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STILLNESS IN WOE // soothsayer and sage promotions - ROSEMARY - 08-04-2018

The ocelot was surprised at how many people tried out for the sage position - certainly more than the number of soothsayer tryouts from not too long ago. But she supposed, with the Typhoon's recent surge in population, healers came with them. She felt a bit relieved about this, naturally; as the one dealing with the wounded and sick for the past few weeks, she needed all the extra paws she could get. So, after the tryouts day, she muddled over her options and consulted with her brother; eventually, she thought she decided on a decent enough plan for the Necro Mambas.

Heading to the underwater dome, the pale wildcat flicked her forked tail behind her as she waited for a small crowd to gather - she notified the group with messengers and her own tongue about her announcement, and she expected most people would know to head over by now. All the same, she felt irrational tinges of fear that nobody would show. That nobody would care to listen to her, even the ones who wanted to come into the high positions of the Necro Mambas. Her claws flexed once, twice, and then an additional time before she forcefully ejected the irrational anxiety to stew under her main thoughts. She still felt it twinge in her heart, but she could ignore it now.

She occupied herself, while the crowd grew, with making the customary drinks for the newly promoted - jungle juice she drank at her own promotion to head soothsayer. Once that was done, she turned to the crowd and ignored the impulse to clear her throat. "As you may recall, we had tryouts for the sage rank for the Necro Mambas last week. Since I've been so shorthanded this past week with injuries, I've decided to promote Junji, Temulin, Beatrice, and Aita to sage. Congratulations to you all - make sure you learn fast to help out!" Rosemary announced, her only trepidation came from her uncertainty if she and the other soothsayers could properly teach so many at one time. But, more than that fear, she already worked alone on the wounded that she grew tired of having such empty ranks. Even if one or two of them disappeared or lost interest, she wanted to make sure she still had a functional group of skilled medics for the Typhoon. Twitching her ears, she added, "You may come up and drink the concoction, if you'd like."

She paused for a moment, still fighting with herself over the proper wording for the next bit. "In addition to the sages, I'd like for Fischer to step up as a soothsayer - congrats, and feel free to grab one of the juices," she spoke, not bothered by this decision in the slightest. The other woman proved her loyalty to the group and certainly possessed medical knowledge - Rosemary needed at least one other fully trained medic to help heal the injured and train the sages. Fischer seemed like an ideal choice. Lashing her tail, she continued, "Solveig is demoted, as I haven't seen her at all. If she returns to pick up her slack this week, she'll be repromoted next week." There, that seemed alright; Rosemary thought the hardest part of bad news was just saying it. Once she got started, the wording came easier than expected.

ooc tl;dr
- [member=1660]JUNJI[/member] [member=1609]TEMULIN[/member] [member=495]Beatrice[/member] [member=1504]Aita C.R.[/member] are promoted to sage! congratulations!
- [member=1371]FISCHER.[/member] is promoted to soothsayer! congrats!
- [member=1345]SOLVEIG[/member] receives a temporary demotion; she needs to increase her activity this week
[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: STILLNESS IN WOE // soothsayer and sage promotions - rochelle - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;"]When the news of the Necro Mamba meeting and announcements made its way to the sightless Privateer, Fischer made her way to the dome instantly. It was one half for her curiosity for the results, to see the new Sages and, eventually, future Soothsayers, and one half to necessity for her to always travel ahead of time. She was certainly getting better with her walking pace ever since she went blind, it had her speed had doubled in the first week, and the chances of her getting lost had lowered in the first seven days too. The rate kept improving exponentially, as long as she kept pushing herself. From her hut, nearby the center of camp, it merely took her a few moments to get to the underwater dome. There was this smile, a little sliver of pride that she held, wanting to maintain some modesty, some dignity, as she padded into the space. Fischer had claimed a seat towards the outer shell of the room, knowing getting into the thick of the crowd would make her far too uneasy, too overstimulated.

The four new sages made something in her heart bloom. If she could, she would've been so fond of seeing the faces of the new sages, the fresh faces of Beatrice, Junji, and Aita, and the wiser, refined Temulin. Her whiskers twitched in the direction she presumed them to be in, but her attention was ripped from sniffing out the crowd when she heard her own name. In an instant, she shed the coat of Privateer, and slipped into the role of Soothsayer. It was such a unorthodox way for her fate to be turned around, but she knew it was right. In her soul, she was a healer, and the gods must have seen that. Silently, she thanked Nereides, before shakily getting to her feet, and making her way towards the juice, taking in a breath of the liquid's pulpy scent. Her gait was willowy, more certain, as she gently knelt down to lap up the drink before turning her head in the direction of Rosemary. "Thank you ..." Fischer spoke softly, before turning back to the new sages, or at least, where she assumed they were via scent. "It will be a pleasure getting to train you, you four ..." With a faint, content sigh, a smile tickled it's way on to her face, warmly focused on the new sages.

ooc | asdfsld congratulations you guys!! c:

Re: STILLNESS IN WOE // soothsayer and sage promotions - JUNJI - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]upon receiving the news of an announcement, junji had hurried to the dome, dropping his book as soon as word reached his ears. he'd been eagerly waiting for the results since the moment he'd turned in his little bag of herbs, and now, here they were.

coming up behind fischer, the tom gave rosemary all of his attention, ears perked in anticipation as she spoke. and... his name was the first mentioned. the promotion, though he had been dearly hoping for it, still managed to catch him off guard. the boy's fur bristled with excitement, and as the soothsayer finished up, he couldn't help but bounce once. "thank you!" junji murmured. he trotted up quickly to accept the concoction, lapping the drink up with a soft purr rumbling in his chest before retreating back to fischer's side. he offered the blind feline a grin and waved his tail happily. "congratulations," he cooed to her.

