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WE'RE BOTH UNSETTLED, NIGHTTIME CREATURES | open, disappearance - Printable Version

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WE'RE BOTH UNSETTLED, NIGHTTIME CREATURES | open, disappearance - Margaery - 08-04-2018


margaery mikaelson-folie
(uh hi hello i'm going on a cruise tomorrow and i won't have ANY wifi at all so a girl's gotta make margaery's sudden absence make Sense™. she'll back as soon as i have wifi though so no worries!!)

He always came to collect what was rightfully his.

Margaery had believed herself to be safe from further tragedy in the form of her father. She had managed to convince herself that he was done tormenting her, that he would no longer chase her to the ends of the earth in some thinly-veiled attempt to make himself feel better for the sins he had committed against her. Against Suite. Her wife's death and revival as a vampire should have been the end of it- Margaery had won and her father had lost. Plain. Simple. Nothing more to explain then just that. But her father was persistent. He hardly hid his hatred for Suiteheart, nor did he appear too keen on permitting his only biological daughter to live a life free of his influence.

Deep down inside, Margaery knew this. He would come for her and she could either surrender willingly to him or fight until he inevitably dragged her away from her home for being a disobedient daughter. It didn't take much to get her to surrender though, not after she was cornered by the menacing wolf with those gleaming amber eyes, and that all-too familiar dagger clamped between his jaws. She and that dagger had become closely acquainted in the previous centuries, especially after her father repeatedly chose to sink it into her heart here and there to send her soul to an inescapable limbo.

But he didn't want her to just leave.

No, he wanted the bond shut off and a note left in her wake.

The former of the two requests had been a hard one for her to do but he had pressed that blade against her chest and caused her to sever herself from Suiteheart in one fatal swoop. She didn't even tell her wife goodbye, too broken over the realization that she was breaking her promise to her. She had assured Suiteheart that she had no intention of ever leaving her again and here she was, leaving abruptly with no explanation. It felt strange not having her other half, that familiar hollowness spreading in her chest. Suiteheart had always been the better of the pair, like this, she really could do just anything her father ever so eloquently asked of her. Margaery found herself blinking a few times up at him, detached, empty, apathetic, before taking that pen and writing a short note.

To my family The Ascendants,
Don't look for me. Hopefully, my leave will only be temporary. I don't know how to put this, but my father some ghosts from my past require my immediate attention. To my children, I love you all so much! Don't worry about me, please. I'll be back. I hope.

And with that, she was gone, her necklaces and the note her only promise of return.

Re: WE'RE BOTH UNSETTLED, NIGHTTIME CREATURES | open, disappearance - Suiteheart - 08-05-2018

Suiteheart had been sleeping.

In rare moments, the white feline was so suddenly overcome with the need for sleep. She could go weeks (sometimes even months) without needing to rest, but each time, these episodes ended incredibly unexpectedly. Energy and intense hyperactivity and high emotions gave way to dull eyes, hollow feelings, and no motivation. It was odd, and she knew she ought to be used to it by now but she wasn't. Each time, it surprised her.

The gentle rise and fall of her chest signaled her slumber. Every few moments, her paw would twitch - she was dreaming. In her dreams, she was walking along the shore of a beach. The waters that rushed over her paws were clear and silky and wonderful. She was smiling. Things were good. And then, something shifted; the waves grew intense and they raged. The sea began pulling her in, dragging her into its depths. She fought it at first, but something told her this was how it was supposed to be. This was her fate. This is how it was always meant to be. Suiteheart let the sea take her. Before she was completely submerged, she awoke with a start.

Cold tendrils of the dream still wrapped around her. It was more or less symbolic of what had occurred with Margaery and her father, though Suiteheart would never be the wiser.

Tired blue eyes blinked once, twice, three times before something hit her like a ton of bricks. It felt as though there were a gaping hole at the core of her being. A gasp escaped her parted lips as she scrambled backwards from where she had slept. Why did she suddenly feel so empty?

The white feline reached forward with the bond, attempting to find Margaery for comfort, but there was only a void. It felt as though the path she had been standing on suddenly collapsed halfway, turning the road into a precipice. She was breathless and trembling as she realized her wife had once again severed the bond. In an absolute panic, she searched the shattered remnants of the bond in an attempt to figure out what the hell had happened, but everything was slipping out of her grasp like sand through her paws.

