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down the rabbit hole ;; plot with crona - Printable Version

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down the rabbit hole ;; plot with crona - purgatory - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:120%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]*pterodactyl screech*

so uh, they're open to a lot of things but keep in mind, they don't see the point in any sort of companionship or emotions so them actually feeling anything towards your character is going to take time. however, i do want them to get a friend or two as i'm going to start trying to develop the emotional aspect of them as well as put more emphasis on their theme of 'time'. if you'd like more info on them, feel free to check out their [ tags ].

so, the smol is open to
- friends or close friends
- enemies/rivals
- being taught something / having a mentor / someone just fucking picking them up and saying "you're mine now" and they'll be like "k"
- your character officially or unofficially adopting them / figurative family members
- your character allowing them to ask them a million and one questions
- aus
- them following your character around like a duckling following their mum
- going on adventures with your character
- positive/negative influences / someone encouraging them to pursue various things (i.e "cronas thinks they'd like to learn about medicine" "fucking superb you funky little sociopath")
- minor injuries
- being tricked into doing things and being used as a guinea pig bc manipulating them isn't hard / doing tasks/favours for your character and being rewarded with knowledge or food
- your character stopping them from doing something life-threatening and explaining why 'because i was curious' isn't a liable reason because this kid has no sense of danger
- you're character being their steady supply of food / eating all kinds of foods with your character (as long as it's editable, they'll eat it) / them helping your character prepare food and take nibbles of everything as they go along
- long-term/short-term plots
- crushes (one-sided until they learn how to love. also who in their right mind would crush on an emotionally detached, sociopathic child with literally no soul?? lel no one but it's on the table regardless)
- idk what else but chances are, i'll be 99.9% okay with it so long as it's nothing on their 'closed to' list.

they're closed to the usual
- death
- torture (for now anyways. may open this in the future)
- capture (they'd p wind up following them around anyways this child has no sense of danger)
- serious injury/maim (for now anyways)
- romantic relationships (but if the plot is good then heck yeah)

so uhh,, yeah
hmu my bros

Re: down the rabbit hole ;; plot with crona - MINGAN - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]
this noodle is,,, so pure i love them okay.

maybe like a low key friendship with min? she doesn't usually engage with kids, but if they kind of followed after her and asked questions or something, she wouldn't tell them to go away. and like tbh min could high key use interaction with a child to get over her weird discomfort around children ngl. eventually it could maybe develop into an actual friendship where min's like,,, "yeah this kid's a-okay in my book"?

Re: down the rabbit hole ;; plot with crona - purgatory - 08-08-2018

cries in french
late reply sorry sorry!!

lmao thank
they're really not that gr8 tho lel

but uh yeah! i'm down with that!! would you like for them to have a thread?

Re: down the rabbit hole ;; plot with crona - purgatory - 10-13-2018

bumping this as i get more active with this kiddo also bc i'm too lazy to make another thread
+ edited first post with more ideas