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BELLY OF THE BEAST — meeting 3.31 - Printable Version

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BELLY OF THE BEAST — meeting 3.31 - PINCHER - 03-31-2018

the devil's backbone
With the sun beginning to slowly set, long streaks of soft pink and brushstrokes of orange began to rake the sky above Pincher's head. The early spring breeze was gently dancing through the lush forest of the island, the various types of windchimes all gently dancing and creating a symphony of notes that joined the movement of the windchimes. The broad-shouldered male stepped out of the Capricorn Tavern, his glowing ice blue eyes flickering around, a look of faint amusement tracing his youthful facial features when he noticed that everyone seemed quite content. Some were relaxing in the hammocks that hung by the nearby palm trees, others were enjoying a dinner, and there were still some members that were enjoying a drink or two inside the tavern he had left. He knew that things were quite content but Pincher wasn't satisfied and he was aware some members desired more.

The doberman let out a soft hum before allowing a high pitched whistle to rush out of his jaws, one that would attract only one creature. he could hear faint rustling from the jungle, his velvety ears turning to now catch the fluttering of wings and all the sudden, he felt prickling claws sink softly into the muscle of his shoulder. "Yo, take it easy with the claws, BonBon." muttered Pincher, twisting his head to glare daggers at the scarlet macaw that now sat on his shoulder. Bonnie simply responded with a rugged cluck and a nod of her head which Pincher guessed was some sort of apologetic expression. Rolling his oceanic blue eyes, the male began walking towards the aquarium tunnel that was the second spot that the meetings would be placed. Pincher would have preferred for there to be a bonfire meeting on the beach but he could faintly feel soft sprinkling of rain beginning to pour as he stepped into the cave that leads to the aquarium tunnel.

Once he reached it, Pincher was swallowed by the blue reflection of the ocean that could be seen through the thick glass tunnel. Multiple colorful fish could be seen dancing around in the coral reef, occasionally a solitary shark wandered a bit too close for Pincher's liking but knew that they were not a threat for the glass was too hard to be broken. The captain reached the end of the tunnel and hopped on top of the Chinese throne that former pirates had stolen before gently settling down in a relaxed laying position before telling Bonnie to go out and sound the meeting alarm.

His scarlet macaw set out to do her weekly mission, her explosive loud squawking simply a few words. "Meeting! Meeting! Aquarium Tunnel! Aquarium Tunnel!" She went all around the island to make sure everyone would receive the message before returning to Pincher, where he was waiting. Bonnie settled down on the throne's iron arm with Pincher's piercing blue eyes focused on the entrance of the tunnel as he waited for the others to come in. Once enough members had decided to actually show up to the meeting, the male allowed a lopsided grin trace his lips, exposing shark-like teeth that were ready to sink into any flesh that tempted him enough. "Ahoy mateys!" Yup, Pincher did enjoy using pirate slang, especially in meetings to confuse anyone that was not similar to the pirate slang. "Now, this is our first meeting and I would like to thank everyone for the activity that you've shown! Not bad for some lazy fuckers, not bad at all. So, let's give out some shoutouts for some good looking faces I've seen around lately! Guru, you have been quite the sight for sore eyes, keep it up. Papercutter, you really have shown a lot of initiative so I gotta give you brownie points for that. Georgie, you are a bit too friendly to strangers but hey, your smile lights up the darkest of days so keep up the good work." He gave a light nod towards the mentioned members that had caught his eye and were possible candidates for future promotions if they continued their activity.

Feeling a faint itch beginning to prick at his skin behind his ear, Pincher raised a back paw to scratch with a small chuckle escaping his jaws before the charcoal male continued with the meeting. "So I hope you all knew the rankings of this place and that I will be needing members that show that. Now, I may not be the best at medicine but I do know the basics so there will be some future medical interview sessions to see who is capable of filling the witch doctor position and the voodoo nurse position. I am fucking excited to say there will also be tryouts for other high position fill-ins so stay on your toes if you want to boss members around." A nonexistent eyebrow quirked up as he finished the quick speech about promotions and rankings, knowing that the Typhoon had ambitious members as well as ones that wanted to simply help out, either way, Pincher just needed to make sure there were more duties to be done and not based solely onto him. The tar black doberman heaved himself to a sitting position, his pointed ears pricked as the corners of his toothy grin began to curl into a more sinister appearance.

"Now, I have met the other groups. The Ascendants are pretty passive, more about stars than fighting so we don't have to worry too much about them, besides I am planning to seek an alliance on them since I do have some ideas of what we can use them for. Snowbound is another passive group, they seem decent and aren't on our ass so we can leave them for now. But Tanglewood is a piece of moldy shit and I want you to do whatever you can to piss them off. But remember, do not get caught. The last thing I want is to walk through that nasty shitstain of a place to drag your ass back home. Prank them, capture them, torture them, kill them, poison them, I don't care. Just make sure you bring 'em hell." Pincher explained, his cool low voice now edged with a certain burning sharpness. He wanted to show that the Typhoon really weren't just using the "pirate" theme for nothing. They didn't wait for others to claim them, enemies, the Typhoon did that themselves. He tipped his head to the side as his eyes snapped to each member, a challenging spark in his gaze as he decided to finalize the meeting. "For now, that's all the information I have. If you have anything to say, you have the chance to now. Also, newcomers and joiners that are here, state your name and give us a fun fact about you. I can't remember names without some weird trivial fact behind it. Other than that, this meeting is dismissed." With that, the Captain leaped down from the stolen Chinese throne and growing close to the crowd to be more "down-earth" and available for them. He knew some other subjects should be stated but for now, he wanted to keep things short and sweet.

