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who are we without memories - joiner - Printable Version

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who are we without memories - joiner - Mama - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 230px; font-family: georgia; color: #7f7275; font-size: 10px; text-align: center;line-height: 110%; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px"]i lost count so long ago; maybe my heart's numb
There is much one might speak of upon the matter of nostalgia, that feeling of wanton desire to return to a place and time when it had seemed simpler, bound in silent tension as the mind wanders upon those pockets of forgotten memory, left dusty and faded in the dark corners. Some part of her was haunted by such, felt the gentle tug of homesickness upon her heart, yet knew well the lessons she had learnt from it, felt the ache of it as a phantom limb seemed to move with her. Time had seen a reckless, idiotic child grow into an adult prone to accidents for her haste to get to things and yet tempered for it, who had stood before the flames and come out not unscathed but changed.

She held no words nor care to regard the destruction of her home in such a way, however, to see what good might come from the fragment pieces of a life she had been forced to abandon. Anger boiled within the pitch of her stomach for long hours as dragging steps drew her through a world who looked upon her with unkind eyes, a child once more left to the whim of emotion.

Sigh parts pale lips and she pushes aside this line of thought, slow steps beginning once more as she struggles to move, a rolling, hopping gait she has grown to despise. It seemed a great length of time had passed her since last her eyes had found the harsh sand, turned gold beneath the unforgiving sun, yet it had been only two days, every muscle in her body burning with exhaustion, tugging at her mind in hopes to drag her down. A soft growl escaped from the depths of her throat and on the white toned mountain lion forced herself to move, blurred gaze watching as the land once more changed around her.

“Huh...” A soft exhale of breath, tinged with confusion, as sand once more found her. It was different here, the grains fine and fair, touched by the tang of salt as the ocean lapped along the edge. Up her gaze was drawn until it settled upon another odd thing, brow furrowing over pink toned eyes. Within its own right it seemed a jewel of the sea, bobbing gently within the current, a multitude of colour which surly should have made it an eye sore and yet drew attention, each structure speaking of life.

For a time she contemplated moving closer, seeking shelter within buildings she thought long abandoned but though better of the action, settling heavily upon her hindquarters with another sigh, rolling her head back to stretch out her neck. Next her legs were stretched, the stump of what remained of her left foreleg wiggling uselessly as she loosened her tight muscles, half-lidded eyes set upon the ocean once this act was completed. She would wait for now, give her body time to rest, before she approached.
sunhaven — sunbearer — tags

Re: who are we without memories - joiner - rhosmari - 08-03-2018

He knew what it was like to want for something in the past that was no longer a reality. He struggled with something of the sort everyday that he currently lived. He yearned to be what he was supposed to be and then there were days where he was resigned to his fate and just lived. Or tried to live to the best of his abilities. It was tough, a burden that weighed upon his shoulders and sometimes left him slumped and isolated for days. Days where he didn't move at all and just laid in one spot doing absolutely nothing. But the past was the past and he really needed to get over what had happened. It wasn't making him any happier knowing but then again living like this wasn't exactly making him happy either. He felt hideous with skin a slippery grey and no fur to keep himself warm. A tail that was too thick and ended in an asymmetrical fin, sharp and giving him the ability to swim quicker. And who wanted to look at someone that had undulating gills on the side of their neck! A face scrunched up his nostrils and his eyes for a short moment before a strange scent entered his nostrils, definitely something he hadn't smelled before. Curiosity killed the cat but he wasn't just a cat any more.

Webbed paws tested the ground as he stepped forward, a lazy energy about him as he hummed a light tune to himself. He was a bit thirsty but he'd get something to drink later on because right now he was on a mission. His ears pulled forward as he spoke out into the open air with ease as he entered the vicinity of the stranger. "Oi there! Who might you be?" Pearl colored eyes narrowed for a moment as the sun flashed into his optics, a shimmer of rainbow bouncing in his irises for a moment before he blinked and realized just how big the creature was that he was talking to. Damn. He swallowed hard and tilted his head a it, gills flexing as he rolled his shoulders. Alright, alright. He could handle this and his eyes wandered over the large lioness. They were near water so he could make a quick escape if he had to but he really didn't want teeth sunk into him. "Just to let ya know, I smell like fish and I have a really bad fishy after taste. So don't go tryin' to bite." Yeah, call attention to that. A sigh left his throat before he shrugged his shoulders a bit. "Name's Monroe by the way and this is Sunhaven. Ya need a place to stay or somethin'?'

Re: who are we without memories - joiner - Mama - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 230px; font-family: georgia; color: #7f7275; font-size: 10px; text-align: center;line-height: 110%; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px"]i lost count so long ago; maybe my heart's numb
“There were no fish in the desert so I am unsure on whether I would enjoy your... fishy taste,” the voice which rose from the depth of the stark white throat seemed a rasping thing, sand paper scraping upon a rough surface, yet lightened by a soft touch of laughter, foreign to her for quite some time. Small ears swivelled towards the approaching creature yet the head seemed stone, a mere flick of the gaze catching sight of the one who spoke so plainly to her.

