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SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - Printable Version

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SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - lexasperated - 08-03-2018

Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - cyantist - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt"]Radioactive water. It is safe to say that those two words have Night wishing that he hadn't follow Mimi and Amren over to Tanglewood. Nightsky has also been playing the floor is lava, but instead of having fun and laughing about it, he clings to every branch as if he's going to die if he falls ( actually, he might get mutated and that would just be... No. ) He is staying very near Mimi, on a large branch just across from her a little higher off the ground. There's a nagging voice in his head stating that trees absorb water, so there's a good chance that the trees are also radioactive, but the best of a bad situation.

"B-Bug eyed?" He repeats in disbelief, before furiously shaking his head. They were just stories... The only thing with bug eyes are bugs, and there a lot here. But there's no bug eyed monsters - those were just stories to make him and his sisters behave right? Right. "Monsters aren't real Mimi, come on, we know that..." Who he's trying to convince is up for debate.

Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - SAYØNARALULLABY - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 455px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000"]   Following. / There. / Here. / Somewhere. / Watching. / No, unlike his siblings, Ayon did not wish to play a game where he would exchange his flesh and soul for the thrill gushing through God given veins and a heart blooming roses, bleeding in all shades of red and white, a sight of wonder. / Baby blue eyes, with tiny teeth and holy halo, in no doubt, one will not find a lion sleeping in his ribcage.

   ( Though, why will anyone find there a comfort when his ivory borns are too sharp for them to settle near and dear to his heart? )

   Paws against marsh instead of the chance his world will break and crumble, the curious child takes the safest route there is and accompany his siblings behind. / Protector of the ghosts and fire, he must look after his little sparks of excitement and life; / let him be the star they will need: a shooting star for their desires and North Star to guide them through the dark. / Ayon burns too well to even know it himself he is all what he do best.

   He stops by a tree where he sees his sister, Summermimosa, above, hanging as a sun: a soul constantly shining with eagerness for the fun and danger that comes with it, and have a bite that can make her opponents have smoke eyes and flesh burnt. / Nightkit is there just behind her like a moon: one with a silver crafted heart, as his presence have missing parts, despite he was born a few months ago. / His other sister, Amren... Ah, where is the world, a creation filled with beauty and horror? / The kit frowns and looks further back at the swamp's teeth, hoping Amren is only catching up with everyone else.

Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - arrow - 08-04-2018

Hanging out in the trees was a routine thing for her by now, she'd discovered she felt much after in the swamp above ground then she did with four paws on it. Plus it gave her that feeling of having any sort of advantage over her much cooler clanmates, even just a little bit. She liked watching the birds and the occasional alligator swim past. Or as La'miyla had put it, she was practically hidden.

Something caught her attention, the sound of some unfamiliar being that was now a few steps into the territory. Arrow pushed herself up on the branch holding her weight, cracking her neck. She watched from a tree away, squinting in concern. These kids were gonna kill themselves like this, and if they didn't, those alligators were going to get pissy from having something cannonball into their water. They were normally pretty chill from what she had learned via observation, safe distance of course, but nothing would be so chill as to tolerate something so sparky and excitable going head first into their home.

[color=black]"Yo." Arrow said casually, one ear twitching as she jumped to the branch closest to Mosa, rounded green eyes studying her with a mix of curiosity and slightly irritated concern. [color=black]"You really shouldn't be tossing yourselves around the swamp like this, what can I do you for?"

Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - madster - 08-04-2018

malphas approached, standing next to arrow. with crimson eyes, he scanned the three. none of them looked particularly strong, or smart- he snorted. he glanced at arrow- of course she was nice to people who were carelessly walking into their territory, their rather dangerous territory at that.

"let me guess. you're here from some new group and you want to get into cahoots with us. yeah, come see us when you have more than three members," he said, grimacing. "you know we've already got so many groups coming in and licking our boots? you're not special. just an f-y-i before you go into your spiel on trade and alliances or whatever." he said idly, tilting his head. 

Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - lexasperated - 08-04-2018

Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - goodsprings - 08-04-2018

↠↠oh, how the tigress wished she could be small again. as a little cub with little to no responsibility. she could get away with saying anything to her father, and her mother would merely snicker and bring her away to entertain her. the ivory woman would love to have children of her own some day, though she knew she wasn't ready emotionally just yet. she still had some figuring out of her own accord to do. not to mention preparing her children to undergo the same traditions she and her sisters had been taught. the beliefs they had were sometimes hard to stomach for others...

la'miyla was content watching other children play about, though. if it weren't for the 'woods hazardous biome, she would have let them do so without much interference. like arrow, she too feared they would get too close to beck's alligators. she had begun to approach them, sticking behind a slight bit so not to crowd them. oh no... maltese was here again, spewing his garbage once more.

