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I'M STILL ALIVE / O, M&G - Printable Version

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I'M STILL ALIVE / O, M&G - JERSEYBOY - 08-03-2018

( Awake. )

He was awake. His heart was idly t h u m p i n g, encaged behind his ribs, and it was a sure sign that he wasn't dead. He hadn't known what the fuck had happened back in the forest—one second he had been walking along, minding his own business. The next? He had been knocked out like a lightbulb.

However long later, Jerseyboy had woken up within [sub]decaying[/sub] brick walls, the natural light dim and making it difficult for him to decipher his location. An NPC had come in to check up on him, though, and informed, "They found you unconscious in the forest. They think that a pinecone fell and hit you on the head." That... annoyed him. A lot. A fucking pinecone? Jerseyboy, who didn't take well to embarrassment or humilation, didn't like the fact that he had been knocked cold by a.. what? A plant? A seed? Whatever the hell it was. "No shit something hit me, genius. I got a big-ass bruise." The tuxedo tom snapped. He was a pretty fun-loving guy ( most of the time ), but it didn't take much for him to grow angry.

Besides the throbbing bruise on his cranium, Jerseyboy felt fine. Therefore, he felt that he could venture outside into the ruins of the town. He padded around, glancing about and taking in his surroundings. He hadn't been here in a long while, though it didn't appear as if much had changed. He hadn't exactly made any memorable relationships here, either, so he supposed that he'd have to get re-acquainted with the "Tanglers". They were a rowdy bunch, from what he had heard, but he was positive that he could handle them. He'd made worse company, after all.

Re: I'M STILL ALIVE / O, M&G - — MALKYN. - 08-03-2018

[Image: UNiGGOw.gif]
[color=white](i am barely a thing at all)
"Terrible it had to be a pinecone." The blind hound rumbles idly from where she's settled lazily on the ground, half squished into a space that shouldn't fit her, half spilling out of it. "Deadlier things in the swamp. Besides, they aren't that heavy." Malkyn scoots out of her position and sprawls out a little more, faint clicking stumbling from her mouth as she gains vague surroundings- see if anyone else happened to be around them. Seeing as there wasn't her head moves in Jers' general direction, and she feels her head grow heavy slightly, exhaustion slamming into her chest and knocking her energy level down.

"Are you sure it was a pinecone?" Every time she says it she wants to laugh, snort at the implication that he was taken out by a pinecone. But she resists the urge, only a small stifled grin appearing on her muzzle. "Could've been a gator. Or myself, I am blind after all." She doubts it was her, she doesn't know him, or anything except everyone kept mumbling about a pinecone and the unconscious man. If she were being honest, she would've thought she'd find Malphas taken out by one but it wasn't and she can't resist the urge to tease. "Or a stick." She muses, not hiding the little grin that grows on her face.

[ mood i started writing out how i was feeling @ my head feeling heavy and wanting to Sleep ksjdhf ]


Re: I'M STILL ALIVE / O, M&G - arrow - 08-04-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]

Arrow had been making her usual rounds around the town, keeping her eye out for any shiny left over metal scraps. You never know what what you could mend or weld together, right? Not like there was much else to do around here besides the usual hunting and figuring out what the intentions were of the random asses that stumbled into the Tanglewood domain.

Speak of the devil, looks like the more unfortunate of those had finally woken up. Now, Arrow had not been there for this one, but she'd heard from someone that Jersey had gotten knocked unconscious and left for dead. Overhearing the idea that it was a pinecone made her snort quietly. Really? That seemed like a lot of damage for a seed storage unit.

[color=#31b94d]"Pinecone my ass." Arrow responded in very unsubtle disdain, standing near the larger hellhound and overlooking Jersey. He seemed fine other than probably a nasty headache, but surely Malphas had something he could choke down and be done with it. [color=#31b94d]"So you're the guy who got K.O'd. How ya feeling now?" Arrow refused to believe it was a pinecone because fuck that.


Re: I'M STILL ALIVE / O, M&G - madster - 08-04-2018

malphas was next to approach, after hearing arrow's speech. oh, right, he had tried to eat this man. malphas couldn't understand why what he done was wrong- was he supposed to wait for people to die before eating them? this world was strange, he decided- nobody batted an eye if he were to eat a bird alive, but suddenly when his prey got bigger is when everyone was against him.

he stood by arrow, crimson eyes narrowed. "sorry i tried to eat you," he apologized, realizing he had a job to do. "anyways. i'm malphas, medic around these parts. as such... from a scale from one to ten, how much does it hurt?" he asked, almost monotone. "if it hurts a lot, i can give you some opiates or some shit."

