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THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - Printable Version

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THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - VIRGO - 08-04-2018

Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - bubblegum - 08-04-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldenluxury had heard of, and seen, the raptors and other dinosaurs that seemed to be popping up. she hadn't been paying much mind to them so far, though. but, she had just healed after everything, and she supposed if they were living on the island she should probably get used to their presence. perhaps she could befriend them. that sounded like a pretty cool idea, honestly.

she had faintly noticed the presence of the eggs and had investigated them a couple times, but she had mostly kept her distance. she honestly didn't know enough about eggs to feel capable of taking care of them in any way and she wanted to avoid getting in the way of others who did. she would mostly leave them be for now, and check them out to see what all they looked like once they hatched.

the feline couldn't exactly ignore that screeching, though. it came in the direction of the eggs, so the girl would push herself towards them, figuring they must have hatched. but, she did wonder why in the hell they were screaming so loud. lynn sat upon her hind, the harpy eagle letting out small caws at both the girl's movements and the noise. the young girl's steps were soft and quick, eyeing towards the eggs with a bit of concern.

goldie looked to the feathered creature from a distance, tired eyes curious. she didn't really know what to do in this situation. "why're ya so loud?" she'd question in a mumble, mostly saying it to herself to see if it could help her think. spoiler alert: it didn't.

Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - ROXANNE R. - 08-04-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
The sound of screeching brought her forth and summoned her, it reminded her of the time when Kalayavan would chirp and hiss until he had gotten Roxanne's attention. She would stand next to Goldenluxury with both of her ears angled forward starting to feel a smile creeping onto her maw and well, she certainly loved what she was seeing so far. Raptors. Real life raptors, here in the Typhoon. They were absolutely precious and Roxanne was already smitten within the first few seconds since she was quite passionate about reptiles, Roxie had returned from her fishing since she needed to feed Brunhild so the horned femme had a few fishes on her. She glanced over to Goldie with a smile still on her maw "Goldie, how long have they been here?" She watched the baby screech at the rest of the clutch and well, Rox was very fascinated. She had several books on reptiles and only a few on dinosaurs though it was more of a chapter book, she forgot what it had been called but it was all fiction. . . Or was it?
"character's speech."

Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - Luciferr - 08-04-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"They're probably hungry - most newborns are after all" a deep voice like the rolling echo of shadows over the sun rumbled from behind the two as dark plated scales padded up to them and beheld the newborns - between sharp teeth carried a sizeable slab f meat from his last kill - made near and oftentimes since the eggs had been found, Lucifer was forever aware of how close to hatching they'd get and thus when to have meat on hand, the small ones would be hungry.

baby raptors at that - they were probably ravenous.

large claws carded in the sand as he bent his ebon scaled maw and dangled the meat down - hoping to garner the attention before dropping it and sweeping concerned duo toned eyes to the ones yet to hatch.

his own children had been born loud and ravenous - except for the eldest, Azrael had always been a quiet child and it had been rather concerning for both he and his wife when the hatchling barely made much noise - frightened it boded ill but no Azrael had just been a strangely silent child.

"Here little one" the massive dragon hummed dropping the food and slightly shielding the other as yet unhatched eggs with a wing adjusted to provide slight heat counter to his naturally cold aura - thank goodness his elemental abilities allowed such a thing


Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - EXODUS-- - 08-04-2018

★ --
the invisible walls around her had been all she had ever known, corralled from the world by the very thing meant to keep her safe. the steady beat of her own heart was a tandem to her; an orchestra of pumping flesh and blood. the din filled her ears. the only sound she had ever known. like music to her ears, and yet it is not the last cacophony she will ever hear.

the confines of her egg is never enough. never. restricting the savage little girl as she grew.

it had become too unbearable, and now, hunger rumbled in the pit of her stomach. angry and red, unstoppable and deep like an ever raging pit.

she wanted freedom. longed for it. could taste it in her bones and in her heart and in the way it ached in her veins.

