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LITTLE DEVIL ¤¤ open - Printable Version

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LITTLE DEVIL ¤¤ open - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 08-04-2018

Boredom was the worst thing he knew. It made him feel restless and impatient. Whenever he felt like life was gloom knew he had to do something about it. Since joining here hadn't actually interacted much with any of this pirates. It wasn't really any of thier faults it was just Kazumi found it hard to find time for them when he spend most of his time trying to figure out what had happend with his powers. It did not settled well for him to be this...powerless. It felt to odd for him, uncomfortable even and not something that was believed to suit him. It had been a such long time since last time lacking powers like this so there was no deny how used he had become with them. If there was anything he priorited it was to get them back somehow, because this current life style did not suit him at all. It frustrated him.

Huffing, the vampire draw his tounge over his muzzle, thinking somewhat over what to exactly do. A break could be benefited for him right now, so had already decided to be more social since that always seemed to help with his boredom a bit. Not much happend here admittedly which not exactly suited him wanting to do something about it but lacked the powers to do so. If now was a time to miss his former play toys now was the time for it. At least them knew how to always amuse him without failing.

Dragging his form over to a more shadowed part of the territory to seek shelter from the sun the canine lay himself down, the perfect place to rest on for a little bit. " If anyone have some free-time please come over here to keep me some company for a while, i'm dying of boredom. " he said a bit overdramatic, purposefully so. Kazumi knew how to be an attention whore when wanting to and right now he didn't minded to be one. What really would ruin his mood a bit was if people decided to completely ignore him. If they did that he might actually consider to kill someone just to get some sort of reaction.

Oh yes, Kaz could be a such drama queen.

Re: LITTLE DEVIL ¤¤ open - CLEO R. C. - 08-04-2018

Following the assault sprung on her by her own godforsaken snake, Cleo had become withdrawn, distant, practically nonexistent. Betrayal left a particularly foul taste in her mouth, one that she could not so easily shoo away as she did the rest of her issues. Every night, she was haunted by nightmares of that boa constrictor and every night, she awoke awash in a cold sweat, trembling and weak and grasping for Eshe. Her black mamba had fallen silent, their communication limited now where it had once been so frequent. She missed their constant interactions, that rush of unfamiliar darkness that could only be their bond. She didn't know if the reptile was afraid of another attack or was collecting her thoughts with the intention of moving forward. Regardless, it had taken ages for Cleo to convince her to let her return to the public eye.

She was out and about now, cinnamon capped paws leading her shaking form closer to a stranger. Why was she, of all people, approaching someone that she hardly knew? She barely knew, half hating that she had been beckoned in by his dramatic cry. Cleo couldn't trust her own family much less this new individual, why couldn't she have sought out Aita or Goldie or Pincher? [color=#445544]"Hello," Greeted the half-deaf girl, blinking sanguine hued eyes up at Kazumi, [color=#445544]"I'm Cleo. You're new." The observation was delivered bluntly, the captain's daughter seemingly unimpressed by what she was seeing. Ah, then she was returning to normal then. Good. She had been afraid that the boa's attack would have stunted her permanently. [color=#445544]"Where'd you come from- and speak up, I'm half deaf."

Re: LITTLE DEVIL ¤¤ open - Luciferr - 08-04-2018

ah Kazumi, new to them if he recalled and one he knew less of than most here so far - but then that came with the territory of all living together, kinda like a strange sort of comradely Stockholm syndrome - albeit no one hated each other as far as he'd seen.

still not far behind Rosemary, the great dark scaled beast padded over with an incline of a great horned head to both witch and vampire - heh, a witch, a vampire and a dark god, this almost sounded like the start of a bad joke - before he shifted to seat himself, large tail curling around his front

"In all my long years I've never seen someone die of boredom - though not for lack of trying with some" the dragon idly mused.


Re: LITTLE DEVIL ¤¤ open - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 08-04-2018

If bedrayal was something Cleo was terrified of had just walked up to the wrong sort of guy. More times then he even could count now had bedrayed people, backstabbing them without any sort of remorse either. Many called him for the snake ironic speaking when she actually had one. Why he did it though?. Not really because of any ill intention towards them. He just found it fun, it was his thing to play around with people and thier emotions. It was thier own fault for trusting him. Kazumi only existed to be everyone else tragedy, a role he had grown to love.

" Kazumi luv, but if wanting to call me something else go ahead not am i going to stop ya." he smirked at her, pleased that someone had come over even more a face he not yet had seen around this far. Oh if only having his powers right now so he could smell if she was having any drop of despair inside of her or not. But this way was fine as well, making it more interesting. Where he had come from though was a question he actually wasn't sure how to answer. He did not originally belong to this world just like the world before this one, however it never much mattered. Not before had anyone asked where he come from though, and trust him, he had heared alot of questions during his years.

" I'm coming from a far away place. Born as a rouge and was grown up by two wonderful parents how loved me dearly." he gave a white lie but it was hard to tell just like always. Underneath his sly smirk wore a charming personality for some while others just felt skeptical towards him. There was always one or the other but it was always hard to see through his lies. His voice at least did rose a bit of a louder volyme so his half deaf new friend could hear him better.

Like mentioned once before, Kaz had always admired dragons alot so Lucifer coming to accompany them was not something he was going to complain over. It was always nice to have a dragon as company. Drawing a eye over this dragon scales would chuckle softly, amusement reflecting in his eyes over the statemate. " Trust me, if waiting for just some more minutes would have seen the first death case of boredomlexia, a real serious sickness." he joked obiviously. But this was what socialization was all about.

Re: LITTLE DEVIL ¤¤ open - bubblegum - 08-05-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldenluxury never really found herself "dying" of boredom. she was too busy all the time for that. if she got bored of one thing, she'd just move onto the next task and go back later - besides maybe with meetings. they were kind of boring, but they were important, and her papa was the one announcing them, so she ought to listen. nonetheless, upon hearing the call from the male, goldie would quickly come to their aid.

the young girl stepped up next to their sister - the side she could hear - and offered her a warm smile before turning her attention back to kazumi as he introduced himself. she had seen him a couple times, though hadn't gotten the opportunity to properly speak to him. she supposed now was as good a time as ever. she preferred to get to know each and every one of her crewmates, after all. it bothered her to not know even a few of them.

she listened as he replied to cleo and lucifer, slightly giggling at his joke. "must be pretty serious. good thing you're cured for now," goldie replied lightly, offering a friendly smile to the male. her tired green eyes gave off a curious look. "i got two wonderful parents, too! mister da-well, jacob n' pincher! i also 'ave a mama but i haven't seen 'er in a while, so." she really did love mister dad and her papa - that much could be seen just by the way she said their names.

"do ya have any other family?"