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BALLADS TO BE WRITTEN / open - Printable Version

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BALLADS TO BE WRITTEN / open - ANIMA B. - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;"]"Two souls intertwined, one true love they did find;
bringing land and heaven near;
but flames that once burned bright soon grew dark;
memories dimmed by shadowed hearts."

Anima had not sung in a very long time. The panther had no accompanying instrument to play with her, she'd never been able to master that, but her voice rang relatively clear and true in the night. She was sat a good, safe distance away from a small fire. Extra care had been taken to ensure that there was no way that the fire could ever spread, a exercise in protection that Annie really did care for. Or rather, her paranoia still gnawed at her around fire, even though she had nothing to fear from it.

She remembers Andras and she remembers Fenrir. The memories come flooding back when she stares into the flames. She wanted to cook the chicken that she'd managed to kill, so instead of simply staring into the fire and waiting for her brain to run away to places she didn't want to go, she'd force herself to consider happier times. Better times, good times with her family, listening to her mother sing. The song was one of Anima's favourites, the Dragonsong they called it, a ballad sung about Shiva and Hraesvelgar and their love, the Knights of the Heavensward and their broken promises and Nidhogg's rage.

Was it true? Anima had no idea. It was sung by everyone in Haerii, and Paddra had a different version of the song. But everyone knew the Dragonsong in one form or another, some blaming the knights, some blaming the dragons, some blaming both. Anima knew the one from the perspective of the dragons, from Shiva's perspective, asking why the knights had done such a thing to murder Ratakostr in cold blood and devour her.

"In the waxing gloom, did wane the lover's moon.
Watching as their world's drift apart.
One soul's cry, a passion dwelling within;
Sacrifice, a final plea to her kin;
Yet this bond of hope by treachery was broke,
Scattering her words to the wind."

Her voice isn't what it used to be. Anima used to sing in the old lands when she was bored, but it was never really a proper effort at singing. It was half-assed, but when she actually tries, her voice holds a pleasant quality to it. It's a little rough around the edges, but as is Anima's speaking in general. She manages to sound melodic and pleasant, but her voice is a little too low to sing it how her mother would and sometimes, she misses a high note. But overall, it isn't too bad for someone out of practice.

How long has it been since she heard someone sing the Dragonsong properly? Elizabeth was a talented singer, far moreso than Anima with the voice of angel. Anima was less an angel, but still sounded pleasant but comparing the two was like comparing apples to oranges. They were not the same, and Anima was a fool to even compare herself to Elizabeth. Perhaps she should of picked one of the songs her father sung, a rousing war cry or a boisterous recount of a legend. She preferred them anyways.

[b][i]"Children of the land answer this - why must you turn to empty bliss?
Tell me why break trust, why turn the past to dust?
Seeking solace in the abyss;
Tell me why create a circle none can break?
Why must you let go the life you were bestowed?
This I fear I'll never kno-
. Ah shit."

She smells burning, and looks down to realise that her chicken is a little crispier than she was hoping. Godamn music making her get distracted. Grumbling a string of curses to herself, she removes the burnt bird from the fire and begins to tear into with the occasional comment of annoyance.

Re: BALLADS TO BE WRITTEN / open - — MALKYN. - 08-04-2018

[Image: UNiGGOw.gif]
[color=white](i am barely a thing at all)
Malkyn doesn't think she can ever go back to before, as much as wants to, as much as she desperately wants to erase the past few years of trauma and fear from her mind, she can't. The Darkness was much a part of her as she was it, Roy and his trauma were just as much a part of her growth as Talia was. She was different, and it would be weird not.. having that buzz of aggression, and white hot rage, in the back of her head. It would be weird not to feel the mounting urge to slaughter another pack, stealing their Darkness for her own.

It curls twisted fingers around her throat, breaking her down until she's practically drooling at the opportunity, hungry for the rush of pure power, hungry for the feeling of being on top, of being stronger, faster than other hounds. A high that'll end up getting her killed one day. The hellhound happens to be relatively close to where Anima's set up shop, the smell of smoke and something.. kind of gross getting her attention (cooked chicken, she's come to find out). What causes her pause in her approach is the singing, and abrupt 'ah shit' interrupting the ballad.

She hesitates on approaching, if only because it seemed.. nostalgic. And although she could be nostalgic, she doesn't wish to intrude on anything that could come off as a private moment. After a few moments, it seems Anima's stopped singing and the hellhound approaches on tired paws, her legs straining slightly with the dip in control of her legs, settling down rather hard against the mud. "Any particular reason you chose to cook it?" Malkyn hums, choosing rather to touch on the food and not the song.

Re: BALLADS TO BE WRITTEN / open - ANIMA B. - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana"][b]"Ah... Shit." She swears again when she sees Malkyn, shaking her head slightly as she equates the idea that somebody might have been listening to her. It would be an interesting question though - would Anima like to return to the past? She does miss Calian and Andras when they liked her and the three were close and inseparable. She misses her sister, who she feels has gone but placing why is a task. Elizabeth is most likely dead and Anima is loathed to admit that.

She looks to Malkyn a little closer, and it's hard to miss her staring, her jaw slightly slack as she looks at the Hellhound. She can't deny that Malkyn looks intimidating, just like Talia does, but she's still surprised and suitably impressed. It earns a quiet wolf whistle from the winged panther before she answers the question. [b]"Tastes better.
Might cover up some of the swampi...ness of everything in Tanglewood - salt and pepper does wonders ya know. Don't think I've met you before... Anima. Aren't you Talia's..."
She makes a vague gesture with her paws, unsure as what to term Malkyn as, wife? Girlfriend? Waifu for life-u? She's not sure.