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DOESN'T MATTER IF WE CHANGE / open - Printable Version

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DOESN'T MATTER IF WE CHANGE / open - CELESTE G.M. - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border-bottom: 1px white solid;padding-BOTTOM: 3px;"]Feathers are everywhere. It comes as a surprise to Temulin, even though it shouldn't considering that she now has six of them, all arranged on her back. When she spreads them out, they fan around her and surround her in a near cloak of white and gold feathers, soft and glorious and heavenly. But, in a consequence that she hadn't anticipated, she was now leaving feathers wherever she went. It started out small, leaving one or two in her room when she slept and simply moving them in the morning.

She left a few in the tavern behind her when she went to get a drink at night, leaving a good few in her wake as she left in the early hours of the morning. In fact, the feathers left a broken trail behind gold, white and gold feathers working as a trial of feathery breadcrumbs behind her. Whenever her wings twitched or rearranged themselves, at least one feather would come loose and be left either clinging to the wing or scattered on the ground. She didn't really notice until one day, she woke up surrounded by feathers, all over the blankets and pillows that she slept on.

It was that incident which lead a spring cleaning of sorts, Temulin throwing blankets and cushions out of her home and shaking them until they were clean, then putting them in a pile for washing, muttering under her breath all the time about bloody feathers...

How on earth was she supposed to deal with this madness?

Re: DOESN'T MATTER IF WE CHANGE / open - snare - 08-03-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]The wolf pup had been wandering about the treacherous island territory when the sight of belongings strewn about and feathers absolutely everywhere met his gaze.  Despite his usual disinterest in, well, everything, Snare found himself trotting over to the scene in something that resembled curiosity.  As the puppy padded up a stray floating feather drifted his way in the breeze, brushing by his sensitive nose and causing him to sniffled and sneeze.

Snorting, Snare would lope up to the edge of the scene, looking at Temulin with his nose still twitching as he stared at his crewmate and the array of feathers on and around her and her belongings.  ”Am I gonna have to deal with feathers too when I get bigger?”  A sincere question with his usual dryness as a secondary emotion; if he was gonna grow wings one day too he wouldn’t wanna deal with that kind of mess.  And with all the feathers Temulin was producing, he could only imagine the tedium of it.  ”Cause I don’t want to clean up all that kind of junk.”  Wings could come with interesting benefist like flying, but with the messy sight in front of him it looked to be more trouble then it was worth.  At least in his young unknowing eyes.

Re: DOESN'T MATTER IF WE CHANGE / open - bubblegum - 08-03-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
like snare, goldie had also been drawn by the sight of feathers. she wondered why somebody was losing so many feathers all at once. she tried to think about the things she had read about harpy eagles so she knew how to take care of lynn, and she could vaguely recall something called molting. is this what that looked like? the young girl approached curiously, lynn hopping close behind her.

she peered towards temulin a bit of a distance away, her tired green eyes watching as the female tried to clean out her belongings. she was about to ask if the female needed any help when the wolf pup began to speak. she turned her gaze to the male, twitching her ears. she tilted her head, unsure if the male would grow wings or not. probably not? maybe.

"ya might grow some wings," she'd answer, voice unsure. she didn't want to give him false hopes that he was free. argus had wings after all. she was pretty sure she personally was safe, though. "but, you probably won't needa' worry about that for a while." she tried to reassure before turning back to temulin. "can i help ya out at all with that?"

Re: DOESN'T MATTER IF WE CHANGE / open - goodsprings - 08-03-2018

cap had been there the first morning temulin had woken up with her new transformation. he had originally believed she was an intruder, robbing the girl of her things until she spoke up and explained it was her. it didn't make much sense to the tom still, but he knew there were some odd things that happened to everyone now and then. like pincher with his sporadic body shifts, and vandal with her mutations. even moments without powers like the fact roxanne has a huge crocodile as her best friend.

he had yet to actually check up on her since then, though. not that it should be on a young beta's mind to annually look after someone that they barely knew, but the interaction stuck out to him. he had never encountered something like that. the calico tom had been on his way off around the jungle, keeping close to the tree houses he knew. vandals. roxannes. home. he came across the familiar path that had led him to temulin before, and decided to pay her a visit. this time without barging in through the window. though it appeared she already had some company.