"ahh, ignore maltese. i think he was dropped on his head as a cub." she hopes the medics unruly speech doesn't soil their first impression. as far as miyla knew, he was the only one like that in the 'wood. "my name's la'miyla caralho, you're all awfully young to be here alone. are your parents on their way?" if what mimosa said was true, she'd gladly see them tear malphas into shreds.
Template by Quill

Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - arrow - 08-04-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]

[color=#31b94d]"Oh, boy. They weren't doing any harm, doc. There's no boot licking to be had here, just business, yo." She frowned, rolling her green eyes and forcing herself to push down the desire to mock his unsavory attitude. She was definitely a little nicer, but it was just a part of having such a casual attitude in most situations. That thing the nurse lacked, hard core. Besides, she found them interesting, kinda funny branch hopping like that. Just worried for their safety.

The girl she assumed led this parade was a little...creepy when she addressed the nurse, sending a shiver down Arrow's spine. She would have sweat, if cats could do that. Pretty girl, doll like in every sense of the word. Even the creepy sense. However, what was actually said was so much better.

"Aww, hey look! It's a li'l itty bitty going 'boo-hoo, I have such few brain cells that I automatically think the amount of people visiting my territory automatically equates to how many people there is in a Clan, boo-hoo' bullshit!"

And with that, Arrow lost her shit. She laughed, something that came with a complimentary, uncontrollable and oh so unladylike snort, her chocolate features scrunched up ever so slightly. Her sense of humor was dumber than she was, but something about sassing the spiteful male was such a blessing to her. [color=#31b94d]"Oh god, you're great. Welcome to Tanglewood, then! Gorgeous name by the way. I hope the scent of death doesn't bother you too much." The oriental responded with taking Mosa's offered paw and a grin, an expression that shortly turned sheepish and worried with the idea of an enemy because of Malphas being a little shit. [color=#31b94d]"Aha, please don't eat me. I'm too young and pretty." That was, of course, a joke, but she was definitely upset at the concept of having an enemy that could eat them all.

Her ears perked up at La'miyla's words, nodding. Oh, shit, parents. That was a thing.


Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - - AMREN - 08-04-2018

[color=#414a4c]✷ ✷ ✷

[b][color=#414a4c]"The only bug-eyed monsters here are our awful brothers who decided to crash our adventure."

The remark was made by Amren who, at last, decided to step from the shadows and join Mosa on her perch. Around her neck, a ruby necklace gleamed in the dim light, the glow of her silver eyes pairing especially well with the crimson of the jewels. She had of course found the lovely little accessory and made it hers the moment her gaze fell upon it. Now, it seemed as if they could not be separated, Amren reluctant to even permit others to look upon it for too long. She was a strange one, really, but as she sat besides her sister, she couldn't help but turn a narrowed stare towards Nightsky and Sayonara. [color=#414a4c]"This was supposed to be our trip, boys," The black smoke commented, [color=#414a4c]"Does really no one believe that Mosa and I can handle ourselves?"

Amren sighed, relishing in the quiet (well, as quiet as a swamp could be) for a few minutes before her attention was piqued by Arrow's arrival. She seemed nice enough, a shame considering they came with particularly... unfortunate news. Oh well, she didn't care enough to feel remorse for more than a few fleeting seconds, her face not once anything but apathetic. [color=#414a4c]"My name is Amren Mortem an-" Her introduction was cut short by the arrival of another, one who seemed vastly different than the first Tangler who had greeted them. [color=#414a4c]"Licking your boots? Really?" She scoffed, appalled by the assumption. She did not lick boots- especially boots associated with anything in this godforsaken smelly swamp.  [color=#414a4c]"I don't think we'd want to be allies anyways. If this is how you greet people, consider us unimpressed."

Silver eyes would roll, a black maw opening to continue in her verbal assault before she heard both Arrow and La-miyla. [color=#414a4c]"At least you two are somewhat tolerable," She decided bluntly, a little nod of her head following her words. If everyone was like this Nurse, she would have turned tail a long time ago. [color=#414a4c]"And no!" It was a prideful proclamation, one that revealed that she had been slightly wounded by the idea of her any of her parents coming along. [color=#414a4c]"We are here by ourselves. We can handle ourselves," She explained bitterly, a plumed tail lashing with a sort of fiery fervor. She and Mosa had departed the Rosebloods with that idea in mind, it had been their brothers who came along to ruin her much-needed girl's day.

Re: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW | o, roseblood visitors - madster - 08-04-2018

"did you fuckers forget we're a fucking warbound? we're not supposed to be nice! that's not in our job description!" malphas sputtered out, clearly not used to people actually taking a stand against him. "these people literally just said that they're probably going to be our enemy!" malphas was shocked at how lax his clanmates were about trespassing and a potential enemy clan.

"are you here to just fuckin' mock me? yeah, i'm a bitch, get over it. it's not even about me, though- are you here to just belittle me or actually discuss something? offer something or get out. we're not a fuckin' vacation spot."