her gangly limbs pound against the wicked walls, seeking release. her tiny sickle claws scrape across the membrane of the egg, cracking it's delicate hide. the ivory wall cracks and shudders, beginning to crumble underneath her weight. she can hear her sister calling for her; a screech to attention, and she must heed it's call. it is loud and deafening, and it is the second sound she has heard since her quaint little existence.

her maw parts in a silent wail, pushing past her boundaries with a feral little cry. her developing muscles flex, pads hammering against her small little world with discovered strength and determination.

and then it crumbles. and then it shatters.

out comes a savage beauty, lungs hammering underneath her ribs. breathing in the first bout of air-- taking in the first inhale. towards new life. her nostrils flex, heart hammering wildly. wreathed in the glory of new birth and soft, downy feathers. she tumbles out onto the grainy floor, claws digging into the earth's skin. she smells creatures; she hears sounds, and greedily processes this information, eye flickering open to drink in the mirage of colors and sound and scent.

there is so much of the world to see. she has escaped the surly bonds of her egg, dived onto tan sand and tasted the fresh air, absorbed the warmth of the sun.

she has yet to see it all, untouched by the hardness of the world.

her belly still rumbles fiercely, snapping it's jaws as it dictates to be fed.

and then a sound as smooth as thunder rolls over her. something large, something black like ebony and sable, covered in a thorny crown of barbs and spines. the dragon's majesty seems large enough to blot out the sun. the girl does not like this, at all. her body hums with a faint pulse of what may seem like wariness, the bare shafts of what will soon grow into fully fledged feathers bristling.

but then she smells meat. red pulpy-- and her instincts ignite. she needs to be fed, and lucifer has met her every need for the time being.

clacking ivory nubs of teeth together, she instantly rushes forward on shaky legs. she is an impatient thing. born of fire racing through her veins, and for all of her frail appearance, she possesses every bit of the hot-tempered patience as a utahraptor should. she is small and weak, yet she is no less fierce than her siblings. she is overrun with the sudden urge to feast.

she hears others-- she sees them, yet pays them little mind. what is all on her mind right now is food, and she darts forward to the slab of tender flesh provided to them, intent on delivering the first bite, to savor flesh.

Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - snare - 08-04-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]”What’s making all that noise?!”  The slightly annoyed exclamation of the wolf puppy was quite possibly the most direct that Snare had been in his short life so far.  He would find himself making big stomping motions in the ground as he approached the small crowd and the noises coming from the center of the gathering.  It was yet again another attempt by himself to seem larger than life when in reality he still resembled a scraggly skinny furball than anything that could be seen as even mildly intimidating.  Snare would stick his nose past his fellow crewmates, only for his pales eye to be met something…weird.

Weird little naked things with feathers that seemed to the culprits behind all the commotion here.  Snare had never seen anything like them yet, and he didn’t quite know what to make of them.

”….What are those?”  He would question to nobody in particular, moving into a crouching position with his ears down and his pale optics big like saucers as he stared at the newborn dinosaurs, the fuzzy length of his tiny tail twitching about.  He pressed his chin to his front paws, his posture and expression both cautious and curious.

Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - AMUNET - 08-04-2018


  While the smallest egg was not the first to hatch- it was probably the nosiest during it’s stay inside the comforted walls. He was content but curious, frail claws tapped at it’s walls while the little monster feasted around him. He flexed inside his egg, stumbling and swirling to what outwardly be small nudges. During his stay inside his silence, his home The creature bended and squirmed and ate- and ate and ate. His lungs flexed and he breathed in food, and slowly, ever so slowly, the food started to deplete. The comfort started to fade but his strength- oh, his strength only grew.

