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NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, joining - Printable Version

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NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 08-02-2018

He'd left Snowbound to come to the Typhoon.

Snowbound had been a nice group, as Izuku, Ochaco and Tsuyu were there. As well as All Might and Aizawa, but he hadn't felt at home in the peaceful group. Of course, on his way here, he'd been attacked by the hand-guy. Shigaraki. He thought that was the guy's name, but he honestly didn't care. Shigaraki had left him with a large bruise and some scratches on his face. Right after he had shapeshifted too.

The soon-to-be-Beta would make his way to the gate that marked the Typhoon's gate and his crimson-hues would quickly spot the bell. He would slam his paw against it a few times before he stopped ringing it.
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Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, joining - DOKTÈ - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Personally, Doktè couldn't see much of the appeal in flocking to this place. He was only here because Theo had invariably dragged him along, however inadvertently -or not, he wasn't certain yet- and thus far, the best thing The Typhoon had going for it was the ocean. Doktè had a preference for large bodies of water, along with the quiet, so he spent most of his time in solitude watching the sea; but of course, his peace had to be interrupted, and this time it was the ringing of the bell that marked someone's arrival. The lion strongly debated whether or not to answer. Someone else would eventually attend to them, except there was the possibility that the stranger could be injured, and he wouldn't forgive himself if someone bled out on the border because he turned his back, so, steeling himself, he made his way toward the entrance, biting his tongue against any dissatisfied grumbling. 

The stranger wasn't injured, not beyond a bruise and a few scratches. He had remedies for those, but the kid might not even want them. People could be stupidly proud about simple things. "What're you here for? If you want anything for that swelling, I can take care of it once the other shit's settled."


Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, joining - THESEUS - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]C'mon Doktè, this place isn't that bad. The people were surprising and unfamiliar, but their company wasn't unpleasant. Then again, it seemed as if everything bothered the other lion in some superficial way. There were a few reasons for the nicknames he'd earned within a few days, Prickly Pete being the most prominent. He wasn't as unkind as he liked to think he was, just a little rough in a sandpaper and stubble kind of way. Theo would go so far as to call him sweet sometimes. Still, maybe not the best welcoming committee on his own, so when Theo sees him heading towards the sound of the bell, he follows in a trot until he catches up, just as he finishes his sort of introduction. His cinnamon-red shoulder bumps against broader brown, skimming lightly until he separates again, and Theo settles down with a faint smile that shows more in eyes face than mouth. The feline is much smaller than the two in a way that's almost comical — he has a sudden thought about Doktè being unable to see him with how tall he is, and that almost makes him want to laugh. He doesn't, and just sort of smirks up at Doktè instead. "Good to know you've got the routine down, Pete." After a light hum, his eyes turn back to the joiner. "I think we're going to need your name, too."

Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 08-03-2018

Crimson hues would warily watch as Doktè approached. He couldn't be too careful around these guys- as he'd been captured by one of their members a few weeks ago. It didn't seem like Doktè was hostile, so he would relax and he would look up at the older male. He wanted to fix up the swelling on his face? "I'm here to join." He said, before adding. "Sure thing."

Then somebody else showed up. A invisible brow raised, he would turn to the male and listened as he spoke. It seemed he was more carefree than the other. Kirishima would call himself carefree but ever since leaving Snowbound, he became more careful and quiet. "Kirishima." He said to Theseus as he asked for his name.
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Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, joining - Grey - 08-03-2018

Bakugou has always had a big personality. He was loud, angry and downright unpleasant in the worst of times. To the Typhoon’s luck, the fiery boy hadn’t made much of a debut in the land of pirates. He was still too busy sulking, sulking because he has had to start from zero after having built up so much. He’s worked for his strength, worked for his recognition and here he is: back to nothing. He won’t even begin with the possibility of Deku’s own progress in the world. As much as he doesn’t want to admit it, that quirkless boy had climbed the ladder of power. Heck, he had even had a head start. It infuriated him, and he feels an emotion he is not quite familiar with. A sense of loss? Not knowing how to progress? He wonders if it is just a phase, a crisis that has rendered him useless. Even his mind begins to explore the possibilities of just giving up, chewing at his mind like an infection or a harmful bacterium. He can’t stand it. The buzzing, the crushing feeling from one ear to the other, the fiery hearth that corrodes his throat.

