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diamond eyes // open, capture - Printable Version

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diamond eyes // open, capture - deimos - 08-04-2018

[align=center][align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]He dragged the lion by the scruff. The oversized, melanistic bone faced wolf threw the lion down on the ground, a set of ropes tying the lions paws together, their toes bunched up tightly. The legs were folded back and tied against the stomach of the lion. His ears twitched as he dropped the lion. Blood red eyes twinkled as he padded about the lion. He leaned forward, pulling the rope tied around the lion's muzzle off. Then, he sat and waited, looking at the lion in silence.

He wouldn't be needing weapons.



Re: diamond eyes // open, capture - CLEO R. C. - 08-04-2018


Cleo's comment was delivered quietly, lips twisting into a faint frown as she regarded the Ascendant that Decius had brought home. She wasn't quite familiar with the male - consequence of her self-inflicted withdrawal - but figured that it was a good enough thing that he had managed to capture some puny lion. Speaking of, Moonmade was rather... insignificant compared to the lions she had seen over the course of her short life. Interesting. He also smelling surprisingly of something earthy or, were those herbs? Cleo couldn't tell nor did she have any particular interest too, instead merely scoffing at the prisoner.

Around her neck, Eshe coiled tighter, a forked tongue making a brief appearance as she, too, tasted Moon's scent. The black mamba knew that this creature would not provide her any food - it was far too big - but that didn't eliminate her urge to bite him. Quite the opposite actually, in fact, Cleo could feel her companion's overwhelming desire to sink her fangs into the Ascendant quite clearly, a realization that caused sanguine-hued eyes to blink confusedly. No, Eshe, The bengal thought, trying her best to deter her from the thought. Captures were one thing but the child didn't think she could stomach any murder.

Not yet, anyways.

Re: diamond eyes // open, capture - MOONMADE - 08-04-2018

[size=9pt]Moon wakes gasping. His body is in shock, working in overdrive to ensure its survival, but his vision is blurred and his mind slow to come-to. Everything is hazy, and it takes him a moment to get in line with his body, to realize what is going on.

Last he remembered, he'd been knocked out. Obviously, he wasn't conscious for that exact part, but he remembers a foreign scent on the border and thinking, vaguely, 'You probably shouldn't go see what that is without backup.' But Moon was anything if not a fucking dumbass, so he approached, nonetheless. And now he was here. Face in the dirt, rope cutting at his wrists. He sucks in breathes through his nose, desperate to calm his body, because, mentally, he was fucking fine. This was some Clan Ally-Enemy bullshit, nothing he worried himself with, and he'd be out of here in a matter of hours. So what if he suffers a bruise or two?

"Fuck." Rasps the lion, a lop-sided grin on his mucked-up maw as he regards the rope he's tied up with. "I knew you fish-breathed fuckers were into some kinky shit, but this is a whole other level." Somewhere in the depths of his disoriented brain was an alarm going off, telling him perhaps he should be careful with his words, but he'd never been before and so far, all it'd gotten him was a few scars and a family that didn't want him. What's the worse that could happen? "Let's at least establish a safe-word first, don'tcha think?"

Re: diamond eyes // open, capture - ROSEMARY - 08-04-2018

She's a little bit impressed that the wolf managed to snatch an adult male lion - the captive, even while tied up in a heap on the ground, dwarfed Rosemary's own body completely. Her tail flicks beside her as she gives the captive some distance, walking around him to sit by Cleo. While Rosemary once previously intervened in the torture of an Ascendants member, she doubted she'd do so again. Indeed, the thought didn't even manage to enter her head. Her dispassionate androgyny prevented her from caring too much about the fate of an enemy male.

"Safe words are for consenting submissives, not captured breeders like you," she dispassionately remarked back to him, her cold tone contrasting with Moon's biting sarcasm. The soothsayer hardly recognized that she said the words; they came more as a reflex, something she must have said plenty of times back in her birth coven. Her remark gone from her mind as soon as she said it, she dismissively looks away from the lion, three of her four eyes turning to Cleo and the remainder landing on Decius to watch what the wolf will decide to do with his captured quarry.

Tail flicking again, she asked Cleo, "Do you really want to watch this? I doubt it'll be pretty." The ocelot isn't sure what sorts of nastiness Pincher's offspring got themselves into, so Rosemary edges on the side of caution for now. She doesn't think public tortures are something a young child needs to see, anyway.
[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: diamond eyes // open, capture - snare - 08-04-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]This was new, and also something exciting.  Snare trotted up a bit faster than usual, his pale moon eyes looking at the Typhooner and the large captive feline, his optics wide and his head titled.  Was he an enemy?  He wasn’t aware until now that they had enemies.  Oh, that would prove interesting.  Maybe he could sneak out and mess with them later…or was that something he had to wait till he was older to do?  Darn it, he had to wait on all the fun stuff.

”Are we gonna eat him?”  The wolf puppy would say to no particular crewmate as he tilted his head, keeping a safe distance but clearly testing himself.  He put a daring paw a little bit foreword, lowering his head and keeping his gaze foreword.  ”Or not?  He looks gross.  He wouldn’t taste good.  But pirates eat grosser, right?  How would a pirate eat something like him?  Y’know, that’s weird looking.”  Snare’s tone got dry as he continued on, his scruffy ears down as he stared at Moon.  He puffed out his chest and narrowed his eyes, trying to look as tough as his crewmates.  Yes yes, he was above this lanky enemy cat and he wanted him to know it.

Re: diamond eyes // open, capture - deimos - 08-04-2018

[align=center][align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]Blood red eyes flickered towards the Typhooner that approached first, carrying a snake about her throat. Primus watched her in silence, before nodding gently. "Yuck is correct, child." He hummed, still waiting for the Assclanner to wake up. His ear flicked, mane gently blowing in the wind. Primus couldn't wait to feed the beast of anger humming inside of his chest. He tilted his head as the lion came too, a savage grin crossing his bone masked face.

