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SEVEN BILLION SOULS — MEETING & ORIENTATION [08/03] - S. Mortem - 08-03-2018

Sola is perched on the throne, staring across the room at what's opposite: the mess hall. There's an obvious dislike carried on from her former days, nose wrinkling, ears briefly flattening back against her head. For a few moments, her focus is intent, caramel gaze unmoving from the wide door. It takes a while for her to remember why she's here.

"ROSEBLOODS," she calls out, although her voice is somewhat shaky from lack of use. Several seconds pass as she swallows roughly, still looking at the mess hall; still focused on that scent. This doesn't feel real. She can't bring her full attention on anything else. She knows that members will begin gathering any moment now, expectant, waiting for her to continue speaking. That's the only reason she's able to turn her head, breaking her laser-like focus, hoping to keep a sliver of her dignity. "Gather for a meeting." The follow-up is more quiet, and it's obvious that, despite her attention now being on the floor, her mind is miles off. This isn't the impression she wanted to give, but alas, she's never had much control over her life. The wildcat takes this time to straighten up, stretching as much as she can given her current position.

"For those of you I haven't been able to meet yet... I'm Sola, the leader. The two advisors here are Prestige and Felix, who I'm sure can introduce themselves properly when they get here. If I'm unavailable, they're the next best. I suggest getting to know them, but not too well." There's a light grin that appears on her face, although the tip of her tail begins to gently flick back and forth. What she disguises as a joke is really a comment made due to her possessive nature, not that anyone would have the slightest idea, as she's good at hiding her feelings behind humor.

"Speaking of getting to know others," she begins smoothly, leaning back in the slightest, "Jiyu has been organizing visits to other groups. I suggest getting involved with that. Really, this is a way to scope out. I want to know who we're dealing with out there." Truthfully, the cheetah isn't sure how she's feeling in terms of allies and enemies - neutrals aren't exactly a concern, however, which makes her life somewhat easier. "So... I guess just talk to her about that, if you're interested." Briefly, Sola wonders if it was all that important to mention this, considering a majority of the places are being dealt with, but... just in case, she supposes. She doesn't dwell. "Truthfully, there's not much happening at the moment, so I'm just going to move on to the next big thing. Orientation." The grin comes back, lightly tugging at the corners of her mouth, as she leaps down from the throne, moving a bowl out from the side with one of her large paws.

It's filled to the brim with a dark liquid, which is truthfully just red wine, but could easily be mistaken as blood at first glance - although individuals could easily believe it's blood the whole time through. "To the newcomers, there's a little thing we like to do here in The Rosebloods, to make sure you're really... with us for the long run, you know? Kind of like a pledge of loyalty. Can't really hold you to it, I suppose, but traitors aren't treated very kindly. Keep that in mind." Further moving the bowl so that it's further out in front of her, she pauses, as if looking for the right words. "You've gotta take a drink. Of what, I'm not going to tell you, but you'll find out. I promise it's not as bad as it might look. And if you don't want to, for whatever reason, I'll think of something else to ask." She's not going to force the new members into this situation, although she'll definitely be able to figure out bits and pieces of their personalities from how they handle this situation, now and in the future.

Oh wait... speaking of new members. "I'd also like to educate you all on families, although I'll get to that in a bit." She doesn't want to bombard everyone right this second, and she'd like to take a moment to get herself together before she continues on with information. Families, however, she's excited about.

ooc OK HEY! welcome to the rosebloods - i have a lot in store for y'all so stay tuned.
for now, here is the thread where you can "claim" to visit another group... i believe there are only two left?
there is also a combined mass adoption & hp tryouts here, along with signing up for the mass adoption here.
a plot & chat thread will be set up soon, and here's the link to the discord we have set up for anybody interested (this will later be included in plot & chat):

Re: SEVEN BILLION SOULS — MEETING & ORIENTATION [08/03] - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 08-03-2018

The throne room, the last time she had bothered stepping into this room she was holding a session with some other's to secure the state of the location. Due to the fact Sola initiated everyone and held meetings in the room if someone was going to try assassinating her friend, this would be where it was done. Jiyu was always on the mental look out for some danger, especially to the people she cared about or had some sort of duty to protect. Ever since the Roseblood had risen? Sola had become both, making the calico borderline paranoid, constantly worrying about some danger existing in the mansion or the Roseblood being unable to handle some threat that made it this far. Matters were also not helped by the fact Felix was also her longtime friend and was another target for assassination. On top of the tiger being someone important? Pres was also related in his own way, and also a target for someone who wanted to bring down Roseblood! Every single day she did whatever she could to ensure the safety of three cats she was both affection and duty bound to protect with her life.

