Beasts of Beyond
NEVER THOUGHT TO QUESTION WHY // cdc prompt - Printable Version

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Death was a strange concept to Caesar, mostly because he can just... avoid it. He was a demon after all, and he had the ability to possess other bodies and shift his own body into another if he had to. The only downside of both of those is that possessed bodies scar over and shifting only transfers the wound. Caesar only has possession at the minute - which he prefers - and believes it is a way for him to cheat death. The Officer didn't really understand death, he didn't understand why it was so bad. Since he was immune to it, he believes that everyone else should be, too. Sure, he understands that death for mortals means they won't be coming back, but life goes on. Why did people worry about crying over some dead loved one? Caesar didn't get it.

Sure, Caesar had to deal with his parents dying, but that was at his own paws. He set his Dimension aflame, he burned them alive. He didn't care. His parents refused to believe he was as powerful as the rumors that started around the Dimension, so he had to prove them wrong. He gave them multiple chances but they refused. So they had to suffer with the Dimension and rot from the inside of it while he thrived outside. Caesar was there when he sister plunged into the collapsing den and Vigenere had to pull her out, and Caesar was there when their home collapsed. The only thing that hurt was the look of acceptance in his parents' eyes. They were upset and afraid of course, but they accepted their fate. That actually hurt Caesar but he couldn't do anything because the Dimension was falling in on itself and he had to leave.

So when Caesar found a dead body on the beach, the only thing the Officer was doing was inspecting it. It was a feline body, perhaps around the age of eight or nine months, and presumably died by drowning. The body just happened to get washed up ashore, unfortunately finding itself by Caesar's paws. The demon was stared down at the body with morbid curiosity, his tail flicking back and forth in thought. With a tilt of his head, Caesar would use his claws to rip at the body's throat, a hideous grin slowly forming on his face. He looked amused by this. He liked the way it felt to tear his claws against flesh and how the young feline had died early enough for blood to be sort of still flowing. 

Re: NEVER THOUGHT TO QUESTION WHY // cdc prompt - bubblegum - 08-03-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie had been drawn by the scent of blood. her movements were quick and careful as she walked towards the source. her tired expression became alarmed and worried. her thoughts drew back to how she is so useless for letting her crewmates get hurt. she needed to protect them. it's so important that she did. except, when she arrived there, she was greeted with the sight of caesar and a stranger.

she scanned the stranger, striking green eyes holding an almost bewildered look. it was clear the other was dead and had washed ashore. she frowned, hating the sight of death, no matter who it was. this feline probably had people who cared about them and now they were taken away. they wouldn't even be able to be identified, she assumed - she didn't recognize any scent. besides, the sight always brought her back to her papa, especially with the way caesar was letting them bleed.

speaking of which, why was he doing that? her nose scrunched up and she peered towards the male, expression clearly upset. "the hell you doin', caesar?" she questioned, words holding an icy edge. she took a small step forward, ears pressed to her head. "leave 'em alone, they're already beat." she demanded. this was just disrespectful at this point. she sniffled, unsure of what to say. she hoped whoever this was had a good life.

Re: NEVER THOUGHT TO QUESTION WHY // cdc prompt - snare - 08-03-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Snare was too young to really understand death, or at the very least too young to care.  Nobody he knew had died yet, and this stranger on the beach was one he didn’t know, so it was hard to find himself emotionally invested in the situation.  Even the fact that Caesar was ripping the corpse up didn’t really affect him in any fashion.  Okay, maybe it was a little strange, but the wolf pup wasn’t really all that sad about this, or even as emotional as Goldie appeared to be.

”That’s weird.”  Snare merely commented, loping up on his awkward puppy legs to stand a small distance from Caesar and his plaything and Goldie.  He found her response to the situation slightly grating; she didn’t know that dead cat, why would she care.  The wolf pup found himself pinning her ears against his skull as his muzzle crinkled a tad bit in irritation.  His pale eyes settled on Caesar though despite his distance physically and emotionally.  ”You’re a weirdo.”  He didn’t really have much else to offer.  He wasn’t as feeling as his other crewmate right now, and didn’t really care what Caesar did with his time even if it was really super weird.  The thing was already dead, what was the point?

Re: NEVER THOUGHT TO QUESTION WHY // cdc prompt - Freya - 08-03-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 150px; height: 250px; background-image: url(; background-size: ADJUST THIS; background-position: ADJUST THIS; border: 1px white solid;"]
Death had never bothered Freya. She was surrounded by it every day and experienced it often enough that it had no effect on her or her mindset. Blood, however, was something that Freya was interested in. She used it often in her rituals and even potions, therefor she often found herself attracted to the scent. So, of course, when the mongoose caught the familiar smell, she turned 'round and headed in the direction the scent was coming from. She noticed Goldie heading in the same direction and immediately bounded alongside the bengal, a low rumble in her throat the only greeting she currently gave.

Upon reaching the area that the scent was coming from, Freya's pupils slitted as they narrowed on Ceasar, disgust clear on her face as she watched him tear into the clearly deceased creature. The poor think looked young, under a year, most certainly. The blood flowing from the wounds inflicted by Caesar alerted her that the small feline had died recently, mere hours previously at the latest. Snare's arival brought Freya's irritation to a new level as she left her protective stance at Goldie's side and stalked toward Caesar, her voice holding a clear warning. "The youngin's are here, Caesar. Leave the thing alone." Her large tail flashed in his direction in an attempt to ward him off the feline's carcass, her eyes staring into his own.


Re: NEVER THOUGHT TO QUESTION WHY // cdc prompt - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-06-2018

Of course people would be upset at him doing this, and Caesar only rolled his eyes at the three Crewmates that approached him. "Oh, fuck off with the 'young ones' bullshit." The demon hissed to Freya. "He's gonna have to deal with this shit eventually, won't he?" He asked, nodding to Snare before he turned to Goldenluxury with cold eyes. "And what's your point? I'm curious about what happened to them. I wanna see what I can do with this body." He was tempted to burn it, if he was honest.

Oh, yeah, Snare, made a comment about him being weird, didn't he? Looking at the young Crewmate, Caesar chuckled. "Thanks, by the way. I try my best to be weird."

wow this is everywhere I'm sorry dsjkfs