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WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KYLE ;; open, beck needed - Printable Version

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WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KYLE ;; open, beck needed - goodsprings - 08-05-2018

↠↠la'miyla was absolutely fuming. the ivory tigress was just about fed up with the complete bullshit that was allowed around here. what was tolerated, such immaturity and disgusting behavior set by the ones they are supposed to respect. la'miyla had just about none for every single superior here. she only saw and knew about three of them anyway. still, it absolutely made her blood boil seeing the disorderly business about the 'wood. the caralho's would never consider this acceptable. they would never allow their inferiors to be comfortable with the behavior some of them set around here.

"BECK." the scarred tigress calls out in the middle of the junkyard, tail lashing back and forth irritably. she doesn't care if the ghost heard her or not, she knows he will eventually spawn with the others. she caught enough attention with her stomping in.

"i am demanding your attention, now. i ask for their to be a fair diplomatic vote between everyone on certain matters. matters that concern our safety. our future of this place. your negligence has gone long enough." miyla takes a pause, climbing atop a old rusted tractor, overgrown with tangled ivory. "i believe malphas is unfit to be our healer. he is careless of our needs. he sabotages opportunities that are too good for us to pass up. he will cause us nothing but trouble if you do not keep him in line, and i demand that we have a say in whether or not us as a majority even trust him to take care of us. i will not accept someone so immature, so reckless to be in charge of our future healers. their is nothing but trouble in that boy, and you must see that now."

she rests upon her rear, claws tapping impatiently as she awaits for the poltergeist to appear.
Template by Quill

Re: WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KYLE ;; open, beck needed - beck. - 08-05-2018

    If he had a heartbeat, it would have stopped when he heard his name being yelled to the high heavens. He still had a miniature panic attack either way, his bloodless guts wincing as he sheepishly crept towards the source, expecting punishment that usually followed when someone was angered with him. But they wouldn't want to hurt him, right? He thought they liked him; had he been wrong again about that? Doubts rattled inside his skull as he slipped through the junkyard's chain-link fence, partially sighing in relief when he saw the fuzzy white outline of only one rather than an entire uprising. This was all about Malphas? He was just a troubled kid, and he was learning his lessons -- a saddened frown tilted the corner of his unscathed lips down, his neck straining to keep his gaze trained on the elevated La'miyla. All he could do was listen to La'miyla's biting words, his ears pinned against his head as he desperately tried to comprehend and spit back a rebuttal. Beck was silent for a moment or two, glassy eyes staring up at the raging tigress before he numbly mumbled out, "Just because ya don't see the good in him doesn't mean I don't." Despite his quiet wheeze, internally the boy was panicking. How was he supposed to handle this, he didn't have any experience! He shouldn't escalate the argument further, no matter how much he wanted to scream back and blame and fight. Ya know ya want to.

    With a ragged inhale, he continued, eyes distant as he sought to stare at anything else other than La'miyla, "I - I know he's... troubled, and maybe he does cause problems, but that doesn't mean he can't change, right? He's a good medic; Nayru chose him herself. A-and I know he does everythin' he does because he cares about everyone here. We should -- should give him a second chance. I'm sure you'd want everyone to do the same for ya if ya were in his shoes." It felt terribly wrong to be so heartfelt, but Beck was desperate. His bony flanks gave a final heave of waterlogged breath, and lifting his myopic gaze to met La'miyla's, he did his best to keep his shrill voice steady as he spoke, "I don't see a reason for him to not be a medic -- plus, we have other medics, it ain't just him. But thank you for bein' concerned, though. I'll, uh, talk with him, okay?" About what he wasn't entirely sure, but Beck still tried his best to offer an innocent yet crooked smile at the tigress, itching to retreat and hide from her afterwards.

Re: WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KYLE ;; open, beck needed - arrow - 08-05-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]

She was not ashamed to admit that Mimi's call scared the daylights out of her, causing her to almost choke on the food she was eating, leading to her ungracefully hacking up a lung. She whacked herself in the chest a few times with a paw, slim body violently jerking in response.

Turning her face up to the tigress on the tractor, wiping watery tears of near death from her eyes, Arrow stayed absolutely silent during the duration of the rather loud complaint, biting the inside of her cheek. She held some valid points, truly, albeit a little angry. Okay, maybe that was okay too. She got sort of distracted watching Mimi on top of that tractor, but Beck's reaction was enough to snap her out of her trance. [color=#31b94d]"Whoa, boss man, alright, let's sit down and think it over, yeah?" He seemed off.

Now, in Malphas's defense, Sola was too quick to declare enemies in her opinion. Was he a little shitty? Yeah, yeah he was, but Sola was watching from the shadows the entire time and never spoke up once, even when the rest of the Tanglers were polite. She let one cranky ass determine her political stance with the entirety of the group. Arrow winced. "This is your fault." She blamed herself, if she hadn't been so openly kind to Mosa, maybe Malphas wouldn't have gotten so upset. But other than that, the drinking was worrisome for a medic, and the suicide attempt.


