK PLEASE / o, treats - Beatrice - 08-05-2018

It wasn't often that Beatrice got to partake in little treats like this. In fact, she wasn't sure if she had had anything like this since leaving home. Her mother and sisters used to bake all sorts of things: cookies, cakes, pies. The list went on and on and on. She hadn't realized how much she truly missed the simple delights of baked goods until she scented Goldenluxury's sweets.

Curiosity (and hunger) got the better of the newly promoted healer. The treats smelled so wonderful. Beatrice told herself she didn't need any of it, that she would be perfectly fine without it, but the temptation was too great. Besides, Goldie was sweet, and though she would never say it aloud, she did enjoy seeing the kindhearted girl.

Padding in after Tokoyami, the cattle dog let her eyes sweep over the baked goods. Everything looked so good. Her stomach even rumbled a bit. "Where did you learn how to bake stuff, Goldie?" she asked, watching Tokoyami select a blueberry muffin. Like the man before her, she grabbed at a muffin too. Lemon. The Sage took a bite and surprise lit up her features. "Hey, this - this is really good, actually!" Her tail wagged slowly as she spoke.


The smell of sweets was rather hard not to get allured over by. Kazumi happend to love sweets alot, candy especially but any sort of sweet suited in well for him. Not a picky eater really. To think this child actually could be of some use though, being more then a sweet face. Looking all of this delicious treats over could have stared like that for severely moments just to drool over them. " Mhm, yes this do looks great and smells delicious as well." he complimented the girl, now drawing his gaze to her knowing he had seen this one around some couple of times. If he had known she could bake pastries such like this ones Kaz for sure would have been more curious over this one indvindual. Anyone how could give him free sweets was worthy to stay around in his opinion.

" Hmh, i wonder what i should try first...Got any ideas for me?." he asked 'Goldie' the nickname many seemed to call her around here. A popular face most likely not special strange as well being the daughter of the Captain and everything. Close relationship with the high ranked people always seemed to earn them some sort of higher status. To be born in a life like that most be natrual for her.

Re: COOKIES! YAY! PASS THE MILK PLEASE / o, treats - coldblue - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]"I feel like I should get a pet, too," muses the boy as he approaches.

Roxanne with her crocodile and Cleo with her snakes and now Goldie with her big ass bird. What kind of animal would a loser like him take in? A mouse? A gecko? A goldfish? Probably something that is completely useless aside from aesthetic purposes and not worthwhile in a fight whatsoever. "A rock, maybe? I can call it Granite the Stoned." Coldblue snickers, apparently pleased with his horrible pun.

While most people probably think that Blue also arrived for the sake of free food, it is actually because he is constantly worrying about his sister like an overprotective mother. He does a good job at being cool and nonchalant, though. Only Goldie would be able to tell, given that he seems to follow not too far behind wherever she goes. "Has Jake been teaching you how to bake?" asks the boy before stuffing a whole lemon muffin in his mouth. Yep, it certainly tastes like something his new dad would make.

Re: COOKIES! YAY! PASS THE MILK PLEASE / o, treats - bubblegum - 08-05-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl's ears perked upward as the first to arrive was tokoyami. she figured this could be a good way to enjoy time with her crewmates, as well as potentially meet others, as she had been catching up, but still had a couple she had yet to properly converse with. so, she was happy to see really anybody show up.

she watched as he took a blueberry muffin, offering a warm smile. "thank you, i hope ya like 'em! i still have a long way to go, but i think they taste pretty alright." goldie replied with a nod, seeming sort of excited. hopefully they did taste pretty alright, at least. hopefully a bit more than that, actually, but she didn't want to sell herself higher than she might be.

the young girl shifted her attention as beatrice questioned her, blinking at the question. "oh, mister dad - wait, i mean, jacob taught me!" she replied quickly as she watched the girl choose a lemon muffin, one of her own personal favorites, and eat it. a bit of a satisfied look entered her features. doing these sorts of things is when she truly felt good about herself. she needed to do them more often. "'m glad! i tried to make 'em good."

next was kazumi, offering his own compliments. she flashed a small smile. her gaze turned a little thoughtful as he asked about what to try. "hmm...well, it depends on what ya like, i guess. red velvet's probably my personal favorite outta' all of 'em, n' lemon muffin's nice...takes away most of the sourness you'd usually get with lemons. all of the cookies are pretty sweet, but chocolate chip is probably my favorite." she sort of just listed her favorites, but to be fair, it was honest opinions.

finally, her brother, blue arrived with a small comment. her gaze appeared warm and loving at his approach, giggling at his pun. "well, if you're gonna get it, i can help ya look." she personally didn't really think of lynn as a pet, though she could see why others would call him one. she was just sort of growing up with him. at his next set of words, the girl nods quickly. "mhm, mister dad started teaching me to cook a couple months ago! 'm really glad he did. i jus' haven't shared much 'cause i didn't want it to taste bad or anythin'."

