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LIKE AN ANGEL ⋆ INTRO, OPEN - Printable Version

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LIKE AN ANGEL ⋆ INTRO, OPEN - ceilidh - 08-03-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border: 0%;width:50%;text-align:justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px;"]Feeling like an intruder in her own home. It wasn't hard really, to get that sense in the Rosebloods, but it was one she was well familiar with. It didn't take much for her parents to ditch her, snatch away her chances of redemption. But this time it was surely different, she promised that to herself. For now though, she was the odd one out of them all, the strange lot, trying to ... to prove something, worthiness, perhaps. She knew, of course, despite the elite status of the mansion dwellers, they didn't all come with queen complexes, no, she didn't believe them to all be drunk with power.

Still, she bit her tongue. Really, truly, dug her teeth into the the fruit of her mouth, sucking inwards to consume all of her doubt and anxiety about what was in store. You must trust yourself ... who else is there to rely on? Isolde closed her eyes momentarily, the beady blues appearing again and blinking once or twice for readjustment. That's how it was going to be, that's how she was going to achieve the life she deserved. Full faith in herself, without restraints, and showing others her capabilities. And those others ... well, they were the Rosebloods. She hadn't gotten to know any of them very much, her joining of the group had been lackluster, unfortunately. If you really want to make your mark, well, then, make it. And with what she provided with herself, she went ahead. The ginger tabby was flanking a corridor with a willowy stride, chin tilted upwards in almost a flaunting fashion, as if she had something to show off.

And she did, deliberately done to attract the attention of the other members. But her deliberation wasn't desperate, a subtle change in her appearance was enough for her to attract some glances and thoughts. A Ribbons of prussian blue had been laced around her neck, seized soundly around her, accessorized with a bead of sapphire encased in a bed of gold to match the choker. The ribbon was bound and tied tightly, but was neatly bowed at the back, peeking out in gentle loops towards the back of her ears. It was a feminine look, daring against the contrast of her heavy brow and supple smile. But she remained bold, like she told herself, movements now defined by the new fashion, elongating her neck and how it turned swiftly to look about the foyer. She kept herself modest in demeanor, as modest as a place as outrageously luxurious as the Rosebloods, but was tapping her claws against the reflective tile with a certain purpose, ready to face the rest of the population genuinely, for the first time.

ooc | rip i have no clue where,,, where this post came from but


[align=center][div style="width: 455px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000"]   Unfamiliar faces appears in Hell everyday; there are too many ghosts to count. / ( One, two, three. / Run, true, free. ) / His effort continues pulling to read and understand all of their abandoned blood and bones nevertheless. / Let them be known. / Let them know they are important.

   So, there, a statue is on sight, such striking and new; / an open opportunity to mark it. / Certainly, it is what brings the child of lost stars and whispering fairytales forward from the crowd of shadows. / Ocean stained gaze locks on the figure whom shines ginger. / Blue eyes and golden veins in flames and glory.


   ❝ ...Pre...p-pretty... ❞ / A whisper, so gentle, like lips against wounds. / Ayon tilts his head and stares at the tile beneath her presence. / He slowly lifts his paw to touch the stranger's reflection before he glances up to a face of the real her. / Her... / ❝ ...Wh...who?... ❞ A question, soft and brief, sentimental at its finest.

Re: LIKE AN ANGEL ⋆ INTRO, OPEN - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 08-04-2018

Jiyu had never really experienced feeling like an intruder in her own home. The fact? Was actually rather surprising when one considered who the calico was, how she had come into The Roseblood in the first place. In one lifetime she could have been raised as royalty within the group, being as she was the founders grand-daughter and her mother had been the leader when she was born. However, fate had gone much different and she didn't even know the group existed when she found it, upon joining the calico had no idea her family was here, no idea she even had a family that indeed did love her. The lithe assassin had been lost for so long it was hard to believe she could feel at home anywhere, but she had managed it here and the surprising part was she had somehow just known what this place would become to her when she joined. Of all the places she could have run towards after she snapped as she had and freed herself from the prison she had been contained within? The mansion was further away, she had run straight past other places as if her body or soul knew where she had needed to go.

