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BAD MOON RISING | joining - Printable Version

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BAD MOON RISING | joining - jabberwocky - 08-03-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 150px; height: 225px; background-image: url(; background-size: ADJUST THIS; background-position: 0px; border-top: 1px white solid; border-left: 1px white solid;"]
They weren't actually sure where they were trying to go at the moment.

After years at sea, they had finally crawled ashore for the long haul, only lingering on land for the sake of their wife and husband. Even so, they couldn't help but wander - while the ragtag group calling themselves the Rosebloods could hardly be considered a functioning group, the restraint of being in a place so far away from the sea was...exhausting, at best.

So whenever they could, they slipped away to the cold waters, cutting through the currents and waves to move farther out to the expansive ocean. They never wandered too far anymore, for fear of reverting back to - well, to whatever took hold of them for all those years. So instead, they remained in relatively shallow waters, occasionally snapping up a fish or a seabird who wandered too far into their path. It was more killing for sport than for food, really, but it was the easiest way to let out pent out energy.

They didn't let up their speed until the ocean floor suddenly rose, and they were able to stand on the bottom with only a few feet of water above their head. Were they near an island? out of sheer curiosity, they pushed off the sand, drifting towards the surface until their head broke the waves. It seemed like an island, and an occupied one at that - they could smell the borders from even this far away.

They couldn't lie, they saw the appeal in a group by the ocean. One of their favorite homes had been lining a beach, and the freedom was...intoxicating. Without thinking, they hauled themselves up onto the overgrown railway track they had emerged beside, their fur dripping as they peered down the path in the direction of the island. They hadn't done a joining in years, and they weren't sure if the customs had changed at all, but they still slowly ambled down the tracks, their massive, shark-like tail whipping back and forth behind them and stirring up dust. The Irish Wolfhound - if they could even be called that, with all of the mutations covering their body - wasn't actually sure where they were going, at his point. The clan could be hostile, or boring, or absolutely insane, and they were just walking into their front door.

Still, that was part of the intrigue, so they slowed to a halt where it seemed joiners were supposed to wait, taking a seat and staring listlessly into the island in a search for signs of life.

/yeehaw......uhh don't have a ref for the ugly bitch so description in the spoiler if ur curious? also don't worry about matching length !!

Re: BAD MOON RISING | joining - bubblegum - 08-03-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie walked along the shore, allowing herself to relax slightly for this moment. she looked out along the waters, green eyes holding a bit of longing and curiosity. the girl found quite a lot of comfort in the sea. despite the things that had happened in it, she still couldn't help but be drawn to it.

despite the tsunami, despite her being attacked by the barracuda, despite losing energy and sinking before she could make it to the shore, despite dying, despite being struck by lightning and receiving the burns she was almost recovered from after over a month - but, she supposed the lightning was what had saved her life, too. despite the fact that her papa had died on the beach and was sent to seas for his funeral, but he returned out of the ocean, too. she supposed the ocean must have played a roll in destroying and saving both of their lives somehow.

and still, with all of that, the ocean held so many things she didn't know. it was an entirely different world with entirely different creatures and plants it held so much life different than the one they experienced above. it was so huge and diverse she couldn't even begin to imagine what all was down there. she wanted to know. she wanted to explore the waters, but she couldn't. she was trapped on land. even if she wasn't, she would never leave her family.

but, that wouldn't stop her from watching and learning as much as she could. marine life was one of the few things she was actually interested in reading about and watching it in action and imagining it was quite a nice activity to the girl. however, she didn't have time to linger on it, so she would stare only a little longer before continuing to walk throughout the island. the was much work to be done.

goldie spotted the stranger waiting and she would quickly walk over, her steps silent. her growing harpy eagle, lynn, sat upon her hind as he had gotten accustomed to doing. her back was still healing and bandaged, as it had gotten the worst of the burns, however the rest had began to fade. she looked over the stranger quietly, seeming sort of intrigued by his appearance. it was quite cool, if the young girl was being honest.

"hiya," she would greet with a nod, stopping in front of the male. she would offer a small smile, assuming this stranger didn't mean any trouble, so she ought to appear a little welcoming. "what brings ya to the typhoon?"

Re: BAD MOON RISING | joining - DIMITRI HELLFIRE - 08-03-2018

This one reminded the vampire a bit about the one he had killed the other night, also a canine-fish hybrid - thing. Nevermind. It had not really been that much importand on who it had been but now seeing an other fish looking canine hybrid on thier shore it made him wonder if this one had been a friend to the one how had appeared by their shore the night before. If this one was here to search for thier friend though then only bad new would be given. Kazumi had killed that one, without any mercy on top of that. It had been a good and satisfied meal, something he not regreted, not one single bit. Apart wondered if this one would taste just as good. Maybe one day he could figure that one out.

" Well look at ya, who fished ya up from the sea?." His voice was humours, checking this one out with his eyes that went down and up, not exactly interested but he had attempted to signal to the other to where he was trying to lead with his words. If they catch up on it or not was all up to them really. Kazumi was nothing more then a jokster, it just happend to be so what most catch others attention happend to be what exactly he was doing right now. Positive or negative. In his mind it never mattered. Both had thier very own amusing charm.