Re: WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KYLE ;; open, beck needed - TALIA P - 08-05-2018

Re: WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KYLE ;; open, beck needed - madster - 08-05-2018

malphas padded over. yep, and this is why he drank himself to an early death. "listen." malphas stood, body relaxed. "i know what i did was wrong. i was acting as if they were an enemy clan. i was acting as beck instructed to us to protect our borders, and i believed them to be a threat." he stood by beck.

they were right. still, he despised the rosebloods, but it was his fault they were enemies. malphas remained calm, though. "alright. i will accept whatever punishment beck wants for me. but do not bring beck into this. he is a good leader and i will stand by that. i don't even stand by myself. you can make me gator bait all you want, but do not drag his name through the mud. he started this clan and gave all of us a community. don't put him on the same level as me." oh jesus. malphas cared about beck. he was standing up for what he believed in, even if he stood alone. he seemed unsure of this himself, but he desperately wanted to believe it. "it's not beck's fault i did what i did. it's my fault entirely. i will own up to that." 

Re: WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KYLE ;; open, beck needed - goodsprings - 08-05-2018

↠↠the fur along her neck bristles just seeing the ghostly male. he looks pathetic. jericho had more of a backbone than this... this coward. a hiss seethes through her clenched teeth as she listened to him stutter and stumble upon his words. weak. weak. how did he ever see himself as a leader if he barely stood up for himself? la'miyla was expecting a strong posture. a voice that did not break nor stammer. instead she is met with what beck truly is.

a child.

a child that she has no respect for. hell, those roseblooded children earned more from her. proud of their blood and refuse to stand down to those they deemed lower than them. malphas had told them the 'wood was warbound, yet their leader couldn't even properly stick up for himself when it came to internal matters. their own home was being threatened by his negligence, and beck sits their looking pitiful.

talia's presence is somewhat of a shock to her. her fur flattened as the beast comes to her side and supports her call. she looks about ready to claw something in half, though, and she makes no motion toward the other woman. she can speak for herself, at least she can without looking like a fool.

"this behavior is deplorable." she finished after talia had spoke, caramel gaze burning holes at beck. "you do not see a reason, because you are sloppy. where you are not, your subordinates are. and here we are! telling you whats been happening while you're off doing, what i hope to assume is actual orderly business, and you fucking sit there and deflect? you give an excuse for a boy that has done too many wrongs, and you don't have the fucking backbone to do something? i don't trust you." her tail lashes back and forth, like a ticking time bomb. she's ready to scream, but she doesn't. miyla keeps herself orderly to get her point across.

"a talk has cost an alliance. a talk has made an enemy. a talk-" and lo and behold...

her eyes shoot from beck to malphas in an instant, and the tiger stands up from her place. she does not move any further.

"oh! fucking wonderful. you took a few little kids as a threat, did you? all you did was run your mouth and play mouse when their mother put you in your place; rightfully so. talk shit. get hit. you have heard of that, haven't you?"

she disregards the rest of malphas' little speech. she has no time for his pitiful pleading. instead she returns to beck, her eyes narrow.

"if you will not act like a leader, beck, i will treat you as you are behaving. a child who doesn't know what the fuck they're doing. i don't care if you and malphas are friends. i don't care if you two are fucking brothers of some sort; you will act as a leader. stand up straight, stop looking so weak in front of your peers." as far as the ivory woman is concerned, half of this mess wouldn't have happened if beck had intervened when malphas began to show insubordination to begin with.

"you are not fit for leader, you are not a respectable one. i see you as useless, until you shape up and do your fucking job. as talia said, she and her wife were able to get through with no issue whatsoever. this place is a mess under you. there is no strength behind a little boy who pretends to be a king."

she lifts her chin up, and scans the junkyard. "if we have other healers better fit than malphas, let them take his place. who would rather be treated with respect and actual care than an apathetic child that treats most of his peers as subhuman? its vile, and frankly not what we deserve."
Template by Quill

Re: WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KYLE ;; open, beck needed - — MALKYN. - 08-05-2018

[Image: UNiGGOw.gif]
[color=white](i am barely a thing at all)
Malkyn is first drawn over by La'miyla's yelling for Beck, stomach lurching painfully as she gets up on shaky paws. She feels sick, gross knowing both Sola and Cain were back, knowing she's not completely safe as she wanted to be. The hound would've been okay not knowing they were both alive and together. Not that she's jealous or bitter over their relationship together she's just.. bitter and traumatized. The Alpha hellhound, however, moves quicker when the feral aggression rises between her bond with Talia, the twitchy feeling that if someone got too close it'd be all over.