Memories of the event, of Nik kidnapping Margaery, evaporated before Suiteheart had the chance to cling to them. The deputy was left with no explanation. The only thing Margaery had given her was a burning, gaping wound in the form of a half-empty soul.

The only piece of information Suiteheart managed to find was the letter and its placement. With that as her only lead, she had no choice but to run to it. Faint hope ignited in her chest, but the flames were weak and pitiful. She tried to ignore the burning in the back of her throat and the threat of tears as she stumbled towards the note. She had to know the reasons for this broken promise.

Margaery had promised to not leave again. She had promised.

Suiteheart arrived, and when she saw the necklaces her wife wore laid out, she felt her heart stop. Margaery never went anywhere without her necklaces. The idea that her wife had gone somewhere twisted Suiteheart's inside into knots. 'Broken promises.' The white feline took shaky steps forward, fearing the worst. She grabbed the letter gingerly, as if she were worried it was going to explode.

Her lips moved slowly as she read the note, mimicking the words, but never saying them out loud because speaking them aloud meant they were real. She didn't want Margaery to have left... Her father needed her? What about Margaery's family and friends here? What about their children? What about her? Though her anger was quenched by an intense sadness, the fire kept reigniting as her mind continued to wander. She couldn't wrap her head around any of this.

"Wake up," she whispered to herself, voice not above a whisper. This was just a bad dream, right? It had to be. "Wake up." She squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them, nothing had changed. "Wake up..." she pleaded, hopelessly.

The letter in her grasp crumbled slightly as she moved her paws too quickly in jerky realization, but she didn't care that its edges were torn or that the ink was now slightly smeared. She didn't care. She didn't care. She didn't care. She wanted it to burn... Yet, there she sat, moving to hold the letter close to her chest; Suiteheart cradled the last words of her wife, and she didn't hold her breath for a return because the words had sucked all the air out of her lungs.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: WE'RE BOTH UNSETTLED, NIGHTTIME CREATURES | open, disappearance - ONISION. - 08-05-2018


[div style="background-color:#806A71;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Onision's sleeping had been interrupted by the soft, mournful whimpering of her mother, causing him to also stir soon after. He stumbled out of bed, vision blurry as he walked towards the figure of his mother. His mom. "Mama? What's wrong?" Asked Onision, tilting his head to the side drowsily. He could read, but was too tired to even try. Whatever letter was left, it was obvious that it disrupted Suiteheart, disturbed her.

So, Onision didn't ask any further questions, and instead attempted to comfort his mother by pressing his body against her own, blue eyes soft from sleep. Things would be okay, despite his own fear that things wouldn't exactly.. Be. If someone hurt his mothers, there would be Hell to pay, but for now, he was far too small to kick anyones ass. So, all he could do was try to comfort her. Comfort.


Re: WE'RE BOTH UNSETTLED, NIGHTTIME CREATURES | open, disappearance - tori - 08-05-2018

Margaery was a part of his life, a piece of a large puzzle that would be so incomplete without everything. She was the first to greet him, the first to take him in, and subsequently the first one to introduce him to the concept of affection and maternal care. She didn't need him as much as he needed her in his life surely, but he owed her a lot. Ironic, really, she was the first one to welcome him back as well. Just...always there.

But now she was just...gone?

"Suite, you okay?" Alex asked with a sleepy voice, pulled over by the sound of Onision rather than the whimpering of Suiteheart. Of course, when he saw the second maternal figure cradling the letter and her son trying to comfort her. He looked around, trying to find out what had caused such a saddening reaction, only ever picking up an idea from the necklace. That was....Margaery's? But she didn't go anywhere without it!

"Hey..." He shook his head, trying to form words to reply to this entire scenario, but he couldn't. There was nothing.


Re: WE'RE BOTH UNSETTLED, NIGHTTIME CREATURES | open, disappearance - HEARTEYES - 08-05-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Her clanmates seemed to be disappearing left and right. Hearteyes feels her chest tighten at the sight of Suiteheart crying over a letter, her son pressed against her side. Something was wrong. The molly walks slowly closer, brushing past Alexander and moving to Suiteheart's side, pressing into her side to try and comfort her. She can only guess at where the molly's wife has gone, and that was probably why she was so upset - her wife was gone, without a trace, just a short letter and a necklace left in her wake. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She manages, because there are tears in her eyes, her chest impossibly tight.

