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ENTROPY — open, joiner - Printable Version

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ENTROPY — open, joiner - madster - 08-04-2018

reflet's whole body ached. it had been two months since she got out of that hellhole, and now she was on her own. she had quite the rough beginning- she was the second child of a dangerous cult leader with an anti-clan mentality, and she constantly fought with her brother. however, she had quite the advantage over the rest of her family- unlike her father and brother, she wasn't blind. she escaped in the dead of night, the night that her father took his own life in the name of some god.

she had found herself in sunhaven, tired and hungry. having to survive by yourself was rough. luckily, now she smelled nothing like that cult and instead smelled like the forest and freedom. she was free- so why didn't she feel it? there was nobody to tell her what to do or what to say. still, scars riddled her body- she was forever changed by her upbringing. all she wanted was a community, as being by yourself for so long was terribly lonely.

how old was she now? thirteen months? she was an adult now, she figured. she had heard of a new little clan called sunhaven- they sounded nice enough, and it felt almost familiar. now, she found herself on the beach, somewhat trespassing, although she had little real knowledge of clans. it was nice and peaceful here. "hello, i- my name's reflet. i'm here to join, if that's allowed." she narrowed her eyes, the sunlight too much for her eyes. she should invest in some sunglasses, she decided. 

Re: ENTROPY — open, joiner - axiom - 08-04-2018

© lexasperated
The tigress enjoys the beach, even if the sun is hot on her black fur; she usually only comes out to enjoy the summer days during twilight hours, when the air is chill and less humid. Today, though, she wanted to go for a swim; the sky was overcast and the temperature cooler than usual for August, so she managed well enough. She spent a good few hours on the waves, switching it up between frollicing in the water for fun and getting a bit of training in.

When she saw Reflet, the psuedo-melanistic feline already stepped onto the shore, water dripping from her pelt and wet sand crusting her paws. She started to walk towards the stranger, her steps quick but unrushed, as she seemed confident in her ability to take care of a lone intruder if things turned hostile - and why shouldn't she be? The tigress is older, far larger, and knows that there are always a few other Sunhaven members on the beach this time of day. She isn't concerned, and it shows; though she isn't the most friendly person, she does try not to appear too intimidating to the other woman.

"Good to have you join Sunhaven, Reflet. You look a little bit worse for wear - perhaps you should pick out a house now, and get some rest?" she suggests, her voice cracked and hoarse from thirst. She forgot to bring water with her this time, but she knows she has plenty back home. With a small flick of her tail, she added, "I'm Quantum Caralho; I can show you around, if you need."

Re: ENTROPY — open, joiner - madster - 08-04-2018

reflet visibly flinched in the presence of such a large creature. she had never seen anything like her before. she was powerful, yet the tigress spoke in a humble manner. reflet's brow furrowed, not understanding how something like her could be so nice to someone like her. she didn't deserve the kindness from a tiger. the tigress was beautiful and dangerous, reminding her of the stories her father told about the clans. they were nothing but dangerous warmongers, drooling blood and saliva. she hoped sunhaven wasn't like that- she so desperately wanted to prove her father wrong.

"t-thank you, m'am," she spoke to the gorgeous tiger, flicking an ear. "if you would show me around..." she smiled, still intimidated by the larger femme, but continued speaking. "that would be great. it's a pleasure to meet you, quantum," she said, bowing in respect.

Re: ENTROPY — open, joiner - jericho - 08-06-2018

It's no secret at all how much Jericho adores the beach — after all, he tends to spend an awful lot of time simply padding along the shore in thought.  Not as much time as he used to, but... he still thinks the gently-crashing waves provide the best background noise for just about anything.  These days he's needed in town for the greater part of the day, and when he isn't he tries to get out into the mountains to greet joiners.  Even in what little free time he has left he's either in the greenhouse working on his garden or on the shore.  Today just so happens to be the latter — actually, he's on his way to visit his garden, but he relishes the journey back and forth.  Jericho exhales lightly, white paws sinking into the damp sand with each step to leave behind a trail of tiny pawprints in groups of threes.  Given his blindness it isn't safe for him to swim (goodness knows he hasn't in years, and besides, the temperature here is rather mild in its warmth), but he does enjoy the feeling of seawater, ever cool and refreshing in contrast with the warm summer air.

He hears Quantum's voice first, familiar as it drifts across the breeze.  Another one, a new one joins it on the passing wind and soon Jericho pauses and redirects himself towards the direction from which his now-parted jaws can taste their mingling scents.  The little gardener approaches at the tigress's side, honey hued eyes blindly searching before they, with his attention, settle in the general direction of Reflet.  He's managed to catch their words already spoken as he comes to a stop, and pauses to allow their exchange before offering up a smile of his own, both warm yet politely reserved in its slightness.  "Ah, welcome to S-Sunhaven," Jericho speaks up once the duo have fallen into silence, his tone rather soft but kind nevertheless.  "Um, we live... o-over there, in that town," he adds, flicking an ear in the direction of the floating sea village.  If she wants a tour Jericho will be more than happy to help get the newcomer settled in, but as he kneads the sand with his paws he wonders if it's better to let Quantum do it — he wouldn't want to intrude on the offer, after all.  As his mind has begun to wander as it so often does, but as Jericho allows himself to drift he suddenly finds himself shaking his head to bring himself back down to earth.  He's nearly forgotten — turning deep red beneath his fur the tom hurries to add, "Oh!  S-Sorry, I... um, nearly forgot.  It's, ah, Jericho, by the way."  He stumbles over his words even more than usual in his rush, falling silent with a rather sheepish look.  What a leader he must look, the feline thinks, yet he says nothing more aloud.