Beasts of Beyond

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She remembered that it had been a special night. She had walked into her home in the city and upon her pillow had been a note. Next to the note had been a rose and her son's best penmanship scribed on the paper. "Please meet me, follow the trail. See you soon, momma."

Needless to say, she had followed the scent trail he had left. What awaited for her by the lake was something she hadn't been expecting. Candles, a large comforter spread out on the ground, some various snacks, even some sugar cookies that he had scrounged up. Those were her favorite, although she didn't care for icing. The whole thing overlooked the lake where the stars shined their brightest.

She remembered everything about that night, how she had listened to the sound of crickets and croaking frogs as they sung their nighttime songs. She recalled how her son's golden gaze had turned to her and he had hastily glided over to met her. "Of course, it certainly would not be made for anyone else." he had said in response to her words of disbelief. He nuzzled her and produced another sentence. "I'm glad you were able to see my note."

She had been directed to sit down and she had. He asked about her day, which she had revealed that she had found some old fireworks that she might find a way to set off later. Everything had been so perfect.

Things weren't perfect now. Her son had gone missing, the clans had disbanded, everyone she knew was gone. Hell, she was in an entirely different world now, with no clue how she had ended up here. She used to be someone important but now she was just a wanderer.

She had always liked and preferred to be underground. Even back when she was Farewellkit, daughter of Daisypaw, she had made secret tunnels under the dirt so she could go hide whenever Sugar got too strange or Astra didn't come around enough. Honestly, it was no surprise that she searched out a network of caves that led under the  surface of the earth.

But now she was lost. She had taken too many turns and she thought she could hear wind somewhere but she knew that sounds carried strangely down here. She had come across patches of water a couple times and took the opportunity to drink until she felt bloated. Now, the dark girl was just wandering aimlessly, at home in the inky darkness.


Happiness was a rare and fleeting emotion when it came to the young assassin. He had practically been raised so that all the emotions that he did feel were smothered in his mind so that when he did feel the emotions he would just end up confused as to what emotion it actually was. It was to the point that Killua didn't even know what certain emotions felt like, causing him to usually go out into a panic and completely try to snuff the feeling out. It was strange for him to feel for others, especially in a caring manner. Most of the time he had just killed them if they even looked at him the wrong way, but he was trying to change himself right now. He was allowing himself to feel like what it felt when he was happy. He had been happy in the prevoius clan that had ended up living in for a couple months. Sure animals there didn't exactly like him or approve of his actions. Not like he really cared about it that much, but still. There were a couple that were willing to deal with him here and there, and soon enough he became extremely close to one of them. To where he ended up calling the female his adopted sister and they treated each other like family. At least, he believed that's what clan families did when they treated each other with kindness instead of whipping them into submission. There were very chances that Killua was allowed to be himself around others. The usual attitude he held around others was sometimes a facade just to get them on his side. Which wasn't hard in the regard to most clanners as most of them were too trusting as soon as they saw them. Killua wasn't one to really help those in danger all things considered, but there would be times that he would feel pity for others. Is that what the other creatures in the clans felt when they looked at him? He could never really see the pity in their eyes when they looked at the massive scars that covered his body. The assassin had a high pain tolerance, so having something done to him that one would think would be incredibly painful usually wasn't thanks to all the torture he had gone through with his family. Most of the nerves on the first layer of his skin completely dead thanks to having shock therapy at a huge voltage to get him used to the chance of him getting captured and being electrocuted for information if it ever came down to it. One fact that Killua did know, was that animals were very quick to look down at him for what he was. He was just a kid right. He didn't know any better than the adults. Killua usually didn't bond well with those that were older than him in the regard that they would always try to take charge of him. Just because he was an apprentice. Nothing infuriated him more when an adult thought that he was in distress and try to get into his business. He made sure that most of his problems didn't really involve others when he interacted them in most regards.