Ament was always meant to run, to climb, to jump and to hunt. Some inexplicable feeling of instinct curled tighter than any frail wall, but still he remained, he stilled and he curbed way from the itching at his stomach. The inexplicable pain that started to grow as he breathed, neck craned at an awkward angle inside the fragile walls. Is this what it was like to feel hunger, to feel pain. He wanted to wail, to moan and to gorge.  he wanted out- out-outout. He was timid, afraid to go blindly into something he didn’t know- didn’t understand. He understood these walls, the shape of him. Here was safe and he was timid to let it go. et go of this warmth and safety. but oh, was he curious. What way was there to explore without risk?

and still, the pain-the pain the pain the paIN-

Large- impossibly large claws compared the the smallest of the three, the little boy tempered the world like one would open water. A pinkie toe. Submerged deep into the walls, and his world cracked and shattered to his command. He stretched, rolling the build of muscles already starting to form and craned his head. The world as he knew it exploded into light and fear made it only more glorious to overcome.

but he knew pain- he knew hunger and nothing could be worse than the hunger to him. Instinct corralled him into the light. Stumbling from the grasps of comfort as shaky legs clawed through the rough gravel of the sand at his feet. For a brief moment he supported himself on fours- the impossible deference to his egg being tilted the wrong way. But out of his confirms gravity enforced him to obey and he stood defiant of it.

The air is so much more fresh, and the fear fades- the fear recedes and he marvels at the savagery of the world. Still his brother screams into the air. Taking his first breaths and hurtling at the world in outcry. His sister lunges- leaping into the air on shaky legs as her drive to feed strengthens them. Blood paints the ruby skin of raw skin without plummage in it’s vivid colors.

The little boy, frail and no longer timid sits in the sand. The hunger can be ignored for better curiosities. The sea captured in his eyes as he watches the enteral night shift and move, conversing together with other strange silhouettes. Ament is tempted to go along with his sister, but he is more interested in these strange beasts. he let’s out a curious little chirp, cautious where his sister is not when appraching the tantilizing sent his body now craves.
ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛᴏᴏᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʟᴀᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʏ ᴍᴀᴡ // ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴀᴛᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ- ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛ ɪᴛ.

Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - Character Graveyard. - 08-04-2018

The obnoxious sound of the baby Utahraptor screaming at it's brothers and sisters to get out of their shells had brought the young-male over, the curiosity on his face clear. He had never seen any sort of dinosaur in person before, nor did he ever except to. He thought that they were all extinct, but it seems he was wrong.

Crimson-hues would quickly land on the white-and-gold Utahraptor- as it was the source of the loud-and-obnoxious sound that echoed throughout most of the tropical forest and possibly reached the beach. Slight concern in his eyes, he would decide to take a seat and remain silent, as he didn't want any of the newborns to think he was prey and attack him if he made any noise.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - VANDAL R. - 08-04-2018

Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - VIRGO - 08-05-2018

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Eggs were funny little mechanisms of incubating life. They had pores and air sacks so the foetus could breathe, nutrients swimming about so the foetus could feed, and a hard shell that helped shelter the foetus from mild disturbances. If all went well and there was somehow a way to restock the food within the egg, a child could live forever in their own little world. The hatching came when the food ran out. Hunger roars, starvation hits, and it was then that the young creature would become ravenous. The shell cracks, its body moves to destroy the membranes until finally it finds freedom to be as annoying, loud and demanding as it wants to be. In all simplicity, birds only hatched from their eggs because they wanted to be fed, not because they knew it was time to breathe in the real world. And this was the same case for the small, screeching utahraptor who was screaming at her sisters, not realising she had attracted the curious attention of Goldenluxury. Her senses were still overwhelmed. Her eyes were seeing things her brain had never processed before, hearing things that were still foreign but now clearer, smelling things that seemed to mingle and mix in her olfactory sensors. She wouldn’t have noticed the feline had she not spoken. Now registering a voice that differed from the sound of the wind and trees, the unnamed girl to turned around and bared her tiny, pointed teeth.