Stoping by the side of his other crewmate would smirk smugly, being just a slightly bit curious over to why exactly this fish doggy had decided to step out from the water today and on thier shore on top of that. He supposed he would soon found that out since his priate friend already had asked about it.

Re: BAD MOON RISING | joining - THESEUS - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]The pull of the ocean, while not entirely unfamiliar to Theo, had never been strong enough to keep him there. It could just be that he didn't have the gills for it (literally, he's a lion), or maybe it was because there had always been something else to pull him away from the water. He swam well and frequently, which was a nice skill to have on an island, but in the end, the peace he found there was temporary. Quiet thoughts plagued him at every return trip home (not home, this place isn't home — that word still means something else), and he shook them off with the saltwater. It left him feeling clearer than he has in a while, basking in a patch of sun and quietly grooming himself. For however social these people think he is, it's nice to have some time alone. To think, to settle. His spot was secluded enough that he got everything he needed, not even Goldie's walk stirring him from a quiet half-slumber. At least until they started talking. That always drew his attention, it seemed.

The cinnamon lion stretches slowly, glancing around until his eyes catch on the gathering group. Kazumi is familiar, but the other two aren't. He checks for their reactions as he trots closer, shaking sand from his fur. Kazumi's needling the hybrid-like creature, and they're the one with a rather glassy stare. Overwhelmed, perhaps? Or bored? He supposes both are possible. At least he had company when he joined. Albeit harsh, sarcastic company. (He had a sweet heart.) "You guys are boring," he teases — lightly, lightly, with a bright, gentle grin. "I think the more important question is — if it's alright, what the hell are you?"

/ finnnnn

Re: BAD MOON RISING | joining - CELESTE G.M. - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border-bottom: 1px white solid;padding-BOTTOM: 3px;"]Well, he was certainly quite aquatic. There's not much for Temulin to say, but she can't help but notice the rather... Odd appearance of the newcomer, with patches of scales and a shark-like tail. It's also not for her to judge strange appearances, with her six wings, antlers and golden glowing eyes that bore into someone. She doesn't really like her appearance, but the borzoi has no way to change back to the unassuming siamese that she once was. People have called her pretty, but she doesn't feel pretty, just unnatural.

So she doesn't contribute much, simply offering a warm smile as she waits for the questions to be answered. After all, you can't blame her for at least being curious.

Re: BAD MOON RISING | joining - goodsprings - 08-03-2018

captainpaw had seen a few recent joiners come from being washed up on shore. some due to wreckage's, like temulin, and others similar to bakugou's appearance. though none of them had ever been native to the seas to begin with. always some sort of land animal that was more than happy to keep their paws dry. cap had arrived just to see finnishwars attract a crowd, following in close behind temulin.

this creature was very.. odd looking. almost as temulin's new appearance. he had seen vandal, a glowing maned wolf with wings. lucifer, who was a towering dragon, even pincher himself had some odd coloration that his species didn't typically have.

they seemed to be a clash of all sorts of animals, though. it fascinated him. "you're pretty!" the beta shouted, jumping in front of kazumi to peer closer. he wasn't sure himself how he considered finn pretty; but the shine of their scales. the familiar eye coloration that reminded him of his father, planecrash. his brain linked the first two details to what he was already familiar with, and those were definitely things he loved; the ocean and his guardian.

"i'm captainpaw, i'm gonna become a pirate when i grow up!"

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: BAD MOON RISING | joining - snare - 08-03-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]The more and more he explored, the more and more frustrated Snare became at the fact that he was still just a small minnow pup.  He couldn’t do anything interesting like his clanmates got to do.  That was it, he was going to try and sneak out at a point to find something fun and adulty to do.  Right no though he supposed he could shove his nose into this formal business.  This weird hybrid stranger definitely seemed interesting enough, then again somebody would certainly grab attention looking like that.

”Um, what everybody else said that was important.”  Snare would lumber up on his young legs, his head lifted up as he desperately attempted to look important and adult as the other adults here.  And above the other young members, like he was a true Typhooner and not some measly little minnow that would be easily gobbled up by, well, anybody.  As he stood with his crew would stand as tall and high as he could on his toes, stretching out his body to look older and stronger despite the fact that he still looked like a scruffy and fuzzy mess of brown and red fur with little eyes, little ears, and little everything.

Re: BAD MOON RISING | joining - VANDAL R. - 08-03-2018

Re: BAD MOON RISING | joining - ROSEMARY - 08-03-2018

Rosemary thinks, as she walks over, that the Typhoon doesn't seem to act like proper pirates unless there's fucking gold around - she remembered that a stranger showed up with marshmallows and everyone practically ignored the stranger, except to use him as a way to ask for the sugary treats. And she knows from experience that the kids here speak without thinking; she got quite a few complements on her four eyes and forked tail since she joined her brother's Clan, so she isn't surprised to hear Captainpaw's outburst at the mutated canine.

Flicking her large ears, the pale wildcat walks over to stand beside the maned wolf, finding Vandal's presence the most comforting among this almost overwhelming crowd. But, well, Rosemary wants to get more involved in the social life of the group, especially welcoming the joiners, but she didn't realize at the time just how many people gathered for such things. She started questioning her decision, her internal frustration spilling over to irritable twitches of her tail tips.
[Image: Om9iAuf.png]