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BREATH OF LIFE / o, joining - Printable Version

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BREATH OF LIFE / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 08-04-2018

Clouds shrouded over the moon and stars, blanketing Tanglewood's territory in darkness. Fireflies moved around and crickets chirped and the small figures of bats could be seen flying around. For Morrigan, darkness was welcoming. It wasn't too warm and she found comfort in it. After all- she was the Goddess of Death. She was cold, emotionless and she did not grow attached to mortals very often.

Amber-hues would search around the swamp area, interest clear in her eyes. A somewhat-smug grin would form on her maw and she would take a seat on the ground, running her paw over the part of her chest that had gold embedded in it. Morrigan didn't feel much pain from it, yet it was rather irksome. She would remain silent as she awaited for another to show up- though her gaze was alert the whole time.
tags :: updated 8/04:

Re: BREATH OF LIFE / o, joining - galexiux - 08-04-2018

  A pair of white glowing eyes stared at Morrigan from the shadows. Esmeray was not surprised to see so many people show up to this invisible line that she couldn't see. It was the same line she met at, anyways. Though... she did wonder how far did it go on. Was it a circle? A straight line? Did it have a beginning or an end? ... perhaps some things were better left unanswered.

  The completely normal cat strolled out of the bushes, her head held high with her signature smile. Hello! she chirped, How can I help you? Ahah! The tables have turned! Now she was the prophet with wisdom and this was her student! How nice.


Re: BREATH OF LIFE / o, joining - toboggan - 08-04-2018

Truth be told, Leroy wasn’t out here because of the joiner. He was still relatively new here himself, so it wasn’t his place to go out of the way and welcome new people to Tanglewood. The legitimate reason why the wolfhound was situated around these parts wasn’t the nicest; over the course of the day, he had tailed many vulnerable-looking clanmates over the territory, hoping to catch a glimpse at their shortcomings for personal information, and apparently, it was Esmeray who was the next patsy. Lucky for her, this gold-ingrained feline showed up at the border to ruin the fun.

To be bona fide, he was somewhat ill about not getting a formal welcome when he had joined this place himself. Maybe, this joiner would appreciate one? It would certainly get him in her good books for sure. Why not? Tagging behind his clanmate, Leroy would follow up Esmeray’s greeting with "Yeah, how d’ ye do? The name’s Leroy, and you’re ‘n Tanglewood, darlin’". Ooh, was that too strong? Was Morrigan one of those girlies that didn’t like being hit on? Bah, what could she do about it? What’s said was said, and that couldn’t be changed.

Re: BREATH OF LIFE / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 08-04-2018

As Esmeray approached, the black feline would raise a invisible brow and she would allow a small grin to curl upon her mouth. An average-looking feline. Nothing special. She'd seen lots of things in her life and a feline wasn't that surprising of a sight. Almost golden-hues would study the small feline, a lack of interest in her eyes. "Nothing really, I have to say. The only thing I request really- is that everyone here in your swamp accepts me into your lot." Morrigan would offer a rather polite nod of her head to the all white-feline before her attention had been quickly snatched by Leroy.

Now, this was an animal she rarely saw. A wolfhound. The Goddess's lips would part in a smile, revealing gleaming, ivory teeth. She would tilt her head to the side by one inch, not enough to cause anyone else to do the same, she supposed. "My, my. Aren't you a sweet one? Unfortunately hun, I'm a little too old for you, unless you've got a preference for old ladies." She would said, a sly-smirk growing on her lips.
tags :: updated 8/04:

Re: BREATH OF LIFE / o, joining - toboggan - 08-04-2018

Leroy would foxily shrug, followed by a devious swoon, and a slick wink. "Age is just a numbah’." Of course, he didn’t really mean that. Dating older ladies was a bit too far out of his league. The mongrel felt that making a pass at Morrigan would get him in her good books. And besides, how old could she really be? Leroy wasn’t exactly young himself.

Esmeray was the target of Morrigans inquiry about joining Tanglewood, and he understood that, though this was an opportunity to help out a dame in need (another deed to get on her good side). Not willing to wait for the white feline to respond, Leroy seized the chance. ”I’m sure the folks here’ll be happy t’ have you here; believe me, if they can have me here, they’ll let anyone in” he’d assert, subtly remarking the level of his schemes. Morrigan seemed like the person he’d let in on his plans, if she could keep a secret. But, based upon the fact that she had just got to this place, wanting to join no less, it was safe to say that his big picture could be kept quiet for now.

Re: BREATH OF LIFE / o, joining - Luciferr - 08-05-2018

"Age loses meaning to some" a deep voice rumbled off to the side as a pair of draconian like claws shot through with veins of lava stepped from the underbrush and the regent joined the welcoming committee.

War momentarily filed away that all three here were more or less unfamiliar faces to him even those that were tanglers and mentally filed away that they seemed to have gained members since he'd become more reclusive - but then maybe Amunet's own scarce being around was having an ill effect on his temperament.

silverine-blue eyes tracked to the new feline however - hm, she had an aura familiar to his eldest brother, another god among mortals? and presumably one linked to death - the canid beast inclined his head "Fenrisulfr Grimm - and welcome to tanglewood" nothing barred the feline from joining them - they had no real restrictions on who joined them after all.

/if ya don't want him knowin on the aura thing just lemme know I'll delete it c;