Or was his face really made of bone?

"Rise and shine, bitch." Primus chuckled, pushing to his paws. It was funny. This assclanner thoroughly thought he could say was he want. Primus lowered himself down, waiting the lion in the eyes, his bone nose inches from the Lion's maw before raising his head, looking towards Rosemary. He chuckled quietly, wiping at his face as he stepped about the body in front of him. "Oh please, my safeword? Blood. However, you'll never get a change to use it, little cub." He said the last part of his statement to the lion.

He ignored Snare. It was time to get blood a drippin'. Decius slowly dragged a paw down the lion's side, before putting pressure on his throat, pressing his uncharacteristically sharp claws, at least for a wolf, into his throat. They were almost like talons, scraping open the flesh there.


Re: diamond eyes // open, capture - GABRIEL - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"Nothing better to do, I see." The hybrid's expression bore no inflection, gaze dark and empty, although when it shifted across the group gathered around the lion, it rolled once it landed on Decius. See, he was glad that during his time thus far in The Typhoon, he hadn't come across this person, because Gabe didn't need to hold a conversation with someone to know when he wouldn't like them, and he thought this entire situation was very- undeserving of attention. Capturing a lion would be much more impressive if it weren't Moon, who was dedicated to fighting more with his words than his body, and whose work in The Ascendants revolved solely around healing. As entertaining as he could be, this session wouldn't be; the most Gabe would be able to say for it was pathetic. Not worth anyone's time or energy, although maybe he was enough for this wolf. If he could have caught better, he would have.

Maybe he didn't have the discipline for it, or the restraint. He was clearly impatient to get started.

"Couldn't find yourself someone more impressive?"

/excuse gabe he's just salty

Re: diamond eyes // open, capture - MOONMADE - 08-05-2018

[size=9pt]"Who says I'm not a consenting submissive, foureyes?" Jeez, they sure were uptight, weren't they? Weren't pirates meant to be all, 'Ahoy, scurvy scurvy, shiver me timbers'? Whatever. "For all you know, Skeletor here could've consulted me before hand. All that's off the table is whips and fuckin-- Puppy play or whatever."

Words, words, words, but all spoken through a grin that was forced and beginning to wobble. He felt completely off his guard, paws wrapped in rope that was cutting off both his movement and his circulation. He wanted to struggle, and his mind was going a thousand miles an hour, but he willed himself not to. Under it all, Moon had a profound amount of self-control, something learned as a child under a brutal mother, and so he'd feign nonchalance until his death. Literally.

"Yeah, fuck you, kid. I'm delicious. Way better than the fuckin' octopus ass y'all eat, anyway."

He paid no mind to what the wolf muttered on about, but he couldn't resist rolling his eyes at the blood comment. Edgy, Grandma wolf, congrats. The paw that dragged up his stomach was unsettling, drove the butterflies in his stomach crazy, but the talon-line claws that dug into his throat were definitely fucking worse. A heavy breath escaped his maw, quick, and his breathing increased, but he flashed teeth again, huffing a painful laugh. "This how you wolves give hickies, or--"

He fully intended on finishing his words, but his gaze, which desperately hopped from creature to creature in an attempt to distract himself landed on one hybrid in particular and his words skidded to a halt. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." It took him a moment to realize it was Gabriel, and not his long lost twin, and with that came a surge of frustration, of disoriented anger. Really? The Typhoon? Voice gradually losing it's energy, but still there, he spoke with the intent of a previously blacked out, malnourished torture victim who felt just a little bit betrayed. Yeah. "This is who you jumped ship for? Some fucking Peter Pan antagonist assholes? You're a real snake, Feathers, you know that?"

Re: diamond eyes // open, capture - ARGUS - 08-05-2018

ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ sᴄʀᴏʟʟɪɴɢ
argus had never been too interested in captures. sure, when they were in the desert it was fun. something to pass the time on, experiment with a complete stranger. There was always something to do when they were around, when they were young enough to pose as a lost puppy to the enemy and knock them out cold- clean. drag them back home and  see how long it takes for venom to set in. it was fun when they were little, but like all things glorious it took more than torture to bring the quartermaster satisfaction.

that did not mean that they couldn't watch someone else rip someone to shreds. More often than not some of these foaks came from the clans around them before coming here- what was the chance that they would be recognized? What was the chance that they could be spot red handed as a spy?. Even no, it would be nice to be enlightened a little on their backstory.

The quartermaster took to the sands, a light tred as red lulled eyes watched a lion a bored expression settled onto their expression. "you eat them alive snare. We show no mercy." Argus took to respond to her son quietly, sitting beside the small pup, a grin stretched on their expression.

Re: diamond eyes // open, capture - dead chars - 08-05-2018

↠↠ Tokoyami was not fond of this kind of practice. He had always wanted to be a hero, one to save people, one to do anything but harm them. So, torturing a captive really rubbed him the wrong way. This was a villain’s hobby, not something he wanted to take place in his own clan, but... well, he’d just shown up here a week or so ago. While he hadn’t been given the chance to do research on his home before joining, parts of him wondered if he should have found the time.

The crow-headed feline found humself somewhere near the torture, drawn by the commotion and large crowd, curious as to what was going on. Upon seeing it, though, he halted. Neither his posture nor his face gave any indication of distaste, but he felt it strongly in his gut, enough to make him a bit nauseus. He wanted to help this poor lion, whatever he was yelling about. Standing passively by wasn’t something Tokoyami wanted to do, but sorting through his options, he wondered if it was the only thing he could do. He couldn’t lose his home, after all- they had welcomed him. So... what to do?

/ rushed & mobile

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