This meeting was distressing, the three most important cats in the Roseblood sat up there alone without even a single guard. Limp as she was on the outside, in spite of the emptiness in her gaze, the cat's mind churned with the distress of the fact anyone could make some move to harm the three right now, and she was not in the prime position to protect them. Jiyu wished she could have convinced Sola to let her sit somewhere closer, some location that would enable her to protect the three of them better. The calico wished she was on the stairs several away from them, so she could throw herself in front of any would be assassination attempts and take down the would-be murderer at the same time. Hearing Sola regard what she was organizing, it meant nothing, the recognition she had been mentioned didn't even seem to happen, not that it normally did anyway, but this time she really didn't notice. Why did they insist on not having a proper guard, why couldn't she have found them before this meeting and convinced them!

Most of the meeting passed right over her head, she could only worry about the safety of the people she cared about. Luckily, she did catch the general gist of things, even if most of her time was spent looking around the room discreetly. trust no one, the second she let her guard down was the second she could lose her friends and family all over again. Jiyu was not going to have everything taken away from her again, no matter what. Finally? She was ready for whatever could come her way, Well she would be more ready if her precious cats would let her protect them properly.

Ooc: 3 left.


[align=center][div style="width: 455px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000"]   There are many creatures gathering around for what Ayon can only assume it have to do with the meeting, but they are in shades of black and white. / His mother's mouth is moving, but there is silence. / Throughout the moment, the little star is lost. / He stepped into the scene, and immediately, reality blinked and shivered. / Should the kit find someone who will be willing to help tell him what the meeting is about in the most simplest way. / If it's even possible. / Though, Ayon doesn't understand what's happening at the moment, to support his mother, as well, as his home where the set of rose stained blood lives, he doesn't move from his seat and remains still. / A speck in the corner. / There, but somewhere.

Re: SEVEN BILLION SOULS — MEETING & ORIENTATION [08/03] - heyyew - 08-04-2018

Capone was just going to watch the meeting, but hearing Sola’s words about the liquid in the goblet. Really? She was telling people they didn’t have to drink it? She had floated over to the goblet whilst in ghost form and sniffed at it a few times. In Capone’s many lives she had seen and smelled many things. So in an instant she knew what it was. And knew she couldn’t just hang back and do nothing

Capone shifted to the visible spectrum, permitting her ghostly facade to fade away. She was still transparent, and floating even. But she was visible now.

“Sola. If they can’t handle drinking blood they shouldn’t join The Elite in the first place… I hope your back up plan is them butchering a prisoner instead while keeping them alive as long as possible or something.” Capone shook her head. “And I don’t know whether you’re trying to kill our newcomers or not. But this is literal poison to us. In my lives I’ve seen felines like these ones die even from a small amount.”


oh look, there is their sister-in-law standing upon her throne. it looks fitting for sola, given her past. cain had told them much about his spouses, and boy were they... unique? sola appeared more tame, though. at least from what the were told. regal, demanding. never allowing no for an answer; and if she did it was for their own safety. the manticore would listen to her words intently, standing beside jiyu and careful not to accidentally step on her or anyone else that was difficult to see.

they have yet to hear of prestige and felix, though they anticipate their introductory. a small smirk sets upon their maw at sola's seemingly innocent remark about getting too close to them, their scorpion tail uncurling in amusement. as capone spoke up, the beast turned their head in her direction, taking a few moments to realize she was not so physial in form. oh jeez... the ghost of rosebloods past here to haunt them?

a gentlemanticore first. they remind themselves before speaking up. "with all do respect, ma'am, this is clearly not your era anymore." they gesture to her transparent form. "if you don't agree with sola, who's word is law if you happened to miss that, you can leave. move on to some afterlife and make peace with the mortal plane. but don't bother the living folk."

Re: SEVEN BILLION SOULS — MEETING & ORIENTATION [08/03] - axiom - 08-04-2018

© lexasperated
Charon is young - in any other group, she would just now be considered of the age for an apprenticeship. But not here, in this cutthroat group, where blood decorations are as plentiful as paint. She stretched her paws into the darkness of the world almost two months ago, and she hardly recoiled from the nastiness she found. Six months old, and she already feels entitled to a place at her Queen's side; if not as the crown princess, then at least as a favorite daughter.

The mutated cheetah brushes her fur against Aloy's, noticing her younger brother's shiver and instinctively supporting him. "Mother is just addressing the masses, nothing to worry about," she whispers to him, her voice soft and muzzle almost pressed against his ear as she spoke. Though she loves her family, she strongly dislikes showing her compassionate side in a public setting. She is far more comfortable playing the haughty princess with limited emotional expression.