Hot air rushes from her upper throat producing a sound which vaguely resembles the hiss of a venomous viper. The threatening qualities of the sound, however, was still a work-in-progress. The grandeur of the sound would have to be developed later in her life but for now it was an incomplete wheeze of air. Following her warning sound, the baby reptile’s eyes slanted accordingly, framing her predatory slit pupils. Then, the flicks of feathers behind her head spread out like a frilled neck lizard’s, a growling now emerging from the pits of her fiery throat. Instincts. Instincts let her dominant display ironically cause her legs to carry her backwards when another creature appeared, this time one that happened to have horns. She isn’t aware that the comments being exchanged between the two were that of astonishment, amusement and confusion. The child was just as unsettled as the rest, her feelings of stress immensely heightened by the appearance of strangers who begun to crowd around. She screamed to her brothers and sisters again, this time seeming to either demand for help or warn them of the upcoming threats whilst they all tried to break free of their glossy prisons. Despite this, not even the siblings could recognise each other’s squawks and squabbles. They were still young, not able to understand the world or themselves – still screeching unintelligible calls with no particular meaning.

From the edges of her watered eyes comes the exhausted figure of one of her sisters, recently hatched and cast out into the cold landscape. She snaps her jaws at the raptor’s direction, but her voice is strangled by the wind, overshadowed by a looming and tall creature. More voices, more murmurs. Her ears are ringing at the choir of conversations, skin suddenly cold from the dragon’s penumbra. She raises her head cautiously this time, still with feathers raised in an instinctual attempt to look bigger than she was. But, being still young and new to the great big world, she is immediately distracted and put to ease. Her nostrils flare at a metallic smell that wafts towards her. Her pupils shrink, her claws grip the soil and adrenaline spikes. Her heart beats faster now, exhilaration and excitement overriding whatever fear she felt before. This creature must be their mother, right? There is a maternal aura that that seeps from his scales, the girl unaware that it was actually Luciferus’ elemental capabilities. Besides, how else can she tell? She doesn’t even know what animal she is herself, she doesn’t even know that her kind was rumoured extinct. Anything that has the instincts to come carrying food was good enough to pass as her mother.

Naturally, any animal would try to make sense of the world. In the girl’s case, she was quick to adopt the idea that if this dragon was feeding her then they must either be their mother, or they must be kings. To the other Typhooners, the question of who owned the navy eggs would be to match the species. Some believed that the owner of the bundle would be none other than Delta who fiercely protected the eggs when they were first found, others believed the mother just laid the eggs only to abandon the responsibility. Regardless, the child’s focus was the food, the meat. She could feel her mouth beginning to salivate and her teeth yearn to rip and tear into flesh. It was then that the appearance of the meat entered the newborn’s short range of vision, a bright red blur dangling and catching her undivided attention. Her eyes are fixated like that of a hawk’s, following the movements that her slim body wobbled back and forth with it without realising. Her shoulders flinch a little at the thud which reverberated against at her sensitive feet.

Before she can grasp the opportunity to take a bite, she notices her sister begin to scurry immediately to the offering. Like the self-absorbed creature she was, the bronze-feathered raptor toddles quickly towards it, steering her streamlined frame to try and bump heavily against her sister and therefore push her away. There, the girl clamps her jaws selfishly at the meat, tearing it away whilst growling at her sibling. She hatched first so she believes that she must have the right to the first bite. And, of course, the savory taste melts against her palette as she swallows the flesh down her throat. The sensation of eating, the feeling of domination against her family as she screeches at her brother who now waddles to the food which their ‘mother’ had laid out for them. Her throat rumbles the same warning threat and she daringly takes another bite before turning her attention from her pack entirely, greedily chewing and tearing away at the flesh. She’s so content, in fact, that she doesn’t feel uncomfortable by the presence of even more strangers coming to watch and confusedly gawk at the specimens they were. She does, however, stop to stare at Vandal for a few moments before continuing to feast against the wishes of her brothers and sisters. She doesn’t know Vandal was the heroic figure of their story, her glance was merely coincidental.