Re: BELLY OF THE BEAST — meeting 3.31 - Amaranth - 03-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Oof, Amaranth had never been this socially active. The group had been called to a meeting, and she followed in quietly to the aquarium tunnel at Bonnie - by extension, Pincher's - request, taking a moment to stare, bewildered, at the marine wildlife around her - before turning to Pincher, for the meeting.

Starting with 'ahoy, mateys!', Amaranth found herself stifling a little giggle; she sometimes forgot the pirate theme that seemed to be going on around here, but she quieted down for everything else. The runthrough seemed to be the usual, shoutouts to the hard workers, promotion reminders - Ammy didn't really think she fit into the hierarchy anywhere, but maybe medicine would be good for her.

It seemed that at the end, Pincher also asked for a meet and greet, for everyone to get to know each other. "Noted," she mewed gently, before glancing around, and speaking up to introduce herself. "Captain said we should introduce ourselves, so... I'm Amaranth Arbor Jones. You can call me Ammy, or AJ. I'm a gardener, for the most part. If you see any plants that don't look natural, they're probably mine. So don't touch them."


Re: BELLY OF THE BEAST — meeting 3.31 - ARGUS - 03-31-2018

The Light drizzle provided a comfort that Argus had needed as she walked on the beach. Careful slow steps as she tried not to compare it to the sands of a desert. Tried not to think too deeply about her old homes, it was better for everyone if she didn't think about anything too traumatic at all but, Gus was quite the reminiscent person. Even if most of them collapsed with a bang, even if they left her feeling hollow...

Yeah, it was best not to think much about them.

The Loud clatter of Bonnie was a surprise, it was a smart way to gather everyone there. Get a loud bird and have it do all you're work. Maybe Gus should invest in a companion. But that was neither here nor there, for the time being, she followed where the bird came from. Sand dusting up to her ankles and the fresh of fresh rain blowing through the entrance. Roux was already there, ruby eyes watched their leader while she found a seat. Allowing other's to push past her and get a closer view but otherwise, attention focused.

She listened to the leader talk, keeping a smirk from her expression at the pirate greeting, was she considered a pirate now? Hm, she'd have to look at the ranks later, gods it would be a sick twist of fate wouldn't it? From First mate of Riverside to Pirate of the typhoon. Honestly, she knew which she preferred. There was talk about a witch doctor. And she let out a hum of interest. She could go for the position. Knowing herbs was and how to heal was kind of a necessity for living as long as she had. Plus there was no restrictions on being allowed to fight if she were a witch doctor.

Then there was the talk of newbies, and Gus assumed he was referencing people that came from anywhere other than the ship's they sailed here on. So she spoke up with a grin. " Name's Argus Mortem. I was raised in a desert, so the water's a nice change of pace" She gave a nod to the glass walls keeping the ocean at bay where they were and settled down.

Re: BELLY OF THE BEAST — meeting 3.31 - axiom - 03-31-2018

Meridian heard the call for the meeting like the others, naturally come over to hear the announcements. As of yet, she still remained unsure of whether this group suited her; the warbound nature of the Typhoon certainly seemed at odds with her outwardly peaceful behavior. Especially since their leader seemed happy to plunge the newly created group into a conflict with another; war, it seemed would ring constant here.

But she liked that. The feline's whiskers twitched as she remembered how bored she felt before joining, in between groups after the violent end of her family. Born into violence, it seemed she couldn't get away from the cycle without feeling empty. Still, she was a medic at heart; she, along with an aunt, were the healers that kept her violent family ticking and kicking. Up until their irradiation, that is. Still, the Typhoon's leader valued medical knowledge, and she made a note to show up at tryouts for the healing rank when it was held. It'd be best to settle into her old routine of healing the fighters and providing support among the bloodshed.

Flicking her tail, the young adult supposed she'd better introduce herself, as the rest of the crew seemed to be doing thus far. "I am Meridian, you can call me Meri or Mei if it's too long. I like playing strategy games like chess or go," she stated, supposing that would do. No need to go into her sob story or boast about her skills.

Re: BELLY OF THE BEAST — meeting 3.31 - Guru - 03-31-2018

A meeting? The female only crinkled her nose together for a moment before walking over with a wide grin and her short tail swishing from side to side in curiosity. Hell, this had to be fun. Finally taking a seat, she offered a crane of her head as soon as their newest leader begin talking. Really, it seemed like nothing super special. Just a few pointers here and there about their new territory and clanmates. Though, she was pleased to hear something directed towards her.