Re: SEVEN BILLION SOULS — MEETING & ORIENTATION [08/03] - Heatherpaw - 08-04-2018

Heatherpaw was new-- that was all there was to it. He flicked an ear as the leader began her announcements, observing how different they were from the announcements in his home clan. The revolting stench from the bowl, however, had his real attention. It did not smell like something that was healthy, even though it looked like the blood of a freshly caught rabbit. He wanted to prove to this group that he was no pansy, but what did it truly entail?

The former WindClan apprentice knew that this was a rogue group full of wild monsters, but nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to see. Just like that, a ghost would appear out of nowhere-- a small dilute silver calico. Did these Rosebloods have the ability to always talk to their ancestors? In his home, only the medicine cat could talk to StarClan. If someone died in battle here, would nobody ever really grieve, because their clanmates-- no, fellow rogues-- could return to share tongues with them?

The black tom's amber eyes were wide open in shock as he stared at the ghost. It was only her words that snapped him out of it. The spirit mentioned the consumption of blood. The idea mildly freaked him out, though he refused to show it. More interestingly, it was mentioned that the liquid in the bowl was in fact some sort of poison-- no wonder it reeked. He listened to the scorpion-tailed lion monster tell off the ghost. How rude. Did they have no respect for their ancestors? Were their ancestors not the ones that kept them safe?

If this was indeed poison, surely the ghost was here to protect them and the potential newcomers, or was she? She seemed almost unwelcome to the group, which surprised the young tom. Of course, the idea of butchering a prisoner also horrified Heatherpaw. He wanted to be strong and to join the savage group of rogues. However, he was not aware of just how deep their brutality ran. If anything, he would prefer to consume the blood of someone, rather than beat someone who could not fight back. There was no honor in the latter. Did he have any right to speak, though?

"You're... not really trying to poison us, right?" he clarified, amber eyes focused on the cheetah leader. It did not hurt to ask and verify, after all. Rushing blindly into doing something could be deadly. Or, perhaps this was a test of some sort, like an assessment to join. If so, Heatherpaw wondered if they were being assessed on their bravery or their cunning in this particular instance. It would make sense to use something deadly in such an assessment. This was no clan, after all. This was a group of savage rogues: The Rosebloods.

Re: SEVEN BILLION SOULS — MEETING & ORIENTATION [08/03] - emil - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]"it's far from poison. there's no need to worry everyone." came the murmur of prestige, as he wove his way through the crowd to stand at the side of the throne, turning his eyes to the rest of the throne room. the tuxedo twitched his tail, gaze lingering on capone for a moment, until he looked to those gathered and bobbed his head in greeting.

"prestige nocte-maestus, i'm one of the advisers, as sola said." pres introduced himself, offering them a tired smile. "you may consult me with any questions or concerns when sola is too busy." the tom slowly seated himself, tail curling neatly around his paws. he wasn't sure what else sola had to say, but whatever it was, he was there to support her.

Re: SEVEN BILLION SOULS — MEETING & ORIENTATION [08/03] - cyantist - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt"]Night spots his brother in the crowd and sits down next to him without a sound. He wants to listen to what his mother is saying, ever the curious soul that wants to know whatever there is to know. That being said, the majority of it washes over his ears, unaware of the topics that concern the meeting. What few fragments he manages to pick out are the two advisor's names, Felix and Prestige, which he makes a small mental note. Otherwise, the meeting is lost on the kitten.


[Image: original.gif]
It had been a long time since Cainsmark attended a meeting that he wasn't hosting, and it was a pretty damn good feeling. Sola had always been a natural born leader, regal and fierce, and he was pleased to see that queen was still a good look on her. Watching his wife tear shit apart and lead them to victory was exactly what retirement should be, in his opinion. Add Finn into the mix and, well, things were pretty much set for him at the moment. He joined them with a nod to Sola, settling beside their three kiddos who had gathered thus far, and offered them a lopsided smile in greeting. [b]"Hey, kiddos."

With that, he turned his attention back to Sola, noting her announcements and the things on the agenda. He was no big bag of the Rosebloods' olden days, and felt no need to visit neighbors himself (foreign affairs were no longer his priority in life), but he would tag along with Sola. He eyed the bowls of mysterious liquid in amusement, but his gaze was drawn away by the emergence of the ghost.

Cain had heard Capone's name before, but it meant very little to him. Of course he knew the vague rumors about the Rosebloods' beginning all those years ago. Rumors were rumors, however, and all he saw just then was some spirit undermining his wife. Gaze narrowing slightly, he said lowly, "What Sola asks of new members in the Rosebloods," he emphasized the name, noting Capone had misaddressed them, "is her business. To imply that she be cruel enough or stupid enough to poison her people intentionally is not your place."