There were no reasons to, he hated at the thought of his family just deciding to completely destroy the clan that he was currently living in. That would be worse case scenario in his mind. The assassin needed to make sure to have precautions so that would ever end up happening again. Killua once had someone that he did care about. However, he didn't know where she was anymore, or even if she was alive. She was tough so he anticipated that she would be fine without him, especially without Illumi being a threat to her life. He had to leave her. He had no choice. She would have gotten herself killed. It was for the BEST. Then why did he always have a bitter taste to his tongue? The albino serval swallowed the saliva that had been collecting in his throat. It wasn't hard to follow the female's scent considering that it was different from the rest of the groups. Considering the difference between canine and feline night vision, he would see a whole lot easier in the darkness. But maybe she was a threat and had been trying to lead him into the tunnel without him really realizing it. This made Killua hesitate for a couple of moments, he was small enough that if something did happen he could rely on his speed and his eyesight. Or he could just end up teleporting. He blinked his sapphire blue optics as Koru was slithering around his neck. Obviously noticing the uneasy feeling that the wildcat was having. Huffing to himself he walked down into the tunnel, his pawsteps making no noise whatsoever. Thanks to his air elementals, he was capable of remaining stealthy for a majority of his life. The power muffling his pawsteps completely, and the power making it so that it was impossible to catch his scent. Which he didn't really have as he constantly bathed himself so that there weren't any imperfections on his fur. The tips of his long metal claws were close to scraping against the rock flooring of the tunnel, but he stepped well enough that he didn't have to worry about them making any sort of noise. It took Killua a couple of seconds, running at a decent trot, as he looked around the corner, his eyes have adjusted to the lack of light, to see the female that was down the tunnel. It was a canine from the looks of it. Older than him for sure. Killua was barely able to catch the other's form due to her dark coloring, but even if he couldn't see her completely he could just track her scent. Moving from the corner that he had been behind, he appeared behind the dingo, at least five feet away from her in the tunnels. "I'm guessing you're lost" The stealthy assassin stated out of the blue, as he sat himself down. The albino black mamba that was wrapped around his neck flicked his tongue out in the canines direction, gauging how far away she was from him. There would certainly be a big size difference between the two of them, not like he really cared all that much. The apprentice's tone sounded bored when he talked though. If the other got lost in the tunnels, he probably wouldn't help her, unless she reacted nicely toward him instead of trying to chew his head off like most animals tended to do with his personality.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: HEARD YOUR VOICE | O, JOINING/LOST - jacob w.c. - 04-02-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Jacob could remember the city. He knew that shouldn't be surprising; he'd only left it a few weeks ago. Snowbound was a tiny breath in the expanse of his life at this point but he supposed he had hoped that the snow would wash away the dirt of the city faster than it had. Every single night, though, he was reminded of it. He could remember the good things but he knew most of those weren't there anymore. The only thing worth staying for would've been his babbo but he couldn't do that, not after what happened. No, all the city brought him was noise and violence and fire. It'd been time to go. He knew he made the right decision. Yet despite all it's faults and dangers and all the nightmares it forced upon him, he still found himself missing the lights. When he was little, he liked to walk through the streets and gaze at the bright neon. Babbo always found that amusing, he thought. Jacob saw the same ones every single night but he acted so surprised every time he saw them. Even as he got older, the charm of them never worse off.

But, as with anything, sacrifices had to be made. All the lights in the world couldn't make up for the pain that place brought him, and would bring him if he stayed. No, staying wasn't ever really an option now that he thought about it. Besides, there were lights here and they were even more magnificent. He'd never realized how many stars there were in the sky. He'd seen plenty of pictures and he'd read about them in books but before arriving in Snowbound he'd never been able to spot a constellation, even on a clear night. There was too much light from the city, especially where they lived. Not only that but Jacob liked the security here. He'd had plenty of people doing their best to protect him in the city but now he didn't even need that. He didn't have to look over his shoulder every time he went somewhere and he didn't need to remind himself to suspect everyone of something. Doing such things wasn't in the boy's gentle nature and, even after all this time, he wasn't able to force it in no matter how he tried. He'd never be like the rest of them.

