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I'M YOUR INTERNET GIRL || joining - Printable Version

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I'M YOUR INTERNET GIRL || joining - prismaticgaze - - 08-02-2018

What had happened? That was the first conscious thought to enter the young feline's mind as she looked around at the empty void around her with fright, clambering around her to feel something solid only to feel the darkness drag past her delicate paws. She couldn't remember anything, her neck felt like it was on fire and there was only her own name rolling off her tongue within the void "Prismaticgaze. Pris." Her voice called out, echoing off into the nothingness along with her hope of knowing where she was or even why she was here in the first place. It was maddening almost, as she tried to feel her face to remember what she looked like and would scream out for what felt like hours as she hoped someone would pull her out of this personal, cold hell of hers that cloaked her being. Yet, something always seemed to reassure just as she felt at her lowest in those moments like waves washing away all the pain for a while just to get it back down once more. The waves always came, rushing...crashing...beating against her fragile heart until it began drowning her. Pressure increased all around Pris, her body curling up to avoid the discomfort only to feel it grow as she moved, her breathing become shallow until the point in which she closed her eyes with acceptance that this would be her end or perhaps an end to the end. It was all so hard to tell until-


Suddenly, she was somewhere underwater and deeply submerged under the ocean with barely any air left in her small lungs. Pris opened her eyes, shivering beneath the cool water at the strange sensation in her empty socket and against her gem as she pushed herself up towards the shimmering surface above her. With several kicks and paws at the salty water around her, she found herself quickly being lifted up out of the water from pure buoyancy and bobbing back down with her form soaked to the bone. She gasped and panted, looking around herself desperately until a dock surrounded by several, strange homes of all sorts of colors around it that quickly drew the girl over with desperation to be freed from what she had thought to be her grave who knows how long despite feeling quite alive and well now. She didn't care who might live around this place, she could only care about clambering up onto the warm wood dock that soon began to soak up the dripping water from her pelt as she coughed and shook violently at the edge, clearly a bit shaken about from this strange event of being alone and suddenly alive somewhere she didn't even know. Perhaps one of the few on lookers from around her would actually end up speaking to her if they didn't decide to just throw her back in without a thought

this sucks, i'm s o r r y


Re: I'M YOUR INTERNET GIRL || joining - JA´SUNNA - 08-02-2018

Ja'sunna had been... basking, admittedly. Eyes closed, she doesn't know if it's day or night or twilight, if people are beckoning to her or demanding her attention or poking her spine. All that she can focus on is the feel of the dock under one side, the air kissing the other. She feels like she's trapped between heaven and earth, pleasantly kept between two massive forces like they're anchors keeping her paws on the ground. It's like she belongs, like she has a place in the world, and it's serene, it's tranquil, it's peaceful - up until the sound of something breaking the surface breaks her pleasant concentration.

Her head rises almost immediately, eyelids peeling apart to glare at the figure in the distance hauling itself onto the dock. No voices, no talking, Ja'sunna immediately assumes that it must be an enemy, a threat trying to sneak into their homestead and destroy it. She scrambles onto all fours, grabbing the lionskin coat she'd been lying on between her teeth and making a mad dash towards... a cat, a harmless cat who looks like she's probably seen better days.

She clicks her tongue in an annoyed sound to hide the worry scratching against the back of her throat. "As they say - you sure know how to make an entrance," she begins, voice muffled by the fur trapped in her mouth. The cat seems to be in a state of... shock, maybe? Ja'sunna doesn't know, but figures there's at least something she can to help. The scarred tigress drops the lionskin coat to the ground and slowly pushes it towards the stranger. "You should bury into that. It will help you get warmer, at least, keep you settled." Ja'sunna figures she could ask more questions about who the cat is later, what's important is making sure she's okay enough to talk at all.

ooc. ooOH HELLO welcome to sunheathen!!

