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THE BIDDING | o, attack on eggs - Printable Version

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THE BIDDING | o, attack on eggs - spacey - 08-02-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:40%;font-family:verdana"]
[size=9pt]// a continuation thread of the eggs found within the jungle of the typhoon

the eggs that had been found within the territory were a thing of curiosity; no one was completely sure of their origin, and yet, they had been ushered in the clan in some way. they have were relocated to a remote groove in the base of a cliff. hidden within the barracuda bay and buried into the sand of the shore where it was warm and they'd be able to hatch.

but alas, even hidden within the presence of a popular gathering area for the typhooners, danger was still lurking. or slithering about, for a more accurate word.

parting the golden grains of sand and sliding across the buttery-hued beach like a river's water over stone, came a sea snake.

it parted it's jaws to taste the air, picking up the scent of a potential meal.

this sea snake was no sentient one. there was no intelligent glimmer to it's irises, or an aware look across it's face. it was programmed by nature; built to do what it needed to do, and began making it's way towards the hollow vertical divot in the crags where stone met sand, and the six eggs were cradled by the warm caress of the earth.

Re: THE BIDDING | o, attack on eggs - jacob w.c. - 08-02-2018

While Jacob hadn't been there to find them, he'd heard about the eggs some time ago and decided to go investigate. He wasn't sure if there was any sort of parent around for them but it certainly didn't seem like it. He had plenty of experience with creatures that came in eggs, primarily birds. He also had minimal experience with some reptiles , although he knew it'd be better to call upon Roxanne if they were seriously considering this to be a reptilian creature. While he had experience, it was incredibly minimal and he wouldn't want to mess anything up. He wasn't sure what kind of creature they'd be or how intelligent or sentient they'd be, but he felt a need to keep them safe. They were children, after all, just like any other child in the clan and he wanted to be sure they were safe given they were even more defenseless than usual. If they needed some more heat or had to be kept in safer conditions, he almost felt as though it were his duty to provide that for them. It was a ridiculous thought given he had no real attachment to these eggs and they could be some terrible man-eating monsters that intended to consume him the moment they hated, but he still couldn't convince himself to stay away.

For that reason, he'd gone out to study them, taking a little journal with him and jotting down some notes. After he'd wrote down everything he could think of to reference back to his books, he began to gently sketch them. He may sure to include a key so he could remember their approximate size. He had come out both because he wanted to make sure the eggs were safe and also to gather some information so he could reference his books and learn a little more about what they might be. Not only that, but it was relaxing. Between his wedding and being stuck in Ascendants for a bit, things had been a little crazy and stressful lately and knew they wouldn't slow down anytime soon. It was nice to take a moment to himself where he could be alone and breathe, only doing the things he enjoyed such as sketching and taking care of something else. If only his patients were always this easy to take care of and this willing to cooperate. Jacob did all he could to help his clanmates but the simple truth was that some of them would always refuse his help and there was nothing he could do about that. For now, he'd have to be content taking care of his eggs.

Jacob thought he heard something nearby and lifted his head, a small frown forming on his maw. He set his sketchbook down and stood to get a better look at everything, at which point he noticed the snake. He sucked in a sharp breath, his paw briefly rubbing his stomach before he moved forward, glancing back at the eggs. What should he do? He knew he couldn't just let it eat them but he also wasn't too sure he should be fighting, especially after his experience in Ascendants and when his own legs were already so weak. He knew he'd never be able to live down the guilt of doing nothing and letting them be eaten, though. So the man drew himself up as tall as he could, taking in a deep breath before calling, "Go! Shoo! Get outta' 'ere! Ya' can't 'ave these eggs!" He spoke as loudly as he could without breaking into a full shout and hoped it'd be enough to scare the creature off. He also hoped that it wasn't venomous.

Re: THE BIDDING | o, attack on eggs - VANDAL R. - 08-03-2018

Re: THE BIDDING | o, attack on eggs - Beatrice - 08-04-2018

Snakes were something Beatrice had come into contact with more times than she would have liked to admit. She hated them... They were mean-spirited - most of them anyway. And they always seemed to sneak up behind her. A chill ran down the cattle dog's spine just thinking about the reptilian creatures.