Curiosity bubbled within her as she found not a creature of land but one suited more to the waves before her, a thing of beauty and dark mystery to one who had seen it only within images, described as a jewel of blue and green laced with sea foam. Finally she turned towards Monroe, a tilt to her head and the narrowing of those oddly toned eyes expressing her curiosity, but the curl to the lips was slight, more for show than it was to express emotion. Used to odd sights and one herself, many had questioned her over the mere fact she was a child of pure white born of a pair of mountain lions holding the expected dusty brown, but not to this degree.

Eyes moved across the gills, a soft sound escaping her lips as she watched them move, seemingly to still attempt their work at breathing though it was air around him, the thick appendage which seemed to act as a tail another she couldn't begin to puzzle out. Yet his skin free of fur was not one which confused her for she had come across many who lacked any covering or had chosen to sheer it off, the extra weight and heat too much when prolonged exposure to intense heat might offer death. Indeed he seemed somewhat fishy, though her attention was caught by the more feline features he harboured as well, enough to cause momentary pause.

“Monroe, it is a pleasure to meet you,” her head dipped into a bow, the tone of her voice devoid now of all, a monotone she was well practised at using. Though she cared not to show it her surprise have given way to a mix of confusion and intrigue, touched with something she might only call disgust for this creature was one beyond her minimal imagination, unsure on how to present herself and so thinking better of showing her thoughts. “I am Mama Ishayu and yes, if you would be willing I would like to shelter for a time. Is that -” with this her stump rose to point towards the cluster of buildings “-yours by any chance? I have never seen the like, nor the ocean, but it is pretty.” A wistful tone touches her last words and the smile upon her lips strengthens gaining something which seems as though it is genuine joy, the light which touched those red eyes one of childish glee.

Though she closed in on her fifth year it seemed Mama was still capable of such childish exploits, lacking much of a childhood it seemed those feelings had touched these later years. Already she felt the trickle of energy, restless and seemingly drawn from a pool with no end, filling her, the want to explore and place her mark upon this place shown in the expression she turned once more to Monroe, expectant of a positive answer
sunhaven — sunbearer — tags

Re: who are we without memories - joiner - rhosmari - 08-04-2018

" The way in which he phrased his words made them come out like a strange teasing question. But in all honesty he was very much confused because he thought that fish were, well, everywhere. There wasn't a place he did not visit that didn't have some type of fish but he supposed he had not been everywhere then. Traveling was what he had done when he had stopped sulking under the waves and had finally decided to do something with this life. To change himself around so to speak but maybe he should have did a bit more exploring before coming back home. The desert, huh. Wondered what a place like that was like? It sounded...dry. A shudder rippled through him at the idea of it being too dry for comfort as he needed to be at least around some water to keep his skin hydrated to some degree. It was dangerous to be dried out for too long even if he did like sunbathing the water was still a partial home for him and he would have to manage his coming and goings. Shaking his head a bit the creature focused back on the strange big feline when he noticed the way she was looking over his form.

Immediately his thoughts ran to what she was seeing and he felt his shoulders hunch a little bit. He always hated this part, the staring and look over. It was hard to fight the irrational thoughts that plagued his mind, that all they saw was an abomination, a freak. Something to look down upon and just plain disgusting. Unnatural. No one looked at him that way when he had been beautiful and they groveled at his paws. Her paws. He snapped himself out of it and forced himself to just think about something else. After all some were just curious of his looks and even with that nagging voice in the back of his head he fought to believe it was just curiosity. Just that. He straightened himself visibly before giving a careless smile, sharp teeth showing for a mere moment as he gave a light flick of one of his grey ears. He couldn't help but take note of her snow white fur that shinned in the sunlight. And he also took note of her missing leg. Had she lost it in a fight or something else happened and it had to be cut from her body? Well, he had no reason to pry into her life as he didn't want to nor did he think she would appreciate something like that either. "Cool. Would it be fine if I just call ya Mama? Don't want to overstep, lass." He didn't want to end up on the wrong side of a fight.

Shifting his gaze back to the village of buoyant buildings on the coast he snickered a bit. Man, if that was all his he would be having a laugh and then promptly crying because of bad management. "Nah, I just live here but ya are more than welcomed to stay if ya like. We have lots of room here at Sunhaven. But seriously, ya never seen the ocean? There is an abundance of life in those waves. I could show ya sometime if ya would like." There was more life in the ocean's waves than on land and it was a beautiful spectacle to behold in his mind. Or maybe he was just being biased but he liked it now that he had gotten a chance to actually explore it. Made living this way easier to bare and that was all that mattered to him. When she turned back to him he gave a beckoning with his fin as he pushed himself to stand, webbed paws splaying for a moment to balance as he turned toward the buildings. "Ya can pick yaself a place to stay. It'll be all your's."