He was pulled from thoughts of home when he heard Killua and a stranger nearby, something that seemed to be a growing occurrence. The husky moved forward with his unsteady gait, making his way towards the pair with a light smile draped on his maw. This time though, it wasn't among the snowy planes above them but instead in the twisting caverns. Jacob enjoyed the darkness, to some degree. It was cold and it allowed him to be by himself, if only for a little while. The darkness could be nice but he always had to remember his way back. He couldn't stay too long. "Are you alright? Feelin' well n' everythin'?" the canine added to his clanmate's questions. He couldn't quite see in the darkness and, while he didn't smell any blood, he just wanted to be sure she was safe. While he understood the clan rules, he wasn't going to leave someone who was injured without any help.


the sudden voice of an unknown being had her jumping, turning to search out the other's form in the dim light. "you startled me! but yeah, I'm pretty lost. Am I trespassing? That's becoming a normal thing for me, even though I don't mean to." she answered, the halo around her neck glowing as shock ebbed and flowed through her.

The serval reminded her of someone, far away and she wasn't quite sure if the other feline still existed. The name whispered in the back of her mind but she ignored it and focused on the male. "you seem kinda familiar to me..." fare murmured to herself, but she flicked an ear in dismissal.

Oh, boy. There was another one coming, this one she could hear and smell. He was smiling and he seemed in a better mood than the first one. However, he seemed to be limping. Concern sparked her halo to life, and it burst into bright light. "yes, yes, I'm fine but are you? You seem to be limping a little. Are you hurt?"


Killua could honestly care less whether or not someone had considered to be trespassing. They could really do whatever the hell they wanted. It depended on whether or not he would end up interacting with them that would be the deciding factor. He guessed that some could call him a gatekeeper in that he met most of the creatures that were near the border of the clan or needed some form of assistance. At some points since he had been in the clans, Killua began to feel as if he was getting soft in more ways than one. He was more than willing to listen to the story that others wanted to talk about. He was quick to hold a conversation with those that he simply came across because it was better than him sitting alone with his own thoughts and the whispers that constantly went through his head. Anything better than that. He couldn't take the thought of his brother being nearby each time he did hear the whispers. Which would always send a small wake of panic through his chest, always causing his breath to hitch in the end. The assassin had a lot on his plate to worry about, and for that his mind was constantly running. Maybe running a little bit too much because he didn't know when the hell to relax while he was around others. His ears constantly moving to listen to nearby movements of those that lived in the clan or simply just nearby movements for him to keep track of. On top of being more likely to talk to others, he was more likely to come to their aid. Why though? He had no connection with those that lived in the area after all. Why should he? Killua got the feeling that they cared about him on the simple factor that he lived here for the time being. What would their reaction be if he was just some loner that was walking around the territories and didn't have a place in the clans? It would probably be somewhat different, but all of these groups were full of surprises. He hadn't seen Roy in a good while now, which just meant that he was going to have to be the one to help others while they were injured. Unless there was an animal in the clan that actually had powers that could help someone heal. He had his electricity elemental powers, but not having charged himself up in several weeks meant that his powers wouldn't activated until he charged himself up. A painful process yes, but it was much needed one if he was going to be able to use his powers. He could use said power to be able to cauterize wounds so that they would no longer bleed anymore, but burning the one that he was trying to help. Pain was something that the clanners didn't enjoy experiencing no matter what degree it came in. Besides, he wasn't about to use any of his powers around the group right now as he still didn't trust anyone. Trying to figure out if there was truly something that they were hiding that was their kindness. The wildcat didn't need the group to know everything about himself. He would only tell a select few about what he was capable of but beyond that the idea of an entire group knowing what he did make him somewhat scared. After all, if his brother needed information on him without directly asking him, it just meant that his older brother could take anyone from Snowbound and dig into their minds in a not so nice way and get whatever the hell he wanted. Was he willing to take a risk like that? He still didn't know, as the idea was still up in the air as worst possible scenarios right now. The assassin needed to focus now though, and he could feel a headache slightly brimming as he looked at the dark figure in the tunnel. He didn't recognize her, having never met a dingo the entire time that he had been in the clans. He knew most common species here and there, most of them being domestic cats and a few of them being larger animals sprinkled here and there. Not like he really cared about how large an animal was as it really made no difference to the likes of him either. Killua didn't really care if he ended up scaring others with his appearance. It was an instance that those in the group were going to have to get used to if they didn't see him walking over toward them. Which was somewhat rare, because back outside there were trees that he liked to hang out in with every possible chance that he was given.

