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Do long posts put people off? - Printable Version

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Do long posts put people off? - cyantist - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]So, I've noticed that threads with shorter starts seem to get more interest and as someone who often writes fairly long starters when the mood hits me (6+ paragraphs), I was wondering whether people would prefer shorter posts?

Side note : does anyone read a tl;dr? I put one on a super long thread for a body change and it didn't seem to help the issue.

This is honestly curiousity. I might just be bad at roleplaying /shrugs & I don't mean any offense I'm just trying to make my posts,, more accessible? Idk.

Re: Do long posts put people off? - toboggan - 08-05-2018

it depends on what type of post it is. if you write 6+ paragraphs on a joining thread (and you aren’t the person joining), that’s a bit overboard. it’s normal in threads where your clan is at war with another, or your character is having an emotional breakdown at a wedding.

one thing to remember is that this is a role playing site, not a book; many different personalities go into it, not only one, or a few. a lot of people roleplay differently. for example, i tend to write about my character’s’ feelings more than anything else, rather than writing a physical description for every little thing (but to be fair i’m only on mobile).

so yeah. it’s a situational thing, so use your best judgement. i find that writing 6+ paragraphs is best when doing it in a private thread with someone who does the same thing. that’s my input.

Re: Do long posts put people off? - Seina - 08-05-2018

Being a museful roleplayer myself i can talk through experience that yes people do seems to prefere shorter posts alot more. Some can feel intimated by long posts or that it takes more time to read through it then it does on shorter posts.

I disagree that people should force themself to limit how much they write for other roleplayers. This is a site to write a story and everyone is different in how they write and how much they write. If someone told me i needed to shorten down my the lenght on my posts that would really kill both my mood and motivation to roleplay. I love to write long posts but that dosen't mean others should feel forced to reply to my lenght.

What i usual do to make people feel less intimated with my posts is to tell them they not need to match up with my muse and put a short summary of the post, most of the times i put the most importand stuff furthest down so that way people can just read the last paragraph if wanting to.

This days i do keep more shorten posts in open threads though, and keep longer posts privately or writes oneshots just to satisfy my own writing needs. But this days when i really have muse i just can't stop myself, but i'm constantly reminding people around me they not need to match my lenght.

That's my little advice i have Smile

Re: Do long posts put people off? - adomania - 08-05-2018

I honestly prefer long posts, but I've noticed that others don't and tend to lean towards shorter ones. I tend to be extremely museful and find it hard to respond to things that don't give me a lot to work off of. I focus a lot on developing my characters, fleshing out their pasts in reaction to thoughts/actions/scenery that others provide me with, and I can easily hash out my own things when that's not there.

Because of this I tend to,,, not join clans that can't match me, I'm afraid. It's nothing against the people, but I have my own preferences and I don't like killing my own motivation by trying to lessen what I do ! I stay around like-minded and museful people to make it easy for everyone, since i know that many people don't like reading entire novels when posting and do it more casually.

Re: Do long posts put people off? - galexiux - 08-05-2018

i really dont care between long and short posts but ive noticed a trend that if you make a short starter with long posts, people will still reply to you.

Re: Do long posts put people off? - cyantist - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]Just addressing some things

[member=1536]toboggan[/member] - yeah, I've just come back from roleplaying on forums with minimum word count/private threads w/ close friends so I'm still used to writing super long and detailed responses bc either, it's expected or I know the other person has the muse. The things I type tend to be related to the character's thoughts or feelings, because although I like to write a lot, I feel like certain things aren't necessary if they don't either A) add to the character or B) move along the thread.

[member=1718]Seina[/member] - The suggestion about shorter replies makes sense, but I've been taking that as a given? I've never really felt pressured/expected people to match muse, considering my posts look short and bad compared to some people who write amazingly. The summary is something that I have tried ( throwing a tl;dr so someone can get the gist of the thread in a quick glance ), but condensing info into the final paragraph isn't something that I've personally tried so that might be a suggestion thank you.

[member=1348]adomania[/member] - your posts are amazing and you actually inspire me Yeah, I understand the idea of finding a group that can match muse. I'm just,,, struggling to find that right now honestly.

[member=830]galexiux[/member] - By starter I meant the starting post of a thread, so I'm not... 100% sure what you're trying to allude to.

As a final note; I'd like to reiterate that I'm not trying to offend anyone, I'm just trying to find a way so that my longer/more museful threads & oneshots don't get ignored because I feel like I'm missing good opportunities to character develop and it's a lil frustrating. If you disagree with me, feel free to tell me. I'd rather people be honest.

Re: Do long posts put people off? - galexiux - 08-05-2018

no like

if yo u make a short starting post

and you do the long post afterwards, people still stay interested

Re: Do long posts put people off? - aureate - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Tracking for the advice because honestly I've been having similar experiences wherever my characters go and it's rather draining to get two replies at most to a thread I put a lot of effort into. While I definitely understand that some people prefer short, casual posts, I think roleplaying should be a two way street when it comes to adaptability. If there are times when people have to shorten their posts to get responses, there should be situations where people should go out of their comfort zone to reply to longer threads, if that makes sense.

Re: Do long posts put people off? - ALLOY - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]i am here to agree with Rev, and to say that people don't have an obligation to respond with equally long posts, but in a roleplaying setting the point is to interact, and when people don't post at all that puts a huge damper on everything. it's okay to reply with a paragraph at most, but to not reply at all can be very disheartening, especially for people who have only recently joined the site and don't have the connections others do.

Re: Do long posts put people off? - adomania - 08-05-2018

Heck oml,,, boy thank u so much for that compliment it mean a lot u won’t even believe,,, I don’t have words because writing is something I pride myself on and having someone actually look up to me for it is,,, a very nice feeling.

But yeah ! Sadly I have the same problem, but so far I can recommend the rosebloods and typhoon for you ! I’m in both because they fit exactly what I need at the moment, with very good writing length for both ! I had to limit the amount of characters I had but it’s worth it in my opinion