Beasts of Beyond
COME ALL YOU WEARY || o, double joining - Printable Version

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COME ALL YOU WEARY || o, double joining - tristitia - 03-31-2018

✯ — that justice i had so wanted to replicate
Sekai has no clue how she had gotten to this strange place. After all, she had been walking around, following an orb of light in her home territory when she fell. When she awoken, she was here. However, she did find quite the prize when she had come to: her older brother, Luke. It appeared the two were destined to be together... in a platonic sense. She did not have any romantic feelings for her older brother. Yet, a familiar face felt homely to her and she and him could talk back and forth.

The brown-pelted lioness cub stopped and grinned, looking back for her brother. Man, he was kinda a slowpoke! "C’mon, Lukey! If we wanna join, you gotta hurry. They won’t wait for us forever." She called.

//you guys can reply before [member=259]luke skywalker[/member] does!
✯ — turned to tragedy before my cynical eyes — ✯

Re: COME ALL YOU WEARY || o, double joining - Sweetopia - 03-31-2018

The tiger was gloomy today, sleeping to much was a habit he started to grow since joining an actual, bigger clan. At home he slept in to the loss of his mother and his father and siblings let him sleep in due to the shock he had. And now the cycle was repeated again, even though he thought he got rid of it a while ago.

Looking down from an interesting looking tree he climbed up on, the golden tabby pelted beast saw the two kids running about closer to the territory lines. "Heyya you two! What are small kids like you doing over here?" He would jump off the tree with a bit of stumble. "I'm Haruto Nakano, how about you, and what's your business with Tanglewood?" The teen would tilt his head, just being glad he got the usual intro out of the way.

Re: COME ALL YOU WEARY || o, double joining - ghostpact - 03-31-2018

. . . . . . . .
His exhaustion was evident on his face and in the way he moved. He watched the world through half-lidded eyes and his tail dragged across the ground behind him. His dark mane was unkempt and occasionally he appeared he favored his right paw, the one made of metal. It was the kind of exhauastion that sleep wouldn't fix and he wasn't sure what would at this point. His ears twitched and flicked back when his sister called back to him, but a small smile spread across his face. Sekai kept him going and he put on a smile for her. "Sek, I'm sure they're not going anywhere any time soon. Settle down." He stepped up beside her, lifting his head to get a look at the tiger and dip his head toward him. "I'm Luke, this is Sekai. She's rather... eager to join, Tanglewood, was it? Hm, well, that is our business here."

Re: COME ALL YOU WEARY || o, double joining - tristitia - 04-01-2018

✯ — that justice i had so wanted to replicate
Oh! Luke really was slow. Some member arrived before he did. This appeared to be a rather... odd looking tired. He still looked very majestic, though. Haruto Nakano, huh? Sounded Japanese. The cub was about toanswer when her much older brother followed. He answered for her. Well, she would still get her word in.  "Yea! We're Luke Skywalker and Sekai Amidala-Skywalker. Sure would love to join this place."
✯ — turned to tragedy before my cynical eyes — ✯