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broken home baby ★ p, moon - Printable Version

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broken home baby ★ p, moon - ★ HAZEL - 08-03-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Within Hazel's recent surge of alone-time, she had to find something to occupy her time. Some days it was her ukulele; other days it was spending time with Arion, riding him or just letting him follow her around. Most of the time it was just her aimlessly wandering, trying to avoid the temptation of art. There was a consistent undercurrent of restlessness nagging at her mind throughout the day, digging under her skin just enough to make her fingers twitch with the unease of it. She knew she wasn't truly on her own; Titanium wouldn't disappear that easily. Hazel had a haunting feeling that something would have to break before Ti would give up.

If that wasn't daunting enough, Hazel had been working up the courage to ask Margy to teach her to defend herself. She might not be ready to initiate a fight, but she sure as hell needed some sort of back-up plan. In the way of it all were those damn memories - that same paranoia. It could be overcome, possibly. With time. Until then, Hazel had to find a solution that fixed the absolute surge of panic whenever someone clamped down on her forearms and hands.

On this particularly breezy and overcast afternoon, Hazel was readily entertaining her colt while trying to practice with her newest abilities. The Thoroughbred seemed fascinated with the shiny gemstones that followed in her wake, taking his sweet time to sniff at each one. Hazel had even seen him lick one, and...she didn't really want to know what rock tasted like. For now, she was just trying to control the precious stones as they appeared. Once, she had tripped over a tree root (walking backwards like a fool) and a piece of rose quartz the size of her palm erupted from beneath the earth.

"Arion, look!" Hazel gasped, voice teasingly sweet and high pitched like one might do when talking to a pet. She dug her heel into the ground, ignoring how microscopic vibrations traveled up her foot a heartbeat later not unlike an echo. Suddenly a green gem - peridot - pushed its way through the dirt. Arion shuffled over, snuffling at the new rock.

This went on for a while, undoubtedly leaving an odd trail of partial gems in the dirt. Hazel lost track of time, too engrossed in the possibility that she might actually be mastering this stupid element. She hardly took notice of her surroundings until it hit her - literally. She ended up backing into someone, unsuspecting, and shrieked like a little girl at the shock of another body. A piece of zircon popped up, proof of her surprise.

When her heartbeat had calmed down considerably, the curly haired girl looked up from where she had braced the palms of her hands against her knees. "Sorry," She apologized. "I didn't see you all."

Re: broken home baby ★ p, moon - MOONMADE - 08-04-2018

[size=9pt]Earphones were a must. No fucking way could you make Moon dig his fingers through literal dirt, mud, underground in search of fucking herbs and seeds and shit unless he had some really good song blasting through his ears and into his brain to distract him from the fact that, yeah, that might just be worm flesh under his fingernails. Nasty and disgusting, but somehow he couldn't get himself away from it all. Obviously this was his job; he was required to spend a lot of time in search of these things to replenish the stocks, but it went further than that. Deeper into his system to the point where it got mushy.

But that was for another time. Now, he had pot after pot of plants stacked up on top of one another, as well as several files of the patients currently under their care, and he was carrying them from point A to B. He hummed, loud, as he walked, but despite how good the Album in question was, Moon wasn't at his most graceful or aware today, and he failed to realize just how unstable his mountain of pots and stuff was. It obscured his vision, and though he mostly didn't notice, if he had, he would have just hoped that his aimless feet would at least bring him to a cliff that lead to a sudden endless drop where he would fall to his death and finally meet Cerberus. He liked dogs.

But, instead, they led him to Hazel. Just as mythological. A small bump is all it took for his luggage to come crumbling down, like the twins towers except the triplet pots. They clambered to the ground noisily, and, feeling vaguely detached with Up's soundtrack floating through his head, he watched it all happened and barely reacted. The classical music almost made the spinning of the pot poetic, the fluttering of the file's pages through the air like some... stray angel feathers, or whatever the fuck.

He looked to Hazel and, slowly, removed one earbud. It took him a moment. "Nuts?" Clearly Moon wasn't such a well-oiled machine today. He frowned at first, thinking of how much work he'd have to redo and all the patients who'd be without their files. But then he remembered just how overworked he was, how his hands were filthy and his eyes tired, and he felt a weird sense of freedom. He grinned. "Jesus. I don't even fucking care. Arthritis Angie and her gingersnap biscuits and bad attitude can get fucked." He looks to the horse, to Hazel, back to the horse, and nods. "Whats up." says the boy, and promptly lowers himself to the ground. He's surrounded by pictures of broken bones and anatomy prints and he feels slightly lightheaded, but other than that, his voice is ridiculously casual for what just happened. "I'm gonna' sit here for a sec. What're you guys up to. My Little Pony stuff? Are those gems? Weird."

Re: broken home baby ★ p, moon - ★ HAZEL - 08-05-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
As soon as the papers went flying, Hazel's hands flew to her mouth. It was near comedic, almost perfectly dramatic with the way they rained down. It kind of made Hazel want to laugh, if she wasn't so horrified of what she'd done.

"Sorry, Moon - I -" She made a grab for a paper, barely hopping up on her toes to reach it. She brought it to her chest, smoothing it out, pausing when Moon spoke. Barely had she heard him use her real name, which was odd, because she had absolutely no idea where the nickname Nuts had come from. Part of her wanted to feel affronted by it, as many negative connotations that came with it. But the way Moon used it was purely name-based, no malicious feelings intended.

Hazel blinked at him, trying to figure out what he was getting at. He looked exhausted, his eyes near glassy with it. His hands were covered in dirt and grime from his work. Hazel wanted to ask when he had last gotten a good night's sleep, before remembering she probably had a similar look in her eye.

Her eyes widened at his gesture of indifference, and she flashed through the amount of people that could be suffering if Moon lost or mixed up their files. Then it occurred to her that Moon wouldn't care if he couldn't do something about it already. Therefore, the files were...excessive, for memory purpose only. Maybe. Hopefully.

"That's - I hope you're good at your job, then." A smile twitched against the corners of her mouth. She bent over, reaching for another paper. "It's a shame about those biscuits, though." Hazel finally lowered herself to her knees, tucking a stray curl behind her ear as she collected more of the scattered files, trying to keep them away from Arion's hooves.

Then Moon sat, rather abruptly, radiating a certain level of faintness. Hazel glanced up, brow furrowing. "Yeah, sure, you can sit." Not that she needed to give him permission, or that he was even looking for it. "You okay, Moon? You look a little..." She trailed off as he spoke again, smiling a little belatedly at his tease. "Yeah, My Little Pony stuff. Arion likes the shine of the - yeah, the gems." She reached for the ground, hovering her hand over the earth, stretching the tips of her fingers. A shard of amber popped up, pressing against her fingertips. "I'm trying to learn how to control an emotion-based power which...isn't easy. At all." She sighed, crossing her legs. "How are you, Moon? You look kind of exhausted."