Margaery had been one of the first people to welcome her into the clan, and was a constant, warm presence within the group. Hearteyes could not feel the pain that Suiteheart was feeling right now, couldn't miss Margaery as much, but the tense, sad air pulled at her heartstrings like nothing else. Hopefully she would return soon - Hearteyes couldn't stand to see her clanmates so sad.

Re: WE'RE BOTH UNSETTLED, NIGHTTIME CREATURES | open, disappearance - Roy Mustang - 08-06-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
It was fairly known to most Ascendants members that Roy didn't come to trust them so easily. While it's been months and months since he arrived here, there are people who(in his mind) are still working to earn his trust. Some are making progress, while others aren't, but without a doubt there is a small amount of people that earned it a few months back. Margaery just happened to be one of those people- somehow he just clicked with her and Suiteheart. The uncertainty he held when he originally met the two quickly began to change and develop into a close, loyal friendship. If Riza wasn't here with him, Roy would definitely believe that he was the closest with them. Without a doubt, Margaery is one of his best friends- and he would never change it. The vampire made this life far easier for him to go through, as after Maes's death and Riza's disappearance, Roy was all alone. Margaery and Suiteheart were there for him in one of his darkest moments, and who knows if he'd be okay now if they weren't there with him.

When Margaery 'died', it left Roy in distress and anger. It caused him anger beyond belief- as in his eyes, her death wasn't fair. She created life, she gave birth to beautiful cubs that would love her and Suiteheart, and in the miracle of birth- they lost her. He felt so useless in the situation- there was nothing he could have done to prevent her death. It angered him to this day that she lost her life for something she was so excited and looking forward to, it made him feel like it was almost a punishment. Like how Maes died when attempting human transmutation- which is essentially playing god in attempts to make a person through alchemy. Human transmutation always fails, and never once will there be a successful transmutation. Margaery and Suiteheart on the other hand, successfully created life in a natural way, and yet they were still punished. While Margaery returned(which is still hard for him to wrap around his head), these feelings never truly left him.

Roy thought that Margaery wasn't going to leave- that being legitimately leaving or dying- again. She was one of his close friends, and she was reunited with her wife- who she even saved during the time of Suiteheart's own peril. He could see the bond between the two grow stronger as Suiteheart returned as a vampire- just like Margaery. Finally, they'd be able to spend their lives together forever and ever, without having to worry about aging and death.

But unfortunately, it seemed like Roy was misguided.

When Roy stepped into the room, his eyes quickly scanned the scene before him. As his blue optics scanned the room, they quickly landed onto Suiteheart, who was clearly in an amount of distress. The male noticed she was reading a note, and nearby her happened to be Margaery's necklace. From what Roy could tell, it seems like the note is giving Suiteheart anguish and despair. Without another thought, the melanistic bobcat quickly made his way over to his friend, his eyes catching the note just in time. The male quickly scanned the note, reading it over and over as his ears slowly flattened to his cranium.

Margaery is gone.

As Suiteheart pulled the note close to her chest, Roy felt rage begin to run through his veins. Roy wasn't pleased with the note, not one bit. He was upset that Margaery left, after she already died on them. It had been a surprise and relief when she came home, but now it's different. She left on her own accord, with her father- and who knows if she'll ever return. He also hated seeing the amount of suffering this is already putting Suiteheart through- it pained him to see her like this. Roy knew he was distressed about Margaery's disappearance, but he knew his own anguish and confusion was nothing compared to Suiteheart. Suiteheart is Margaery's lover, wife, and some would even say soulmate. The two loved each other dearly, and without a doubt this note was not expected. The two of them had a promise, which is now broken into pieces.

Eyes blinking slowly, the melanistic bobcat sat down beside Suiteheart. In hopes to comfort his best friend, the male would attempt to rub his head into her white fur. "Suiteheart, I'm so sorry," The Flame Alchemist spoke, eyes closing shut, "Remember I'm here for you, you don't have to go through this alone." Roy hoped Suiteheart would take that hint, that his door is always open. Suiteheart was there for him in his darkest moments, and he wants to be there for her in return.