He doesn’t want to think everything has been for nothing. He would have rather stayed dead – died as a force to be reckoned with than to have respawned to become but a speck in the universe, a piece of grime on a window. He’s been so busy worrying about himself that not once has he even considered the possibility of Kirishima being by his side. He’s chosen to accept the facts. It was probably better to stay in the Ascendants where all their other classmates had been. No one wants to be around old, boring Bakugou who was too bigheaded to let go of the past. He’s just pitying himself, letting himself drown and freeze over.

But there comes a time when he is surprised, and no anger arrives. This was one of them. He was strolling, looking for something else to throw his rage on when he stops, hearing a familiar voice reverberate against the trees and overgrowth of the island’s tropical forest. His venomous gaze scans around him, searching left and right before he recognises the name – Kirishima. He feels his own heart thud, like agony but different. Funnily enough, it was so different that it was agonizing but he knows that the source wasn’t pain. It was different, he knew it, legs lifting him immediately to the male and not even calculating why or when the feline had gotten here. The ragdoll halted, breaths escaping him like the puffs of a volcano, eyes bewildered and aflame.

”Kirishima, you’re here to join?”

It’s clearly a rhetorical question, but words leave him without being filtered. He’s felt so harmless the past week that he feels like he’s been softened by the moment, left vulnerable to the circling of vultures. But, mechanically, he regains himself. His eyes slant, his lips cur, his teeth glint a shark-like grin in the sunlight. ”O’course you can join. Welcome to the fuckin’ Typhoon.”

Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 08-03-2018

Since he had died and woken up here, Kirishima didn't feel like he needed to sulk at all. Sure, it was sad that all of them had died but they were all alive and well in this world. That was enough of a reason to not sulk and move on with their lives. Izuku had grown mature, he didn't seem to be helpless person he had been before. As for Ochaco and Tsuyu, they had certainly grown stronger. Yet, they've been here longer then him so he wouldn't be surprised if they had grown stronger during that period of time.

When Bakugou died by the hands of a villain, he had blamed himself, because he could vaguely remember being attacked by some sort of villain girl who managed to take some of his blood before she had ran away. Normally, he wouldn't have been alone but it seemed everyone had been on edge so he had decided to not bother them and he went places on his own.

The red-feline had quickly spotted Bakugou approaching, so he would get to his paws and he would allow a lopsided-grin to form on his maw. "Thanks." Kirishima would say to his former-classmate before he would fall silent and glanced towards Doktè, as he had offered to treat the swelling on his face.
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Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, joining - DOKTÈ - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]The kid wasn't one to talk much, was he? Doktè wasn't complaining- far from it really, because much of his time recently had been spent with someone who bounced with too much energy and had far too easy of a time pressing Doktè's buttons. Not that he was complaining about Theo either, because as much as he struggled sometimes to keep up with all the liveliness, he wasn't awful company. Of course, speak of the devil and he shall appear, because in the moment between a reply, the smaller lion was suddenly there, jostling Doktè's shoulder and glancing up at him with that infuriating smirk. The feline scowled, said, "Don't call me that," and recentered his attention on the joiner. He fully intended to answer this time, and opened his mouth for it, but another voice cut across, someone Doktè didn't know -what a surprise- and seemed to have history with Kirishima. Wonderful. He loved reunions.

"Doktè. This is Theo." The lion left the introductions at that and went for his bag, retrieving a small jar with a lid he could easily pop off. "This is a comfrey salve with coconut and lavender. Try not to rub it off. It'll absorb on its own." He dipped his paw in it, then hesitated, glancing between his large toes and the feline's face. After a moment, he outstretched his paw. "Take some on your paw from this. Apply it to the swelling but don't rub it in."