Her head realigned. Eyes narrowed in the direction of Pincher at the reference towards those damned Tanglewooders... Tangleites? Who the fuck knew what they went by, really. She needed to figure that out later when she went on a very sweet visit. "Let me know about the whole Tanglewood schpeel later, ya?" she piped up towards her baby daddy with a small wink. "I'd like to send 'em a nice message later on. Love note, I suppose." Maybe she could even use part of Vladimir. Why, he was just the perfect prize for them!

Now onto the introductions. Pincher she already knew, but as for the rest, she was once again lost. No one familiar had really shown their face just yet. "Name's Guru, call me Glamorous Guru if you're willing to be a kiss up." The caracal offered a courteous laugh and her paw flew forward as if she was pawing at the air playfully. "I'm an older member here and I like to talk a lot about... mmm... myself. Talking about you, though, would not hurt." Had to get to know someone to use them in the future anyways!

Re: BELLY OF THE BEAST — meeting 3.31 - The Tombs - 04-01-2018

The obnoxious, piercing squawk of some talkative bird stirred the massive white feline, and slowly he rose to his paws and began to stretch his relaxed muscles, his jaws parted in a gaping yawn. A loud familiar as that damned macaw would do better to alert members of some sort of announcement than word of mouth, usually, or screaming at the top of your lungs for everyone to haul their asses over for whatever reason. This time it was, of course, a meeting. Finally. He had nothing better to do than hear what that Pincher fellow had to say—he was regal, he was the most dominant creature taking up residence on the vibrant little island they had. It would be foolish to blatantly disregard his presence by not attending.

The travel to the Aquarium Tunnel was thankfully brief, and the Siberian tiger had spent little time dilly-dallying to attend this meeting, taking a seat by the rest of the crewmates and resting his cool icy blue hues upon the Doberman in silence. "Ahoy, mateys!" He struggled to stifle his amused snort at that little introduction. Okay, sure, they were pirates, but did genuine pirates really use that annoying, stupid slang? Ah, to hell with it. It was quirky, it was fun, it was ironic, it didn't matter how this dog introduced his group. It was Pincher's group and Pincher's meeting, and he decided how the fuck he wanted his meetings to be hosted.

"Noted, Captain." High position tryouts, eh? Now that caught his attention. Iosef's curved ears seemed to almost perk up in a way at the mention of it. Alright, he could roll with that. He was a big lad, an absolute unit compared to many of the other Typhoon members, and he could handle tasks that called for physical strength as much as he could those that required charm and persuasion. But he wasn't going to do all that shit for free. Sure, he was getting food and a a comfortable place to live and all the drinks he could want, but surely that wasn't all they had to offer. He was going to get his name out there somehow—and he could be quite the ambitious fellow. Perhaps his chances of rising in position amidst these sea wolves was dealing with those cursed pests, the citizens of Tanglewood. Oh, how he yearned for squirming prey under his paws! And not just any live prey: oh no, he wanted a challenge. If he could just get his paws on one of those denizens, he'd be set. He'd show them not to try to fuck with the Typhoon anytime soon.

But hey, now was the time for introductions, it seemed, not for scheming against the enemy. The big cat's head swiveled to the other crewmates that introduced themselves, both new and somewhat experienced, old and young. A diverse community, surely, and one he hoped would expand. Well, he ought to share himself with the rest, eh? "I am Iosef. I am used to living in urban areas and the tundra, so living on an island is...interesting." As a stray dog in a former existence, he had grown accustomed to the hustle and bustle of packed cities just as much as he was used to the quite extreme climates of the wintry tundra, and residing on an island felt almost like a vacation. A permanent one, at that.
tags :: updated 3/19:

Re: BELLY OF THE BEAST — meeting 3.31 - Verdigris - 04-07-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]/casually slides in a week late

  The parrot's squawking irritated the jackal's good ear so much that he almost couldn't discern what she was even trying to say. However, one "meeting" escaped from the cacophony and reached his brain- and so he stood up, sighed, and headed towards the aquarium tunnel after the others. He wasn't entirely sure what Pincher or Daphne would want, but it would only benefit him to know what was going on.

  As he came in and stood beside Amaranth, he couldn't help but stare at the outside walls and the aquatic creatures beyond them. It was almost terrifying, being surrounded by so much water- not that he couldn't handle it, but his younger self likely would have freaked out. Pincher's voice, however, interrupted his thoughts, and he turned to listen.

  Shout-outs to reward excellence were actually a decent idea, now that he thought about it; the pack could really have used such a tradition, to differentiate the best of the best. As Paper heard his own name called, however, his eyes widened. "Initiative" was almost amusing given that he'd been the last one to arrive, but even outside of his late arrival... did he really deserve that kind of credit? Stifling his doubt for the moment, the jackal nodded, and muttered, "Thanks." As the Doberman continued with his spiel, Paper internally noted that high position tryouts and Tanglewood raids would be worth looking into, but paid little heed to the rest.

  Then it came time for introductions. After waiting for Iosef to finish, the jackal said, "I'm Papercutter. And I used to live in the desert, so being near water is kinda weird for me too." "Kinda weird" was an understatement, but he didn't need to go on and on and on about it.