Re: COOKIES! YAY! PASS THE MILK PLEASE / o, treats - Grey - 08-06-2018

Bruised, battered, a bit mangled, still insanely salty... was this time for a cookie? Naturally, he'd say no but curiosity got the better of him. He could smell the scent of biscuits, muffins and cupcakes, reminding him of home. Except home was no more and Bakugou hadn't even dared attempted to try and use a knife to 'cook' anything. Hell, he didn't even think cooking was a thing except for char-grilling a fish he'd caught or something. Nevertheless, Bakugou approached like every other pirate whose nose steered them like the sails of a ship, blinking and observing the assortment of treats laid out before their eyes. He doesn't stop to acknowledge Tokoyami who grabbed a blueberry muffin, nor does he stop to look at Beatrice who is asking Goldenluxury a question he genuinely wants to know the answer to. Pah, to think he was at least mildly interested in baking! What a joke, he'd claim, a disastrous sense of humour! But this time, he wasn't quite lying to himself when he displayed a strange sense of interest towards the activity, craning his ears towards the baker when she answers the question.

Taught by Jacob. That meant nothing to Bakugou unfortunately. If he ever wishes to pursue baking, he'd have to do so by himself...preferably in secret. He picks up sugar cookie and accidentally burns it in his mouth. All he tastes is ash. He's forgotten that his tongue is usually coated in fire, coated to a point that if he so much as bitterly spat his words that embers would come spluttering out into the sand. It meant anything he ate would be sizzling and cooking away in his mouth whilst he chewed, swallowing cooked meat according to how he chewed. Most days, it was medium rare, but the sugar cookie was quick to combust in his his maw leaving a foul taste. He scrunches his face, a little disappointed but almost relieved it wasn't as extremely sweet as he'd thought it'd be. "Y'should try makin' somethin' spicy." He'd prefer that over cupcakes any day.

Re: COOKIES! YAY! PASS THE MILK PLEASE / o, treats - bubblegum - 08-07-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl looked to bakugou as he arrived, recognizing the newer crewmate quickly. she offered a welcoming, friendly expression as he arrived, curious to see what he would try. she blinked as he ate the sugar cookie, trying not to make it too obvious that she was watching him eat. she knew some others were uncomfortable about that.

a little bit of disappointment did enter her when she saw his reaction, hoping he didn't think it tasted bad. goldie's ears perked as he spoke. "oh, i can make spicy food! anythin' ya have in mind? i could make you somethin', if you wanted." she offered kindly with a nod. maybe he didn't like cookies or something, and preferred spicy food. she didn't want anybody to leave feeling dissatisfied with her food.

Re: COOKIES! YAY! PASS THE MILK PLEASE / o, treats - Grey - 08-10-2018

She reminds him a little of Uraraka, the difference being that the gravity-manipulating child was aware of Bakugou's bad personality and drifted towards Deku. For that reason, the ragdoll has only a shallow understanding of the girl, assuming her to be the typical nice girl he saw in films or read in books. Bubbly, energetic, a people-pleaser. These are the thoughts which run through his head when the bengal replies, a little surprised because he doesn't expect anyone to take his ungrateful comments seriously. He smiles a little at her, a reaction occurring completely without him noticing it himself. He doesn't often smile in moments like these. Usually it's when he's maliciously amused or glad to see Kirishima. Not often is it towards a stranger offering him free food. "Katsu-karē" he replies, shifting his expression to that of an amused grin. He likes spicy curry, but really anything with a good kick was fine enough for him. He isn't that much of a picky-eater himself, leaning only to preferences while also ensuring he maintained a healthy diet. "But if baking's what you're good at...spicy desserts are fine too. I don't really have much of a preference."