Beasts of Beyond
DOOR NUMBER TWO / o, cupcakes - Printable Version

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DOOR NUMBER TWO / o, cupcakes - ROXANNE R. - 08-03-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Roxanne would twitch her whiskers as she limped out of her home with Kalayavan walking behind her, she was still a bit slowed down by her injuries. Bandages wrapped around her forelimbs and stomach hiding the stitches that was still embedded in her sensitive flesh, she had decided to bake the night before despite how she should have been resting. She was doing a lot of things instead of resting, such as dropping by Slys home several times and oddly during the afternoon or night. Sometimes, she found herself waking up to him next to her. The thought made her heart flutter yet she glanced over at Kalayavan, he was carrying a large plate of crocodile themed cupcakes on his back and she would move over towards him holding his snout in her paws giving it a soft kiss "Look at Mama's lil helper," She finally cooed pressing into the large saltwater beast, his eyes were trained on her and well, ever since she kept disappearing in the afternoon or night, Kal had grown very snappish at any guys that went around Roxanne. Especially Planecrash. He didn't like that small tomcat, well, to him the crewmate was puny but when he stood next to Rox, well, he was notably taller. Seeing him next to Rox pissed Kalayavan off. A lot of things pissed off the crocodile nowadays but he had mellowed out around children in the Typhoon, Kal was able to pick out funny smells that he associated with newborns. This smell clung to plenty of Rox's clanmates. Rox smelt faintly of it but Kal only assumed that it was because she hung around the new mothers. "Who wants some cupcakes?" Roxanne finally called out with a grin on her maw.
"character's speech."

Re: DOOR NUMBER TWO / o, cupcakes - Character Graveyard. - 08-04-2018

Kirishima hadn't been in the Typhoon for that long yet, so he was still getting used to not seeing Izuku or anyone else from Snowbound on the territory. He had searched for any signs of snow before he had reminded himself. This was a warmer territory then Snowbound's territory, there was no way snow could ever fall here.

Crimson-hues had quickly spotted the tall female and her saltwater beast that was carrying, crocodile themed cupcakes? Well, that was certainly a surprise. And a nice one too. The Beta would make his way over, offering a lopsided-grin to Roxanne and he would ask. "Can I have one?"
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: DOOR NUMBER TWO / o, cupcakes - THESEUS - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]The people here didn't know it yet, but Theo's sweet tooth is bad. Not to the point that his teeth are falling out, and he always made sure to eat his vegetables (or, well — okay you get the point, he's a lion), but if you wanted him to show up somewhere, put out something sweet. It was how he'd grown up, learning to make things that tasted good. His favorite had always been rose petal and chocolate chip cookies, which likely sounded strange to anyone who hadn't eaten a rose before. They were missing out. Still, he didn't limit himself just to that, and hearing about cupcakes has the cinnamon-red lion taking a detour with perked ears and his head drawn high with interest. The crocodile being the one to hold the cupcakes certainly gave him reason to pause, but after a second's hesitation, he steps closer. "Are you sure we won't end up as a snack for your friend there?" the lion jokes with a grin, though he still doesn't quite reach for one. Just in case.

Re: DOOR NUMBER TWO / o, cupcakes - GABRIEL - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Gabe was no better about his sweet-tooth. He'd even coaxed someone over to the sugary side, although the thought sobered him, reminded the hybrid why he was here and that as innocuous as accepting a cupcake could be, it would mean a lot more later on down the line. For now, though, he did his best to banish those thoughts because sweets, brushing aside the habitual, "should save some for Laz." Gabe didn't hesitate to investigate the source of the smell, and when he found it, he realized two things: one, that there was a crocodile, and two, he was willing to risk a leg for one of those cupcakes. "If we do it will be worth it, I'm just saying." He felt a bit dwarfed standing next to a lion -fuck, most people were taller than he was- but for the time-being, they were united in their desire for cupcakes, which was one of the greater causes he'd ever stood for.


Re: DOOR NUMBER TWO / o, cupcakes - ROXANNE R. - 08-04-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
The saltwater crocodile narrowed his pupils the moment he laid his eyes on three approaching animals, the scales on his spine poking up a bit though Rox gave him a pat on the snout to calm the large beast down. She smiled at those that approached listening to each of them "Of course!" She piped out plucking a cupcake off of the plate and nudging it over in the direction of Kirishima though before she was able to speak the other two would interject with their own comments, a smile tugging at her lips "Oh no, Kal hasn't eaten a soul here. He's as friendly as a saltwater croc can be," Turning her head to Gabriel, she found a snort escaping her before she picked off two other cupcakes for Gabriel and Theseus "Maybe but, my name's Roxanne." There was a brief pause before the Siamese would ask with a curious twinkle in her eyes "Who're you guys? I don't think I've had the pleasure of seeing you at the border," With this said she would slowly climb onto the mutant beasts back and rest at his neck feeling the scales poking at her for a moment as her forepaws rested themselves onto his forehead "And this giant babe is my baby boy, Kalayavan." Roxanne refused to ever call Kal her pet because that wasn't what he was, he was family to her and he meant the world to her.
"character's speech."

Re: DOOR NUMBER TWO / o, cupcakes - bubblegum - 08-04-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie had originally been drawn by the scent of the baked goods, though miss rox's call had only made her steps grow quicker. lynn hopped behind her, the harpy eagle letting out small tweets at the sight of kal. she eyed towards the cupcakes, a hungry look in her eyes. she loved food and was easily pleased when given it, so the young girl was more than happy to see handouts. the girl sniffed towards them, looking to miss rox now.

"miss rox, these smell real yummy," she'd decide to say to her aunt, offering a warm smile to the female. the last time she'd seen the female, the girl was still sick, so she was happy to see her now that she's well again. almost all of her bandages had been removed, the ones on her front legs and back being the only ones that remained as they were the worst of her burns. "how're ya feelin'?" she'd ask in a friendly, though concerned, voice as she carefully reached for a cupcake.

Re: DOOR NUMBER TWO / o, cupcakes - Luciferr - 08-04-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"I'll take a cupcake if you'll allow an old dragon his sweet tooth" a wry grin played upon razor sharp teeth and an amused glint in his eyes - oh he was by no means old and decrepit but in terms of years, well he was ancient next to all these here.

hm, immortality and agelessness wasn't all it was cracked up to be - he didn't look forward to the day he'd be burying his comrades that fell before mortalities limits - and it was something saddening to know even young Goldie he'd presumably watch pass away one day.

these thoughts were to morose for inflicting upon this simple enjoyment however - so Lucifer smoothed over the brief pensive look that befell his features and instead offered a wan sort of smile while he seated himself, glancing to his side t nod a greeting to Gabriel and Goldie - then Theseus and Kiroshima - ah the newer ones he hadn't met yet, the lion and the red tabby.
