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BROKEN BALLET && nightmares. - Printable Version

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BROKEN BALLET && nightmares. - TSUYU. - 08-03-2018

It was supposed to be a peaceful night, quiet and serene as Tsuyu laid atop a chilly rock in the middle of camp. She had watched the sun set, the people of Snowbound slowly escaping to their houses where they stayed, resting for the night. She, too, was resting.

Maybe not so peacefully, though.

You see, Tsuyu had plenty of nightmares since she had come to this world. About Tokoyami, about everyone else. She saw sparks constantly, and not good ones. No, she saw violent, dangerous sparks of electricity that some people would be warned to stay away from during storms that wrecked homes and slaughtered families in a split second.

She was always stuck in the same place, in a deep lake that she had been endlessly swimming in. Forever, an eternity. She was a broken record, her actions being kept on repeat, over and over again. She didn't want to think about things like this, she didn't like to be held captive by things that she liked. Water, especially.

"Stop, please!" She begged to whatever was holding her there in the dream, making her watch as that familiar boy, that familiar crush of hers, had drowned right before her eyes. Then, everything cut out, and she saw a flash of yellow, before she herself felt like she was drowning.

It didn't take long for Tsuyu to wake up, covered in cold sweat as she screamed out pleas for help, her body shaking relentlessly as she tried to ground herself back to reality. It was a dream, wasn't it? It was all a dream.

But she knew, deep down, what Shigaraki said had to be right. It was her fault. It was all her fault.
Tokoyami died because she couldn't save him, because she was a terrible hero.

Re: BROKEN BALLET && nightmares. - galexiux - 08-03-2018

  When Tsuyu started to drift to sleep outside of a warm cabin, Cry decided to stay close by in the night. She, personally, was used to the cold (her heart was already frozen, anyways) and darkness of sleeping outside, but Tsuyu was just a kid. Who let a kid sleep outside in the middle of a tundra? ... Well. Apparently she did, since she never bothered to wake the kid up. She didn't exactly like or hate tsuyu... She sorta fell into a weird middle space where Cry will share a space with the kid, but not talk to her.

  The crow was currently curled up in a nearby tree, fast asleep herself. The was slowly roused from her sleep by the sound of heavy breathing. Cry whined quietly, ruffling her wings. She slowly opened her milky white eyes, tilting her head. What the heck wa- oh it was the kid. Right. The kid she was supposed to be watching. ... Man no wonder why no one around here trusted her.

  Whats the problem? The crow called down, finally making her presence known. Being small and (mostly) pure blackish blue, she blended in well with the night. Hopefully her voice was loud and recognizable enough for Tsuyu to not go into a panicked frenzy. That'd be nice. Not exactly something she wanted to deal with right now.


Re: BROKEN BALLET && nightmares. - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-05-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
It always seemed that people had nightmares following bad events, so it wasn't hard to say Atbash had a feeling this was going to happen after hearing about a small skirmish that happened. It seemed like it was connected to all the people Izuku knew. And that's who she figured would be having nightmares, but she wasn't expecting it to be Tsuyu. Hearing the hybrid's scream, Atbash immediately shot out of her cabin, ignoring her sore muscles as she searched for the other female. Luckily it seemed Cry was already on the scene, but that still didn't mean Atbash wasn't going to help. "Tsuyu, you okay?" The Hailcaller called out, gritting her teeth slightly as her throat muscles twitched at the sudden yell.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: BROKEN BALLET && nightmares. - TSUYU. - 08-05-2018

"Drowning.. I was drowning.. He was drowning.. It's my fault, it's my fault, ribbit.." Croaked Tsuyu in response to both their worries, shivering from the fear of what she had to repeatedly go through in her nightmare. Suffocation, electrocution. "When Izuku said we died, I thought.. That I was just sent here, but was I truly the reason why Tokoyami died?.." She squeaked out, tears bubbling up at the surface as sticky pawpads held her still on the rock she laid upon, her body unmoving but her claws digging into the smooth stone.

//ahh shitty mobile post kill me

Re: BROKEN BALLET && nightmares. - galexiux - 08-05-2018

  Cry whined silently under her breath. Great. Hysteria and tears. Exactly what she wanted to deal with tonight. Tears were a normal thing in her family. Each of her small home were destroyed and broken in a very different and unique way. All four of them sorta leaned on each other for support and love. That was... how a family should work, right? Of course, Synthesis and Cry, herself, leaned more on their parents than they did them, but they still leaned slightly themselves. Which was fine. It was the only social training Cry had. ... Maybe that was why she was terrible at talking and interacting.

  The crow turned to Atbash for help, her eyes shining in a silent plea for help. She sighed, falling limp as she turned to Tsuyu. She took a deep breath ..... and exhaled. She reached her feathers up, trying to rest her arms on the kid's shoulders. Tsuyu, She spoke, Can you hear me? I need you to follow my instructions, kid. It's very important. She waited for a few pregnant moments before speaking again. She opened her mouth, I need you to take deep breaths. You're safe. No one will hurt you. Synthesis was prone to panic attacks. Sure, they never took deep breaths, but that was becasue they didn't need to breath. Comforting an animal was a bit different than comforting one of her kind, but the concept was still the same. Keep them calm, keep them safe, and keep them comforted. Just keep talking. Let them know nothing can hurt them.


  At least not here now.