"are you guys having a pillow fight?" he picked up on of the gold-tipped feathers and playfully stick it in goldie's ear.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: DOESN'T MATTER IF WE CHANGE / open - bubblegum - 08-03-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
upon cap's arrival, the girl would shift her attention, distracted by the boy. at his question, her eyes would light up slightly. "tha' sounds like fun!" she'd say, sort of excitedly, giggling as he stuck the feather in her ear. she'd aim to bat him gently with a few feathers in her paw before glancing back to temulin and remembering what they were doing. she blinked and sighed silently, allowing herself to be a little more serious again.

"but, uh, nah, i think she's tryna' clean up a little, but there's feathers everywhere or somethin'." goldie tried to explain sort of quickly. turning her attention back to the other female to see if she would accept her offer of help.

Re: DOESN'T MATTER IF WE CHANGE / open - snare - 08-03-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Snare looked at Goldie as she approached the scene with her own comment, not really answering his question.  His orange eyes got wide for a moment before he brow lowered into his neutral expression of disinterest.  "So it's random?  Joy."  The wolf pup would end wit ha snort, this time one of mild distaste and possible disappointment.  Great, so that was going to be something he would have to worry about and keep at the back of his mind for a while.  He didn't like uncertainty at all, he preferred a planned out future than one shrouded in mystery.

His ruffled head would swivel over to Captainpaw, coming to recognize the feline from his sightings aroudn camp.  The bright aittude could be seen as slightly grating, but Snare hadn't exactly been haraased by him yet so he didn't find too much wrong with him.  "Um, what she said."  Snare said, motioning towards Goldie.

Re: DOESN'T MATTER IF WE CHANGE / open - CELESTE G.M. - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border-bottom: 1px white solid;padding-BOTTOM: 3px;"]"I think it is something that is not a common occurrence, no." Temulin pauses midway through shaking off a blanket, her face stopping to look at Snare. Did she recognise this child? No, she didn't, she was convinced that was a resounding "no". [b]"Temulin, I don't think I've seen you before." She adds, just in case she hasn't. At least he didn't call her "miss" or "ma'am", god they did make her feel old.

Goldie was a sweetheart, she really was, wasn't she? Temulin shakes her head with a small smile towards Goldie, "I'm sure you have better things to be doing dear, I'll be fine on my own. A good spring cleaning never did me harm." After all, if she took help from children, what kind of person would that make her? Lazy definitely. She'd rather not be that kind of person.

If Temulin knew that Captain felt he had to look after, she would be mortified. Truly mortified, the kind of fear that comes from appearing vulnerable - would he consider her a frail old woman? She was still plenty sound of mind and body to do what she needed to do, she was no senile elder that needing coddling yet. [b]"No, no, I think my wings are sheddding - I'm taking it as an opportunity to clean my room and rearrange things. I'd prefer if you would not use my pillow to fight, I rather like sleeping on them."

Re: DOESN'T MATTER IF WE CHANGE / open - bubblegum - 08-05-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl offered a small, sympathetic smile towards snare at his displeasure to finding out he might grow wings. she knew there was shapeshifting and other things that might lead to him growing feathers at some point, too. heck, who knew, maybe she'd grow wings. probably not. she turned her attention back to temulin as she spoke, ears perked upward.

well, she did have plenty of things to do, but she wasn't against setting them aside temporarily. "well, if ya say so, but it's no trouble if you want some help!" she replied, deciding not to push her. she personally preferred not to get help from others with her own things, so she could understand wanting to do it alone. but, she still wouldn't mind helping.

goldie would nod to her next set of words. "are they, uh...molting? is that what it's called?"