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XENO-ANIMAL SPECIES NOTES/DESIGN - nefarius - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Here we'll be designing my freshly made xeno-animal species that i'll roleplay on BoB. Made it myself with inspiration from the xenomorph design of the Alien movies.

If you want to,, roleplay a member of this species on your own?? go ahead. i don't really care. just heed the notes before you do and... go wild. they don't really have a name yet, but here's the concept art that got accepted:

[Image: unknown.png?width=642&height=444]


Track! Will delete this if needed!

Re: XENO-ANIMAL SPECIES NOTES/DESIGN - nefarius - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]notes;

- similar to a bear, the X4 has a muscular upper body covered with shaggy fur. it's paws are similarly shaped, but are generally longer with three digits. like a feline, it can retract it's front claws but are denied the ability to do the same in the back due to the different makeup.

- because of the heavy front of the X4 and it's skinny, almost spine-like end, raising itself on its back legs requires strength and patience. often doing so results in sprains because of the strain. perhaps a way of attracting a mate?

- the X4's cranium is, besides its back-end, another tell-tale feature of how alien it really is. despite this, the brain is relatively small. the sheen of shiny-black skin that covers what would supposedly be its face is a layer that limits eyesight to a grainy filter.

wip bc im gonna finish this tomorrow YEET

Re: XENO-ANIMAL SPECIES NOTES/DESIGN - nefarius - 08-05-2018

Also, notes to self

- this species will be rediscovered by my character Adonis through testing.

- X4s do not reproduce traditionally. they find another animal, lure them in, and then inject their eggs via a tongue-like organ in their mouth through the victim's mouth. the eggs, like a parasite, make the victim sick before they inevitably die. similar to an actual egg hatching, the X4s will have to exit the host.

- X4s grow up incredibly fast in a matter of days. Food speeds the process along. When they're first porn they have considerably less hair, their ears are floppy and closed, and immediately imprint on the first living being they see.

- since all X4s have both male and female identifying features, such as male genitalia and the ability to lay eggs, "sexes" aren't rlly a thing for them i guess? it could be a mutation to have only male genitalia, but that would sterilize them. it could also decrease their hormones and make them less aggressive then their counterparts. egg-laying X4s with no genitalia could also be a rare mutation but has the opposite effect, increasing the need to breed and raising aggression levels considerably. having a mix of male genitalia and female eggs balances them out. male genitalia is useless and has no purpose outside of pleasure, to put it bluntly.

Re: XENO-ANIMAL SPECIES NOTES/DESIGN - nefarius - 08-05-2018

X4s can communicate between each other perfectly but have a hard time speaking to other animals. this forces them to interact in packs, and talk to others through body language alone. their signature voice is a high-pitched clicking noise.

they're very feline and tend to purr when pleased??

but at the same time like... they're very monkey x bear x tiger. they move like monkeys, have the upper body mass of a bear, with some features like their vocals and appearance resembling a tiger's.

they only come in dark colors. but albinism is a mutation that randomly occurs at times.

their jaws are interesting because the teeth on either side rlly serve no purpose?? like at all?? if anything it just gets in the way and serves as an ugly underbite they didn't manage to breed out.

when their mouth opens, it's lined with these sharp little teeth and hiding in its throat is its little tongue-thingy that they use to pass their eggs through... pretty cool.