Of course, in the time since she had joined as some nobody who was just running away from the insanity thrust upon her, trying to pretend she was anything but the cold-blooded perfect killer she was? Thing's had changed, relations had sprouted everywhere for her, she had built her reputation from the ground up, and in spite of how harshly she denied it, Jiyu had changed too. The feline who could once not even understand what a smile looked like, much less what one looked like, could understand the grins of those she loved, tell when they weren't happy and that meant a lot to her. Obviously, she would never be perfect at what most animals had as simple nature, it had been abused, trained, and yanked out of her, but she could make a log book in her head, a fake. Unluckily this fake could not help the fact that no life existed in her gaze, both her green and her blue optic being nothing but endless voids that at best resembled the eyes of some dead fish, nor would it change the fact she seemed to be limp as someone who was just murdered. Who she was made to be, had no need for anything besides her orders, but she had clearly rebelled against that long ago.

She noticed the other cat, the one walking around as if she was someone with something to show off, but such a new face, Jiyu didn't care. Long limbs moved without making any noise, her breathing soft and heartbeat barely detectable, mistakable for a ghost if she had not been solid. At first, the patterned feline was going to pass right by the other roseblood, a cat who given her no reason to interact yet. However, those mismatched eyes fell upon someone she did care for. "Sayonara, having a good day?" her voice was like snow falling to the ground, cold as she was, but she did care about her friend's offspring. Just like with Sola? She would give her life to protect her friends offspring so that her friend never had to experiance the pain of losing a child when it could be avoided. Of course, this involved interacting with them more than cats she didn't care about, to let them know they could rely on her.

Re: LIKE AN ANGEL ⋆ INTRO, OPEN - - AMREN - 08-04-2018

[color=#414a4c]✷ ✷ ✷
It was not the sound of voices or even her own, beloved brother's presence that caused her to slink forward, an unmuted intrigue dancing within those ghostly silver eyes of hers. Instead, the glint of a sapphire had piqued her interest, causing obsidian paws to lead the short feline closer and closer to Isolde. She'd blink in the unfamiliar female's direction, refusing to even look upon her face for the first few seconds. Her sapphire served as the opposite to Amren's own rubies, the crimson gleaming against a backdrop of black. [b][color=#414a4c]"That," Amren began pointedly, [color=#414a4c]"I want it." The ribbon would of course have to go, cut away from the jewel before it was added to her constantly growing stash of gemstones and similarly shiny collectables. Would this strange and new Roseblood appreciate her forwardness though? She highly doubted it but seemed relatively unbothered as she sat back upon her haunches, blinking those glowing eyes of her innocently.

She figured that, at this point, she should at least extend an introduction to pair nicely with her desire, a simple courtesy done with the intention of further winning Isolde over. [color=#414a4c]"My name is Amren, by the way." There. Simple. Easy; done without the need to fully explain herself. She wanted that gem, wanted it more than anything. She'd shuffle backwards after that, falling into place next to Ayon. He was so... quiet, a complete contrast to she and Mosa. No matter, he was still the subject of her affections and she would attempt to press gently against to him, a greeting in and of its own. [color=#414a4c]"Sayo," She murmured easily, [color=#414a4c]"And hello, Jiyu."

Re: LIKE AN ANGEL ⋆ INTRO, OPEN - CAIN - 08-04-2018

[Image: original.gif]
Cainsmark had no ties to this place, not really. He knew of the Rosebloods from their glory days, knew the stories, knew some of the names -- but he had grown up far removed from their eerie mansion, away from their bloodlust and chaos. As a child, as who he used to be, he might have been glad to have missed them in their barbarism. But this Cain? This Cain was a little disappointed that he had missed the show, and was all the more pleased to watch Sola lead the way. He'd follow his savage queen any where. So no, he did not know many of these strangers, nor did he recognize their customs, but at least he had his children, sibling, and spouses here.

Speak of the devils. Cain came strolling after Amren and Ayon, sea-green gaze amused as it locked on them. [b]"Amren, darling," he greeted her, voice lilting with his amusement, "We don't just demand others' things. Hi, Ayon, Jiyu." His attention lifted to the foreign girl, analytical and intent as it raked over her, before he smiled. It was lopsided and friendly, barely edged with the hint of something sharp under the surface. "Hello, there. I'm Cainsmark. Nice to meet you."