She wasn't sure what brought her to the sea that day, but there she was. She had only recently rejoined, and she knew absolutely nothing about the eggs. That being said, had she been in Jacob's shoes, she might have let the snake eat them. That was the natural order of things, wasn't it? Who was she to stand in the way of that, right? She tried to tell herself that as she happened upon the scene, but she was mostly confused. Why the heck did these eggs matter so much anyway? They were just normal eggs, right? Why was Jacob trying to act so big and tough to scare it away?

"Oh, Vandal, be care-" Beatrice silenced herself as the other canine immediately closed the distance between herself and the snake. Copper-colored eyes watched Vandal attempt to scoop the creature up with hopes of flinging it back to its home. The crewmate winced as she noticed the other girl grab it by its tail, which might give the snake the ability to bite back. "What's so special about these eggs that you guys are risking getting bitten?" she asked in a huff, puzzlement glittering in her eyes.

Re: THE BIDDING | o, attack on eggs - Grey - 08-04-2018

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"][ ooc ] posting as the sea snake !

Any predator would be captivated by the allure of glistening, navy eggs. Large and round, they were guaranteed to keep oneself satiated for more than a few weeks. The hard shells of the ovular batch hadn't quite discouraged the creature either, it was more than tempted to give its teeth a crack at breaking its exterior to swallow down the appetizing nutrients. And, as most brightly-decorated sea snakes were, the viper was highly venomous. As it slithered between grainy tracks, it raises its head when it sees a moving figure. It ignores it at first before a wave of loud noises causes it to unleash a warning hiss, lip raised whilst colourless venom drips from its glinting fangs. The creature's eyes stare fixated at the obstacle, desiring its meal before it lunges towards Jacob with a lash of its colourful tail. But, before it even reaches lethal proximity of the male, its body is snatched up by a ferocious female. Instinctively, it recoils its body and aims to snap its jaws at Vandal, not caring about where to aim. All it needs to do is paralyse its enemy then rush to take at least one egg - that was its mission.

Re: THE BIDDING | o, attack on eggs - Luciferr - 08-04-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
Of course maybe that would be its goal if it got free, but now there was a very large and very pissed off dragon at the scene who - since Vandal currently had the thing - merely hissed angrily and coiled his entire body around the nest, a wall of impenetrable thick black scales to act as a barrier no matter how the sea snake tried.

and if vandal let go? well the thing was barely a snack to him - maybe char-grilled would be someone elses favourite flavour.


Re: THE BIDDING | o, attack on eggs - VANDAL R. - 08-04-2018

Re: THE BIDDING | o, attack on eggs - Grey - 08-05-2018

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Although feral, a snake saw a lost opportunity when it saw one. The creature was being carried into the ocean, hissing and attempting to continue biting at the Vandal's flesh whilst it saw the eggs begin to blur away from its view. A massive black beast coiled around its food, further angering the legless reptile that coiled its body, attempting to escape from the clamped jaws of the female beast. Then, its body touched the water and it tried to spin its body around, feeling the familiar touch of the sea and allowing its body to slip past the toothy grip to swim out and away. It will find itself another meal, one that wasn't protected by hoards of beast. It must mean that the eggs tasted really good, or that these predators were planning on having the pleasure of eggs themselves. A big defeat.

Re: THE BIDDING | o, attack on eggs - Beatrice - 08-05-2018

"Well, let go of the stupid thing!" Beatrice barked, confusion and the tiniest bit of panic edging into her voice. For the life of her, she couldn't understand why Vandal would want to keep holding onto the sea snake after it sank its fangs into her shoulder. It was one thing to try and stop the creature from eating the eggs, but it was an entirely different thing to hold onto something that was inflicting pain. The canine couldn't wrap her mind around it, but then again, she wasn't as heroic or kindhearted as Vandal was, was she?

Her ears pinned backwards when she spotted the bite marks on Vandal's shoulder. She didn't know much about the venom these snakes carried - or any snakes really -, so she was only a bit concerned. Besides, the she-wolf had gotten herself into that mess. It was her job to fix it. Beatrice could've kicked herself for thinking that way.

Flicking dark eyes towards Jacob and Luciferus, she asked, "Shouldn't we do something?" Jacob seemed like he would know what to do. And Luciferus seemed more than capable of handling this situation too.

Re: THE BIDDING | o, attack on eggs - VANDAL R. - 08-06-2018