Re: STILLNESS IN WOE // soothsayer and sage promotions - Beatrice - 08-05-2018

[thank you!! and nice job everyone else!! <3]

The announcement found its way to her via messenger. She had been sitting underneath a tree, chocolate-colored eyes appearing far off. Bluebird song wreathed around her. Some darker tune rested on the forefront of her mind, playing on an endless loop. She sat in an almost trance-like state, unmoving, unblinking, until the messenger rattled her with a mighty shake.

Their speech was quick - they had places to be -, but she caught the words easily. Something akin to trepidation ignited in her being, and Beatrice tried to shake it off. She told herself that whatever happened, happened. Her tryout for the Sage position hadn't been the best - she'd somehow managed to mix up tansy, marigold, and yellow daises. The herbs she brought forward had been crushed, and she had almost been late too. Though her hopes weren't high at all, she figured she needed to show her face and take the letdown like a champ.

The canine entered the Deep Sea Dome slowly. Her fictional eyebrows furrowed in thought. It had been a long time since she sat foot in the meeting area. Picking her way closer to Rosemary, Fischer, and Junji, the cattle dog chose to near the middle of the room. Red ears angled forward to listen to Rosemary's call. When the words registered in her mind, a shocked expression marked her features. Her? Promoted? "Thank you, Rosemary. I... I'll try not to let you down." She allowed the faintest of smiles to lace its way onto her lips before she stepped forward to drink the juice.

Though its taste wasn't the best, she didn't care. She was proud of herself. Maybe she could start doing something right now. For a flicker of a moment, she felt a twinge of darkness seep into her heart, but she ignored it. There was no time for that. "Congratulations to everyone else too, I suppose," she added only after Fischer and Junji had praised everyone else.


Re: STILLNESS IN WOE // soothsayer and sage promotions - no more - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 230px; font-family: georgia; color: #7b8189; font-size: 10px; text-align: center;line-height: 110%; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px"]i'll never get to heaven cause i don't know how
For a brief time they wondered if it might be best to ignore the messenger, to go about the menial labour of everyday life as though the events of last week had been nothing more than a whim they had acted upon for mere enjoyment rather than a task they had set out to do. It had grown all too apparent their demeanour had changed, what had once been touched by seemingly limitless energy and the spark of malicious amusement was gone, left to fade beneath eyes grown heavy with exhaustion and the soft curl of a frown, speaking of something missing.

All the same the words seemed a hook within their mind, gentle as it pulled them back each time no matter how far they tried to go, pushing further into the jungle only to find wandering steps drawing them back, seeking the ocean and the dome it hide. Growing weary of it all the darkly toned bengal uttered a soft sigh before they turned their steps to the dome, remembering how it had been decorated not long ago, a celebration held within now little more than a ghost. Their eyes were drawn to the life which swarmed about the clear tunnel, watching as sharks moved about them and their seemed almost transfixed before the space widened.

Hovering above the carpet they seemed unable to lower their paw, to take the needed step to draw them into the dome proper, swallowing thickly against the knot within their throat. And so it was just within the mouth of the tunnel Aita heard the announcement, crouched upon one side to permit others through, wide gaze set upon their aunt. There was little hope within the child, compared to the others who had showed they were young, just shy of beta, and inexperienced in the ways of the world to a degree which seemed laughable, their only drive the safety of their sister rather than the group as a whole.

“Wha...” A soft exhale of breath escaped them and it seemed there was no thought to their movements as the kitten finally crept closer, unsure for a time. Within silence they watched as three others approached, those called beside her to join the ranks of the Necro Mambas, before they made their own way up, offering Rosemary a faint smile in place of words for they were unsure if they would be able to speak at all. The concoction was unpleasant but they forced it down, a look of disgust twisting their features as they sat back, only to become something more light, filled with a childish glee as it finally hit them.

They were a sage, apart of the Necro Mambas. “Thank ya, aunt Rose, Ah'll do mah best,” low was their tone as they spoke, directing their words towards the Soothsayer alone, a bright joy within those dark eyes. Turning to look upon the others they wondered what they would think of them, the child of Pincher and thus the niece of Rosemary, along with being only a minnow, it seemed even to them it might simply be the family connection to gain them this promotion. Roughly they shoved the thought aside, didn't permit it time to grow, for it did not matter if such was how it began they would prove they were worthy of this though their heart ached when they remember why they had chosen to do this, their smile fading somewhat. “Congrats ta ya.”

[thank you and congratulations to everyone, this is gonna be interesting]
the tyhpoon — minnow — tags

Re: STILLNESS IN WOE // soothsayer and sage promotions - CELESTE G.M. - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border-bottom: 1px white solid;padding-BOTTOM: 3px;"]The announcements for the tryout was something that the borzoi would not miss, considering that she was attempting to make her way back into a position that she was comfortable. A raider or a pirate Temulin was not, and that was plain and evident from her mannerisms if nothing else. Aita is a good choice in her opinion, she seems mature and talented for her age. Junji and Beatrice are people that she hasn't spoke to, but she trust that they are good for the job too. She doesn't doubt Fischer either. All in all, she believes that the Typhoon should have a strong medical team.

She vaguely notes that she's a trainee again ( a child ). That seems, it puts her off, but she's sure that she can become a Soothsayer in not a lengthy amount of time, perhaps she has to prove herself again. This is something that she can prove herself with. The angelic hound is the last sage to come out from the crowd, taking the jungle juice and knocking it down with a grimace. It tastes awful, but she quietly thanks Rosemary as she finishes it.