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HIGH WATER - open; joining - Printable Version

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HIGH WATER - open; joining - rhosmari - 08-03-2018

It had been a while since he had showed his face. Such a long time to have gone missing but then again he didn't expect it to matter now. Not with how much things had changed and after all it was better this way. The thing he had become didn't need to be recognized and therefore what once was was dead. It pained him to think of it that way but there was only truth as he thought the words over and over in his head. Paws dancing across the surface of the water with a swift agility only powers could provide for him. There was a half snarl upon his lips, muzzle slightly curled but it was just a pretense to the blood he could smell in the water beneath him. Such a strange sense to have but he supposed it came with being a shark, blood was an alluring thing to the predator that was part of his mutations. Sniffling a bit the shark like being gently walked across the sea water, sending ripples across the placid surface with each tapping of his paw. It could awestruck some in this moonlit night but he was trying his best to get to the shadows anyway. Not really wanting the attention such a thing would bring. Swimming would have been better but he didn't want to spook anyone. Tch.

His skin showed like grey rubber as webbed paws stepped onto the sandy beach. Gills fluctuated against his neck for a minute as he breathed in a lungful of air and then released it back into the night. Pearl colored eyes narrowed a bit against the salty breeze that blew across the place before he decided to get bold. After all despite everything he wasn't about to just sit here in the open and pretend things were okay. This..had once been a home or was he imagining it? Really, he didn't know. A former life for a new one and things became tricky. The maroon pearls gleamed like droplets of blood around his neck and the shark like feline sat down, wrapping his fin around his body and just settling in for the night. The sky was already beginning to light up with the beginnings of dawn so he doubted he would be waiting here long. So his pearl colored gaze focused on the floating sea village not too far away. "Ugh, I'm freaking starving..." His gruff voice finally spoke out as he rolled his eyes and turned to scratch his shoulder, sniffing the air for some signs of life.

Re: HIGH WATER - open; joining - cyantist - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"][color=#C9B0BE]"What... Are you?" Warsongs has never been a polite person, but she can't help but let the words slip off her tongue when she sees Monroe, squinting at the hybrid as if that would give her a better answer. He looks like she was dragged from some sort of underworld, but at the same time, fascinating. Song had never seen such a creature before, and she needed to see whether it was hostile.

She wonders what it would fight like, briefly. She always loves new challenges. Little does she know that she's looking at one of her brothers. [color=#C9B0BE]"This is Sunhaven, state your business here." She demands, returning to her cold tone rather the one of surprise that she had before, her face hardening and picking up her jaw from it's slightly slack position.

Re: HIGH WATER - open; joining - rhosmari - 08-03-2018

Well, at this point he couldn't say he didn't see it coming. Really, he wasn't happy with the blunt question asked about what he was but he'd heard it so much now and the exclamations that he was easy at masking how it effected him on the outside. On the inside he was tearing up because though they might just look curious and surprised he saw disgust on their faces. Disdain and scrunched up noses that didn't have anything to do with how he smelled in general. His muzzle quirked in an odd fashion, whiskers twitching just slightly before he waved a paw almost dismissively. "Just a cat." He hummed the words with a thick layer of sarcasm to mask his own pain before he sighed with a bored tone. Yeah, yeah, got to get through the theatrics. Though as he paid more attention to the one in front of him he began to notice something that the other wouldn't notice in him. Similarities. His head cocked to the side for a moment and his muzzle twitched before it hit home. Oh. Oh! Biting back a mournful cry as he realized his sister was before him he pulled his ears forward and chuckled slightly. "Not keen on pleasantries are you? Alright, Name's Monroe and I'm here to stay. Live the good life you know." Find hope in family again? Maybe but it wasn't likely but being able to watch after them was a good thing in his book so he just settled for that.

Re: HIGH WATER - open; joining - jericho - 08-04-2018

The little tabby tends to wake up early and go to sleep shortly after dusk falls — it's not as if he can see, but it's often the sun's warmth on his pelt that stirs him.  His first instinct upon rising is always to go to the greenhouse to check on his plants, do any tending he must before his day begins.  It's rather therapeutic, he thinks.  The ginger tomcat pads along the beach with the intention of doing just that when he hears the voice of his sister and a stranger, and feeling a duty-bound responsibility to know all who reside in the group he claims to lead, the Helion comes hobbling over.  Jericho halts beside his sister, for when his jaws part her scent is familiar (albeit still an odd kind of familiarity, considering it's a recently-returned one).  Monroe's is... different, almost hard to identify.  He can tell that he's a feline, but they're also vaguely fishy in scent.  Jericho, unable to see the stranger's form which Warsongs inquires about, simply reasons that he must've gone swimming recently and leaves it at that.

This also means that Jericho has no means by which to recognize his sibling; their name, their scent, none of it is familiar in the slightest to the tabby.  Warsongs, though he did not immediately recall of them upon their reunion, at least had not changed beyond recognition.  Monroe, on the other paw, has.  "Oh, ah, o-of course you're welcome to stay," he speaks up, offering a small but polite smile.  His amber gaze flickers about, landing just to the left of Monroe's true position.  The way Jericho holds himself is reserved, perhaps hesitant, but his eyes brim with a genuine sort of warmth.  Clearing his throat lightly, the Sunhavener adds with a twitch of his whiskers, "I'm Jericho — did you... um, w-would you like to be shown around?  We could take you back to the town, it's nearby."

Re: HIGH WATER - open; joining - rhosmari - 08-05-2018

Why was life so cruel? Maybe this indeed was some type of punishment that he had unleashed upon himself. But why? He hadn't done anything wrong! The frustration was building and he hoped he wasn't showing it on the outside. In fact, he forced a smile upon his muzzle. Skin stretching to accommodate the sharp teeth that he had now. His tail flicked once as a way to calm himself before he shook his head a little bit. "Nah, I'll be just fine. I got all the time in the world to explore, lad. But thank ya for ya hospitality. Maybe come by my place to have a cup of wine if that is ya fancy." The strange creature spoke with a light and amused tone before he turned to go about his way. After all they had accepted him in so he had a lot of work to do before he saw himself fitting in here. It would be a good time too if things turned out right for him here. Being so close to the water would help too and he gave a light sigh, trying to relax his muscles. He was so sorry to Warsongs and to Jericho but he wasn't ready to tell them.