Re: I'M STILL ALIVE / O, M&G - goodsprings - 08-04-2018

↠↠la'miyla wasn't quite so sure about what it would take for a falling object to knock her right out, but she supposed it made sense for a domestic. the pine cone may have been rather large, gathering force of gravity depending from how high up it had been... she wasn't a master at physics, but she deemed it sensible. the tigress came beside malkyn, partially to attempt sizing her up (for her safety) and partially because she looked so... odd. malkyn was blind, perhaps she wouldn't take mimi's approach as looking her over and more so as a concerned bystander.

truthfully, she couldn't bring herself to care about the tom. he seemed rather hotheaded, as most of the men here were. though jersey may not be, it was always the tigress' first assumption. malphas had certainly fit her stereotype to the tee. stupid. narrow minded. thoughtless. she wondered if he even had a brain half the time.

"you took a rough hit, good thing our medic did nothing until you woke up." she remarked sarcastically, ivory tail flicking irritably as she sat down. she idly lifted her paws, inspecting her claws as they seemed more entertaining than this. "glad to know he's keen on offering opiates at inappropriate times- did a drug addict train you, maltese? i'm beginning to become worried for our safety."
Template by Quill

Re: I'M STILL ALIVE / O, M&G - madster - 08-04-2018

malphas grinned, enjoying some playful banter. "you know i couldn't have done anything. what was i supposed to do, go dump some water on him?" he asked, imagining the scenario in his head. "i was scared he had brain damage, and that's a bitch to deal with." malphas was amused at the thought of pinecone-induced brain damage, as unfortunate as that was.

"yeah. you know poppy seeds? those are opiates. i'm offering him poppy seeds, which are a common and easy to find pain relief." he remarked, mocking her by also looking at his paw, acting as if his paw was super entertaining. "but go off, i guess."

Re: I'M STILL ALIVE / O, M&G - JERSEYBOY - 08-04-2018

JERSEYBOY ✧tagsreftumblrpinterest
An unfamiliar, feminine voice fell upon triangular ears, and his cranium swiveled in its direction, finding a—Jesus Christ, that was one huge dog. She was similar to the creatures that he had come across before, though he never bothered to find out what they were called. They were like wolves, but freakishly bigger. She seemed civilized, though — in fact, she was teasing him. This prompted a frown from Jerseyboy. He probably would have even considered the hellhound a p p e a l i n g in some way, but teasing him was a sure way to get on his nerves. He disliked being made fun of, even in a minor way. It was usually Jerseyboy who poked fun at others, not the other way around. "Cut it out, will ya'? That thing was huge. Woulda' probably knocked you out, too." Maybe one day that would happen to her, and then he'd be the one laughing.

The next one to appear was just someone closer to his size — a sleek, dark brown she-cat. And hey, at least she had some damn manners. He wouldn't consider her smoking hot, for she had a pretty face . . . if you looked past the oversized ears. Ah well, he could have a little fun, couldn't he? The only other girl that he had seen in this place so far was being annoying, so this was his next best bet. "Me? Neva' felt betta'. Just got a lil' bruise, but it don't hurt." ( Well, that was a lie. ) It actually throbbed like hell, but he was trying to ignore it for the sake of his ego. He didn't want to complain about a fucking bruise, and he didn't want to stay on the topic of his little "accident" any longer than he had to. It was flat-out embarrassing.

Another feline had begun to chime in as well, though it was what he said that caught Jerseyboy off-guard. His olive-hued eyes narrowed, and he questioned, "What'd you just say?" He furrowed his figurative brows, cocking his head as well. "Did you just say that you tried to eat me?" What the fuck? That had to be a [sub]twisted metaphor[/sub] or somethig, right? Who would actually try to eat him?

Before he knew it, a tigress had joined the growing crowd. Her scarring and other modifications made Jerseyboy look twice, though he was still distracted by what Malphas had said to properly acknowledge her. Then, the two had engaged in banter of some sort, and that was when Jerseyboy decided to interject, "Look, I don't got brain damage. 'n I don't need.. whateva' those are. I'm fine." The last thing he needed was to be fussed over. He just wanted to do what he came here to do — relax and meet new people. It was hard to do so when everyone kept up making a big deal out of the "pinecone incident."
© madi