His stark white fur easily making it so that he could blend into his surroundings whenever the hell he wanted. He liked being in high areas as it gave him a good vantage point if he needed to attack someone, or if someone lost their temper and try to attack him. Being underground wasn't something that he greatly enjoyed all that much. There were too many factors to take into consideration with a cave, such as a cave in, getting lost, or other factors like flooding. Besides, he had been stuck in a cave due to a cave in as a creature had tried to trap him and the rest of the clan in the cave. Luckily he was able to get himself and the rest of the group outside of the cave. That was months ago now though, and he wasn't as afraid as one would consider himself to be. The large radar-like ears that were on the top of his head began to swivel in the direction of someone walking toward him. He had begun to memorize the creatures way of walking and identified it as Jacob. So the other was coming to investigate as well? That was fine with him. It just meant that he would have to do less talking on his part. The young male flicked one of his ears as he turned his attention back toward the canine. An amused chuckle escaping his jaws as the albino black mamba that was around his neck flicked its black tongue in the dingo's direction. "Gomen. Basically yeah. This is Snowbound." The assassin stated calmly, his sapphire blue eyes drawn toward the glowing artifact that was around her neck. Did it glow based on the other's emotion? He had to admit that was pretty damn cool in his mind, but the apprentice was too stubborn to say it out loud. Killua watched the other reaction toward him, and as soon as he saw the look in her eye, familiarity, he knew that there was something wrong. And when she spoke again it just made everything. It was subtle, but Killua clenched his jaws, his body language not changing in the slightest as he continued to show that he was relaxed for the majority of their interaction. Killua simply would shrug his shoulders at her statement. "There are plenty of albino servals out there. I'm not the only one." The former deputy would state calmly, but wondered why the other thought that he looked familiar in some way. It made him uneasy. The snake that was around his throat tightened its grip on him, obviously reading off of the emotion of the other in some way. When Jacob came onto the scene though, the thing around the female's neck flared to life. What the hell? Killua looked shocked for a moment at the sudden light, his sensitive eyes having to adjust fairly quickly to the change in brightness. "Y..Yeah, I think so. I've seen him walk like that." Killua would say calmly, although he made sure that he didn't say it all that loud so that if Jacob wanted to answer her question, he could do it himself. "What's your name?" The assassin questioned the other before he sat himself down in the cave. Probably not the best method if she became a threat. It was obvious that he was keeping his distance from everyone else. Including Jacob himself, despite the other's kind demeanor.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: HEARD YOUR VOICE | O, JOINING/LOST - jacob w.c. - 04-03-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
"No! I'm fine," the words were spat out before he had registered the glowing ring, before he event had a moment to really process what he was saying. Embarrassment burned him when he realized he's spat over Killua's reply and he'd hardly let the woman finish her question. He shifted his paws uncomfortably, settling down before taking a deep breath and adding, "Uh, thank you for bein' concerned n' all that but 'm fine. I jus'- I got hurt when I was li'l is all." He locked his jaw and let out a sigh. He didn't like how defensive he'd been or how he'd snapped but he could hardly help it. Anyone that needed to know about those particular events would just be looking for trouble anyway and he didn't want anyone who happened to know his Babbo or Pa to put two and two together. While this woman seemed nice, he didn't know her or where she was from. He was just keeping himself safe. He wondered how many times his fathers had used that excuse for their actions. But this was why he came to Snowbound. To keep himself safe without resorting to the means on his family. He hated being so suspicious but he could hardly help it.