Re: I'M YOUR INTERNET GIRL || joining - prismaticgaze - - 08-03-2018

Despite the sun beating down on her pelt as she slowly moved from her weak legs down to the wood below, her body still retain the cold that she had endured for what felt like forever within that dark abyss, though despite all this she managed to force herself with enough effort on her part. Pris lifted up her head slowly, the sun refracting off of the sparkling gem set within her right eye that took in the area around her and eventually set her site on a larger creature heading straight towards her with something held tightly in their maw, her speed giving her the impression that this wasn't exactly some rescue coming to help. Alabaster fur prickled on her back as much as it could as she scrambled back with her claws clinging onto the ground below her until the figure came to a halt not all to far from herself, who was now panting much more from the sudden stress from the creature that now appeared to be some sort of tiger. As the woman before her made a slight click, Pris felt choked noises threaten to vocalize within her own throat the more she felt her body grow tense even when the other spoke to her. "I-I'm so-sorry, I just- I..." Her voice croaked, ears now flattened against her head as unfinished and apologetic sentences until she found it was best to shut up and crawl under the offered lionskin with some hesitation and an infinite amount of embarrassment that certainly added to her growing warmth. "Sorry." She muttered rather meekly, before speaking up once again. "I'm...Prismaticgaze Kuryakin. It's a mouthful, I know. So P-Pris is just fine! I didn't mean to threaten this place or anything, I don't even know where I am! I'm so sorry for trespassing your home, ma'am." It was hard not to continue apologizing, but Pris just assumed that it had started to get annoying and had opted to curl up into a ball under her cover, feeling how her nerves settled and her fur slowly began to dry as she looked up to the white tiger, her sapphire unmoving as she followed the swirls of the scars on her body and subconsciously feeling the one that crossed over her empty eye socket.

(aaaaaAAAA tysm! i'm already lovin' this place~)


Re: I'M YOUR INTERNET GIRL || joining - cyantist - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]God, what was it with this clan and attracting people who were nervous? Warsongs was the next to arrive, levelling a cool gaze at Prism as she looks the newcomer up and down. She doesn't look impressed but then again, it is a rare day when Song does look impressed with anything, least of which people that she doesn't know. [color=#C9B0BE]"It's not that much of a mouthful - my name is Cries and Songs of War, much longer."

She's just dragged herself out of the lake, so she supposes she can forgive the skittishness. [color=#C9B0BE]"It's not an issue, get yourself warm and make sure you won't die. We'll discuss what you're doing here later - do you need something to eat?" The black feline offers, making to check off the rules of hospitality in her head. For swimming as far as Warsongs thinks Prism has, Song would be loathed not to at least be as respectful as she can.

Re: I'M YOUR INTERNET GIRL || joining - rhosmari - 08-03-2018

He was all too busy looking for something to eat, a constant hunger that grumbled in his stomach like a snarling bear. It was just the perks of the curse he liked to think but sometimes he wasn't too sure of the situation with it and even on how to break it. But he lived and he moved on, trying to bury himself in his different life and to forget about the past. Although that by itself was hard because he wanted to hold on to her, that was who he was but now. A few bubbles left parted jaws as the mutated creature laid in wait at the bottom of the ocean, tail shifting back and forth slowly. Pearl colored eyes were focused on nothing really, that was until the splashing happened. It was like a beast took over, snapping his head up as he sensed the sharp movements of the water as it shifted and wavered. It was prey. His mind told him that it was and he began to swim forward with ease, like a lance cutting through he moved sleekly. But it took him less than a second to realize that it wasn't prey when whatever it was scrambled onto the dock of wooden crossroads. A pity. He cut off the shark side of him and pushed himself out of the water agilely, shaking water off of his sleek grey skin.

There were already two gathered around the sodden mess that happened to be a feline and he grumbled a bit to himself about still being hungry before he came to settle on the opposite side. "I doubt she'll die. A bit of water didn't hurt nobody." The sharp toothed kitty spoke with little concern and he tilted his head a bit. "Some seaweed can help you get your breathing back and put some energy into you. But I gotta warn ya, it's bitter as hell." Truth be told he hated taking the stuff himself but he did what he had to to survive and all of that great stuff. A grin pressed across his muzzle, narrowed and serrated tiger shark teeth flashing before he pushed off of the dock and entered the water with a splash. Water was his home after all and he swam with such speed, leaving a stream of bubbles behind himself. He gathered up some seaweed and promptly brought it back before laying it out before the stranger. "So, ya said your name was Prismaticgaze. Mine's Monroe."

Re: I'M YOUR INTERNET GIRL || joining - JA´SUNNA - 08-06-2018