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wow cake can draw!!!!!??? art shop (3/3 full) - Printable Version

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wow cake can draw!!!!!??? art shop (3/3 full) - Cakie ! - 08-02-2018

hahaha hi i post at the speed of slow so my gem income is null
will work for moni

- i'm very comfortable with common animals like dogs and cats
- sure, i'll do big cats too
- i'm iffy on reptiles but i need to learn to draw them so throw them at me if you will
(i have a dragon character so i draw those every now and then)
- i don't do humans or anthros (human anatomy is a No from me)
- if you're gonna post my art anywhere, please credit me! ask for my links in your form if you plan on using these!
- if you wanna pay me ahead of time that's fine, but i wouldn't recommend it - i'm a very big procrastinator
- i'm very bad at drawing complex designs,,, have mercy,,,,
- i can work with written descriptions if you don't have refs! just put it in the refs spot of your form

yeah i'm fairly cheap but i don't exactly make masterpieces either so it works out
better for you, anyway

headshots - 2k
fullbodies - 6k

(any additional characters will double the price)

whether or not i shade them doesn't count towards the price so dw about it
sometimes i shade sometimes i don't
it just be like that sometimes

waiting list
- toboggan // leroy the doggo (incomplete)
- galexiux // beatrix the moth cat (incomplete)
- axiom // quantom the tiger (incomplete)

[[[u]username/screen name:[/u]]]
[[[u]character name:[/u]]]
[[[u]brief personality description:[/u]]]
[[[u]headshot or fullbody?:[/u]]]
[[[u]additional notes:[/u]]]

Re: wow cake can draw!!!!!??? art shop (0/3) - pallid-i - 08-03-2018

[[username/screen name:]] pallid-i
[[character name:]] hourhand
the skin around his lips has been torn away to reveal his teeth
[[brief personality description:]] hourhand is a grumpy dude that won't take any of your shit. he also cusses a lot and isn't afraid to state his views on something. he comes off as loud, but when you get to know him better, he's a softy (sometimes)
[[additional notes:]] i love ur art cries
[[other:]] youre a wonderful bean and i hope youre having a good day <3

Re: wow cake can draw!!!!!??? art shop (1/3 full) - vvintersoldier - 08-03-2018

[[username/screen name:]] Sky;;
[[character name:]] Roy
[[ref(s):]] click
[[brief personality description:]] cunning, calculating, manipulative, cynical, egotistical, confident(perhaps over-confident at times)
deep down he can be quite friendly, loyal, and protective of his friends and family.
- does not trust strangers easily, hard to become friends with.
[[headshot or fullbody?:]] fullbody
[[additional notes:]] n/a
[[other:]] thank you !!

Re: wow cake can draw!!!!!??? art shop (2/3 full) - arcy - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"][[username/screen name:]] arcy
[[character name:]] izuku
[[ref(s):]] uh his toyhouse here has a ref in it, and other things to use.
[[brief personality description:]] izuku is very friendly and open. however, he's also very skittish and nervous. a good soft boy who will also fucking ruin you if he must.
[[headshot or fullbody?:]] fullbody!!
[[additional notes:]] hes a maine coon w super super messy fur/wings. he has,, super long fur. dont worry if u cant get either of those qualities across dude i cant either
[[other:]] shit dude ur art is hella cute 10/10 omg

Re: wow cake can draw!!!!!??? art shop (3/3 full) - Cakie ! - 08-03-2018

[member=292]pallid-i[/member] well i completely failed at this every step of the way
have a jackal(?)

[Image: Hourhand_8-3-18.png]

Re: wow cake can draw!!!!!??? art shop (2/3 full) - toboggan - 08-03-2018

[[username/screen name:]] toboggan
[[character name:]] leroy
if someone can see his eyes through those strands of fur, they’ll see pure amber
[[brief personality description:]] leroy is sly, cunning, and secretly the biggest asshole around. he manipulates and blackmails whoever if it means accomplishing his goals. whatever loyalty he has will be gone if an opportunity for success comes. he has a dream?, and will not let anything stop that.
[[headshot or fullbody?:]] fullbody
[[additional notes:]] he’s usually either shrewdly smirking, as if he knew something you didn’t, or he’s frowning, annoyed af
[[other:]] your art is amazing i LOVE IT

Re: wow cake can draw!!!!!??? art shop (3/3 full) - Cakie ! - 08-04-2018

it the roy boy

[Image: roy_8_4_18_by_thecakinator09-dcj5inm.png]

Re: wow cake can draw!!!!!??? art shop (2/3 full) - Cakie ! - 08-04-2018

it's the boy!! the really fluffy boy!!
he was actually a lot more fun to draw than i thought he would be

[Image: Izuku_8-4-18.png]

Re: wow cake can draw!!!!!??? art shop (1/3 full) - vvintersoldier - 08-04-2018

omg Roy looks great, thank you!! :0 (also I love the extra comment lmao)

Re: wow cake can draw!!!!!??? art shop (1/3 full) - arcy - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]scrEAMS