The Alpha is there as a buffer, a guard, a wall to keep Talia from hurting anyone unintentionally. The partially paralyzed mutated hound pulls herself over to the ground, feeling her legs moving a little more smoothly than before, the buzz of feral energy crackling between the two hellhounds. "What happened to the 'I don't give a fuck vibe', you were trying to stick to." Her head turns in Malphas' general direction as she stands by Talia's side, seeing through the bond him trying desperately to backtrack, to pull Beck back from the Danger Zone of two very angry and opinionated women. "And you--" Her head turns to Beck, seeing him cowering and almost groveling on the ground.

The hound instincts in her riot at the sight, a growl in her throat, immediately sensing weakness. Alphas and omegas, survival of the fittest, and the hound raises her head slightly, the fur along her spine standing up, the aggression bouncing between the two of them not helping the situation but she has no intention of leaving. "Losing your backbone the minute a few upset members come to your doorstep over something reasonable." She knows he's a child, she knows, but so were those on the border.

"Good person doesn't mean a good medic, Beck." She pauses, a buzzing in the back of her head momentarily distracting her before she's refocusing. "At the moment, he's neither." She continues talking as if Malphas hadn't just been talking right before her. Though she's quickly cut off by Miyla, but the hound really doesn't complain, the three of them seem to share the same general mindset at the moment. Once the tigress is done speaking, Mal pipes up after her before she can be drowned out. "Beck kept you in the position, did he not? A leader is responsible for what happens with it's high positions, regardless of whether you don't want him dragged into it."

[ fUCK SPRINGS U POSTED BEFORE I COULD jdshfjdgf this is a mess ]

Re: WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KYLE ;; open, beck needed - delphinium - 08-05-2018

- Like the others, it was La'Miylas loud call for Beck that caught the kitsune's attention. It didn't sound particularly good, but in Tanglewood, nothing sounded particularly good and someone getting angry at Beck almost to be expected. His trickster personality with his lack of experience as a Leader chapped a couple, and it seemed this was such coming to a head. Delicate navy paws carried Delphinium over, slender ears strained forward to catch the heated conversation being exchanged. It was about Malphas, that much was incredibly easy to pick up on. Delphinium had not been there herself for the drama regarding the Rosebloods, thankfully, but word of it traveled very fast and none of it sounded like a good situation. Why were these strangers trying to defend a group that invaded their territory and declared them enemies? Olive green eyes flicked between the bickering individuals slowly, listening to them speak with a growing anxiety swelling in her chest.

Delphinium did not exactly like Malphas: he was sharp-tongued, obnoxious, and rather egotistical. But Iota trusted him. They worked alongside each other, or rather they used to, and Delphi could at the very least make an effort to get to know him better. She agreed partially with what was being said - Malphas should have never become a full Medic, not so soon after trying to commit suicide, and in that choice Delphinium believed Beck was wrong. But she did not so openly oppose her superior. Oh yes, Beck got on her nerves. His little comments and habits grated on her in a way few had before. But he was the reason she had shelter now, he was the reason she had Iota back by her side, he had given her a new purpose in her life beside the one crafted for her. For those reasons she would stand by both of the accused males, slowly coming to a stop alongside Malphas as her head tilted in his direction briefly. He was being so... calm about this. Beck was fairing worse than him. Was it Delphinium's place to speak up? Not in the least. But no one else was doing anything to defend their roguemates. This very well might be the death of her, Delphi realized dully, staring up at the enraged La'Miyla and Talia.

"... What happens to Malphas is up to Beck, not us." She spoke slowly, almost immediately regretting getting involved in the conversation. Asking for a group vote so they could forcefully demote Malphas based on their own biased friends was incredibly wrong, but saying that aloud was asking for a slap to the face. "The Rosebloods had no intention of being allies if their Leader was that eager to call us enemies." Gods, Gods, Gods why did she have to get ahead of herself and speak out? Delphinium's gaze nervously trailed off of the two beasts to instead wander to her side across Beck and Malphas once more. "He was healing us fine before you got here," he had fixed Stocking's injured leg, had he not? "And calling for his head so... barbarically," what other way was there to describe it? "You couldn't go to Beck privately and talk to him? Why would you make a scene about something that seems to matter to you so much?" Why Malphas being a Medic would matter to them at all outside the matter of spite was unknown to Delphinium, but she had already pushed her boundaries as far as she could go. The kitsune went quiet, returning her gaze to the trio. She was not confident, no, but she was not about to turn heel and run from the situation either.

Re: WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KYLE ;; open, beck needed - cherrypaw. - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]cherrypaw waltzed on into the conversation, plopping himself down next to malphas. " i want him to stay. he seems nice."